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Posts posted by Crackmonster.2790

  1. The mesmer population is already beaten into submission or driven away. Hard to stir these stilll waters. Look how dead mesmer forum is, how little discussion about builds and traits are here. They did that to us how they treated us over time and what choices we have in builds.

  2. Mesmer once again getting shafted long and deep. Everyone roll cancer chaos staff tank builds with speed runes and while you can't really kill anything, nothing can really kill you when you are running and everyone get frustrated fighting you. We gotta get that hate somehow. And then as soon as they stop chasing you, you start chasing them and chipping away with the 1200 staff tickle.


    Oh wait, mesmer got 0.75second dodge every 6-8 seconds but no dodge rolls like others. Uhhh so overpowered they basically kill people instant with 1 dodge press too yes, that's what the berserkers with 0 condi clean and not avoiding your hits say. It's ridiculous when often power builds deal more damage per move and it's instant and yet the condi gets the hate despite there being a thing called cleanses which can even deny the damage type. You need to keep a dodge for defense at the right moment if you don't wanna use all your utility to give some type of way to react to enemy attacks, but only have 1 dodge and our damage tied to them just means we are so easy controlled, we can be forced to use our dodges at the times where they decide and we don't have the power to attack and put pressure at our initiative without leaving us completely vulnerable. This is total bad, it's undermining everything mirage is about.


    And the devs don't speak on the mirage, better to kill it gut and let it rot some. I got a suggestion for them maybe they should mount its cadavar on a pole(if you know what i mean) to serve as a warning for other speccs that they shouldn't have too much fun - or else!


    We don't want the same damn bone u always throwing us. Make the super clunky, mechanically challenged and unstable specc chrono perform well in ideal raids. This won't make us forget everything else, most mesmer don't play for the pve raid chrono.

  3. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > Back, played a lot of necro last night. In my opinion, it's wayyyyy stronk. The only thing I had trouble with was getting CC locked, which is just the necro life. If I didn't get CC locked I just shredded people. Condi scourge, condi core, power core, and hell I even got fairly okay results out of condi chill reaper. I was even rolling people on a minion scourge build. It was nuts


    Might be because the influx they tried to bring into wvw is people that arent in practice or not really the best players, or testing new builds, or playing old bad builds. It's every reason to think right now it's the time for the foreseeable future with the mobs random players running around.

  4. > @"Heika.5403" said:

    > > @"Crackmonster.2790" said:

    > > You can try condi chronos! Illu/Duel/Chron with scepter/torch and scepter/pistol works very well for me, using full trailblazor. Very tanky, solid damage.

    > >

    > > For PvE it seems we did get a power buff, but ofc they will nerf soon but still it seems to be working quite well atm.

    > >

    > > That said, i'm not even playing my mesmer at this time i got turned off too much. Maybe will be back in the next couple of days to try it out.


    > Oh yes! Condi Chronos, the new meta!!! /s

    > I better rest. I think I've seen too much for today. Sigh.


    Your loss mate. It's really quite solid.

  5. You can try condi chronos! Illu/Duel/Chron with scepter/torch and scepter/pistol works very well for me, using full trailblazor. Very tanky, solid damage.


    For PvE it seems we did get a power buff, but ofc they will nerf soon but still it seems to be working quite well atm.


    That said, i'm not even playing my mesmer at this time i got turned off too much. Maybe will be back in the next couple of days to try it out.

  6. You guys are lucky, you have players left and look how much you are going back and forth discussing potential implications. It's intense.


    Mesmer is dead land, abandoned long ago and there is almost no diversity. You have some seriously overtuned things on ranger also btw, expect more nerfs over time. One of your abilties can hit for over 40k from one use no special setup, currently your longbow 2 can kill 80% of my full tank geared in 1 ability on a 10s cooldown from 1500 range.


    You have a ton of insane things many places, things i am not used to expect to last as a mesmer we don't get a shadow of that. Be happy nerfs were not more severe. Luckily for you, thief is probably next in line and after enough whining has accumulted after patch, they will get some nerfs to their core functionality to restrain their abundant overpowers.


    Anyways i will level up a ranger to play alongside my mesmer and firebrand, i think it looks good on patch for what i want. Been wanting to play a long ranged sniper for a long time, zerk/valk gear core ranger and speed runes for zoom vrooming.

