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Posts posted by Dirame.8521

  1. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > I hate how these balance patch notes always drop while I'm in the middle of fibro fog. It's hard to have sound judgement when you can't remember where you are for half the time. So far, I really don't like these changes. I'll highlight a few of them.


    > >Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration.


    > This poorly written change right here has killed power holosmith. Out of curiosity, I decided to see how long it took once blowing up before you could activate forge again. It is 16 seconds. That's how long it takes. No grenade barrage. No Toss Elixir S. No Surprise Shot. No Blade Burst. No Prismatic Singularity. All of the extra damage and defenses of the toolbelt skills gone for 16 seconds.



    In PvE, I can understand that but in PvP, that change shouldn't be a problem. Regardless of whether this change was there or not, the last thing you want to do is overload because Shockwave is on such a short cooldown that it is beneficial for you NOT to overload.


    > >Scrapper—Function Gyro: While scrapper specialization is equipped, this skill now occupies the F5 slot. Recharge has been increased to 30 seconds. This skill trait is now ground targeted at a range of 600 and creates a lightning field at the target point with a radius of 180. Within this radius, it spawns up to 6 function gyros targeting up to 3 enemies and/or 3 allies. Enemies are finished while allies are revived. This skill's recharge is increased by 50% for each function gyro spawned beyond the first.


    > This is a nerf disguised as a buff. For anyone referencing this in the future, currently Function Gyro is a *900* range skill with a *10 second recharge* that rezzes *whatever you target.* The ability to rez or finish multiple people at once is rarely going to come into play. First, the range is incredibly small, so the chances that multiple people will be downed in one spot is pretty low. Second, this change isn't significantly stronger, because either rezzing one player in that area or downing one enemy will have nearly the same affect as doing both simultaneously. Your friend stands up, finishes the bad guy, and you both walk away. The lightning field is just fluff; there's no use that the downed have for a lightning field.


    The lightning field when combined with leap skills cause daze. At the right time, at the right moment in a PvP match YES, a .25s daze can make a difference. Trust me, you should see some of the clutch moments I have had the pleasure of recording, it is incredible how close some moments are.



    > >Damage Dampener: This new trait causes 20% of all damage dealt to you to be dealt after a 2-second delay from the initial strike. In PvE only, the damage delay is increased to 33%.


    >Anet has invented a trait who's sole function is to be annoying. This provides NO STATISTICAL ADVANTAGE! YOU'RE STILL TAKING THE SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE! I'm assuming that this trait exists for people who are bad at barrier, so they can slather some on their bodies and negate 20% of the big hit they just ate. So, instead of using barrier preemptively, you can use barriers reactively at 20% effectiveness.

    This trait is utterly terrible.


    This may actually prove to be the strongest trait especially against burst classes. Especially if backstab D/P thieves come back. Being able to react and heal or even block damage because it takes a 2 second delay to ALL hit you?... come on man. Why are you hating on everything?


    > Maintaining all 3 is impossible. Superspeed isn't a boon, so it only lasts for short bursts. You'll get a single swing of the auto attack before this wears off. Stability is a bit easier, but because it stacks in intensity, you'll only get minor buffs for a very short amount of time. Ironically, holosmith scrapper is also pretty bad at giving itself swiftness. This is here to replace perfectly weighted, which gave a 10% boost overall to all hammer skills. Instead, we get an inconsistent 5% buff that occasionally raises to 10% if the planets align. It's... pretty bad overall, but nonetheless will be taken because the other traits in this line are 100% useless, and 50% useless.


    Why do you seem to be intentionally difficult? Sure you can maintain all 3 if you really wanted to. Combine all the leap finishers/blast finishers and you technically have near infinite superspeed then just take 1 trait in tools with a kit and you definitely have infinite swiftness and take one trait in Firearms and you got near infinite stab. GG




  2. > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > > @"Ivantreil.3092" said:

    > > > @"Naxos.2503" said:

    > > > As a main condi holo, this balance patch will be particularly bitter to swallow. I cant for the life of me understand why they'd prevent us from using Toolbelt, when it's essentially our way to bridge cooldowns on a class that cannot switch to another weapon, and has very ineffective kits. Change Grenade kit to a normal projectile skill instead of a ground target skill if you're going to ruin rotations like that... What are holos supposed to use for 20 seconds during overheat once all their weapon skills hit cooldown ?

