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Everything posted by WolfHeart.1256

  1. > @"Stalvros.9217" said: > I like this idea! Atm all I have running side by side is just CMD ping www.google.com -t > > Could you tell me more abt the commands on how to do this specifically? Create a copy of your GW2 shortcut, place it on your desktop or wherever you want, edit the shortcut, go to properties > shortcut > target > add -diag at the end of your GW2 location, after the closing " (add a space between them) See this image for what it looks like on my side, as an example > https://imgur.com/a/CP4nyrb GW2 has more info on this also > https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231273708-Collecting-Diagnostic-Information-for-Support-Reporting-Tech-Issues- and https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201862998-Troubleshooting-Connectivity-Issues
  2. > @"Stalvros.9217" said: > Does anyone know what is the IP address of NA - Borlis Pass? > (An IP that we can actually use CMD to ping on) > > I tried the command /ip in chat command and ping to that but all it gives me was 'RTO' GW2 servers are on AWS, you cannot get reliable results from pinging AWS servers. There are ways, but it takes research on your end. You can also get more reliable results by running GW2 with the -diag argument in the target field. Or use "pathping" instead of "tracert" and "ping" in Command Prompt, which does both and is the same thing as the GW2 diagnostics does, I think. I run RTTS to monitor various metrics while playing and, while everything is underutilized (CPU, GPU, Memory, Network DL Speed) I get rubberbanding in WvW that can only be attributed to server latency issues, after testing. Sometimes my ping spikes to 2500-3000 and stays there for 30m or so, then it goes back to normal. I have 0 packet loss before reaching AWS servers.
  3. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said: > It is quite easy to misjudge players of botting. A couple of days ago I returned to sPvP. Joined a ranked match. I was surprised to see a DeathMatch game type and was immadiately turned into a Moa bird by an enemy Mesmer player. Lost my skill bar and I played quite badly. After a respawn the same happened. A team mate directly announced that he/she was playing with a bot but it was just me playing poorly. If playing poorly is a sole reason to assume botting, then many newbies or otherwise lesser skilled players will be wrongly accused. Yes, perhaps people make the assumption too easy, but in your defense, you could have just said something in chat and it would end all suspicion. Bots can't and won't do that, no matter how many times you call them out. I've reported players that I am fairly certain (let's put it that way) are bots, with over 2000 games last season, after having called them out during games for botting. In over 20 players reported, I've not had a single one say something in chat or whisper me saying they are not a bot, or even try to make a case for themselves. You would join the next match and there they'd be again, up to the exact same pathing, exact same strategy. You call them out again, and they ignore it. Maybe they are all just shy players with very bad logic :) What I like most about them is that when you are fighting them and you go into stealth, they will instantly move towards a point, but if you appear out of stealth quickly, they will resume the fight. If you do this with a thief as a gimmick, say with a thief, the bot will just go back and forth without actually doing anything. They also have a hard time jumping over obstacles so you can juke them easy over crates, fences, low-walls, etc.
  4. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > The top end is not the only part of the PvP playerbase. > In fact, it's not even a big part of it. > Therefore, the top end shouldn't be taken as a measurement for changes that could benefit a significantly bigger part of the playerbase. The point I was making was that, if you judge Immobilize from the perspective of the people that don't know how to evade it to begin with, your logic for having the skill removed or changed is flawed. If my opponent uses Entangle and I use a cleanse without any follow-up action and expect it not to be re-applied, the problem is not with the skill. This was the idea. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said: > What in the world are you talking about? Guardians class defining things are virtues, and for Ranger it's pet mechanics. Immobilize isn't Ranger exclusive or class defining. I never said Immobilize is Ranger exclusive or class defining, what I said was that pet mechanics isn't class defining. Have you tried killing someone in PvP with nothing but your pet? Try and have a duel with a friend where you use no weapon skills and let the pet do all the work, when you would be able to kill your opponent, then it would be class-defining. Otherwise, it's just a mechanic that's unique to a class, not class-defining. I am hoping you understand the difference - I am not trying to be rude, but pets are so clunky. I won't even touch on the fact that, necro minions (just one example) are largely similar to ranger having a pet, so it's not even that unique of a concept for other classes. Most pets can barely keep up with hitting a moving target - if you think these define a ranger, I guess you haven't been playing one for very long. Same thing applies to guardian, virtues is the mechanic that is unique to guardians, not what defines them.
