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Posts posted by Malsheem.1794

  1. As already mentioned, WvW just got a large balance patch which is only the beginning. As such, you'll see ppl fighting on the forums yelling that Condition or Power is broke. I`d suggest to ignore both sides and try it out and experiement. With the new- and possible incoming changes alot of stuff might change anyway.


    Although ive played alot of gw2 i only recently started WvW as I was forced out there to get an item for a legendary weapon. Ive always liked SPVP and disliked the "blob fights" concept so i was fairly certain that i was in for a rough time. This was a couple weeks before the balance patch. I actually ended up liking it but because the damage was so high, i spend more time running to a fight than actually pressing buttons. I decided to go back to SPVP as it was "insta action".


    After the Balance i gave it a second try and i really enjoy atm, even with a none-optimized spec/gear. I'm even considering making it my "main" gamemode. I suggest you guys give it a shot while keeping the balance-thing in mind. I can tell you its great while others will tell you the opposite. At the end of the day only yourself can tell whether it´s up your ally or not. I will say that i think it`s an interesting time to come back to gw2 :)


  2. Dhuumfire will be part of your F1. So each time you activate a shade (F2-F5), it will inflict Burning aswell as Torment. (Not when you place a shade)


    "Sand Savant" is a dps loss for sure. Obivously it`s easier to get your "Sand Sage" bonus, but 30% Torment damage AND additional burning which is your main source of damage - especially if target doesnt move just adds up. With "Demonic Lore", it´s also easier to reposition your shades vs highly mobile targets - forexample boss in GH (Ishtan). And although you might have 1-2 shades nowhere near the target, you´ll still get your "Sand sage" bonus". With the "recent" CDR buff to shades, it´s much easier to relocate them now. Like you, I have a Viper and a Plague Doctor build and i use "Daemonic Lore" on both.


    There is a huge dps difference between Viper and Plague. You shouldnt compare those two as they fill 2 different roles. For starters Viper get 13% of its precision converted to condi-damange AND all Plague Doctors attack hits like a wet noodle because you lack power.


    I dont have a guide but here are some pointers to keep in mind :


    - You should try to have max shades up at all times. Unless you know Boss is about to move and so on.

    - Spam F2-F3. Use them as often as you can. (With Plague Doctor, try to time F3 for high damage abilities from Bosses)

    - Always use "Feast of Coruption" AFTER shade-use.

    - Never use Staff in PVE. Go with scepter so you can take full advantage of the Curse-trait "Lingering Curse"

    - Fill in "Blood is Power" where you can and time it with F5 (If you`ve traited "Plague Sending")

    - Spam Torch but keep in mind you might need Torch "5" for CC


    Not sure what else to say here. Only struggle ive had as Viper is running out of LF but if you keep that in mind you`ll manage. I might have for gotten some stuff but then hopefully others can chime in :)



  3. As i said earlier in the patch-notes thread, and elite spec should WANT its new abilities and weapons. Otherwise DH is just a DH with core guard weapon and abilities. Thats boring asf. Same goes for other classes aswell.

    Barely anyone used "Dragons Maw" in SPVP and with the no-CC-damage policy, ppl will stick to "renwed focus" even more. Hell, even FB use it. Plz make some diversity instead of streamlining things even more. Atm, Dragons Maw is just a bad "cc" on a 60 sec CD. (no, im not saying it should oneshot ppl :) )


  4. Strictly speaking as a scourge in SPVP


    - For the trouble of landing shades and activating them, the damage is very low.


    - Sustain is bad even with Rapid Amulet. Power builds such as soulbeast still auto you for 1k. Got hit by a 6758 damage "Maul" and a 8600 damage "Worldly Impact" - and thats with 2125 Toughness. Ppl talking about condi meta but you really need a class that can spam and continuously land those. Shades wont do that.


    - With lack of stability and such, the increased CC-duration on otherclasses can be rough and i almost felt like i needed 3 stunbreaks.


    - The time where you feel most effective, is when your team has downed someone.


