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Posts posted by MattDu.7123

  1. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > The low-effort "open world pve" population in this game actively rebels against any content that has a fail condition.

    > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Raids needed a bigger player base

    > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > But to blame people who simply want to play with other players of similar skill levels


    So, you need a bigger player base, but not the "open world pve" population and only those that already know how to do raids? Doesn't leave a lot of people to pick from, but sounds like a great plan.


    > @"Pyriin.3291" said:

    > The entry point itself is player motivation.


    What entry point are you talking about


    > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > Why would I join only to get kicked because I never done it before..


    > @"vicky.9751" said:

    > Why do people need to join a discord, put an api key, and then get pinged endlessly for mostly **experiencd** groups or stuff that fills too fast? **this is not** a healthy way to get people to play these raids. I wish gw2 had a matched finder like other games, at least you would GET a party.




    Tomorrow make a brand new account, quickly get your guy to 80, ascended everything and pop on down to the dome. Lay it on thick that you have never done a raid before but have watched the videos and come on here the following day to tell us how you failed miserably to find a game and it completely put you off the whole experience, or you can lie.

    My money say you will lie?

    You could always knee jerk reply straight away and say things like join a training guild(but not your one), try strikes first, or a favourite of mine come back when you've gain experience.


    I don't want raids or strikes to die, it seems like it could be great end game content but if you don't meet the majority of the population half way, they will.




  2. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"MattDu.7123" said:

    > > Didn't the raid community want strikes as a way to encourage more people to raid, increase the player base so they could could justify needing more content. Seems that by making it a closed loop it will end up having the opposite effect.

    > The raiding community did not ask for Strikes.

    > They asked for more raids.


    I'll repeat it because obviously you must of missed it, in your haste to reply. Raids needed a bigger player base and an entry point to help it to grow, so they could could justify needing more content. If you don't have an easy way for new players to join then, your just cutting off your own nose.

  3. Another year and still broken

    I don't mind farming the Kralkatite ore but the Powdered Rose Quartz is mind numbingly boring. I'm averaging between 10 to 20 Quartz per meteor because more often than not I'm the only one that turns up. At 3 meteors an hour, at maximum(20 Quartz) I can make 1 weapon every 8 and a half hour , at that rate I just as well join the army of AFK farmers.

    > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > You know you can buy rose quartz from tp, right?


    Several people have suggested buying it on TP but It works out about 10g per weapon (see join the army of AFK farmers) and secondly isn't that just proving that its broken.

    I actually enjoy farming but needing just under 150 hours to gain **one** of the materials needed to make a full set of Astral weapons is sucking the fun out of the game for me.


    I watched several how to's on Rose Quartz farming and with it fully powered they were averaging 40 Powdered Rose Quartz and 4 Rose Quartz per meteor.

    So can't we just have it fully powered with one Impact Site Marker instead of needing four other people that are not going to turn up?

    I'm not asking for anything extra, just by dropping the 5x power up, we can have the same advantage as those that could access the S4 maps had, when we had to sit them out, until they fixed the server lag.


  4. In a similar vein to Batel.9206. I was in Brisban Wildlands(dailies) fighting a Bandit Executioner that dying became a Legendary Bandit Executioner. In-between trying to kill it, I'm resurrecting anyone that I can get to, when a high level mastery player, was getting upset and telling everyone that they shouldn't wait to be res'ed but should go to a waypoint and return. Obviously he started with a mount or he would of known that you can't get back in without one and if all those inside the bubble die, the event fails.


    There are a **lot of good commanders** that run the HoT maps but in their absence, if they assume they have all veterans, or with the language barrier, new players can quite easily mess up. Back when I started, I'm pretty sure I had no idea what CC was till I arrived at HoT and the jump in difficulty, was enormous before mounts.



  5. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > We don't come here for a level playing field

    And Sorry, I can't let that slide ;) Yes we do, that's why everyone gets upset when they put a pay to win feature into any multiplayer game and the PVP/WvW players want to nerf every profession but their own


    off topic, how do I do the quote bit at the bottom, I like that

  6. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:


    > So, TLDR it may very well be your internet infrastructure is aging and out of date. Call your ISP and see if they can come out and check/replace the lines.


