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Posts posted by MarshallLaw.9260

  1. As most players who have logged in within the last 24 hours would have noticed, there is another 7 day unique event as part of the current Saga Chapter.

    I'm sure many, like myself, welcome any updates which include new things for GW2.

    New skins, new mastery and a time-limited series of tasks.


    Would @"ArenaNet Team.4819" be able to comment why, with the release of "new content", they've chosen to only advertise gem store products and not the new things people can do ingame on the main *news* section.


    I don't like to criticize that much since nothing can be 100% perfect all the time, but perhaps it would be a good idea, if you want players to return to the game, to entice them not only with "here's a new skin from the gemstore" but *also* mention the changes within the game especially since this event has a limited duration.

  2. @"ArenaNet Team.4819"

    As much as I dislike bumping threads and trying to draw the attention of devs to topics they are already aware of, it also irks me that this issue persists.


    Please note, I am sure that you are aware of this, Build Templates were introduced to the game in **October 2019**, more than 14 months before this post you are reading (if you are). Since their release I am sure there have been various kinks that were ironed out, however at the moment the Revenant profession seems to be the only one still being affected by the skill load-out resetting when changing templates. It's probably too far to say that the template function is useless because of this, however it does make it more annoying to use, especially if you have to remember that "this one class has these particular issues".


    I would very much like to see a fix for this soon and I hope that Anet consider that since the build template slots are an additional item being sold for gems, it should really function as intended across the board, not just for 8/9 classes.


  3. > @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

    > Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them.

    Nobody is forcing you to do anything. The fact that you will "never" do them just means you will never get the reward. If you've made your mind up, just accept that fact and move on.

    > However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it.


    I hopefully speak for many others in saying that making this a quick-buy aspect would be frankly insulting to those who wanted and acquired the mount the regular way. The Gem store should predominantly address convenience and aesthetics, as many would agree, and not interfere too drastically with the mechanics of the game or make ingame rewards more trivial by adding an option to bypass regular methods of acquisition. Yes, of course there are certain purchasable items which cross that line, but that's not a valid reason to continue down that path.

    > Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.

    Perhaps a better way of wording this would be to consider what we actually have here. It is an ingame mount from a series of quests and adventures culminating in a reward which many felt was worthy of their efforts. Obviously I appreciate that you may not see it the same way, but the griffon achievements were highly enjoyable to complete for many players, so much so, that I made sure to finish them on an alt account. If you approach it with a mindset that it's designed to be fun with a pinch of challenge, _not a chore_, you may actually enjoy yourself.

    > NEVER. It actually makes me angry.

    The good news is that there is another flying mount being introduced to the game with the next episode release. On the whole, there is no need to get upset about such trivial things, it's just an optional aspect of the game without which you are not limited in what you can achieve.



  4. > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

    > Hello all,


    > Without beating around the bush, let me get straight to the point. The current system allows players to buy a vast majority of the BiS gear parts (ascended mats) and buy anything from the TP including endgame goals like 1st gen legendaries (still isn't account bound) and other rare infusions. What's the point in cosmetic endgame and a gear treadmill if players can straight buy them with real life cash? This gives way for pay-to-win arguments which I absolutely hate to see. Endgame goals/gear should NEVER be available with real life money.


    > Also the BL chests cosmetics like weapon skins not being account bound also indirectly allows RL money --> ingame gold --> endgame goals.


    > Why is it a problem? Because it helps promoting the opposite of an MMORPG is supposed to do i.e to make the player earn the prestigious skins and top gears (statistically). 1st gen legendaries being not account bound is criminal. So are ALL ascended mats not being account bound. **The core problem always lied and still lies in the money --> gold conversion. **


    > This kind of conversion system have killed games (which I will not name) in this very genre where gold plays a vital role gear acquisition and/or skins.


    > P.S. I am perfectly fine with removal of gold --> gems as well. It's a B2P game after all.


