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Posts posted by SinisterSlay.6973

  1. Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

  2. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

    > > > As a PvE only player. I tried WvW during the warclaw thing. Hated every minute of it. **The balance and logistics is just so terrible.**

    > >

    > > Just because your openworld build was dying to things that could actually fight back, doesn't mean the balance is terrible. WvW is the only game mode with even a remote sense of balance left in it. Its simple Rock Paper Scissors..

    > >

    > > Paper beats Rock, Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happen to beat Rock. That is until Rock gets its Espec- at which point it becomes an unstoppable killing machine; that also beats Paper. And would beat Scissors. But it can't find Scissors, cuz Scissors be invisible.

    > >

    > > And thats called "Balance".

    > >

    > > PS: Revenants are Mushrooms.


    > Well I guess it is just easier to balance 1 or 2 classes that everyone wants these days in WvW.. other than that it's just a screen full of overlapping circles and mass skill lag, on the one possibly 2 nights its genuinely kinda fun.. but then again that's in the lap of the matchup gods of course.


    Yeah sorry when I try wvw. I don't feel any sense that I am helping. Your right, my open world build is probably the problem. But then this thread seems to be trying to say that open world builds should be used for wvw.


    The primary reason I don't raid or wvw is because you have to follow a meta, and I find that boring. I much prefer to make my own build using my own research and accounting for my own abilities. I find pvp decently fun, even if I am not great at it.

  3. It's really sad but as a developer, I can confirm that after 7 years, few if anyone knows how the core works. And those that do, are scared to touch anything.


    Imagine building a pyramid. You build the base.

    The 3 levels up, someone else notices the base is missing a piece. So they build wider supports on the third level to counter this flaw.

    4th level someone encounters this work around, and duplicates it without knowing why.

    5th level duplicates it again, it's now normal.

    47th level someone notices that the base of the pyramid is missing a piece. They could quickly insert that piece, they try to, compile it, and.... everything breaks. What the? They don't have time to fix everything, they have no idea how many problems are covering up this one. So they leave it alone and flag it in the system as requiring too many hours and can't be fixed. They then build another band-aid for their project and move on.


    This is how software development works. Ideally, a company will eventually pay the time to have the developers start over and rebuild from scratch. Then, with the lessons learned from the previous time, build a far better engine ready for another 7 to 14 years of use. Rebuilding an application from scratch usually only requires about 20% of the time that was already put into it. It's just straight code, no or minimal assets, no database changes, no design or discovery or research, just straight coding. Often with much of it copy and pasted from before.

    But that's an ideal world. No company would permit their developers to essentially generate no money for 2 years while they rebuild from scratch. So you end up with what we have now, and pyramid that is falling over and crumbling under it's weight because of a few mistakes and oversights made a decade ago that can't be fixed.


    Just consider, how insane it is that in 14 years, they still have random disconnects in stories. They can't even build a basic reconnect system to counter the original error they can't find.


    There's a funny one with Microsoft. In Windows 8 they wanted to finally change the blue screen of death. They couldn't find a developer that knew how to change it. It took them a lot of digging to find someone that knew how to edit that ancient code.

  4. Seems lively enough from what I've seen. It's rare to be on any map, even central Tyria maps and not find a few players. It can be a little hard if you need to take down one of those bandits or something. Ask your guild for help if you need to kill one of them.

  5. what if raids and strikes, etc. Had the test golems outside. And a newly formed group would attack it and the game could use the data to calculate how strong the group is and adjust the difficulty and rewards to match? It could also then determine individual effectiveness and personalize rewards accordingly.

    Basically difficulty scaling on a personal level. If you are weak, you get less rewards. Simple.

  6. Threads like this are funny when you read the one about getting the Starborn outfit and people spending $60+ in keys just to get it. More than the cost of the game and 2 expansions for a single outfit. Your better off actually gambling at a casino, at least you might win something worth real money.

    As for what this means for gw2? It would probably kill the game. As I said, they get the cost of 2 expansions per fancy skin they add. Losing lootboxes would kill them, and 99% of all games on the itunes and play store.

  7. As a PvE only player. I tried WvW during the warclaw thing. Hated every minute of it. The balance and logistics is just so terrible. What is even the point of stuff like trebuchets and cannons? They barely even scratch people on the off chance they hit. WvW is just zergs running around killing and dying over and over, and an obsurd amount of walking back from the only waypoint on the map.

    And all this boredom gives less reward then a single teq run which takes like 15 minutes.


    I did like that open pvp map with the jumping puzzle. I don't remember where it was anymore, seems not possible to get there anymore? But I remember working with a friend to get to the top, only to be chased away by a group of killers. We went back down the puzzle and met up with 6 other players also doing the puzzle, and we stormed our way back up and killed the group that chased us away. That was fun. You never get that sort of play or camaraderie in WvW.

  8. > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

    > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

    > > Just get rid of the gambling. I am with the OP here, there is tons of things I would have bought if they were offered. But instead, I have to gamble for them. I loathe gambling and refuse to do it. I experience no fun from gambling in games or casinos. It's a snooze to me. When I go to a casino, it's to drink for free while playing the cheap machines at the bar very slowly.


    > Lucky for you, you can buy the mount SELECT license! You can choose whatever mount you want, no need to gamble!


    That's true but they are almost $20 each in gems. A hard sell when the game is only $30 currently.

  9. Don't forget you also got all the living seasons for free because you owned the game longer. Those that purchase the game now, still have to spend more to get each season. And gems are stupidly expensive. A single season costs more than the entire expansion costs. Buying all the seasons costs more than both expansions. Even that glider we got is like $10 in gems somehow. The Gem store is clearly aimed at oil barons with gambling issues. We should be grateful we got anything for free at all.

  10. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

    > > > > Your lucky you even got one. Neither me nor my spouse got one, despite having PoF and HoT since they were new.

    > > >

    > > > Based on ANet posts elsewhere, you might not get yours until Monday or Tuesday.

    > >

    > > Interesting, why the delay? a slow rollout of sorts?


    > Slow rollout, yes.

    > The script has to process millions of accounts (is eligible? yes, check for this and that, create package, attach to mail, send mail). I imagine that could choke up the entire email system (which has never been all that robust in the first place).


    I actually did just get it, and my spouse didn't so slow rollout confirmed.

  11. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

    > > Why not just make it possible to visit old lions arch and maybe replay LS1 for those of us that missed it?


    > That would be nice. It would be a huge amount of work to make it happen, but I know a lot of people would love to see Season 1 back, preferably as permanent content like the later seasons.


    Yeah season 1 would be very hard to do. It would be pretty much going through your source control, grabbing old maps, updating them, and making a quest chain to give you instanced access. That would be a huge job for something that would earn them no money.


    Old Lions arch however should be trivial since the map is clearly navigable in personal story. So the map still exists in its entirety. Just need a way to jump into the instance without the borders on it. If this takes more than 20 minutes of coding then their code base is garabge and they have bigger things to worry about.

  12. Crafting won't be profitable for you until you can farm the high end materials. Until then, just ignore it. You can become a chef and speed level if you want, but the leveling up is your tutorial. GW2 has horizontal progression, meaning your character doesn't really improve, you have to improve instead. So take your time and learn. Most people get a little freaked out in Cursed shore, and then their first time in Verdent Brink they want to rage quit and how huge of a difficulty hump it is. Look me up in game if you want a tour

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