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Brandon Uzumaki.1524

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Posts posted by Brandon Uzumaki.1524

  1. Oh yeah, let's look at some 'balanced' stats you could get with that:



    Power-Precision-Ferocity-Vitality (not like Marauder, Power and Vitality as major), all power classes now with 20k HP minimum and only 5% less damage hehe.


    Condition Damage-Power-Vitality-Expertise (Condi Damage and Vitality as major, or maybe with Precision instead of Power), like the above, for condi classes, everyone running around with a fuck ton of HP and damage hehe.


    Power-Precision-Ferocity-Healing Power (Power and Healing Power as major), dunno if this one would be broken at all, but here it is.


    Condi Damage-Power-Healing Power-Expertise (Condi Damage and Healing Power as major), same as above.


    Condi Damage-Vitality-Healing Power-Concentration (Condi Damage and Healing Power as major), potential new better version of Plaguedoctor's.




    Those are the ones i got at the top of my head, there's probably some even more broken that i did not get.

    That would totally not power creep/destroy the meta of the game even more, at all hehehe.

  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > I’m also a bit concerned about this:


    > > Gain a 1.5-second skill cooldown reduction when picking up an essence.


    > So a single essence will remove 1.5 seconds on all of your cooldowns? Any internal cooldown on that?


    > There’s the potential for this to be a bit overpowered in situations where you fight a ton of enemies. It seems as if it’d be similar to how advantageous firebrands are in fights with a lot of enemies that allow you to reset your tome skills when they die.


    That's like a worse version of Adrenal Mushrooms in HoT that instantly resets ALL your cooldowns, so if that mechanic did not break anything, this one that is weaker won't break also.

  3. "played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability"


    What? Jalis has one of the most broken skill that gives stability in the game lol, Inspiring Reinforcement, pulses stability 5 times, on a very low 10 sec CD and costs only 30 energy to use, not to mention the weakeness that makes enemies deal only 50% of their damage and no crit.


    Gotta learn a bit more about the game first bro.

  4. Anet already said that PvP will have a separate build template, this stuff that is happenning is probably some bug since the PvP template is not implemeted and is conflicting with the PvE/WvW one, tough i hope they don't try to sell templates on PvP, not PvP of all places lol.

    Dunno, maybe sending a ticket or a bug report could help solve this (if it is indeed a bug/conflict), guess that's too hard to do.

  5. Yo!!!


    I'm going to farm Halloween this year with my Guardian, using Firebrand (cause of the F1 Tome reset), great for doors, not so good for the mobs spread around on the map, but Dragonhunter is good for tagging, cause Longbow has great range, and it bounces too, problem is having to switch between each spec, equiping different weapons, skills, etc.


    Then it ocurred to mee we'll get Build Templates close to the end of Halloween, and i had this idea that's gonna make my "farming Guardian" even better, just tag doors with Firebrand, and once it's over, you can quickly switch to Dragonhunter with a Longbow for tagging mobs.

    These templates are going to help a lot, unless they don't work inside the Labyrinth hehe.


    Also, is there any other class you peps can think off, that can have this sort of interaction between different builds/specs, using the templates??

  6. The problem with GW2 is not the grind itself, is the fact that old content is abandoned in a way, if these maps were always populated with players doing the events and stuff you would be able to quickly level up all masteries very fast, not to mention the achievements and collections too. Me for example, i bought HoT like 7 months ago, and i leveled up all my masteries doing Octovine, Chak Gerent and Dragon Stand, cause these are the metas were you will find the most people, but XP is not that bad, biggest problem with abandoned maps is getting some achievements and collections (specially worse in LWS3 for example).


    Anet just need a way to populate these maps more, dunno, make a special event to specifc maps or something, like "Hot Rush", and each day one map give extras rewards and bonus boxes, like, first day is Verdant Brink, next is Auric Basin, and so on till we get to Dragon Stand and it resets the cycle, then you can have a "LWS3 Rush", "PoF Rush", and "LWS4 Rush" as well

  7. "This boon works very unfairly against some classes, while being of little consequence against others."

    Then it's kinda balanced in a way.


    I understand the frustration in WvW, when there's a lot of people and it's hard to keep track of every single person your skills are hiting, but then it's a matter of balancing it for WvW, removing it completely from the game will just make some classes too strong.

    Retaliation and Reflects is what keep people from just stacking as many Rifle Deadeyes, Bow Rangers, Pistol Thiefs and just pew pewing people from a distance without counterplay hehe.

  8. Yeah lol, i have both elite specs fully unlocked on my Guardian, Ranger and Necro, and i still have 391 points left cause i got all Hero Points in the game, if they realease a new elite spec in the future i will be able to unlock it right away without needing to grind (unless they change how it works), for me that's a great skill system to be honest!!!

  9. Getting 2 full sets of Ascended Armor, Weapons and Trinkets for my Guardian and Ranger, and the Fractal Omnipotion, all that as a f2p, cause i could not buy the xpack at the time.

    I also managed to have 1k350g one time as a f2p, just playing the game and selling the stuff i could sell, and then i spent it all on the frigin Zephyrite Boxes lel.


    I also recently finished my Ad Infinitium, tough that was not as a f2p xD


    Don't consider much of the stuff i did after getting the xpacks, cause i think i was "over prepared" when i got them, brezed through HoT with my Guardian since i played him so much in Fractals, same with PoF and the Living Worlds hehe.

