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Posts posted by Nicolo.2418

  1. > @"Kirrund.2654" said:

    > So I played when the game came out, and I quit for 7 years, and I came back. I've been playing WvW every night with a fun guild and been having a blast. I've played PvP games and FPS games most of my life, and I've played on a competitive level in a few games (not this one). I'm older now and certainly not a master of this game or anything, and I'm learning new things each day, but analytical wise of what's good and powerful in competitive settings, I'm competent. I kept trying different Mesmer builds and wondering why every class I go up against seems to take practically no real damage despite blowing all of my CDs to burst, unless they just flat out weren't paying attention, were generally terrible, or didn't use any defenses. On my current build I'm playing pretty much Vallun's power mirage build for the additional distortions and leaps on sword 1, I use food for energy, I'm in full berserker. I don't mind being more glass canon and susceptible to dying if it means I can do more DPS.


    > I'm tellin' ya, I gotta WORK to hit people for 1.5 to 2.5k. Sometimes if I'm lucky 3k. Chunking people's HP down just doesn't happen, even on the glassiest of canon builds in WvW.


    > I've 1v1'd a few different classes like renegade and herald and after going through all of my shatters twice and utility cooldowns 2-3 times, I still didn't manage to get them past 50% HP, meanwhile it seems like they can just keep up pressure with minimal effort while I'm having to distort key attacks or risk taking half my HP in one hit, then when I'm out of defensive cooldowns I instantly die. That's in 1v1 situations. Daredevil who's competent? No contest. But that's fine, maybe that's just Daredevil/thieves' shtick, maybe they're just a hardcounter. But then I go and watch videos posted of revenants and see how casually they put out 4-8k damage hits with each, and cooldowns that are the same or shorter, and utility cooldowns that are not only functionally better, but 1/3rd the cooldown length. Like what? How is this balanced?


    > Here's the most recent one I saw that someone posted on reddit.



    > I'm not going to talk about his skill or anything, he's obviously competent, maybe he's amazing, I don't know, but that doesn't matter here because no amount of being skilled can change those damage numbers or how short those cooldowns are. Just look at the damage that he does, look at how much shorter the cooldowns are! Look at how many extra evades he seems to have. A lot of his damage avoidance comes from being slippery with so many targetted (and untargetted?) mobility options, that also hit really hard and seem to have pretty low cooldowns. You can't do that on Mesmer. Look at how tanky he is, his hp total, and he's still managing to do that many non targetted cone and ground AOEs that are hitting people for 2k easily, and then using some abilities that hit for 8k+. He permanently floats between 15-24 stacks of Might. Everything this class does hits way harder than anything Mesmer does, without even a fourth of the resource investment. How does this make any sense? Please, someone explain it to me. I'll admit, I haven't made this class yet, but I'm staring at his button presses, and I was already going to make one of these soon after watching some other videos. It just seems absurd to me that I'm playing in this Mesmer world and wondering what I'm doing wrong, when it seems like the reality is that Mesmer just does no real damage pressure in any remotely sustainable way compared to where the game is now in WvW. What is this class balanced around? Intangible strength items things like portal? If portal is holding it back from having any real other strength...I don't know, I don't think its worth it.


    > This cannot be even remotely approached on the current iteration of Mesmer.


    > P.S. It also showcases another problem with Mesmer, where you can see towards the back half of the video while he's 1v4ing, the Chrono shatters and he just kites the clones with two mobility skills and they never do anything. I'm sure other classes would complain if they built up resources above their bar only to have those randomly empty out and do nothing.



    i have to admit - you are absolutly right while you talk about (power mesmer) As revenant you have not only a lot of dodge ..the all in all sustain is pretty high compare to mesmer for example. Sword 4 and 5 are borken... hitting ppl with 9k+ deathstrike is obviously stupid. But every class except power mesmer can play like that... longbow ranger / soulbeast can oneshot you and has a lot of sustain - burn guard , dh , reaper , etc... 50% what you see in this video is movement and outplaying the enemy.. with which class you are doing that is not rly important as long as it has enough dmg and all in all sustain (invul / dodge / cc/ movement skills) i mean balance discussions are quite difficult but i hope they will fix it in an bigger balance next months since mesmer is a cool class and it would be nice if its not reduced to stealth-oneshot or condi bunker. JazzXman plays a good pmesmer which isnt oneshot / conditank so if you dont know the yT channel already check it out =)


  2. > @"Taylan.2187" said:

    > I swear some people are just looking for things to be angry about. A few months ago I semi-regularly started to run with zergs and use any celebration boosters I had on WvW, and am up to about 1200 already. The people who've been zerging WvW hardcore for 5+ years or mediumcore for 8 years definitely deserve this, it's not like it even gives you anything, it's just something they get to have for their dedication which someone else can't just farm in a few months.


    tbh in an fight based game like gw2 i wanna fight, Guild vs Guild , roam, take objektives im low number so you have more fights and challenges. I dont see the sense and meaning in running behind an 50men blob for many hours every day using all booster and open up tower.

