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Posts posted by Sigerk.2897

  1. Hello,


    I'm looking for some information on raids. I don't know if mentioning another game is against the rules, but in this case it relates directly to gw2 for me so here goes:


    Coming from ESO, where I did normal and veteran trials, how do the raids here compare in terms of difficulty, length etc?

  2. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Sigerk.2897" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > I assume the pages you collect in the instance fill in the gaps. But I haven't found any yet

    > >

    > > Didn't realize there were pages to be found! Seems like I have some hunting to do, thank you for mentioning it!


    > Good luck getting in an instance with enough players to make progress.


    So far every instance was completed succesfully for me. Either I've been lucky or you've had some bad luck :(

    I think I will do the page hunting solo though, since I can take my time looking for them.


    Oh, and if you complete the last boss, take the first WP in the instance, go south to the hotspring, /sit in it for an achievement:)

  3. HoT, I kinda disliked (almost hated) them at first. Partly because I came back for HoT, missed season 2, and was wholly unprepared for the increase in both difficulty and complexity. Got around to playing season 2, then HoT, through story and map meta's, and gradually came to love them. Design wise I think they are excellent, once you get used to them. As far as a jungle setting goes in an mmo, this is my favourite implementation of it. And going back with the most important masteries earned + mounts make these maps an absolute joy to just explore in. I liked the story better too, though I have no problems with PoF. Somehow HoT felt more personal and intimate (playing a sylvari there helps).


    And ultimately, the mix of base game +HoT and PoF makes the diversity in this game very enjoyable to me. I feel that the 2 xpacs synergise very well with each other and the base content. IMO this game has some of the best level designs out there currently in regards of playability, accounting for new content without completely making the old stuff obsolete. Which could have easily happened with the introduction of mounts and to a lesser degree, gliding.

  4. Underwater map, I know its not popular and the caveat would be that they absolutely have to fix the way UW mangles your build, make all classes viable underwater, including their specializations. I didn't have a problem with the 360 environment, maybe it helps having played Elite Dangerous. But it was such a big selling point at the start of this game and they just gave up on it without ever really trying. At least, thats how it seems to me.


    They don't need to retroactively introduce UW skins, just add them from that point on. Legendaries included.


    With mounts and masteries, the possibilities to make UW content more enjoyable for everyone is surely more feasible than it was at launch when neither of these things were present in the game. They seem to have no problems with verticality as seen in HoT, and the introduction of certain mounts like the Springer/Griffon/Skyscale.

    So why not bring that same innovation down into the water. Lore wise there are plenty of reasons to go underwater with the Largos, Quaggan and especially a fucking Deep Sea Dragon.


    From a selling point, besides triggering interests from those who already desire it, the possibility to allow for new mounts, and all kinds of aquatic gadgets and skins should make this viable from a sales perspective as well. If they do it as well as they did the introduction of mounts, which had a lot of naysayers turn around, then it could be great.

  5. > @"Luranni.9470" said:

    > > @"Sigerk.2897" said:


    > > I came back after more than a year, maybe 2 even since I got 2 birthday thingies on some chars, I would have left if the rollback was definitive yes, since other things like disconnects were bugging me as well, but I can sort of tolerate those, coming from another game that has frequent eu server issues.


    > I sincerely hope more new and returning players stick around in spite of this. Er... welcome back! :D





    Thank you! Well, its still my favourite mmo, I don't think I'll ever really abandon it. Just got my skyscale yesterday and having fun with it and the new LS content, as well as achievements etc. And the community here is mostly awesome :)

  6. Posting it here again, I logged in after the accidental rollback, stayed for about an hour, semi-afk, didn't do anything really, and I did NOT get the mount skin. Some people say they logged in and out, got the skin. I don't know if I'm the only one that didn't get it, but did log in. But this tells me that maybe we don't have all the information. I'm not complaining by the way. I got my progress back, happy with just that. Just saying this to say that it might not be so simple as it seems.

  7. > @"Luranni.9470" said:

    > > @"Sigerk.2897" said:

    > > Just putting it out there that it seems like they don't just give anyone who logged in that day free stuff. I went online, just after the roll back happened. Found out then that it happened, stayed in game for a bit, but didn't do anything. Mostly map chat/forum reading while tabbed out. After about 30/60min logged off to wait and see what Anet would do. I got the bonfire, no license. So maybe its not as black and white as; ''those who logged in for just a minute get a free skin.''

    > >

    > > I understand some of the reactions, don't necessarily agree with the amount of vitriol though. I'm just glad I didn't lose 2/3 days of progress.

    > > I'm not sure Anet can do anything right now in the eyes of some players. Either they cave, give everyone a free mount, or they stick with their current approach, people are gonna have a fit regardless it seems.


    > I, for one, don't care about compensation items. It would've been nice to keep some of the new and returning players though. If I'd come back to the game, or newly picked it up this weekend. I'd be gawn and not looking back, ezpz.