    I can see my fibre cabinet from my house, and my local exchange is a five minute walk away.


    > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Amazon has a Tier 1 backbone; data travels through this, out of this, and then to the AWS servers.

    > It is odd that some players in the same map (same IP address) experience issues while others do not.

    > One would suppose that all players on a faulty map/server/IP address would all experience the issue.


    I have no problems on any of the core maps, HoT, or Season 3. Only on some of season 4, Thunderhead being the worst and on Bjora Marches of the icebrood saga

    I average around 40 ping on all maps. But I can stand still in the keep at Bjora Marches and watch it spike every few minutes above the 400 mark and sometimes over a 1000 and then back to normal. I don't have to move to watch it. With or without the snowstorm.

    It isn't consistent, about one in ten times, I can go there with no problems at all. But when it starts it's unplayable and I have to give up going there that day. If I ask in chat on those instances’ others, but not all, confirm the same problems.


    I'm still here because it's a brilliant game and with the exception of a very small minority a really nice community.


    BTW been to both Bjora and Thunderhead and so far today is a good day.



  7. It maybe my system, I only have a 32gb of ram and a 2080ti, installed on a 860 evo, OS on a seperate 970, etc

    It could be some nefarious program stuffing up my system, not a lot on here to go through I only use it for games ?

    It could be netfix or prime but I don't really watch a lot and I am on my own in the house for 10 hours a day.

    It could be my AX wifi but i don't use it for my main pc, or it could be my wired network. I did run Cat6 all over the house and I use managed switches to reduce any bottlenecks while gaming ??

    My isp is not the best, averages about 66Mb down, tried NordVPN no difference.


    It does run perfect in all the core maps, season 3 and HoT which maybe I'm missing something because if there is something wrong my end, why is it only most of season 4 and Bjora Marches. It has been pointed out that "people complaining about lag while I’m doing the exact same meta as them but experiencing no issues" but obviously from that point of view, if it doesn't happen to all, then it can't be a server problem; logically then, it must happen on all maps, to be mine. You can't have lag only on specific maps if it a connection issue. " If it’s just specific maps then it could very well be a PC issue" are you hinting to me it's time to upgrade because the 3000 series isn't out yet ??


    I think I'm one of the "People with no knowledge about networks, computer hardware, and etc" What am I missing?

  8. I love these posts, it would make my life a lot easier. It's taken me over two years to make two legendary weapons so I agree completely that we should get rid of hearts. Of course we should get rid of POI's as well, it's not like they serve a purpose really and lets be honest vistas are a bit to high without a mount and it's a bit unfair having to **play** the game to get them, just give all mounts out for logging in, and we could make vistas ground level. And now you've pointed it out, masteries and heropoints are too heart-ish to be bothered with.


    Wait I have a brilliant idea get rid of Waypoints as well and make it so you can teleport to anywhere in the game, we don't even need mounts then or vistas or jumping puzzles or monsters just chests, lots of chests with all the hard to get stuff in them.

    On the subject of getting rid of stuff, I'm never going to play raids, because I'm rubbish at them, WvW is a bit repetitive, seriously whats the end game, PvP just no, town on a Friday night when I was younger was a life time worth of that. Chop out all the bits I don't want to do.


    Which brings us back to hearts, you don't want to work to complete the map, and I don't want to work to get legendary anything, so I think it's only fair, if you want to get rid of hearts they should give me........


    You thought I was going to ask for all the legendaries didn't you,well think bigger, I want **God mode**, I want an AI that plays for me and sends me a "_congratulations I'm so proud of you_" text and I want an update on my profile to say finished everything, you are better than all the peasants.


    With nothing left to do and life now meaningless, prepare my cryopod, I need to rest and ready myself for my text on how well I did on the third game.