    This is not to say that "patch sucks" or whatever. It`s my first impression and even though i feel like its a struggle, I still love playing my scourge. Besides, Im only 10 games in and we know anet said they will patch "fast" to fix stuff. Not sure how to fix scourge without making it OP but one can always hope for a solution.

  5. > @"Redpawa.4108" said:

    > Gear stats: Rabid

    > Rune: Rune of the Undead


    Ngl, i´ll was planing on trying this in spvp on my scourge. With barely any access to condition duration, i might awell make sure the few that sticks hit hard and the high toughness comes in handy as i`ll get focused.


  6. I havent actually used my plague doctor set yet, but as you have very poor condi-duration and all your attacks hits like a wet noodle because the lack of power, im guess yes. There should be a fairly large dps difference. However, in fights where stuff die quick, it probably wont change much.


  7. So ive done Drakkar the last couple of weeks and every day, some ppl just meet up and go afk and i actually think its same ppl over and over. Not only is it annoying for active players but they also take up map space for ppl that actually want to participate. To top it off, you can actually just stand on the ledge of second stage, go afk and get the Nimble achievement AND get rewards when boss is done. I have screen shots of ppl doing this while stacking Nimble.


    Doubt it`s intended so you might wanna consider how you activate these ppl so they just cant leech. Maybe X-amount of damage/heal is needed to be taking into the loot-pool/achivement.

  8. Dont know why, but somehow i thought Trailblazer had precision instead of vitality - RIP. In that case, hell no. I`ll stick to my Viper and hope my Plague Doctor set is usable in wvw when the times comes. Oh well, saved me 150g :)


    Thx for the advice


  9. Greetings Necros


    So, ive had a Viper-scourge in ages and the damage is solid, but i often feel im too squishy. As such, im considering changing it to Trailblazer. It´s mainly for pve, openworld and fractals, but it also gives me better possibilities to "play along" in WvW. Never played raids and probably never will so the toughness thing wont be an issue.


    Its quite expensive to swap stats to Trailblazer (aprox 25g per item) so i wanted to hear if people still think it would be worth after incoming patch ?

  10. Ive never done raids. The closest i get to Raids is watching ppl do them on twitch, especially when a new raidwing come out. Now, why havent i done them ? They look awesome but whats the reward for the "hard work" ? Legendary armor, right ? Almost everything in the game rewards you with ascended and its SO easy to swap stats on it. There are ZERO reason for me to do them - especially with buildtemplates.

    Youre forced to do wvw to make legendary weapons. If you want ppl in raids, give it unique rewards. New ppl will try and some might even end up enjoying it, like me with wvw.

    I hope there will be new raids wings. Not for me, but for the ppl that enjoy it and again, it´s awesome to watch ppl trying to complete them.


    Anyways, i really like the communication. Should have done that years ago. Starting now ? we`ll take it. I hope you still got alot of stuff up your sleeves.



  11. Thats alot to take in. Looks interesting but the one thing that stood out to me was DH´s "Dragons Maw"


    "Dragon's Maw: Reduced power coefficient from 2.5 to 0.01. Reduced might duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds. Reduced slow duration from 4 seconds to 3 seconds. Reduced cooldown from 75 seconds to 50 seconds"


    I play DH atm and i think im one of the few that actually use this ability instead of "Renewed Focus". It`s a Elite and its the one ability that screams "Dragon Hunter" - it`s like a huge bear claw. It`s fairly easy to play around, dodge, block, stability, whatever. Is should be a high damage ability. Fits the class and it`s the only elite-damage ability for DH. Im not saying it should one-shot ppl, but i doubt the damage needs a nerf - or atleast this much of a nerf.


    I think its bad when ppl play "elites" but end up using everything not related to that spec. An Elite spec should invite you to use "the new unlocked stuff". Play Reaper ? use a GS and shouts. Play DH ? use Traps. So on. Think you would want to keep that in mind.