    > >

    > > Guess it's time to devolve to the core version? Yikes

    > >


    > Perish the thought. It would be a sad outcome, Holo has a few rather good Burn skills that supplement core condi really well. I'd hate to leave behind a spec I grew to love, but I will if it comes to that, as I'm sure many others will.


    What condi Holo Build are you running that makes you overheat 100% of the time?


    I would think you'd want to avoid overheating at ALL TIMES unless you were trying to go all in for a win....?


    Personally, the changes are interesting. I can't speak to how bad or good they are until I test it. I have learned to manage my heat when using Holo now so the overheat change doesn't bother me (and I use ECSU trait as well). The Scrapper change makes me think there will be only one major way of playing bunker Scrapper if they do not allow condi damage to tick up the Barrier count.


    I'm taking the wait and see approach.


  3. So after running some tests in PvP, I've found that Daggerstorm is a good elite for this build as well. 4s Evade whilst cleaving a downed body because you can't stomp is such a life saver, you wouldn't believe.


    Also Shortbow is pretty good (especially in a team with other condition classes) for getting rezzes and getting stomps since Poison cloud is unblockable and the daze is also unblockable. Use Rifle for novelty and surprise burst damage to take a target down fast and for stealth escapes.

  4. > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > rune of sanctuary doesnt work with everything

    > > rune of earth was nerfed because it was hands down best rune of personal sustain, now rune choice is more divers so i'd keep it like this


    > Rune choices? Diverse? Where? People still run the same set of runes once earth got nerfed. More than half of the runes are garbage, and the rest are barely functional because of the sole fact they fill in a particular role where the class can't cover it themselves.


    > The only runes that are decent:

    > Strength

    > Hoelbrak

    > Traveler

    > Scholar

    > Scavenger

    > Monk

    > Balthazar

    > Leadership


    > Ah man, such diversity when you break the classes down further between power, condi, and support/tank.


    Rune choice depends on the spec. Some specs use the more niche runes to pull off some interesting builds. Don't speak in such general terms.

  5. > @"Jumpel.3972" said:

    > Dagger Storm is op ! ;)


    > Really nice gameplay btw


    > Core thief is good but for me it's a shame that deadeye and daredevil can't stand in spvp like core



  6. Can't play Ele for the life of me. I tried but I think I need to spend more time with them. I actually feel if I do, I might end up loving them too much hehehehe. Good Eles are soooooo cooool in pvp.


    Also I don't play professions, I play builds. I cannot play S/D thief if you give me their build but I can play P/D condi Deadeye any day of the week. I can play builds that I make because I know the ins and outs of the build but give me someone else's build and I'm just like a person without bones. I just flop all over the placed.

  7. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > @"saerni.2584" said:


    > > I’m not going to just post my build because I think there is more than one way to condi / hybrid DE. But I do want to give accurate feedback and encourage innovation at the same time.


    > > @"Jack Redline.5379"


    > And i never got that one from anyone.

    > Which is imo quite sad

    I remember when I made a build for Core Necro and I posted a video of me winning 1v1s against Dragonhunters when they were really tough to beat and all the comments were "you were just fighting noobs". I had proof of it working and yet they still didn't want to try it out to see for themselves. Don't worry mate, people can be hilarious. Thank God for people like Saerni and Babazhook though. Constructive discussions are always more pleasurable than ego bashing.

  8. > @"babazhook.6805" said:

    > > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > How often are you able to reapply confusion? Outside of resetting Mark and getting a few extra seconds of 3 stacks, I don’t see this doing much damage.