  5. Show me a top 50 game where Pulsing Immob locks a target in place for the entire duration, or even 60% of the duration. Thanks. LE: I agree it might be a problem for new players that don't understand the mechanic yet so they don't yet know how to avoid it, but it can't be for anyone else. Also, I am not playing a druid or even using immobilize in my build, just to make that clear. I just don't find it an issue.
  6. > @"Tashigi.3159" said: > Or at least address how unbalanced it is when used on classes that rely on dodge to remove the kitten condi or the fact that it can be re-applied almost immediately after removing? Or put it higher on priority for condi cleanse. > Just do something about it 'cause unless you're playing a specific build/class to counter it, there is 0 fun had fighting against people who build around immobilize. It's not fun for me to play vs flamethrower core engi, skill-mash mesmers, torch-spouting berserks, sic'em soulbeasts, trapper dh, deadeyes, flame weavers, reapers. Let's add these to the list. If it's not fun to play against these, they should really be removed, it doesn't matter if the teams are not composed of 5v5 immob-druids, they should be removed cause that one guy is not fun to play against. Also because newbie players waste their skills to cleanse it. It's not like the solution would be for them to learn not to, like everyone else did during their progression, it's the skill. If you rely on dodge to remove the condi, then you're not packing enough condi cleanse to fight that class. I am also relying on dodge to remove burning, but I don't want guardians to be removed from the game because they reapply it after dodge. That would be nuts. Also, you know that moving from that spot prevents the reapplication of the roots, right? Somehow, all of these people I keep finding in PvP seem to have no problem leaving my roots...of course, there is always *that* guy...
  7. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said: > Last I checked, the class defining thing for Ranger is the pet mechanics, not immobilize. That's like saying a Guardian's mechanic is to guard not to deal damage or burn.
  8. Runes like this one should have different effects for every profession with that mechanic, eg. traps in this case. You heard it here first.
  9. Show me what you use your Druid for and I will show you another profession that does it better. If all you use it for is Immobilize, then you're a one-trick pony, and no one wants that. This is why no ranger build or profession has ever been in the meta for **WvW squads** since the start. We're good at one thing and that's small skirmishes, and after all this time it doesn't feel like they will ever do anything to change this. The problem with small skirmishes, is that we're not the only ones good at it. It's just not a great trade-off :) You are only viable if there is nothing else to fill that role. Or until someone comes along that can replace you. And they will. Cosmic Ray (skill 1) is a joke in competitive modes, try sticking to your commander during fights and casting it on your party, as opposed to healbrand just hitting 11111 while in Tome of Resolve that heals in a wave with a 600 radius. There is no comparison, it's a joke. As a druid myself, I would take a healbrand over a druid any time of day or night, when available. Ground targeting heal on skill 1 is awesome only when your party is standing still, like they stack on the boss during raids, and it's useless everywhere else. After the patch in 2016, this skill became a waste of time anywhere outside of PvE. Rejuvenating Tides (skill 2) has a 240 radius. Again, tome of resolve can do the same thing with just spamming 1111 and doesn't even need to be on top of you. CA requiring energy is a joke as well, compare it with all the ways a necro has to get life force to go into shroud. HA. HA. Staff skill 2 (Astral Wisp) has a 180 radius compared to guardian's Holy Strike, which has a 240 radius. Not even on par with this. You literally have to be on top of your target to get and healing from it. Yeah, I main ranger since launch and I keep playing it, and I have no idea what's wrong with me.
  10. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said: > Now, not coming from a ranger player, it’s concerning that In none of these three > Meta snapshots is Ranger included. Ain't that the dayum truth.
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