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Everything posted by Chichimec.9364

  1. Dear Anet, change the way everyone plays the game because I don't like waiting for my slow friends. No, I don't think I'm being selfish. Gosh, why would you even think such a thing?
  2. At age 71 with a number of health issues, I am very much one of the older, slower players in the game. While I've played every class and most of the elite specializations, the two most durable classes for me are a necromancer reaper and a revenant running as either a renegade or a herald. My rev is equipped with marauder gear and is often still standing when those around me are going down, in spite of my slow, clumsy play. My reaper runs with a full set of minions and is equipped with berserker gear. Again, it is a very durable build even in advanced gameplay like PvP and Fractals, as well as on the various level 80 maps. Something else that I really like about both these builds is that their combat mechanics can be very simple. Some builds can require very specific, and sometimes intricate, sequences of moves to be most effective. Indeed, the necro and the rev both have such builds one can use. For me though, I like the combat mechanics to be as simple as possible and these two builds can be played that way. As for the state of the game, I've been playing the game for more than three years now and am still logging in every day and having fun. Over the course of those three years there's been a steady stream of folks coming on the forum here moaning about how the game is dying. Well, the game is still going strong. My guild is going strong and growing all the time with new folks coming in. I'm on pve maps all the time ranging from beginner maps to HoT and PoF maps and those maps are usually well populated. I regularly play WvW (with my rev) and PvP (with my necro) and both of those game modes are still well populated and going strong. So the game looks good to me.
  3. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > Not every festival appeals to every player... That. Exactly that. Some festivals I like and I do them a lot. Others I do a little bit in. Some I just skip entirely. None of that has any real effect on how I play the rest of the game. Right now I'm working on my third piece of legendary armor in WvW and am working with several guildies on getting our skyscales. Our guild will be holding our own Wintersday event this coming weekend. I've been doing strikes, learning PvP and even messing around a bit with low level fractals. Earlier this month I got my first third year birthday present. Three years I've been playing this game now and if I don't like or don't understand a festival activity, I just skip it and play the stuff I do enjoy. No big deal.
  4. > @"Danikat.8537" said: > Is that the store on the website? If so have you tried a different browser? It seems fine to me in Firefox but I know different browsers can have issues with different web pages. I just tried it in the Microsoft Edge browser and it worked just fine there too.
  5. Hmm, I have three designated crafters and I've never noticed it being a big deal to switch to one of them or switch between them when I need to craft something. If we were to do a poll on where Anet should focus developer resources, this would be so far down the list for me that it would never get my vote. My #1 development priority would be the Legendary Armory. My 2nd would be Alliances or whatever it is that will allow a guild to do WvW together, no matter which servers their members may be on. As for crafting, allowing us to keep all the tabs closed when starting to craft until we open them ourselves would rank much higher for me than being able to craft with all my alts. That's just me though. Your mileage and voting preferences may vary.
  6. Three guildmates and I played several unranked PvP sessions earlier today and had great fun.
  7. > @"Donari.5237" said: > ...You can get mastery experience from nomming casino coins, I believe -- I didn't even think of this when I was working on skimmer diving, despite having a plethora of them available, and I face-palmed rather hard. Also some of the heart vendors sell mount-specific treats you can consume daily for a burst of xp; get on the correct mount, eat the relevant treat, rejoice... Thanks for the reminders. Though I have to say I didn't mind getting the mastery points or the experience. I did a lot of both with some guildmates and the group chatting away with each other in Discord made it more like a party than a grind. Plus, it was actually playing the game and I like this game. :)
  8. Hmm, just got my underwater skimmer earlier this week. Needed 6 more mastery points to train it and got those in one afternoon spent on PoF maps. Now I'm working on the experience to able to use those mp and that's taking a bit longer. Can I buy experience on the Trading Post? (That was a sarcastic question, folks. Yes I know about exp boosters. :) )
  9. The first mmo I ever played was [urban Dead](http://www.urbandead.com/) when it came out in 2005. You only got a fixed amount of movement points every day, 70 or something like that. Once you moved that many squares, that was it, you couldn't move any further. The game is still online. Go take a look at it at that link. Believe it or not, I ended up playing that game for something like a year and a half. Not because of the game itself but because of the community that grew up around it. My faction, The Malton Fire Department, had it's own forum where we created our own metagame world. The intriguing part of that game wasn't what the developers gave us but what we the players did with it. As for GW 2, this December 2 I'll be getting my first 3rd year birthday present. What's been keeping me playing it for three years now? Unlike Urban Dead, part of it is the game itself. I'm working on my third piece of legendary armor in WvW. Unlike the op, I have no problem racking up the pips there. If nothing else is happening, I'll solo roam the WvW maps taking out every target of opportunity I can find. Sometimes I'll fall in with a small pug and we'll rampage across a map together. When a big zerg is running, I'll follow the commander tag and fight in massive, sometimes epic, battles. WvW isn't the only thing I play though. A good part of today I spent working on PoF mastery points so I could train my skimmer to swim underwater. Got the last needed mp late today. Now I just need enough PoF experience to finish that track, then I can finally train the critter. It's not just the game itself though. I'm in a guild now that really feels like home to me. Last night I helped out on a guild hp train for folks who needed HoT hero points. The night before I took a couple of guildies on a run through the Crystal Oasis and Desert Highlands hero points when they needed them. Before the HoT hp train last night, the whole guild got together for the guild missions, which are always fun doing together as a group. One guild member leads a PvP training group and another leads a fractal training group. I've never really done either mode before but again, it's fun doing them with a group of guildies, so I'm just starting 2 whole new game modes. Personally, I really don't like the GW2 stories. They seem like long, boring slugfests a lot of the time. I only do them if I need to in order to unlock something I want. The whole Icebrood Saga has been an epic failure for me. (If you like it, I'm glad for you. It just doesn't do much for me.) Still, there's more than enough in the game and in my guild community to keep me involved and I very much appreciate that.
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