    GW2 has run with this model for 6 years with no real problems within the mass population. With all due respect you don't have the evidence (and neither do I) to prove the scale of this. We could be talking about a very insignificant % of players who specifically buy gems to purchase ascended mats for gold. Legendaries, I can agree would be a higher portion perhaps but overall it's really not affecting other people that much so I don't see the issue.


    Consider this - "you could grind/farm for weeks to save up for that special item or use the income from an hour of IRL work to get to the same place".

    Because people are in different situations, having the freedom to choose is fantastic. If you were someone who loved the game but could not dedicate enough time to acquire the best items, you may feel left out and that there was no way to fully enjoy the experience as someone able to put in hours on GW2 daily.

    Remember this is a casual MMO, marketed to a fairly wide audience.

    I agree with other posters regarding the goldseller issue - they become far more enticing (if the exchange is removed) and it's perhaps a slippery slope for some. I also agree that this would not be good for the game at this stage. Players are used to this system and many veteran could be put off entirely from playing the game if they could not convert gems and gold freely (tax included).


    I understand your reasoning, you're bothered by the concept, but it would be far worse for game population and development funding if the feature was removed.

    In addition, the P2W argument isn't really valid in GW2 so people who pipe up with it have little understanding of what P2W actually involves.

  5. This is a "bad player" rather than "bad class" issue. I'll start straight out by saying there is no "right" answer to your question. I don't agree that I wouldn't want a class on my team but I admit to occasionally wincing when I see an ele since their performances seem to be either very strong or very poor. Either they are played by a good player and dish out some serious damage while leap-evading and cleansing or they are handled by someone less experienced and will be downed in seconds. I have rarely come across something in between.

    As for your ranger issue, that sounds like it could be happening in lower tiers. I rarely see a horrendous ranger. Unlike the ele, they either come as great or average.

    At the end of the day, it's down to a huge number of factors as to how effective they are.

  6. > @"GRRRR.3521" said:

    > "GIT GUD/Anybody can raid". Nah. Several reasons (class/time/commitment/effort yadda yadda), cant do it anymore, dont wanna do it anymore, not my thing. If its gonna be a raid its entirely on me if im locked out of it, ill admit.


    >> dont wanna do it anymore, not my thing

    Fine, but that's literally what your argument boils down to.

  7. Path of Fire was not a patch, it was the second expansion.

    Mounts were not the only feature which was added, there are also new maps, new guild halls, tonnes of story content, new quests, new stat combinations, more skins and of course (arguably most importantly) new specialisations for every existing class.


    Check the link for a more comprehensive list


    > @"mikeeens.3542" said:

    > Hi guys/girls.


    > So about Path of Fire Patch... Worth or no?

    > Only from that patch u can get mounts? Running around is pretty booring and slow.


    > I see that u can convert in-game gold to "crystals" to buy i guess patch?! But then u need to grind a lot.


    I can't see how much it costs in gems but the expansion is about £17 currently. For a newer player who probably isn't able to run t4s or CMs yet, the grind and conversion is really not worth it.



  8. > @"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:

    > There is always a good reason to go AFK in a PvP match in this game.

    > Like…

    > * …profession stacking.

    > * …bad team mates, who seem to have been carried into silver/gold ect.

    > * …flaming team mates you don’t want to work with anymore.

    > * …no way choose a premade team for ranked.

    > * …bad overall balance.

    > * …no option to restart a match up, if you have blocked players for example in your team.

    > * …no option to give up.


    My dude, as any semi-experienced player will know, these factors have been in sPvP for quite some time. Some of them are non-issues (like profession stacking), some certainly need to be looked at (why are blocked players still appearing on my team?).

    The point is, if you've played a good number of matches, you should already know what to expect. When you hit that "Compete in Ranked" button, you do so with the knowledge that the upcoming game could have any and all of the above happen. This does not mean that "you have a good reason to AFK" - that's just illogical.

