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Posts posted by ReV.6097

  1. A simple head piece which is just elf ears, would do. A new race isn't gonna happen and is pointless at this stage.


    Or if you're asking for WoW sort of ears, I'd say that's a bit much. They are too long.

    Maybe the glowing eyes combined with small elf ears, would be cool.

  2. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    >. Raising the cap changes people's perception of the markets and will push the asking prices higher. Given how rare these items are and how little there is for the richest players to spend on, it's entirely possible that they'd hit a new cap in a few months. That is likely a worse situation than we have now.




    .|This. Seen it happen in two MMO's. Don't allow for problems in our TP to grow more by raising the cap. The rate of gold growth to the general casual players is not anywhere enough or ready for them to catch up.

    One game I was in had reached a second TP cap of 4 Bill, and people started using Gem/AP items (each one would cost about $3 in real currency) as replacement currency in order to trade past the TP cap.... Screwed everyone over in the game other than the elitists and those willing to spend £300+ on the game each month to compete in pvp and pve.


    Don't follow the mistakes of Shaiya and the OP hammer currency issues. Only took a year for things to begin to spiral out of hand, and then 5 years later the game was beyond fkkkdd. People would trade 20+ OP hammers (4 Billion ingame currency, per hammer) for a single piece of unlinked gear.

  3. Would give me more reasons to create more characters I guess. I remember back on Shaiya in 2010, I had like 5 elven heroes and the skins are very similar here for the armor, so it'd be a good chance to buy more character slots and skins.

    Anet should consider one day. Evetually, I hope.

    I mean they just finished the trailer to a new story, so they have pretty much done with that story and would have free time.


    Have you considered asking this in the gem store thread?

  4. I love it every year. But it should only be 4 weeks or 8 weeks a year, otherwise it feels like you wanna be there to enjoy it but have burnt yourself out after doing it every night.


    I know what you mean, though. You'd rather have the choice to go any time, and then if you didn't wanna, you would just go back any other time without limitation.

    Without it being time-gated.

  5. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"ReV.6097" said:

    > > My only issue with PoF has always been how baddly the rewards are for things that are not story or bounty related.

    > > I wish Anet would do something about it to add the incentive for players.


    > I got my Gryphon and unlocked my masteries a few weeks ago.

    > I hit 100 victories in Tarir (AB) last week.

    > I've participated in the Tarir Meta (AB) almost daily (sometimes multiple times per day) over the past week.

    > I still have not returned back to PoF.


    > From a leveling perspective, PoF was way friendlier than HoT, but once you have all your masteries unlocked, HoT is far more rewarding than PoF.



    This completely sums up one of the main things where they went wrong with PoF.


  6. I don't see it in EU PvE leveling maps, very often. It's rare depending on the time of day and map.


    In LA or DR, though...

    I don't take them too seriously though. Bit of banter, trolling, arguments, and typical childishness. But some of it is enjoyable if you know they are not really kitten holes.

    It kinda blends with the other types of chats. Until it dies down, or some of them log off.

    A lot of the ones I see are more from veteran style players who just like to chat shit while hanging around the main areas with the afkers.


    Nothing much. Sometimes you do get some propper trolls around the city maps though, or people whos strong views and debates, often make those with a weaker spine, pipe up and get involved.

  7. > @"Meviken.2054" said:

    > > @"Zushada.6108" said:

    > > I think no downed state isn't a huge deal. This is the only game I have played that has a downed state and it was a very foreign concept to me back at launch. To be perfectly honest there are times in this game I wish I didn't have downed state so I could just WP and get on with it.


    > ^Agreed. Many times I'd like to simply die quickly and WP, and I'd like that as an option when in the downed state.


    It isn't always easy to compare it to most of the old MMO's... as we actually had the option to have a party member res/revive us as long as a healer was in the area. Here, it's not an option due to it messing up the flow of the game and bringing about the trinity again.

  8. Love both, but tbh..

    They should look at how many things they could make, because there are loads of possibilities with the gliders....


