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Posts posted by Nicolo.2418

  1. Heyho guys ! as always i share my gameplay with you :) power revenant didnt changed a lot on the last balance patch. The only important thing is, dont waste your f2 on shiro that often. the radius is small now and its ez to fail.

    Happy helloween farming !! and enjoy the vid!


    > It sounds more like they want to do a live test on their new infrastructure, than just restart the tournaments. I think it's a good call, even if the notice ended up being short, because it'll give them a better idea of what needs to be fixed or strengthened.


    well -the mAT tournament is an competition for a super rare item and titel "Best of the Best". Sure, for many ppl from other gamemodes its just sth you can get free 25g or more but all in all its sth, ppl train for months to get better and maybe win it. If they wanna test it - OKAY but that delets the competition factor of this tournament and make it kinda worthless. Ofc.. better then nothing - but i didnt done 1-2 daily ATs every day for no mAT and after that break in which ppl stoped playing together, without any clear comback date, there it is.. i totaly love the game but damn god .. the communication and timing are so bad... im spechless.

  3. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Hey all. Just got the news a few minutes ago. We're a go to run a "monthly" tournament this Saturday October 5 at noon PDT.


    > A few notes. The tournament infrastructure still has some big flaws to fix. What we've done for now is gotten more robust tools to try and resolve issues with the tournament manually, should they come up.


    > Even given all this, I want to be clear that there is still a chance something could go wrong that we're unable to recover from.


    > We're still in progress on the full fixes we need. Expect to hear more about them in the future.


    rly.. you give us a hand full days time to plan the weekend and make sure to be there + rebuild a team after months of break without a clear date.... i would at least give ppl around 2+weeks time. Now this mAT will be more boring then ever before

    At least you talk with us ! thumbs up for that

  4. Heyho guys!

    here is my new video with some good fights i had last week. There is a lot of kiting and outplaying so if you have questions about it pls ask. Annnd.. i wanna do a new guide - add some tricks and tipps + build update maybe with more then 1 playable build. But its for you so if you have problems or you dont understand moves im doing etc. pls write it here. I can implement it into the guide or just answer here if its basic.

    good luck out there and have fun :)

  5. Pls.. we need a good balance patch this time. PvE is fun - WvW an PvP must be based on skill. Ban the opportunity to facetank all attacks from another player with 3k armor and stil crit. with 3-7k. Especially condis builds. So what we can do? how you can balance on the one hand a tank and condi , and on the other a oneshot meta ?.

    1.Mesmer: Mirage is way to strong with an condition build. (has all without an end)

    2. Ranger: like i said before - ban builds like this !! you can play a meta boonbeast 10min and you will outsustain 1v1 2v1 - this is disgusting

    3. Guard: dont nerf this class on support. Try to make other classes viable on support again. So we dont have only the boring FB+Scourge comb in PvP

    4. Ele: i dont know what to say about weaver.. outsustain , dodge .. this class has potential !! the gameplay is smooth but all in all its a boring tank. And you cant play FA cause you get a oneshot very fast.

    5. Rev: dont buff the dmg of rev.. its my main class and this class dont need more dmg. You can buff Shield a bit (faster ast of Shield 4 or 5 is an stunbreak) And pls .. try to add stability and resistance on power builds without dwarf legend. Try to nerf the deathstrike dmg and try to change it to have sth more tactical like (target break)

    6. Engi: Holosmith does a bit to much dmg!

    7. Thief : deadeye is way to strong - perma stealth isnt the way ..

    8. Warrior: try to adapt berserker to core and spellbreaker that you are able to run berserker in this meta.

    9. Necro: its difficult here.. this class is very strong as long as you have supoort. Maybe some Necro player know what the class needs ( be honest.. we dont need a dmg buff here)

    This is only what i think… i cant go in detail here and i know its not perfect to say " this class does to much dmg) well.. but i think you can use this post to write about your class .. whats to strong ? what do you need ? but please.. be honest and not like "i play condi Mirage and i need more conditions" xD


  6. > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

    > > @"Chuck.2864" said:

    > > I still think Leadership is stronger for roaming on power Rev, you need the cleanse way more than the the extra power or might and it still synergizes well with Glint elite allowing you to proc it without actually flipping the skill and sending it on CD.

    > >

    > > These are very strong for other power builds though. I use it on my Guardian now for roaming, it's miles ahead of Traveler's.


    > I never really understood leadership... 3 condi to boon conversion on a 45 sec cd is literally nothing. Its never gonna save you from a condi mirage. And you can kill any other non mirage condi class anyway with or without those 3 clears.


    > Now if you said its strong because of the boon duration and extra stat points fine but i've never found the 3 clears making any meaningful difference in a fight. There is just way too much condi spam for 3 condi/45 sec to mean anything.



    thats right. sure you can play Leadership if you want but you need to focus your elite for condi clean .. in 80% of the fights you will not use your elite in the very moment for condi clean. I mean its not bad. and may your playstile is good with it but my is not. And in my opinion, you have a better chance against condi mirage dealing more dmg at this point (well 45sec cd is way to much). You dont have only "might duarion" on this rune, you have boon-duarion which is very needed for rev in WvW. And in PvP i play "Rune of Strength" instead of leadership cause you can carry much more , deling more dmg.