  12. Im new out there. I was forced out there because of Gift of Battle. Although ive always loved spvp, i knew from warhammeronline (and eve-online), that wvw rarely works well. It always ended up in bombsquads (zerg-train-aoe-tanks) where numbers reigns supreme. I decided to use a DH with LB/S-S and a zerker/marauder mix for abit of "sustain". Now, i know DH is dogshit in larger fights but here is what i "gathered":



    1. The loot is horrible. And as a "new" wvw player, i have to loot manually.

    2. Often enemy will not load on your screen and what seems to be 3 ppl turns out to be 50+ all with aoe ofc.

    3. The NPC respawn is obnoxious. You can barely kill one before they are back ? Why is there even npc guards anyway?

    4. Not exclusive to wvw but the damage is simply too much. As a DH i have 17k hp and still got oneshot by a warriors, deadeye or whatever. If all it takes is one ability to kill, imagine a large zerg-fight. Its silly tbh. Channeling DH "2" for 4 hours to do 5k damage just do be oneshot feelsbad. I honestly hope they fix some of this with the upcoming patch.

    5. Number advantages was a thing aswell. Enemy always outnumbered and even though you get a "bonus", it still gets old getting steamrolled over and over. Especially with the poor rewards/system. Enemy always had or what seem to be organized blobs and basically just ran our side down with aoe.

    6. Each time you die you have to repair your armor AND travel back to the fight. Read 4 and 5 again. Obivously it would ruin the wvw experience if you could teleport right in, but atleast remove the repair armor-thing.




    1. Smaller fights can be fun.

    2. I like the mounts for faster travel alot. (However, thats all they should be able to do)


    With that being said, im still enjoying it a fair bit atm. Im hoping some wvw changes combined with pvp-balance patch will make it better. Im not sure i would recommend the gamemode atm. If you play a class that excells out there, you might be better off.


  13. Im fine with no expansion if the LS content is topnotch and makes "sense" (good meta, awesome bossfights, raid-ish, new legy weaps, new specs? weaps ? whatever) and if they keep on adding new fractals and raid wings.

    Right now, i dont really see any reason to be doing strike missions and the like. So i did the 2 episodes and went back to HoT maps. If thats the "future", id prefer a "classic" expansion cause both have been great in each their way.



  14. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"Malsheem.1794" said:

    > > So, for the last 5 years you`ve failed at balancing conquest and pretty much neglected it for whatever reason. You now decide to create a new map 15vs15. Not only will you spread the few players out even more, but in hindsight of you not being able to balance conquest, what makes you think adding a new game-type would help ? The more game types the harder to balance. Stronghold was such a solid idea, kappa.

    > >

    > > Also, will your "big pvp patch pvp-team" take feedback afterwards and actually change things like you said on Facebook ?

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Staleness does a better job at hurting/killing pvp than balance not really being all that great.



    Yes. But "balance" does not equal "creating a new map with the exact same problems". You would know from other games, that having different game-modes creates balance-issues. Hell, even wvw and spvp have different balance sets as it is now. Instead of focusing on conquest they shift focus to yet another gamemode - which takes both players and resources from conquest. Im not saying 15vs15 cant be great, but when they cant balance 5vs5 i honestly dont see them succeeding in balancing yet another game mode.


    I get the "id rather have a bad balance team than no balance team". Shouldnt be that way though.

  15. So, for the last 5 years you`ve failed at balancing conquest and pretty much neglected it for whatever reason. You now decide to create a new map 15vs15. Not only will you spread the few players out even more, but in hindsight of you not being able to balance conquest, what makes you think adding a new game-type would help ? The more game types the harder to balance. Stronghold was such a solid idea, kappa.


    Also, will your "big pvp patch pvp-team" take feedback afterwards and actually change things like you said on Facebook ?











  16. I know what you mean and i completely agree. Ppl have brought it up for years tbh, but Anet wont listen. We can hope things will change after their "restructuring", but i wouldnt hold my breath. I no longer believe that things will change so im about to move on. Just waiting for another game to catch my interest. By now, its clear that Anet wont put in the work spvp needs.

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