    You are probably one of the players that sees a team wipe and being 40 points down at the start and proceeds go idle because you consider it a lost cause. Don't get me wrong, it's frustrating, but _giving up_ is not what ranked is about. This mentality that you should be stomping the opposing team immediately and have a 120-0 point lead and nothing less is ridiculous and breeds the toxicity we see.


    Giving up should never be an option in ranked. If you want to give up - force log yourself out.



    edit: -

    > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > Just give pibs to unranked so people will go there instead of ruin ranked games.


    > Yes you will get less people who queue and times will increase, but if people are only playing for the carrot and not because they enjoy the competition then maybe the numbers dropping is what needs to happen.


    Pipfarmers fall into lower tiers (bronze, silver, low/mid gold?) where they don't really affect people trying to climb. Although I completely dislike the idea that PvP is farmed, it really doesn't matter as it has little to no impact on anything above silver.

    If you think pipfarming is an issue, the better solution would be to remove pips on loss entirely. This may sound harsh but to me its logical.

  9. > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

    > "Cristal" is the brand of an expensive champagne and is served to guests on a special occassion. This is where the english idiom comes from and Joko referred to.


    In this case it definitely refers to the the crystal glasses which are considered more prestigious and used on special occasions - rather like "break out the fine china". It's used as an indication that either the guests you are hosting are very important/distinguished and deserve your best tableware or it's a special occasion which warrants the use of the highest quality glasses.

  10. > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > @"FlyingK.9720" said:

    > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > > @"FlyingK.9720" said:

    > > > > Starting with PoF, Anet has generally been pretty low effort, with resources pushed over to the cash shop. Mounts were awesome, but the maps and things to do in the maps are pretty lackluster compared to prior releases However, with mounts I feel as though their meetings are just about what new skin to push out to the shop while content isn't even getting a half-baked effort.

    > > >

    > > > Excuse you? PoF was loaded with content. A ton of achievements and map to explore, many events to complete and things to discover. Can't say there is a single thing in base PoF that felt rushed or unfinished, with just as much if not more detail and content in the maps themselves than anything previously.

    > >

    > > Excuse yourself out, HoT was superior content wise.

    > >


    > And yet others consider HoT to be not only inferior, but bad.


    Everyone has the right to be wrong :lol:.

  11. > @"zealex.9410" said:


    Raids and Fractals are the same team working on two different products. Our cadence is currently integrated with Living World episode releases. You'll see the next raid before the next fractal, as that is how we have staggered development.


    > First of all does this mean that a raid that is practically done will release with the new lw update? Because that depressing. Secondly if its so hard for anet to make raids and cms with a faster pace i would honestly suggest making fractal cms and raids paid dlc. I dont expect anet to rival wow, ff14 and eso in terms of new content as the companies behind those games ask you for money (dlc or flat out sub fees).


    > So i just wanted to ask is there a chance we could pay anet real money so we can get more raid wings and more fractal cms in 1 year? I stress this again, not paying RL money to get the same content we get rn but more content of a good quality. Other mmos do it so i dont get why its a bad thing if gw2 every was to do this.


    > This isnt a game wide sub fee, if you pvp or ow pve or wvw or lw you wont have to pay money.


    > What's anet's stance towards this idea and the other player's stance.


    Although I agree with you that it would be nice to have more fractal/raid content than we currently have released, I cannot back the change to the pricing model which you've suggested. Locking non-cosmetic content behind extra payments is not something which I would want to see more of.

    The current model has 2 main tiers to this - expansions and LWS. Expansions are pay only, and this I feel is fair given the sheer volume of content added. LW seasons are free for players who are there for the release, and cost a very small amount for those who had missed them. In addition, the LW seasons can be bought with gems which in turn can be bought with ingame gold and as far as I recall, its around 200-300g for an entire season which is a very reasonable price.