    > In fact you can get a lot of damage in with that Confusion in a short periof of time. Now this WvW but it IS 6 stacks and if you in Trailblazer that is 6 stacks for 4.5 seconds. Now you likely getting less duration in PvP but here is what I found with those short duration Confusions in WvW. You can count on 2 if not three procs due to actions before the enemy tries to not use his skills so as to let the Confusion expire. This can result in 5K damage quite easily but more important then that it can shut an enemy down from doing anything for a period of time. These few seconds can allow you breathing space.


    > The real power 0f it however is on a Mercy reset coupled with your steal and in particular against Engineer/Necro. In a vacuum the Confusion would not seem to do that much damage but when you add on bleed stacks/vuln stacks and poison off the steal the damage is very significant.


    > I was trying this over a period of time against builds with high cleanses I usually have issues with. I found the Steal with BA added gave a significant advantage over no BA in the build from a damage POV. After those steals the enemy health would plummet to the danger zone. Without the BA in order to get those enemies to the same danger zone required more time and work. With BA you generaly have lead attacks ticking as well at full 15 percent damage add.


    I felt this might be the case especially when you're a thief buzzing in someone's face. They tend to freak out and just unleash skills sometimes and that drops them faster than they realize.


    The reason why I'm iffy about it and why I would even consider using Deadly Arts is because I've found that the poison damage coupled with might stacking is just deadly.... And there is potential spamming of Mug which speeds up the damage even more as well.... something to think about maybe...

  9. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > @"Dirame.8521" said:

    > > I don't know if you guys @"dDuff.3860" @"saerni.2584" have tried something like this http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAsYUn0MBNNh1FDOGD0PhFsCjfP2HTkeZgLw0pLAEdKAA-jpBHQBfc/BAcEAE3hAAhnAgA8AAwXZAA before. I was wondering if Trickery with confusion spam and Boon Steal spam would be better or Deadly Arts with Mug and poison spam......

    > >

    > > I know I have the weirdest choices for utility but just ignore that and focus on the traits.


    > Confusion is not viable because the duration is low and limited to landing Mark. That won’t help you get kills. The torment on evade and poison for supplemental damage and utility (-33% heal) will probably be better.


    I see your point about the utility of poison but don't you think re-application uptime of confusion makes it viable as well?

  10. @"dDuff.3860"

    So after watching a bit of your P/d play, yea your build has a good amount of condi removal and that definitely helps your survivability but when it comes to turning people into mush before they realize what's happening, the other set-up does it better. If you can stomach going without shadowstep for a game and using some noob skills like Scorp Wire and BiSh, and running the full set-up I suggested, you may see what I mean. Just make sure you read the rotation in my guide there to see how I learned to pull it off.

  11. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > I’ll comment on the M7 vs not debate:


    > When I build malice I worry about (1) consistency and (2) usability.


    > Consistency is self explanatory. Usability means being able to easily take advantage of the mechanics involved.


    > In my build I wait to use stolen skills until I hear the ping that lets me know malice is at 5. That lets me focus on my opponent and their animations.


    > When you add M7 into the mix that ping happens later than the minimum required malice for stolen skills to grant stealth. This means I may use the stolen skill early for defensive purposes and have it not grant stealth because of an unlucky hit which didn’t crit.


    > It also means, unless I build for haste in my utilities, that the attacks needed to build up malice happen over a longer time frame both in terms of absolute # of attacks and time to cast them. In PvP this can be a big difference which opens you up to counter attack while you try to build up to full malice.


    > Basically, I find M7 to be less damage than Be Quick and less safe.


    > I’ll note that you can use sigils in WvW and PvE which grant haste on interrupt. This, on a 20 second cooldown and with a haste utility might make using M7 in those contexts better, depending on play style. In PvP where those sigils aren’t available your options are more limited.


    For me i don't pay attention to it that deeply. I prefer M7 for certain situations, like for mobility (near infinite swiftness) and surviviability (near infinite vigor). If it hit, it hits (and it usually hits) but would rather have Fire for Effect to really ramp up the might-stacks quickly so that all my conditions hit hard and hit hard FAST.

  12. > @"dDuff.3860" said:

    > Ok, let me comment your choices.