    I came back after more than a year, maybe 2 even since I got 2 birthday thingies on some chars, I would have left if the rollback was definitive yes, since other things like disconnects were bugging me as well, but I can sort of tolerate those, coming from another game that has frequent eu server issues. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Sigerk.2897" said:

    > > Just putting it out there that it seems like they don't just give anyone who logged in that day free stuff. I went online, just after the roll back happened. Found out then that it happened, stayed in game for a bit, but didn't do anything. Mostly map chat/forum reading while tabbed out. After about 30/60min logged off to wait and see what Anet would do. I got the bonfire, no license. So maybe its not as black and white as; ''those who logged in for just a minute get a free skin.''

    > My wife did log in just to check if the info we've just heard about the rollback was true, and to see whether she lost the achievements she got on Friday. After we saw the rollback didn;t affect those (which took us just few clicks and less than a minute) she logged off, and we decided to stay away from the game until Anet says everything is fixed. She just got the license.


    > So, yeah, people _did_ get "compensated" for not doing anything.


    > I guess next time we'll know that adding to chaos is definitely the best option in such a situation. Apparently, Anet does not want us to act responsibly, after all.


    Alright so it does seem random then. Some people did seem to be compensated for merely logging in, some didn't. If you're takeaway from this is to ''add more chaos'' next time something like this happens, more power to you. Not saying Anet's response is without fault or anything, don't feel like I can judge from their perspective, just saying this approach seems rather, well, childish.

  8. ![](https://i.imgur.com/lwAkMyw.jpg "")



    > @"Athalauz.7104" said:

    > Confirm, i have the same issue, but i get dc doing everything, it happends every 10 mins or ever y 5 mins, some times secs after logging in. if someone knows something please post.

    > IMG :anguished:

    > [https://fotos.subefotos.com/e0cc4c0fec87f569d3fb0738d94cefa9o.jpg](https://fotos.subefotos.com/e0cc4c0fec87f569d3fb0738d94cefa9o.jpg)


    I see you have a different error code, this is the one I get, in this case from a ''false'' disconnect'', where the message popped up but i did not get kicked and am able to continue playing.

  9. Yeah not a fan of using twitter as the first means of communication since I don't have an account there. But since I know, I check there whenever there's something up. I hope it will help with some of the issues. Been having them since I got back to the game 2 weeks ago so I doubt its to do with the maintenance. But I can hope that the maintenance does fix/alleviate the worst of it like frequent disconnects, end of story instance disconnects (dont hold out hope for this one, issue is 2+years old), false disconnect messages, keybind crashes and lags.

  10. Just putting it out there that it seems like they don't just give anyone who logged in that day free stuff. I went online, just after the roll back happened. Found out then that it happened, stayed in game for a bit, but didn't do anything. Mostly map chat/forum reading while tabbed out. After about 30/60min logged off to wait and see what Anet would do. I got the bonfire, no license. So maybe its not as black and white as; ''those who logged in for just a minute get a free skin.''


    I understand some of the reactions, don't necessarily agree with the amount of vitriol though. I'm just glad I didn't lose 2/3 days of progress.

    I'm not sure Anet can do anything right now in the eyes of some players. Either they cave, give everyone a free mount, or they stick with their current approach, people are gonna have a fit regardless it seems.

  11. Hi, I'm getting booted from the server when I switch map and have to relog with the 2 factor every time this happens, which is frequent enough. Besides this, on any map, I will get random crash reports saying something about connection failure, but nothing happens and I can play as usual.


    On second thought, the first problem might be related to the Thunderhead Peaks map, as it has been very laggy/unstable, asking on map chat confirms everyone seems affected by it.

  12. Or you know, apply some reasonable thinking. Like; Hey, everyone is saying everything got rolled back to a few days ago. Lets check the forums. Hmm, last time this happened they were able to roll back, maybe I should stop playing until they fix it, instead of stubbornly keeping on playing and then going on the forums to say they should not roll back even though everyone in game is talking about this and the forums are full of posts about it, only because there is no official in game message. It just seems pedantic.


    I mean yeah, an in game notice would be nice, and I agree the communication could be better on this issue, but I can't look behind the scenes, neither can you, and they DID eventually post notifications, both here and in the support section of the website. So if you still play the game regardless of all this information just because there is no in game notice....yeah.....

  13. Here you go:



    ''Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020)

    We've received many reports of account rollbacks, and are aware of the issue. We've alerted the server team at ArenaNet, and they are working on a resolution.


    We will provide updates as soon as we receive more information.


    In the meantime, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.''

  14. Same issue here, came back, catching up on story. Every other instance sees me disconnect at the end of it. Please fix this. You've got people coming back after years and still have them running into this hot mess. They pay for living story episodes and then the episode's stories are broken. At the very least start adding saves every couple of steps so that when the disconnects inevitably do happen, you don't have to start from the bloody beginning, slogging through walking paces, unskippable scenes and dialogue's and so on. The story is fun, but not when you have to do it x times in a row because you keep bloody disconnecting. Really frustrating, especially seeing as people have been reporting this for years and the official responses have been rather underwhelming. And talk to your customers. Especially if this has been going on for 2 years.

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