  9. > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > I think a zone that was a giant underwater city, with different places you had to swim between big areas (at least until you opened waypoints, or maybe the waypoints are contested during certain times or events) would work great. Combination of swimming elements as well as huge underwater structures where the sky or ceiling in places was essentially domes and above that was the sea. You could also make it really claustrophobic in places, maybe making it feel like Mines of Moria, or at least how I remember it feeling when I played it years ago. Those were all huge, underground zones, but they were also quite open in places.


    > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > I think underwater could be cool if they found a way to make the normal above ground physics work. I.e. making you walk on sea level and ground targeted abilities. Or just have the zones be set in some sprawling infested Largos city that's encapsulated by somekind of forcefield that keeps the water out. That could be cool too, and then you could have the surrounding area covered by swimming fish or pitch black with the deep sea dragon's eyes peering at you.


    > I don't know, just throwing things out there. The map artists in this game are pretty exceptional and show and put an amazing amount of detail into their work. I do truly think exploring the whole realistic darker lighting thing could be really fun though.


    > But then I'm also still sad we didn't get the spider mount and probably in a minority that looks creepy things.


    Maybe a mix of these with the swimming section in-between being pitch black except for a choice between a lantern for light or weapons for protection, like the mini-dungeon in Dredgehaunt Cliffs. except if you drop your lantern it will sink into the darkness below. Make tubes, falling rubble and poison water to keep it claustrophobic with the ever present danger of creatures in the darkness. If your swimming down into a hoard it could be a good idea to drop you lantern and keep pace with it, likewise attach a balloon to it for going up.


    **And Kralkatorrik dead-ish**

    For something a bit different and gross how about going into the body of Kralkatorrik. To kill the undead infection that's using the host body to knit themselves together. A final unforeseen byproduct of the essence it absorbed from the death of Zhaitan. Something dead is growing in their from thorns and crystal and the bone of those that get to close.



  10. > @"Mutisija.5017" said:

    > trying to move from place A to place B in any HoT map takes like 5 years off my lifespan. obnoxious to navigate (especially tangled depths. like that place got floor plan of a spaghetti bowl), and stuffed to brim with the most obnoxious enemies ever.


    > in other words i prefer PoF maps.


    First time through I would of said the openness of PoF but after I finished the maps other than on rare occasions for achievements of daily bounties, I never go back. For me there's no big draw.

    Tangled web's navigation when in a hurry and shielded monsters are annoying but I still very often go to Auric Basin and Dragon Stand for the meta runs.

    So in the short term PoF but for replay-ability it's got to be HoT



  11. With Anet seeming to go a bit left field and mixing things up with group stories, strike missions and an incoming tug of war map I thought i'd have a go.


    I'm not sure if either of these would work but here goes.


    **Vertical Maps**

    I would like a Vertical Map, four to five times the height of the JP in siren's landing ; with a piece of land on top smaller than the PVP Lobby, that has a portal gate. And then leap off it like pilot wings on Nintendo or the Flying Circus adventure from Verdant Brink but straight down. Use the floating rocks from Bloodstone Fen, broken Asura gates and the assets from flying circus to populate it. Hidden chests on floating islands, multiple routes and courses, a timer to get down and platforms or pools of water to land on/in. Mounts, gliders and swimming costumes from the diving goggles or a mix of them depending on course and difficulty.


    **Shadow Maps**

    The second one is a way to repopulate some of the existing maps and also giving new places to investigate. This time taking a leaf from Shadowman, Soul Reaver and Shadows: Awakening. Give an existing land a shadow realm, most things in the same places but new monsters and quests. New plants and a higher chance of getting rarer metal and wood. You could have misshaped towers or castles that on your return will need a hasty glider. But your time their is limited. You need to build up a portal by completing a strings of quests before you can you jump over at waypoints to prevent overlapping. By being able to only pass over at specific places but return anywhere you can add to the existing maps but not remove. This could possibly be the Charr lands with a ghost realm, as it looked before it was destroyed??


    They are only fun ideas that will never get made, so tear them apart, improve on the them, tell me they're rubbish. Or share your own idea for a map, hopefully not one where all the doors are Asura height.


    Just passing the time

  12. I think the Charr forges and cattle are contributing to Tyria's global warming and hastening Jormag's melting. They should go green and eat vegetables, probably sylvari, that way you give the vegetables a fighting chance.