    > First of all, taking MS7 and Carrion amulet is out of any logic, even with Wizard amulet your ini pool won't be enough to stack 7 malice, thus making trait choice useless. Add here One in the Chamber, and I guarantee you won't get a single MS7 proc.


    I don't make guides without testing my builds first on actual players so you're wrong about me not proccing MS7.



    > Second, even with the slightest power stat (and esp with carrion) you want to take mug, this is all great trait for dealing hybrid damage and sustaining yourself. Utilizing renewing gaze you can actually do a lot of self healing off clones, turrets, pets, etc.


    You're right about the healing, I just preferred the extra option of a trap in the build for cool combos. That aside, I am not trying to make a hybrid specc. If it was hybrid the topic would be Hybrid P/D Deadeye. This is pure Condi with direct damage options for speeding up the win.


    > Third, Scorpion's wire? Binding shadow? Both abilities are indicator of a "noob build". While I can agree on binding shadow bringing value, it is still a very bad skill, amount of random dodges and blocks, etc, make it hit with only 50% chance (roughly).


    Please never call anything definitively 'noob', if it is in your opinion, then cool. But if you think it is universal fact then, we'll just have to disagree on that.


    > And BS is used for bursting, I doubt you can burst with Carrion. This makes this ability not worth spending utility slot on. Shadowstep is an ability you take for ANY thief build if you want to succeed.


    Shadowstep is great and all but in the fights I have had all I needed was stealth and Rifle 4#


    > Here you look for a good P/d DE build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAqYUn0MBNGjFOBmOBUGjFYCzLNcGGR8Hzm51ULBEAKAA-jpxBQBY4QAIujAwHPBAA4BAA0yApY/BA


    > You can check my twitch vods for P/d gameplay and the build itself. It is fun, but less optimal compared to power builds.


    I'll take a look at your vids when I get the chance.


    This would've been easier if I made videos but I don't anymore so my word would have to be enough.


    dDuff, you underestimate the power of good consistent CC which is why you think Scorp Wire and BiSh are weak. In any case it seems there are quite a few good builds for Deadeye Condi which is nice to see.

  13. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > @"Dirame.8521" said:

    > > > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > > Not sure what you mean by wind up. The damage through condi and otherwise is pretty quick.

    > > >

    > > > That said, good luck doing what you need to do outside of the game. Life comes first after all.

    > >

    > > Okay, what weapons do you use?

    > >

    > > And yea, thanks for the well wishes. The future of lovely people are at stake so got to put my head down.


    > P/D and Shortbow for offhand


    Alright. I also didn't mention what I meant by 'wind up'; like having to stack enough torment and poison to hit hard or not really bursting a person down but having more sustained damage pressure. That's what your build seems like it can do well. Surviving whilst also having good sustained damage.

  14. > @"Silinsar.6298" said:

    > > @"coro.3176" said:

    > > AED just doesn't work vs *good* opponents unless you can guarantee you will get the death trigger.


    > Any high DPS spec that has a little stab or range against shocking aura still might just want to attack it. It's not like Glint Rev heal. The window is 5sec and the additional heal is 8k. If you wait 5sec you're granting your enemy 5sec of semi-invulnerability. All you need to do to make the extra heal not worth it is 8k damage (while the AED user, to some extent, will be trying to trigger it), if you apply soft and/or hard CC as well the engi has more problems than he'd have if you stopped attacking. Especially if he expects to get a 5sec breather.

    > Voluntarily eating _a bit_ more damage to secure a proc can go wrong easily. Say you're willing to take just ~3k damage in the first place to get the additional heal, but the enemy crits a bit more / harder than expected, then the HPS drops fast and you're better off taking HT again. AED is only good for the burst of healing you need to survive a short and not very frequent period of focus fire that ends fast and if that's all you need to finish off an enemy (or a support keeps your HP up vs lower constant pressure). In my experience, as soon as you get/need to use AED a second time in a fight it'd have probably been better to not pick it. Med pack and Egun 5 make it a bit less problematic but AED's still hard to make really good use of.


    Extra burst you say that just may hit you too hard? That's where Rune of Sanc comes in. You get your money's worth from it when you use A.E.D. and it procs it'll eat up the damage you speak of.