    For mounts, it is not that I don't want more skins, but it is that it's all just very slight variations of the same generic thing. The same raptor with different skins gets dull, although a few have been good.

    The cool unique ones, like LionGriffon, Forged Wolf (plus that stone-like rhino faced skin) , Moa Chocobo rip-off birdy raptor thingy, etc.

    Anything non generic in appearence, is great and gives you something to use that doesn't just feel like one of the 5 generic mounts.

  9. Loved 95% of PoF but it was trashy when it comes to the expectations of the Griffon quest.

    Absoloutely hated having some days where you'd have lots of people joining you for quest boss's, and some other days or times none wanted to show up. And they didn't have any insentive to show up with a pointles event that offered nothing for them.


    Had a thread about it few weeks back.

    We really shouldn't have to worry that there will be a day when new players (maybe a year from now) will find it nearlly impossible to complete certain events, unless they beg their guildies to help them.

    Revisiting content should be fun, but the quest bosses add no rewards and are a hassle that far too few would want to re-do (excluding bounty missions because they offer something that brings in the players, as oposed to say the event against Jabari to free that dudes wife... / for the griffon quest, but give no decent reward to make people want to go there).



    Positives: The Bountys were great incentives for quests - rewards for all even those not doing mount quest, and it kept people coming back for more.

    Cons: Non bounty boss events that require groups, with the purpose of doing certain mounts or mastery quests, hinder progress, in the long run.... as each expansion eventually lose interest from people. As the years go by... and newer stuff comes out (thuss making more work for you, to re-think certain quest and make them more do-able to any players who only just started them) .

  10. In 5 years, other than during a new expansions open day, the only problems I had were due to my own connection, or settings.

    I feel for the people who have these problems, especially with long storys.

    Turns them away from a great game..


    Hope you find a soloution.

  11. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > I'd accept a mount version of this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Lunar_%22Horse%22


    > As long as I am on the skritt's back.


    There's also those kinds of horses' painted on the wall in DR by the carnival. Horses exist and probably are far from extinct, but up until the idea of mounts there was no need to even glance at the idea of adding such things. Had they not added that Skritt mini with the horse, and the few other icons and pictures/paintings and refferences, there'd be nothing else to go on.

    Personally , I'd love to see them.


    ![](http://i.imgur.com/fBY76hI.jpg "")






  12. What if they re-designed it so that:

    ~Player uses Vengeance.

    A: (vengeance becomes 30 seconds instead of 15).


    B: When all enemies attacking you are dead ( or have stopped or fled) you no longer will die from vengeance.


  13. If it's a generally normal shaped horse... then Raptor would be the right mechanics, but like you guys mentioned, they'd have to mess with dimenions and models etc.

    I don't see why they couldn't use it on a Jackal, and if not a horse, then as some other kind of fantasy horse-like animal.

    To be fair we do have horse shaped creatures in GW2. We have the Unicorn finisher and Centaurs, so to say that horses don't fit the GW world, isn't 100% accurate.


    I agree with what @starlinvf.1358 wrote.

  14. > @"DawnSketch.7105" said:

    > I got the items & Eggs out of the way first, then did the fights off the cuff for about two weekends (4 days). Hit all the events first time with the exception of one that failed because half the group (myself included) were not paying close enough attention to our surroundings and died falling off a cliff. I never had problems getting people and my guild members were busy IRL and could not help me. I did it 100% solo with no problems a month ago. so I call bs on this, you can do it.


    I don't think you read the thread comments from last week, matey.

    It's been concluded since. I have moved on from that event.

    Every thing I said was authentic, and just because you had better luck with the partys... does not always mean that it's like that all day every day...


    The day I did get it finished was the only time that I saw a decent sized group go in there.

    You also need to include the Na/Eu and time/day before bashing us with "I call BS".


    Also, we did it successfully with a small/medium sized group, where as the large event I joined the next day, failed.... I was only there that time to help others.

    Not sure if it was scaling or what not, but I kinda found that ironic.

  15. Would like to see other things that are not simply related to the current animals/mounts.

    Horse is a 100% want. Or something horselike (if there are any types of GW2 animals like that).