    Further splitting content would be like adding mini DLC packets and putting players on different levels of access based on what they can afford and I feel like this is not in line with what GW2 is about.

  12. There could be room for a new system based on sinking abundant materials into repairs.

    There would need to be some minor changes to accommodate it but this is how it could work:

    - Weapons and trinkets can now be damaged in the same way as armor.

    - In order to fix these, you can use repair canisters as per usual

    - if players want to fix _Ascended_ quality gear at an anvil, it will cost them 1 token per item repaired.

    - tokens can be crafted and dropped into material storage to be used like currency.

    - there are 3 types of token which use different materials to create - gold/silver for trinket tokens; leather, metal, cloth for armor; wood and metal for weapons.

    - tokens cost a very small amount to craft - eg. 1 metal ingot + 1 plank for a weapon "token"; 1 gold or silver ingot for trinket tokens.

    - tokens are tradable to accomodate for people who don't craft.


    _Just an idea for utilizing some extra materials for those who already have ascended gear without absolutely breaking the system._



    Another idea would be to have gold or silver plating on armor or weapons which rather like an infusion, **slightly** changes the appearance of that item and wears down over time (eg. needs to be replaced once a month) Cost would be something like 200 gold or silver ingots.




  13. Easiest way IMO is:

    - Use mele character like warrior/spellbreaker

    - Go to _The Darklands Waypoint_ in desolation.

    - Mount Skimmer

    - Drop into sulfur hole east of the Waypoint (it's very close).

    - Get the Wurm there to follow you to the end of the sulfur path (a few meters).

    - At the end of the path, there is a ledge where you are can stand and be unaffected by Sulfur poison.

    - Dismount, hack down Wurm, pick up loot box.

    - Get back on Skimmer and glide out or teleport to Waypoint.



  14. Perhaps not every week since it doesn't seem like a fair window of opportunity for some people to collect enough statutes but at month reset would be good.

    Equally with BLCs - would appreciate if they rotated the two sets of wep skins available more often (every month maybe). Having bought some keys and saved 25 for the latest patch I was somewhat disappointed since neither _Tempest_ nor _Plasma_ skins appeal to me - not a massive deal, the keys will probably get used next update.

  15. - Unconnected fractal paths like Cliffside and origins of bosses like Skovald (although I somewhat appreciate the "mystery" aspect where some things are left unknown)

    - Malyk (obviously)

    - Ley line anomalies - I feel like the frequency of their appearances has increased recently after seeing one every single day including a spot in the FFA arena in PvP lobby (I didn't know it was even possible to see them there).

  16. _inb4 OPs "friend" is actually OP and his account got banned for shady add-ons or dodgy trading._


    If you're legit however, I would **not** recommend sending tickets regarding the same account from multiple email adds as it makes verification more difficult.


    There was a situation a little while back when a group of players were found to have shared accounts for AT farming (or something similar). Account access was suspended pending investigation and consequently, Support Team received emails and massages from several sources claiming the same accounts belonged to various people. Both on forums and reddit, posters protested they were innocent until a dev stepped in and pointed out that many people from completely different IPs were trying to claim the accounts and the fact that their stories were completely inconsistent with each others (claiming to be messaging from alt account and on behalf of friends).

    I believe that in the end all accounts involved recieved a ban of some sort (perm or otherwise).


    The point is, if you have an issue, send **one** ticket and ensure it is logged as being received. Try to avoid duplicating messages, especially from different sources since it cause delays with verification. Also, be aware that there is a back-log on support responses currently.

  17. > @"NiSHAN.4385" said:

    > > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

    > > Although I agree with you that T2s could be more challenging, I would be inclined to say that T3s are really another learning step before T4s/CMs and not overly re-playable content.

    > > It's probably the roughest bracket to go through since it's the first tier where ignoring mechanics has significant impact (far more than T2s - as you mentioned) and practically no experienced players go there (apart from recs maybe) so no chance to be carried. On the plus side, it shouldn't take very long to pass into T4s where things are much more predictable/stable.