    Shocking Aura stops most people in their tracks. I don't win all the time but in a 1v1, I have a good chance of winning due to the set-up.

  15. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > Not sure what you mean by wind up. The damage through condi and otherwise is pretty quick.


    > That said, good luck doing what you need to do outside of the game. Life comes first after all.


    Okay, what weapons do you use?


    And yea, thanks for the well wishes. The future of lovely people are at stake so got to put my head down.

  16. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > I can’t do GW2Skills that well on my phone so I’ll summarize my current build:


    > CS/SA/DE. I get might and bonus ferocity and perma Fury from CS as well as bonus damage for Pistol. In SA I get condi cleanse, stealth on Mark and Boonrip on Stealth attacks. DE I get extra stolen skills per cantrip, Cooldown reduction on kill and use Be Quick for extra precision and power with quickness.


    > Hide in Shadows, Shadowstep, Shadow Gust, Binding Shadows and Shadow Meld.


    > Bonus damage sigils per condi and 5%on impaired foes.


    > I need to play somewhat carefully because I lack extra stunbreaks (can use Mercy in place of Shadow Gust) and I don’t have that much initiative compared to a Trickery build. But I drop tons of bleed and torment and reapply it often.


    > It is a hybrid build so you can certainly try bringing it more into a condi direction.


    I'd like to try out your set-up but I can't unfortunately. My access to GW2 has been cut for the forseeable future. I finished testing my build out and just made the guide as a sort of "farewell GW2, here's another crazy build from me before i disappear forever" and what not.


    That said, I feel your build may have a bit of a wind-up whilst mine just bursts condis. You might think I'm exaggerating because it seems impossible based on staring at the set-up on a screen but the thing is, I was surprised as well. The damage on this is just stupid for a condi spec. The only people that can handle it for a short time are Condi cleanse classes and Stealth heavy classes (so far). Everyone else I've fought just gets deleted before they realize what's happening.

  17. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > I mean I do want to encourage him. I don’t think condi Deadeye is bad as such.


    > I do think you get a lot out of going for more crit and trying to build malice like a power DE.


    > This means, using CS and the stolen skills for extra stealth rather than building might. Note the stolen skills only give you might under FfE if they hit. The stolen skill always gives you stealth at higher malice.


    > The metabuild version here has a mention of using M7. With no crit you won’t regularly get that on a target that dodges and avoids even one or two attacks.


    > I’m not going to just post my build because I think there is more than one way to condi / hybrid DE. But I do want to give accurate feedback and encourage innovation at the same time.


    > @"Dirame.8521"

    > @"Jack Redline.5379"


    Saerni, I hear you. You can run Wizard Amulet with this build and run Rune of Warrior for higher health stats with faster weapon swap so you can switch to escape mode much quicker.

    After extensive testing though, I felt I wanted the higher health from Carrion and instant crit from intelligence because the rotation I've gone for alleviates the issues you mention (i think, because i never felt any issues with gaining Malice stacks). And please let me see your build just to compare and contrast. And yea you are right people tend to random dodge when I stealth, which is funny. and that messes your combo up. That said though, when it works, it works well. It's all about timing.

  18. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > @"Dirame.8521" said:


    > >** Amazing analysis but I beg you, try the build first and then come back.**


    > You see that sentence? ^

    > Yea that one

    > That is the sentence where you screwed up bad and there is no way back now

    > You tried

    > Just keep your build and dont bother when ppl are gonna get salty


    Haha, don't worry. I've made lots of builds in my time in this game, I know the drill but @"saerni.2584" seems quite genuine as you said so, I'm hoping he takes me up on the offer.


    I've tried this specc with condi removal, without condi removal. I could easily put Condi removal on my Elite use and Condi removal on heal with Malicious Restoration or Hide in Shadows. I could throw in Condi removal on hit for good measure too. I've just chose not to at the time of testing because i really wanted the novelty of being able to stealth after using withdraw with the trapper runes.

  19. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > There’s a few issues with this build.