    Or a Dolyakk would be an amusing Mount, but not all too desirable..

    Really would like to see SAB mounts, next year.

    Eventually I would hope they start to use more Mount models based on the current animals in Tyria, like Minotaurs etc.


    Some day I really hope we get some kind of underwater Mount, such as Dolphins, or Hammerhead sharks, Whales and so on (or just give me the tonic dammnit).

  16. What server is it happening on? Eu or NA?

    Screenshot them each time and report them if they do it too frequently, then send a ticket in with tons of SS's from that week and hope Anet temp bans them?

    Is it the same few people? I mean that'd make it easier. Add them to friends list to view who they are and figure out if it's the same dudes, or a lot of random kitten holes doing this.

  17. I did it at last on night four.

    Had to be a bit sneaky, with a few lies, but some of you were right.

    Also had to bribe a guildie to join :P


    People show up the minute you say how low the boss's health is.... even if it wasn't even damaged yet.

    Which is kinda sad that the interest in some PoF boss's is next to nil... or that the reward from it is so crap that people only wanna do it if they feel it's next to no effort involved.


    I feel a bit daft for making this thread, but I do also agree with what

    AliamRationem's post stated.

    I hope Anet think about this next time they make a quest line for something involving an expansion. The challenge was fine, but they should stick it to events and bountys that are consistantly in demand or inspire people to attend them (for the reward).

    I don't want to imagine the problems people will have a year from now if re-visiting PoF, or a new player has to go threw it next year with even less people playing those events and bountys. Who knows, maybe another expansion will take everyones attention by that point.

  18. Thanks, all.

    Gonna use the advice given and see what I can do this weekend.

    I have already done this with Bountys, but other events just don't always bring in enough people at that hour.

    Week days are a 'no' for me as I don't get back early enough from work when enough are actively in the mood to do it, but if I start it mid day incoporate the train idea or see if I can befriend a commander and see if they'll do the event, hopefully it'll work.


    The squad/LFG never paid off these past 2 days, so I know it's more about the time of day and gathering up people in partys I'm in at the time.

    Coming to the forums was like my last stretch, but I'll tak your words into practice and see what can be done.

    I don't normally like to complain. I always think the people who come on here demanding changes are often either legit struggling with content, or not trying enough, and I'm probably the latter.



    > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > i have bin trying to do the facet for about 2 months now, my luck is that i never have time one prime time but are left with tiny scrap groups who never get anywhere when i have time.


    As for Facet, I must admit it was a pain waiting for a decent group, but the benefit is that it is a bounty! So you should have it done within an hour or two if it's a decent time of day.

    What we did, was:

    1. Make a party with you and a random(or whoever is there)

    2. Make a squad/raid, and start recruiting people in the area while killing Hydra, and announcing about the Hydra/Facet raid.

    3. Use map chat to bring them to a set location by a certain time (5 minutes until Facet bounty, meet at [i forgot the warp point name]).

    4. More people waited with us, and we kept inviting players in the area or who were passing by, as they started to notice the group of ours that kept growing.

    5. Eventually we had 20+ people ready and then started the bounty.

    If everyone wants to do that bounty, or they need it for the Griffon, you will have a patient bunch of people, although some will leave if they are lft waiting too long.

    We got stuck waiting for 20 mins because the first commander DC'd after starting the bounty too soon, and we had to wait again as she never came back (which is why we did Hydra to pass time, which, I'd say would only give you more chance to find players nearby to boaster your raid size)


    Best of Luck, dude.



  19. Probably the time of day for some of you, also, I mean what servers are you guys on? EU feels really dead today. So far I have had 1 guy on my group, join the squad, but we decided to call it a night.

    It's 2am now, but I started doing those events at 9:30, but mostly 1 or two people went with it and never stuck around long, or we failed and they never came back.


    I'll wait until Sunday on my day off and try when people are more free at earlier hours.

    Not sure what else to do. It's pretty much my main reason to be in game at the moment.


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