  13. > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > I don't like either Ranger option, so I've been core-only for 7 years. I happily solo open-world PvE content with very few dirt-naps.


    With the increasing push towards melee only, the only way to play a ranger at range is with the core only and even then the longbow is only for the PvE open world.


    If they want to show some love for ranged, they could do it in the next expansion with an Elite Specialization that makes use of a longbow/short bow combo . Maybe more damage at range, penalised the closer you are to your target and a new pet, with high health and low damage that can sucks up buffs from other players in an aoe around it and transfers it to you on an F2 pet skill.


  14. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > Take it one step further and have a checkbox that turns off effects from legendary weapons as well, i dont want to go blind whenever someone with nevermore crits.


    > And while at it one for infusions as well, with the option to be just for you, just for all others pr everyone.


    I'd like to turn off or down the sound for **The Dreamer**, it's ok in a large fight but in dungeons it can get very old, very fast.

  15. Before you say anything meta damage wise, I know its very wrong but I play long/short bow and have done since the beginning.

    The Essence drops in Bjora Marches do force me to get closer but for the most part I like to see what i'm doing rather than just standing close and mashing buttons.


  16. > @"Vayne.8563" said:


    > I care full time for a disabled person and sometimes I just have to walk away from the machine suddenly. Why would I want to be part of a group that's in part depending on me.


    > Obviously world bosses work for me, since no one is depending on me as part of a smaller group. Doing group content with my guild is okay because they understand my situation. But it's not a preference. It's not comfortable. And telling me to like it accomplishes nothing.


    I have severe tourettes and very high anxiety which is a major reason that I can't use teamspeak/discord. I can't coordinate with others to know where I'm suppose to be in small group content(big thank you to commanders that put down the symbols). Some may have social anxiety, depression, autism that excludes them from team talk to communicate, which is a major part of RAIDS. I thought '**Seize the Awkward**' was a way of including, not excluding.


    And of course, read any one of dozens of posts over the years of people getting kicked from RAIDS to know that content that breeds elitism doesn't work to include everyone.

    When I was young videos games were for the awkward kids that didn't fit in and couldn't do sport; those that never left their room. Are we coming full circle.


    To follow the story and join in almost all of Guild Wars 2 story doesn't care if you are a Square Block


  17. [https://ibb.co/0KT7QzS](https://ibb.co/0KT7QzS "https://ibb.co/0KT7QzS")

    Upgraded mine for Christmas. Before that mine was closer to Ashantara.8731 I had a worse cpu the 820 but better graphics card the 780gtx. Still ran everything with no problems and the wife has it now. Only upgraded because I tried VR at a friend’s and ended up getting one for myself.


    CPU Intel Core i7-8086K, Noctua NH-D15

    RAM 32GB Corsair DDR4 Vengeance LPX Black, PC4-25600 (3200), CAS 16-18-18-36,

    Motherboard Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd. Z390 AORUS MASTER

    Graphics NVIDIA EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 ULTRA

    Storage 500GB Samsung SSD 970 EVO 500GB (M.2) OS

    1TB Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB (SSD) Main Games

    6TB Western Digital WDC WD6003FZBX-00K5WB0 (SATA) everything else

    1TB Western Digital WDC WD1001FALS-00J7B0 (SATA) downloads

    Audio Sound BlasterX AE-5, audio technica adg1x

    Case Lian li LIAN LI PC-X900B, 140mm Noctua NF-A14 fans,

    Power 1000W Seasonic PRIME ULTRA TITANIUM


    I have it plugged into my old 40" samsung 1080p tv not ideal but I have old eyes that can't see as good as they could, so the bigger the screen the better. Maybe a Samsung Q9FN is in my future.


    The biggest jump I noticed wasn't on this machine, it was when I moved to using an SSD as storage for games on the old machine. All the load times got a hell of a lot shorter, Total War Warhammer 2 shaved up to a whole minute off, between the campaign map and battles.