  7. WIth the requirements of meta builds, almost no room for errors, in order words they are unforgiving and hard - needs practice, group of people and with it comes elitism, exclusive attitudes, attacking and criticizing others. Because of that, even if it were 2-3times as good a gold farm as whatever else, i'd still not set foot inside - it doesn't give me warm feelings of joy. Quite the opposite. This is not because i am a nub i'm raider for many years in mmo's, but i just no longer wanna bother with it i don't get much fun for it unless it's forgiving enough to enjoy the content and laugh at your mistakes. The Main reason people subject themselves to that is normally it's tied to the best items in game and thereby pseudo-forced, and only a small percentage of people genuinely raid because they like that hard challenging group content. Most people just wanna farm arpg style, keep plowing and plowing, and stay in the balanced zone where things still take effort and enough stuff happens to keep the mind occupied and optimizing, but things aren't overly hard and punishing either.


    I think even if you make it as good a gold farm as anywhere else, it won't change much. People will choose a relaxed place to farm that gold, where they don't have to deal with elitist idiots.

  8. I mean it would be pretty sadistic but besides that, i don't see much problem with it. It would have to be played in maps along with normal players, else it would be ghostland coz so so few would ever play this. Biggest downside is i wouldn't find use of resources to make any hardcore specific content worthwhile, but if anyone wanted to be tagged hardcore and play what everyone else plays. Fine with me.


    Just would be almost nothing to indicate how long youve played and what stuff youve been able to do on hardcore, would need a seperate set of achievement titles for that and i can't see them hosting another auction house either so items would be mixed up.

  9. I wasnt around back then but it looks like, at the time, they created the game before fully figuring out the whole story - and undead, orrians - zhaitan was the endgame and last zones and they wanted to make a complete story instead of letting you run several expansions before doing that. It makes sense, they later they decided where to go from that initial threat.


    It's okay to me, those undeads and those zones are some of my least favorite in game and i don't much like the boss either i prefer a real powerful dragon, so it was good they get it out of the way! ;)

  10. Tonight at 6am i went to check again, and lo and behind the event was still ongoing like always. But wait, wats that - the npcs arent by the door anymore? I come in t find them dead and the bosses hostile ready for the killing. Luckily i was in a my fighting build coz that was a long fight lol had to kill the one of them like 4 times and break that cc bar an ungodly amount of times, and kiting around on no health left. But it all worked out, got it without dying and now waiting for the event chain to restart.




    It was another IP so it was another instance. Funny coz i tried a few hours before and still the same old instance.

  11. "Defeat the clanmarshal and vizier" - this event in desolation is full broken bugged. The npcs stop moving, will not continue to bosses so you can kill them and there is nothing you can do to prevent it if it has happened. They will go back to their positions if you try to drag them to boss, they will continue to be bugged if you let them die and ress.


    I cannot continue my collection because i need an earlier event in chain and no new maps will open to reset it.


    This has been bugged for years, as you can see from this thread



    I posted in there but i figured the name wasnt good enough and i wanted a thread to point out it is actually a bugged event that needs to be fixed.


    PS: IP

  12. I'm actually playing condition chronos in full trailblazer for general tough content where dying is a risk, it's quite good. Actually it is excellent super tier for soloing. chronos F2 actually reduce cooldown of the shatter by 5sec for each clone shattered so with illusions you can shatter 3 clones every 5 sec, in fact more i am on 3 clones before 5 sec passed and can just use the shatter every 5 sec. And torment runes for some assist heal. Ofc doesn't really work well in pvp coz clones die there etc, but for random content it has become my favored build these days. And when you don't shatter on own location it's quite relaxing coz you don't need to melee hug to optimize.


    Tomorrow i should finish my next build which is full diviner chronos with quickness sigil and vampirism runes. For content where dps matters, but you also need to heal coz stuff happens. Full self uptime for quickness, alacrity and 25 might, and only need alacrity well for that rest comes in rotation. Again, for best general map content, event, meta etc where you can't rely on healers or supports. Naturally full zerker clearly better for dps when buffers are there, but solo its performs better than zerkers if we forget about runes, and plays so much better.


    I'm taking so much more enjoy from the game for making builds that are good on challenging content and events than trying to play full meta that lack so severely in many areas such as survivability and solo sustain.

  13. > @"Halikus.1406" said:

    > Alright, can you give a rest already? Do you know how to ask anything but nerfs to other classes that's not yours? How about you learn to play properly and COUNTER instead of coming to the forums everytime class X or Y do something to you...

    > Everyone is getting nerfs on the next patch, including revs mobility obviously, you would know that if you had read something else than ranger's notes :)


    This is how a response looks by someone whos getting way too many advantages, and trying to weasel their way into pretending it aint so.


    This is exactly what us mirages backed up in the corner said, but you know what, the nerfs were still coming because they don't want anyone to have freely so much power to just overrule itemization such as speed runes etc making no sense when classes also thief got chain teleports for days.


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