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Posts posted by TwinFrozr.6214

  1. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > > @"Glass Hand.7306" said:

    > > I cannot see how anyone can start playing GW2 unless they know somebody who can give them a working .dat file.


    > You don't need someone else's file, you need to use "-assetsrv origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com" to force it to download from the main server. The problem is with the CDN servers - some have incomplete caches / corrupted files.


    > It is surprising that they haven't said anything after a month, and considering they haven't simply purged the cache, they're either unaware or it's an even bigger problem. If they do nothing, this problem will persist for another month (the cache will eventually expire), but it could also happen again.


    Thanks for this as well! Finally past 246,986 files after 7 hours of waiting. The fixed IP solution just threw back connection errors.

  2. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > Strange that the two above would post in this thread after a year (or more). I wonder why this transpired? Nevertheless, I find this amusing considering the topic of the thread.


    > @"TwinFrozr.6214"

    > @"Ben K.6238"


    > D:

    Thanks for the question :)


    So our conclusion is, if the thread hasn't been active in one full year, the poll becomes invalid and the issue is solved automatically? That's just Reddit mentality. I prefer threads left untouched, whether or not it's written this or that long ago (to a limit of course; if it's about outdated builds, bugs, sales etc, then there's a legitimate reason for trashing them... but not for a poll that's eternally relevant to any functional forum in existence).


    Three posts ago, I got warned for "bumping" a thread which was still highly relevant to me. Since I don't want to leave the forum, I searched it in hope to improve myself and prevent this from happening again. This thread showed up, and I felt just as obliged as you to share my opinion (which, realistically, should not be less valid because of my reply taking longer time than yours).


    Besides that, I've actively stayed out of this forum over the last 2-3 years, to avoid posting because of earlier experiences. That's why I failed noticing and replying to this topic until today.

  3. I have completed 8 legendaries for somewhat different reasons, sorted by time of completion:


    1. The Dreamer: Couldn't afford Dusk for Twilight, and liked the rainbow finisher on gemstore. Dreamer it went, for its looks.

    2. Frenzy: Still couldn't afford Dusk, and did quite a lot of fractals requiring infusion slots. Since Frenzy was the cheapest legendary out there, with an equally cheap precursor, it became the decision thanks to the 5 AP.

    3. Twilight: Dream leggy from the start. Pure looks there.

    4. Sunrise: Dawn dropped from the toilet. Completed it to finish...

    5. ... Eternity. Not only for looks, but for completing legendary collection (25 AP).

    6. Kamohoali'i Kotaki: Got Carcharias drop in fractals, sold it. Somewhat drunk the other week, regretted that decision badly. Bought another Carcharias off TP and completed it. Quite an impulse thing honestly.

    7. Incinerator: For the extra AP, at the cost of gold, this was the first one intended to be crafted. There were also a remote desire of Twice-Told Legend to it. Nevertheless, I turned out to slack with collections so much that I after 2 years decided to give up. Got Spark off TP, and completed Incinerator.

    8. Incinerator: The first Incinerator finally threw a motivational spark into the "old" Spark collection. Purely for 25 AP and Twice-Told Legend.


    Working on:

    * Kudzu: Mainly for cosmetical reasons; always loved that natural look on a natural looking Ranger. However, in no small part also because of Hidden Garden.

    * WvW, PvP, and fractal backs: All of them for raid stat swapability and collections - only Ad Infinitum for looks.

    * Legendary armor: mainly for stat swapability.

  4. Of course not! If the thread is still relevant, which it obviously is to anyone searching for, reading and replying to it, no matter if it's a minute or 10 years later; it should still be open for new replies. I don't get the point of posting new threads of the same topic over and over again (which in the end lead to more mod work, as they have to be merged together anyway) :anguished:

  5. More GW2, and even more GW2 above GW3, 4, 5 and 6. It would be sad to waste 7,200 hours (10 months) of 24/7 playing just to start over from zero again. (And again... and again :anguished: )


    For this reason, I don't play any other MMO except Trackmania.

  6. > @"Ravij.9856" said:

    > Doing so would cause them to lose profits on the number of people who buy infinite tools.


    > Personally I'd like to be able to share infinite tool skins. There are sometimes I like the look of the bone pick and tireless minion infinite gathering tools.. but due to also needing unbound magic, I'm constantly using the Unbound magic gathering tools. Let us change the animation Anet!


    Just like they lost profit on the number of people that used to buy Copper- and Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matics for every character, before we had shared inventory slots... I personally threw away seven Copper-Fed ones after the shared slots were released (total cost 5,600 gems). I'd pay 5,000 gems for shared gathering tool slots, nemas problemas, and I know this will happen sooner or later due to all the returning vets. It's a massive discount over the 27,000 gems for all professions (I have 8 sets of them).

  7. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > So...., EOTM isn't server based. So those 'green' servers would include any server that is green in their EU matchup for you.


    > So the chance of them all being German are quite small.

    Yep, that's exactly what I said. If Kodash allied with German servers before, and now also ally with non-German servers; they might consider alliances with any server just to win, not only German ones. I played on SFR until yesterday and then it was them vs. Kodash (red) vs. Vabbi (green), and the impacts of potential alliances are obvious in EotM.


    > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

    > > Yep, I've nightcapped **EotM** for a while and also noticed this. Green and red scout each others keep, and exchange bait characters to pull into full-size blobs of the other enemy team.

    > I noticed that you don't understand game mechanics.

    Game mechanics? How is that even relevant to my reply? And what's your point of highlighting EotM?


    > > @"TwinFrozr.6214" said:

    > > The only bs is that Germans only ally with Germans. Kodash is red this week and happily cooperate with the greens. It's even more obvious Kodash' team is the underdog, since they for some reason never cap green fortress.

    > We are cooperating with Vaabi?


    > What did you smoke?

    In EotM, yes. Since you apparently don't understand game mechanics, Vabbi and Kodash (and several more green and red servers) isn't the same server, and therefore not the same color. This makes it weird that none of these fight each other, but only focus on the blue team. If the tendency is there while even fighting upscaled karma trains, that do whatever it takes to actually avoid fights, there's nothing more to be questioned; let alone think their enemy alliances to make up for their own weaknesses have anything to do with "game mechanics" :lol:

  8. > @"IceTcK.4358" said:

    > Is it just me or did anyone notice the german servers allliances in WvW? Each time i was linked agaisnt 2 german servers, those servers were focusing on the 3rd server. They mostly flipped camps between them nothing more. They just taking turns into flipping home border land or EB. Whats your opinion?


    Yep, I've nightcapped EotM for a while and also noticed this. Green and red scout each others keep, and exchange bait characters to pull into full-size blobs of the other enemy team.


    > @"Juidodin.5829" said:

    > complete bs... last week it was abbadon/dzago (german) vs kodash (german) vs jademeer (french)... when ever a abba/dzago showed up.. kodash and jade immediatly stopped fighting each other to kill the abba/dzago first.

    The only bs is that Germans only ally with Germans. Kodash is red this week and happily cooperate with the greens. It's even more obvious Kodash' team is the underdog, since they for some reason never cap green fortress.

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