  18. I was looking forward to visiting the dragon in the southern sea but I dont see that happening even in the next delayed expansion which is likely to be the final of Kralkatorrik and hopefully the beginning of the corruption of Aurene, or even the one after, too many bugs to iron out. So after the tying up of the current story I would like to go north to Jormag.

    It could bring some of the cold mechanics from the Snowblind Fractal, fires for the cold and blizzards. And also expand on some of the monsters and ideas from bitterfrost frontier. Going further north again it could make controlling movement on ice lakes difficult, so you slide and not being able to stay in the same place while on a mount for to long or you will fall into the freezing water ie. move quickly on a mount to avoid death or slow on foot but light enough that you wont go through. Not being able to do kill dismounts when on thin ice will be hard to re-learn, skimmer and beetle being the only exceptions.


    It could introduce new specializations, giving all the professions fire based skills that can do damage but also drop their cold meter, and with the constant cold being a health concern runes with vitality, burning and steal health would be sort after and It would give a reason for wanting to include a druid/elementalist/guardian healer in any group event instead of rolling out the healer only on very specialist occasions.

    Give everything a winter theme, making cosmetic changes to existing skills e.g. rangers barrage will be rain of icicles. New ice/snow skins for armor, weapons and mounts. Snow pets and minitures. Melting ice floor Jumping puzzles, and an evil santa who kills you with kindness, maybe as a world boss would be nice to get a new one.


    And finally for the beetle mounts you could make bobsleigh type tracks with jumps and ice walls that need speed to break through. This would be the excuse anet needs to give us, our own beetle track.


  19. > @"Theocraft.6053" said:

    > > @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    > > Horse to replace Raptor would be nice.


    > I don't see many lunging horses... apart from this = sorry, there are no horses in this universe


    I've seen this mention quite a few times on here that there are no horses in the universe but you can have a pony and it is from the same family.


    Two of the children in beetletun talk about it.


    Victoria: Centaurs ruined my party. I hate them so much.

    Spencer: But didn't you ask for a pony?

    Victoria: Ponies are cute. Centaurs are ugly and mean.



  20. I couldn't go back to a standard button mouse now and wonder how I ever managed with one.


    I have a Naga Trinity, my wife has a G600. We both had the same at one point but i couldn't get on with the logitech, the keys are all at odd angles too each other, presumably so you can identify which is which quicker but i ended up with a sore thumb after a while where it would dig in and when her's eventually dies, she wants a different one if logitech ever brings a new type out. The razers are all flat-ish so running your thumb over them is kinder when you want to play for a few hours.


    My main gripe with the Naga Trinity is not the new Synapse 3 software but that half the razer peripherals wont work with it. If you want to buy a brand new keyboard or keypad to go with it, you have to check first if it is supported, otherwise you will end up with two different programs that are not compatable for any of the lighting etc and with new updates can sometimes conflict with each other.

  21. > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > @"MattDu.7123" said:

    > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > >

    > > > GW2 just encases its players in a comfort-bubble in story- and open-world-content by removing any kind of conflict.

    > >

    > > > In PvP, WvW, raids and fractals, the community can be exponentially more toxic than in other titles.

    > >

    > > > Conflict is very important.

    > >

    > > Just to get the facts right, conflict is important.

    > > PvP, WvW, raids and fractals community can be exponentially more toxic than the comfort-bubble in story- and open-world-content

    > > So we should make the story and open-world-content have more conflict so it can be toxic as well.

    > >

    > > Even it out so everyone has to share in the misery. Thanks, but no thanks



    > Sorry, but that's just nonsense


    I just quoted what you said.


    The games been running along quite happily like this for the last 6 years. Just because WoW is doing it doesn't mean we have to, or we would all be playing that game instead.

    You seem to spend a lot of time worrying what everyone else is doing, and that the top players should be rewarded the most. Which seems to be great for those that want to play competitively but this ideology can't be translated to the open world content.

    The games revenue comes from the gem store. The people that buy from the store are the ones keeping it alive. They sell brooms and musical instruments, that's got to give you some clue to how relaxed the people are that come here. And the rest can go play PvP or WvW, isn't that what its for.





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