  7. > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > I know this rune set is powerful...that's why I don't understand its introduction...it's so strong that it overshadow everything else when it comes to roaming in general, what kind of design decision is this?...It seems to me they're trying indirectly to simplify the game even more by adding these "too good to pass" options...


    > Guardians, warriors...I can see them too running this runeset..so nonsense


    Tbh.. ist a very powerful rune. But instead i can run scholar, pack , strength too. so ist better for ME now cauz it has boon duration and 25% movent speed. So yes we can complain about it now but the main problem this game has is , there is all in all way to much dmg in it. To kill a meta boonbeast i need to deal high dmg otherwise he outsustain and kill me with his 5k axe attacks while hes running aroudn 3k armor. And .. roaming is not possible if you dont deal dmg. Everbody plays condi Mirage / soulbeast / support firebrand in roaming or holosmith. If i dont try to run the best build on power Revenant , i will not be able to roam with this class anymore.

  8. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > Saw a lot of "smallscale in a nutshell" type moments here. So glad you gutted that first soulbeast. Did you get the stomp or his friends come back to save him?


    > Fireworks looks to be a better rune than of the Pack. Sadly I gave up caring and now just yolo scholar runes.


    his Friends left.. and yes i got the kill on him.


  9. > @"narcx.3570" said:

    > Man, I used to bait CR all the time as a habit from sPvP... Until I realized that in wvw roaming the caliber of player is just so much lower these days that, if you just like cast it, around 80%+ of the people out there will eat it in the face letting you insta kill them, so I kinda stopped even trying to bait dodges with it, unless I know the person is good ahead of time.



    Well sure there are a lot unexperienced player in World vs World and not all baits are usefull in all situations. But especially in outnumbered (againt lower experienced player too) its good if you do it. Someting i do very often in outnumbered fights where a thief is involed, is that i cast shiro elite and stow while hes in stealth or waiting to jump me. Shiro elite has an long casttime in which you can rupt ofc. So 80% of the thiefs try to steal in it. Cast -> stow -> dodge -> counterspike -> dead enemy.

    Thats only 1 example!! In my experience its more easy to win fights 1v2+ without going low HP if you use baits. But its essential if you fights against good ppl

  10. > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

    > I see now, revenant is like playing a game of mortal combat, rather than powerful skill, i have to make good combos to play it well.


    > My major problem, as a beginer in pvp with this class is that im very vulnerable to cc's, this spec doesnt have any source of stability and there are some fights where i get focused and cc'ed to death.



    As Pterikdactyl.7630 already said, play the „normal“ herald / shiro roaming or pvp build. Ofc you dont have stability or invul or a safe heal or much condi clean.. that makes you weak. But your not a pointholder!! Make sure to rotate as fast and good as possible to +1 sides and win mid. Play like a thief - go in deal dmg if you get focused just kite (kitingspots are all over the map). If you try to focus the target and go deep 24/7 you will die for sure.


  11. > Can't remember if you put it in the video but learning how to about face (with free camera) and use riposting shadows to move forward is very useful for positioning. Every rev needs to practice that.


    About face is cool, i use it sometimes too. But if i kite and dodge with riposting shadows i mostly turn the camera not only cauz its way faster if your not trained in about face, but also cause i watch my enemy again in this second -> ( what hes doing ; how far away is he ; are there other ppl following me ; where there are and where i need to go ; is there any difference between the situation 5 sec before and now ?). I know a sec is not much but is enough time to think about all this questions again. Sounds difficult, but its just a little security check.



  12. > @"Belishine.7493" said:

    > wow i have been waiting for something like this for rev for some time. now i know what i need to do to get my skill up with rev now ty. i wonder if i use a zerker set if this will make me hated by most players?

    sure the video is not about all the stuff you can do with revenant (maybe i do a full guide if ppl want) but you can perfectly build on it. In my eyes its more important to let the individual player build on basics and combos to progress there own playstyle, instead of saying them what to do 100% in detail. So if you wanna play a zerker set you can do it. But there are reasons why i play with with higher armor.


  13. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > Good video though! I've been subscribed to you for quite some time and always enjoy your content (: The more Revenants in the world the better.


    The build is ok! only thing . i tryed 40% boon duration too but 32-35% is totaly ok here. The ferocity is fine - over 200% is always good :D

    rune is also okay (condi clean on elite is epic but the 45sec cd isnt XD). AND i would never use "sigil of fire" -> you have air already so its not important. take sth which helps you like "generosity" or "leeching" , "absorbtion" , "agility" , "hydromancy" …


    Thank your very much :) im glad to hear !


  14. Hello,

    when are you going to fix this rev-bug that lets you swap skills? it is not only annoying but especially you can no longer blindly trust to pull your skills. So in situations you need to break a stun and the skills switched .. its impossible to dodge the burst fast enough. Whatever this bug exists since a few weeks. We need a solution NOW cauz rev is unplayable. My skills switch infight all 10-30 sec. Its an imposition with all the other difficulties with the rev.


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