    > Basically you are a DE but your amulet and rune have no crit so you don’t build malice very well. You also have very little crit from your trait choices.


    > You also have a rifle which won’t help you very much because rifle isn’t a condi set. You don’t have very much condi burst built in because you mostly rely on Mark with Mercy to reset.


    > You also don’t have much in the way of condi cleanse. Swapping to rifle or using a different heal are your only options.


    Amazing analysis but I beg you, try the build first and then come back. Read the guide to get roughly how I play it, and what I swap out and when. But play the build first and then you'll see why I've bravely posted it up.

  20. > @"coro.3176" said:

    > AED just doesn't work vs *good* opponents unless you can guarantee you will get the death trigger.


    > In a 1v1, a competent player will see & hear AED pop, watch your status bar until the buff is gone, then kill you. For some perspective, I have literally never lost a duel vs another (non-holosmith) engi using AED as their heal. I exploit this window mercilessly. As soon as I hear the sound effect I know I'm going to win the fight. *AND I play condi. A power user would have an even easier time holding their damage. If your opponent knows how to play around it, it's like you're not running a heal at all.


    > So one way to get around this is to only fight in teamfights where it is unlikely that *all* the players can hold their damage and not kill you.


    > .. but then you run into another problem: you're playing condi. Condi engi is utter garbage in pvp, especially in teamfights. Trust me. I have lots of experience with it.. Your best case scenario is to land a huge melee range condi burst and some cover that will kill your opponents over the span of ~10s assuming they don't cleanse.


    > .. but they do cleanse. They cleanse a lot.


    > You're fighting an uphill battle when your opponents can delete you in 1-2s of solid burst, but even in the best case, you need to wait up to 10, and in the worst case, you're unable to stick any damage thanks to some support class being nearby, or some opponent running a build that just happens to cleanse 2 conditions every time they use a skill.


    I've played different versions of that specc since before HoT. If I had the leeway to do it, I would say come let's 1v1 in-game so I can show you how it works but I don't have that leeway anymore so I can't do that. You'll just have to take my word for it. Smart plays can win those fights.


    The spec is built in such a way to maximize defense so burst isn't a problem. You've got more defense that the average player whilst running Rabid. Cleansing isn't a problem either, because you've got more cleansing than the average player. On top of that, reapplication time is pretty short if you know how to use the FT/EG combination. When you play it, you feel tanky and the different procs of barrier help a lot.


    That said, you can run Healing Turret with it. Build will still fair well. It just won't be the Comeback King anymore, hehehe. The key, I've learnt, is never to run away from my opponent when I'm low, I just barrel into them full steam ahead and keep wailing. Especially when it's a close fight, people will either retreat, allowing you to use Med Pack Drop to go back to full health anyway or they try to keep fighting you, which helps you reset your health anyway.

  21. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Dirame.8521" said:

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAqenEIDlIj9ZBWWBsehF2CD8DtBCAhLlZTspvNGHvjA-jJRMQBs7EAUxyAN7BAAg9HAA

    > >

    > > From further testing, the build has been updated to deal more consistent damage, deals with condis a lot better, has a lot better survivability vs all things and has a slightly new playstyle as well which is based on maintaining 50 heat as much as possible in order to always gain the benefit of the extra cleanse and heal from Coolant Blast.

    > >

    > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > > @"Dirame.8521" said:

    > > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > > > > Bunny thumper uses hammers and were rangers.

    > > > >

    > > > > Too bad they don't have hammers yet .

    > > >

    > > > Not so soon lol u rangers will have a summoner first lol, still if Anet make ranger hammer based on close KD with the actual block dodge defense ranger , m8 outcome a decent class actually and a decent shutdowner.

    > >

    > > If only.



    > Don’t the summoners charr warrant in por use hammers???


    I don't know. I actually haven't played the PvE for a while now.

  22. I made a Condi Deadeye! It uses Rifle for mobility and a tiny bit of burst and P/D for condi burst. It was fun to play and I beat a few Holos (even Prot Holos) and Mirages along the way. Made me happy. Read the guide, give it a shot and tell us if you find it as powerful as I found it to be.







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