    > > My suggestion is - if you think you know the mechanics, etc. well enough, try to ask friends or guildies to get you straight into T4s (since you cant access the T4 LFG).


    > The thing is i was wanting to stay at T3 for ever, it was my goal once i started the fractals, because i am somehow a chill player who do not want so much attention and challenges while playing a pve, T3 rewards are decent enough, BUT when i started playing some of the T3 i surprised by the amount of noobies there, i maybe didn't notice them at T2 since it was a forgiving tier. idk.


    Obviously each to their own, but once you get to a certain level you'll perhaps find T3s boring and see that T4s can be pretty chill as long as everyone knows mechanics.

    A fairly casual, non-meta group can get through daily T4s within 30-40 mins easily (dependent on which fractals are in rotation - some, like SO just take longer because of cut-scenes and transitions).

    You're right, T3s are less forgiving but also the majority of people in T3 are ones trying to climb to T4 as fast as they can which means they will bundle through any way they can and have probably done the bare minimum of T1s and 2s. The system lets you skip a lot of fractals anyway (as an example - the first time I even saw inside Shattered Observatory was at T4, having skipped T1-T3).

  18. IMO, no need to buff.

    The top speed of the mount is ridiculous compared to all other mounts so the build-up time and slightly worse handling/maneuverability is warranted. If devs were to make it full endurance on mount-up, it would begin to make other mounts almost obsolete because it would become OP.

    Imagine the scenario, you're running from some mobs, you can either use jackal to tele a short distance away or raptor to leap. If you had full endurance on beetle, you mount up, press 1 key and are immediately boosted 1/4 of the map away (providing there is no obstacle collision). The slower endurance regen is also the drawback which encourages more intuitive play, rather than mashing the boost button.


    **TLDR: Beetle has massive speed advantages over other mounts so it also needs to retain some drawbacks to remain more-or-less balanced**

  19. Although I agree with you that T2s could be more challenging, I would be inclined to say that T3s are really another learning step before T4s/CMs and not overly re-playable content.

    It's probably the roughest bracket to go through since it's the first tier where ignoring mechanics has significant impact (far more than T2s - as you mentioned) and practically no experienced players go there (apart from recs maybe) so no chance to be carried. On the plus side, it shouldn't take very long to pass into T4s where things are much more predictable/stable.

    My suggestion is - if you think you know the mechanics, etc. well enough, try to ask friends or guildies to get you straight into T4s (since you cant access the T4 LFG).

  20. > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > Well this happens all the time especially in mid low ranks like I happen to be now due to a great 12 loss streak from plat to g3.


    > Game is about to start and usually a warrior, a bunker druid or a bunker ele will either declare or worse they will just go far. In these ranks kiting or in general the team sustain isn't that great and the result 9/10 times is a wipe and a clear early advantage for the enemy. Don't get me wrong I know this split favors some maps but shouldn't the 'far guy' at least check his team comp and the opponents' comp before taking such a decision? Or would it hurt getting mid then go cap/decap far with ease?


    > It may sound salty but I think these type of players watch too much YT videos from high ranked players and just try to mimic without thinking or understanding why and how experienced players do it. So to sum it up please first think then take action. :)


    The 1-4-0 split is still probably one of the most common however 1-3-1 helps counter this providing the mid 3 don't go too hard against the 4 opponents there and wipe quickly. The strat does to a degree rely on the far runner being able to sustain 1v1 for a while and your home capper rushing to mid ASAP. The key I've found is watching the minimap to be aware of where your team decide to go if they aren't so good with communicating this in chat.

    Had a match recently where the team went for a 2-1-2 split with no warning, so being the only one running mid, I had to pull away and head far to avoid getting destroyed. Somehow this resulted in us getting home and far and penning in the 4 at mid and beating them. Our team continued to out-rotate until the end of the match but that opener was neither expected, nor communicated.