    For all who achieved 10k rank.. well your prolly a commander or a hardcore zerger and you can be proud of reaching the max lvl.

    but all in all - implementing an wvw titel which is exclusive for people who hardcore wvw since many years greeding for max rank is not what guildwars2 stands for.

    as i said already in an previous comment. This titel need to be “hard to get” in an way that you cant bot around or pay ppl for it.

    collections... wvw tickes based ... achivements ... maybe wvw event items , whatever.

    I dont say everybody needs this title ... but 10k lets be honest.. no wvw hype even for full time wvw player in other sections then hardcore ppt.

    So if this is all we can expect for World vs World “in the upcoming months” its gonna be sad.

  3. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > It awards no AP so as not to create an unreasonable grind for those that care about AP. It is literally a meaningless title that's only prestige is it's rarity because maybe >300 people in the entire game will have it.


    > But I like it anyway and I'mma wear it, dang you !

    > ): <


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/lJdWxg0.jpg "")


    Looks nice and gz ! dont get me wrong i want this title to be "hard to get" but as you said its about prestige. PvP has "God of PvP" .. very hard to get but you could get it every conquest season. "Fractal God" you need to invest a lot of time into doing the same stuff over and over which is normal for bigger PvE achivements but you get it. Now look "God of WvW" - no comments

  4. > @"diomache.9246" said:

    > I don't care for titles, but I really want my golden dolykak finisher permanent.


    ye -.. like that but the game is focused more on titles rn.. look into pvp you get season titles only. Finisher would be so much cooler and hopefully they will implement an permanent dolyak finisher someday xD

  5. > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > It's just a title for those that been 10k forever so let them have it. It's not oh I'm 3400 let me grind 6600 now. Everything is not meant for everyone to obtain


    they include sth into WvW which is meaningless. 11 month ago they announced "the icebrood saga" they said we talk more about WvW in the upcoming months" … so there was basically nothing we can talk about. And now a title which is for hardcore ppt people only who do this for idk.. 8 years every day ?

    i just dont understand it

  6. okay …

    So we need 10k WvW rank to get the ultimate WvW title. Let me ask a question: WvW tournaments got deleted. We only have the normal titles which shows how long and intensive we played this gamemode. Like "ultimate dominator" for 250k kills.

    So now - i dont understand why "God of WvW" isnt a titel which is based on kills or other achivements. In the past 6-7 years in which i play this gamemode a lot .. i reached 3.3 / 3.4k WvW rank. Sometimes i zerg sometimes i just roam or fight with an gvg guilds etc.

    in short you tell me now i should boost myself with all XP-Booster and run behind an karma train 24/7 for the next 3-4 years ? So basically everyone whos new in WvW or only since few years (and) just enjoys roaming / gvging has no chance to get this title ever. You could have buffed this achivement with so many other achivements to bring more ppl into WvW but seting this to 10k WvW rank is the most useless thing especially cuz 10k rank says nothing about what you achived in an WvW fight mode.

    Im waiting for content im waiting for achivements which hype ppl to join WvW not only for the karma train - blobbing you down with 50+ppl.


  7. Hello guys ! After a long time i was able to create a new video for you. Testing a lot of builds right now especially runes and sigils as well as salvation traitline. Im curious what you think about power rev changes (WvW/PvP) in generell and what you prefer to play atm. For all who wanna watch some outnumbered WvW fights have fun with the video !


  8. Hello guys ! After a long time i was able to create a new video for you. Testing a lot of builds right now especially runes and sigils as well as salvation traitline. Im curious what you think about power rev changes in generell and what you prefer to play atm. For all who wanna watch some outnumbered fights :) have fun with the video !


  9. > @"MattDu.7123" said:

    > For Aurora, it say in the wiki to purchase Gift of Dragon Magic and Gift of Bloodstone Magic from Miyani or one of her clones. `All six episodes must be unlocked in order to craft this item.` I haven't finished all the achievements for Season 3 but I have finished the story for every episode in order up to the present one. And she doesn't have them for sale. Am I missing an achievement?