  10. Yo!!!


    After getting to lvl 80 and unlocking all Core Tyria Masteries, i noticed you kinda keep leveling up but you get an automatic Spirit Shard after you fill your XP bar, so i tough about a new "rewarding leveling up experience".

    Just like Masteries, the rewards would be separated by the region you are in (Core, HoT, PoF, LW), so once you fill the XP bar you get to choose an reward based on the map you currently are, the XP bar would still be universal like it is now, and not locked, so let's say you "lvl up" doing Octovine, but you want PoF rewards, just teleport to a PoF map and you can now choose rewards from there.

    The new experience required would be 1 million (too much?? too few?), so people don't "farm" these rewards and this don't turn into yet another set of daily stuff you feel obligated to do.

    Obs: The "choices" bellow are just to see witch quantity would be better, you would not be required to choose between 5 or 10 cause it would not make sense hehe.



    1= 5 or 10 Spirit Shards

    2= 1 or 5 Laurels

    3= 50 or 100 Fractal Relics

    4= 1 Pristine Fractal Relic

    5= 1 Random Bag of Crafting Materials (from T1 to T6)

    6= 150 Dungeon Currencies

    7= 50 or 100 Geodes

    8= 50 or 100 Bandit Crests

    7= Anything else you think it's worth adding.


    This could be even available to Core and F2P players, but you could remove the Laurels and the Bag of Crafting Materials so we don't have abuse.




    1= 5 or 10 Spirit Shards

    2= 1 or 5 Laurels

    3= 50 or 100 Airship Parts

    4= 50 or 100 Lump of Aurillium

    5= 50 or 100 Ley Line Crystals

    6= 1 Random Bag of Crafting Materials

    7= ??



    PoF (don't have PoF so i don't know how stuff works there)

    1= 5 or 10 Spirit Shards

    2= 1 or 5 Laurels

    3= x Trade Contracts

    4= x Elegy Mosaics

    5= 1 Random Bag of Crafting Materials

    6= ??



    1= 5 or 10 Spirit Shards

    2= 1 or 5 Laurels

    3= 50 Unbound Magic and 5 of the Map Currencies (Blood Ruby, Wood, etc), bu you can choose from one map only.

    4= 1 Random Bag of Crafting Materials

    5= ??


    LWS4 (same as PoF above)

    1= 5 or 10 Spirit Shards

    2= 1 or 5 Laurels

    3= x Volatile Magic and x of the Map Currencies of your choosing

    4= 1 Random Bag of Crafting Materials

    5= ??


    Obs: Repeated rewards are for convenience only, so if you fill the XP bar on a PoF map and you want Laurels you don't need to teleport to a Core Map just to get it.


    So that's it, what do you think?

    "My doubts" are related to the ammount of XP needed to fill the bar (too much? too few?), the quantity of stuff (too much?, too few), and something i was thinking is if this could conflict with new Masteires being added and stuff like that.


    Obs: Sorry if the formating is a bit weird (not used to create these stuff), or if my English is weird as well, not my first language and i "learned" only playing games hehe.

  11. I don't buy cause i can't only, i've been playing for almost 2 years, played as f2p for around 1 year and a half, and i think that the core game is on itfelf so vast, and has a lot of content (albeit very easy content), that some people want to "do everything" before getting an expansion, but trust me, a lot of people that are in the "post lvl 80" stuff don't have an expansion cause they can't buy one, not cause they want to "leech" of the f2p version or something.


    What "saved" me for the moment, is that i got lucky in that Kung Fu thing and someone send me a code for the Heroic Edition on Reddit, so even tough i don't have xpack content, i don't have the f2p restrictions anymore and that gave a "breath of fresh air" into the game so to speak hehe, i even bought LWS2 in that promo two days ago, but despite all that i will get an expansion one day (HoT cause i want to do things in order hehe), they are really worth it, and it's not cool feeling like you are "leeching" of the game or something hehe.


    Also, about the "p2w" stuff i don't think it applies to elite specs, bear in mind that elite specs traits still requrires the use of 2 core traits to compliment it, that's why it's kinda hard to "buff core specs to match elites", cause in buffing core traits you can make elite even more powerfull than they already are.

  12. Only problem with mounts are some people using them for events in core areas, specially when the map in question is for a dailie, they just rush in with mounts one-shotting everything and completing all events in 10 seconds.

    I even saw some people that get in, kill all mobs with skill 1, then remount and just press 1 again for next wave, rinse and repeat, c'mon you have one of the best combat in MMO's and you preffer to kill stuff by seeing you mount butt stomping them to death hehehe.

    This is bad cause most of the time they already got their participation share on the event, but just want to finish it faster, leaving others without a chance to get a kill for participation (could put friggin Rangers on the equation too hehe).

    And that's cause Anet already nerfed mounts damage in core areas.

  13. Don't agree with the Fractal thing, i got full ascended gear on my 2 characters (Guardian and Ranger), 147 AR, completed all achievements, and even got the Omnipotion, all that as a f2p with all the restrictions, now i got a Heroic Edition code some time ago in the Tea thing, and my Necro and Warrior are already have ascended armor and weapons, just from the boxes i got when doing T4 Fractals as a full f2p player.


    Yeah, it's kinda hard to get into at first (cause of ascended stuff), but it's still one of the easiest "grinds" in the game.

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