    Yes, there needs to be cohesion to decisions made but (sometimes) when someone makes a choice to go with a certain strategy, unfortunately you have to work with that. It's not that the player has made a "bad" move, it's just that the choice of 1 person to do something can result in the other 4 being practically forced to go with that plan. If your warrior/druid/etc runs far - the mid party is forced to play safe and not over-commit to mid node, and if they ignore this, then they're more likely to wipe.


    IMO - don't blame the far runner for the mid loss.

  21. > @"Deathok.2914" said:

    > So I was wondering if we should increase the lvl cap to 100 with the next expansion.

    > In my opinion always being lvl 80 is very boring and having to level up again at 80 can be fun I think (in form of elite zones e.g).

    > Also armor should either be adjusted or newly crafted. I don’t have a problem to craft all new ascended sets… I enjoy the process of progression a lot.

    > What do you think?


    For me it seems like adding a further 20 levels would not add anything new apart from having to force people to re-craft all their gear. _You_ might be fine to craft new ascended sets but for players with 6/10/15 specialized ascended sets already created, this would be diminishing their investments. As for actual leveling, I could max out my 10 main level 80 characters and still have 300 ToKs spare; no "fun" involved in pumping Tomes.


    My suggestion is, if you like leveling, start a new character and experience things from the start. I've done this on an F2P account and it was enjoyable for some time.


    The danger of having an increased cap is the impact it would have on the economy as players scramble to obtain the new benchmark armor. Not to mention players who have worked on legendary gear.


    Not suitable IMO.

  22. > @"Gotejjeken.1267" said:

    > Just something I thought of, admittedly somewhat selfishly as I'm missing the Flashpoint LS. I recently bought PoF, and thought it'd be cool that if you purchased an expansion you unlocked the story up to that point.


    > Basically in my case for Flashpoint you'd have to own HoT (which I do), and when purchasing PoF it just unlocks the LS up to when PoF came out. Missing any of the PoF LS would be locked unless you buy it after the fact or until the next expansion comes out.


    > I wouldn't even care if they made it as part of the 'deluxe' versions (like they do with char slots).


    > Thoughts?


    The current system is fine as it is. It rewards players for their commitment to the game - ie. if you were there, supporting GW2 at the time the particular season dropped - it's free for you. It's one way of showing appreciation for dedicated members.

    Your point doesn't completely make sense either - pre-PoF is HoT - which is an entirely different expansion and purchasing PoF should not give you HoT content. ( I saw your point about owning HoT, but I still don't agree).


    Personally, I opened my account in 2012, left for a couple of years, then returned during HoT. I bought the full LWS2 at a later date when there was a sale on it and was very happy to do so. The price for all seasons is also rather low and they can be purchased using gold-to-gems I believe.

  23. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

    > > The max level boost IMO is good for any profession but tends to be more useful for experienced players who already know the basics of general combat.

    > > Personally I used my first on my one and only Revenant after playing the class to ~level10. Sure, for a short amount of time I wasn't confident with the class but given the skill structure of Rev whereby you cannot mix and match your utilities, it felt much better having access to all of them. Took a short while to figure out trait lines and what weapons are associated with which functions (power/condi/cc/support) but I didn't regret boosting it at all.

    > > The second boost I used on ele which was a class I had leveled to 50ish and abandoned a long time ago - I was familiar with the basics of the class but could not be bothered to finish leveling so just made a fresh toon.

    > >

    > > **TLDR: get used to basics of combat, try out a class at low level and in PvP lobby perhaps before boosting. Be prepared to read all the tooltips to really get to know the class.**


    > You can try it out with the boost itself no need to do pvp since it give you a trail.



    While this is entirely correct, the PvP lobby allows you access to the full range of elite specs (dependent on the ex-pack you have) and their skills also. The boost "trial" is OK but you only really try out the core aspects of a class with little insight into what flavor e-specs might bring.

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