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Posts posted by Malsheem.1794

  1. I cant see them not making one, unless they want to slowly head towards maintenance. Anet makes their money when they release a new expansions. Its a sure sell and they have the possibility to fill it with all kinds of new stuff players might want to pay for, mount-skins and the like. New elite specs with a NEW weapon each. And by new weapon i mean like not-in-the-game-atm new. Crossbow, flail, whatever. Thats new skins for gemstore right there - and new legendaries.


    Although i find LS quite nice, it doesnt make any money for Anet and it might be the reason NCSoft reacted. NCSoft wanted an expansion. Anet went with LS.

    Anyways, i usually come of as harsh against Anet, but in the end, i think we all wish the best for the company. I hope they can turn things around atleast for a couple of years more :)

  2. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > Why not release the patch notes week or two before their implemented so feedback on them can be reviewed through players feedback and any tweaks could be considered before release


    Anet does not communicate with the playerbase. Should be clear by now.

  3. Yeah. I did say: "Plans, whats being worked on - not in detail". Im not expecting dates or something rich in detail :)


    But sometimes it would be nice to know if there are something to really look forward to. It cant be a bad thing. For example :" we`re working on a new underwater expansion - kralkatorik crystalized the water - whatever . This will hype ppl. We are working on new elite specs and/or a large expansion. Again, nothing in detail but it would be nice to know that the wheels are turning.


    It might have sounded harsh, but wasnt meant as such.

  4. I`ve said it before, but i honestly think they want sPVP to die so they can focus on other stuff that actually makes them money. If you had half a brain you´d know that pvp-games needs balance/maintenance fairly often. A game such as Smite have 100 heros (gods) AND is a simpler game than GW" and yet it has patch every 2 weeks with the devs going on twitch/mixer to talk about why they did it and such.

    Anet wont patch often. Hell, they wont even talk to ppl about their plans/ideas or anything. They prefer talking secretly to some of their "Partnered Streamers" instead of opening up to the passionate community.


    If you think about it, there is NOTHING in the way they approach the sPVP-side of the game that gives you the idea that they want this gamemode to improve. Nothing.

    I love the game and i want to support Anet and tell them theyre doing a good job (which they are in PVE imo), but when it comes to PVP, they`re either failing or not doing anything.


    To me, all they need is to throw in some slick legendary weap/armor thats only available through sPVP - like The Ascensions. Throw ppl a bone/carrot. Balance more often and be more open about it. Thats it.


    Anyways, i know we have said it many times before, but lets hope Anet steps it up next patch - whenever that is :)




    I just wanted to add this. For various reasons i looked up a game i havent touched in 10+ years (Eve Online). The first thing i stumble accross is this "News update":


    _"Over the course of releases running up to the winter and into 2019, there’ll be more balance passes to various ships and modules as we look to keep the PVP meta fresh and ensure that combat choices and tactical decisions continue to matter just as much as your ship and fitting choices."_


    Now, change _**Ships, Modules and Fitting**_ to **_Class, Spec and Weapons_**. Also.. "to keep the PVP meta fresh".


    Anet, it`s really not that tricky...









  5. Whether or not the OP is right, doesnt really matter. It never mattered what ppl said or contributed with inputs. Anet has done stuff their own way since day one. ESL was a clear proof of that. Ppl come in with suggestion on balances issues and points out flaws. Then Anets ignores it and nerfs/buff stuff nobody wanted or asked for.


    I still think last pvp patch was good but what really changed though ? Still same specs that runs supreme and ppl complained about. Ppl still get deleted in 1 sec.


    Nothing will change. Anet will continue to do so until servers shuts down. All we can do, is try to enjoy what we have and leave when it gets too much.

  6. In my gaming "career" of 15+ years, GW2 is the only game ive played where broken stuff stays broken and/or doesnt get fixed a.s.a.p. I dont know if its pride, lack of resources or just being really bad at their jobs. I cannot come up with any reason for annoying the player base this much and being totally absent from the player community. Other games makes "councils of players" to help test/balance/ and add improvements to miscellaneous. Players usually know first-hand whats troubling.

    Now we`re 5 years in and Anet is still doing "their thing". 10/10.

  7. People still dont get. There is no balance team. If they had one, the game wouldnt be in such a piss-poor state and they would communicate with ppl. They have ppl working on "pvp things", new maps, new sigils, new runes, maybe even new elite specs, but I honestly dont believe they have a balance-team. If they had one, spvp would a much better state. Much better.