    I dont know if they changed sth - i was able to buy them both directly from Miyani. If there is a problem with an achivement or new stuff to unlock it - open your own discussion and ask the community. Im pretty sure you get help very fast. This post is about the 2 new legendary trinkets you wont get help as fast as you need. (i guess) :) i dont know anymore - i did it long time ago

    take care and gl crafting :)

  10. > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

    > I honestly dont wish them to stack. I already have poo stucked over my head.


    and then you want an big ball following you and flipping around in bigger Groups XD ? i wanna SEE the skin of an item i crafted :<

    And yes Aurora + Vision + Coalescence + Transcendence + Conflux is to much. So it would be cool if you have a check box for the skin (like on your back) to show the skin or not. I mean - it would be optimal if you choose the position of your ball by yourself. The Thing is… for all who dont give a fluff or are tired of Aurora balls over your head, its not bad. But its the 2nd PvP and WvW legendary with an unique skin - for all pvp and WvW player which dont play pve that much, its a joke. This is the 2nd time after the legendary back-item that WvW and PvP player can craft sth unique in there gamemode and then its a mini-following ball like that. You could ask… why is it not an aura ? Just copy paste an aura change the color and range and there it is. But we get another 2 balls. As i said before - i rly like the balls ( they are rly well made and costs a lot of work). The only thing which annoys me is the position and the fact that this ring / amulet is actually a mini.

  11. > @"Memoranda.9386" said:

    > It seems that it is attempting to stay a certain distance behind the currently-in-movement PC, and when you do an about-face it goes to where it "should". So I guess I'm not really seeing the problem? It doesn't bother me, at any rate.


    the distance is changing. I mean this orb is far behind every time you jump down somewhere or you have superspeed etc. Even if you walk with swiftness. if you scroll in you will not see the ball anymore while walking.

    It is an legendary triket which you wear isnt it ? or is it a mini you can buy for 10g from an NPC in WvW ?

    If i want a mini i would buy one. But i made an legendary triket for +1k gold. I prefer a skin on the same lvl like aurora vision etc.

    You dont have anything from this skin. Its confusing and it sakes in all directions while you run around in bigger groups. The ball is everywhere except on you.

    At this point every aura from TP worth more then this. If they place it over your characters head or let you choose the fixpoint in an “choosing mode” similar with AoE it would be very good cuz the bLl itself is well made

  12. Heyho Folks and Heyho Gw2-Team,

    Hands down , the new legendary trinkets are well made. There was another discussion about the achivements but i wanna talk about the skin! Both "balls" looks nice (sure there is no big difference between them but nice style indeed). BUT there is a huge problem. This balls dont stick on the same range while walking and they are following as slow as an minipet. Therefore it feels strange. Aurora, Vision and Coalescence stick over your head. You can change directions without becoming confused. But every time you "about face" or even turn your camera, Conflux and Transcendence move in front of you super slow and follow your way back. You cant fight in WvW , PvP and PvE anymore without getting fluffed off.

    PLS rework the postion of both balls so ist over your head and stick in this position. Ist better to choose which "set" you wanna wear (the pve one or the WvW+ PvP one). But this is to much. To much effects and how i said before.. you cant rly fight with all this around.

    Also [sUGGESTION]: You can make another ball (if you use WvW + PvP legendary) which has an decent rainbow effect and swords Crossing. That would be much better then 2 big "christmass balls" flying in your back.

    o/ i hope you can change it

  13. tbh - the effecs are pretty nice as long as the ball is over your head but its not!! ?? (why) . It would be cool if you have the choice-box to show the skin or not. So you can stick with your pve triket skins which build up on each other or you can decide to use a silver or gold ball over your head. But this balls are following as slow as an minipet which makes ist a bit strange. As an build up: WvW + PvP - you could add some sword crossing the ball. That would look super cool. But imagine.. Aurora+ Vision + Coales. + Transc. + Conflux…. you have: White balls + 1 black + ley lines + 1 silver + 1 Gold ball nearby. WTF ???? the triket effects use more space then twice your character would.

  14. > @"Fish.2769" said:

    > Because that's how montage videos work, they only show fights they win, never giving the clear image of what actually happens to havoc groups most of the time.


    what do you mean ^^ what will happen ? we are 5-7 ppl i think its clear that sometimes die to 30+ ppl or big guilds with 25+ ppl. ^^

  15. > @"Slick.7164" said:

    > Interesting editing. You start the fights and then all of a sudden its a new fight. How did any of them end. I have pretty good idea but would ask that you show the full fights.


    well every fight was won -- ppl. where dead. as nano said its borig to put all the downstate cleaving into a montage. ^^ so

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