    Yes, that is harsh. But I honestly believe that. I have always loved the game, but each time we think things are changing, they are not. We wait and hope. Wait and hope and its the same outcome each- and every time. If they cant spot the spvp problems, they might aswell hire ppl who can or just shut it down and focus on pve.

    They also know they probably wont attract new spvp players anyway so why use resources on it ? With "incoming" new MMOs, im willing to bet theyll try to focus on their biggest player base and finish their Living Story before calling it a day.



  8. Anet have long abandoned spvp overall. They try to keep ppl in spvp with absolutely minimum effort. The Rune update was a perfect example. "Here are some new simplified runes we havent playtested but we feel like we had to change something".


    I admit them adding a new map was kind of nice, but they are still completely clueless about the different specs and balance. If they wanted more ppl to play pvp, they`d have way more balance updates, way more communication and way more often.


    Hire more ppl for your pvp-department or shut it down completely cause this is getting sad asf.





  9. Thanks for all your thoughts and advice.


    I`ve ended up with this. If there is something off, let me know.

    [gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAW8encfC9filfCGoBMrhlhjCdFuhSo+SD1T1MAWgGC-jBCBQBYR5HAOIAnRJICV/Bf6Go4TAIAXAg+t/AA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAW8encfC9filfCGoBMrhlhjCdFuhSo+SD1T1MAWgGC-jBCBQBYR5HAOIAnRJICV/Bf6Go4TAIAXAg+t/AA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAW8encfC9filfCGoBMrhlhjCdFuhSo+SD1T1MAWgGC-jBCBQBYR5HAOIAnRJICV/Bf6Go4TAIAXAg+t/AA-e")


    (When i win the lottery, i`ll throw in Power/Agoni infusions)


    It`s "only" 51% Boon duration but thats not taking "Chaotic Persistence", "Sigil of Concentration" and AR-Potion into account. Should be fine right ? :)


    I know staff isnt used much, but i really enjoy it and im able to spam alot of boons with double "chaos Storm". If it doesnt work, i`ll just switch to sword/sword- or focus.



  10. I was considering running Commander weap/arm with harrier trinkets, but the precision from commander becomes rather low. So i thought full harrier would be prefered.

    Commander weap/arm + Harrier trinkets only heal 300 more pr. Well, compared to Commander weap/arm + Zerker trinkets.


    If i were to run full Harrier i guess i could skip the Chaos traitline and go :


    [gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAsemmcfCtfilnj6sACgEDdC+gGo+PT0HF-jRRAxAA2fQtSwo6DKr8br6PAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAsemmcfCtfilnj6sACgEDdC+gGo+PT0HF-jRRAxAA2fQtSwo6DKr8br6PAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAsemmcfCtfilnj6sACgEDdC+gGo+PT0HF-jRRAxAA2fQtSwo6DKr8br6PAA-e")


    With the "zerker input", i´d go :

    [gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseGWWNq6jNavWzYYH6pyNYECAA-jRBXABAo8DW1fKd/hHUCCq+AA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseGWWNq6jNavWzYYH6pyNYECAA-jRBXABAo8DW1fKd/hHUCCq+AA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseGWWNq6jNavWzYYH6pyNYECAA-jRBXABAo8DW1fKd/hHUCCq+AA-e")


    I guess the question is, whether or not i want to do damage aswell.


    ( I dont really have a designated healer - i just play with randoms :) )


  11. So i have a dedicated mesmer for fractals. Atm my armor and weapons are commander-gear. What would ppl suggest for trinkets? just full commander aswell?

    (Im running "Runes of Leadership".) I havent done much fractals. Im lvl 42 atm.


    Also, what do ppl think about full harrier?

    [gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseWncfClfi9fCGoBEgClnjq+PT0H9sACgED-jRRAxAA2fYr6PqVCGVfQZlfAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseWncfClfi9fCGoBEgClnjq+PT0H9sACgED-jRRAxAA2fYr6PqVCGVfQZlfAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAseWncfClfi9fCGoBEgClnjq+PT0H9sACgED-jRRAxAA2fYr6PqVCGVfQZlfAA-e")


    Thats 94% Boon duration without counting "Chaos traitline" and "Sigil of concentraiton". On top of that, Wells heals for 2300hp and you heal allies when you summon an Illusion.










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