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Posts posted by Rukia.4802

  1. I main thief but can play anything meta build and know more than the basics of the game. I am easily plat 3+ material and have solo'd to legend. I will admit I will not tryhard as much anymore, since I just play while high or drunk now otherwise this game is rly rage enducing, but I'm still way better than what ur gonna get in average solo q so I am looking for a casual partner but one thats good at the game and not dogshit. This goes for anyone decent that wants to add me, I dont log on much cuz this game is trash, but when I do its usually epic for anyone that queue with me, though even if we lose Im gonna give you a good time on discord xD


    Btw the #1 reason I actually dont play this game anymore is cuz no one plays with each other so if you dont want your game to die how about actually adding people and playing with them and duoing more. Its so boring to log in at 4pm, advertise in map chat for a partner and literally no one answers. What the fk is that guys? Pathetic.

  2. Its far from dead as a whole, but some maps and activities are. Your best bet is to finish that content when it is relevant before it dies down or you will have a heck of a time on certain achievements and such. Its a problem but its still possible to complete old masteries and achievements, its just not nearly as easy as it was when those maps were relevant and would definitely give you the sense of dead game if you don't understand whats going on. This game basically funnels its players to the newest meta farm map and once that map is outdated it loses like 90% of its population. Some old map metas are still relevant, but everything outside of that event will most likely be dead.

  3. > @"Josiah.2967" said:

    > Visual clutter is out of hand. We also need to be able to disable backpieces. The fact that encountering one and only one popular back piece drops my frames by 20+ is unacceptable. We really need a way to control this. Because if those wings, I would disable all other back-pieces in a heartbeat.


    If you disable back piece that lowers the chances of ANet picking up potential new gamblers .. err I mean customers who want to purchase them.

  4. I mean he has a point, no one legit uncovers those hidden PoI or vista or JP or collection if they play an MMO like any other normal person, aka NOT as a platformer or scavenger hunt game. So we have use guides instead and spend half our time on youtube rather than playing. Pretty atrocious design but hey, thats legit what I have to do any time I end up doing achievements and other stuff because literally nothing is explained most the time. And this comes from a 8year+ vet LOL. I still save more time looking at a guide rather than failing and wasting my precious time for no reason but have no choice because I need a mastery or something. It seems everything in GW2 is meaninglessly ambiguous and subtle af almost like they WANT you to google.


    Btw thank god to Ayin for her guides or I would have quit this game long, long ago.

  5. GW2 doesn't really need a CM since they can't divulge anything anyway.


    My experience with gaile was ok in GW1, it was fun to group around her and talk in spamadan or whatever but its not like she actually contributed much. In fact my experience with her was very negative on these forums since they really embraced social justice and one of my bans she straight up told me to please post positive comments... yea thats no joke, criticism was not initially allowed on these forums.


    So yeah.. either way I don't even care, it wouldn't change much to have a CM that can't communicate.

  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > Because everyone burns through content within hours of release and then complains that there is nothing new to do.

    > >

    > > Makes me wonder how little content there must be, if you can easily rush it in a few hour's.

    > > I mean, isn't it unusual to play an MMO a few hours every night?


    > It's generally very little. The bulk of the "content" is grindy achievements.


    Without those you wouldn't see nearly as many people in older maps or doing metas and game would truly be dead. An MMO is all about grind no matter how you look at it, the difference here is its optional except for the most basic functions.


    I'm still vanquishing zones in a 15 year old game because there is a reason to, doesn't mean its not fun, surely I would not be doing it if there was no title or achievement reward. I have found many players along the way & also play GW2 with them now. Thats the whole point of an MMO . Chasing a carrot isn't inherently a bad thing, it only becomes an issue with vertical progression because by design you basically have no choice.


    I get the meme of GW2 being a collectors paradise but imagine the game without all that crap it would be a barren wasteland lol. Even without collections , metas are still more content than any other MMO puts in their maps. So I'm curious what the alternative would be.. world sized maps with endless voice acted story would probably be pretty pricey for ANet I imagine.


    No MMO could ever put enough endgame content in that lasts its playerbase more than a day or 2 without massively time gating like WoW does and thats a horrible alternative. ANet severely lacking on raids and dungeons though and pvp is deader than a door nail with still 1 ranked mode for 8 years (and pve complains?) , their management is horrible if not non-existent and make very odd decisions but I digress, open world couldn't possibly be better than it is.

  7. > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

    > > @"SlitheSlivier.1908" said:

    > > So since aurene took the place of kralk, who will take the place of jormag, primordus, and then kuunavang? (Let alone mordremoth and zaitan)


    > i dont think kuunavang is the elder dragon. btw i dont know why aurene dont have minions. mainly she only do the talking atm


    She has minions, an army of simps

  8. Not I, hated when they ruined old world in WoW with cataclysm. I don't like when the world is changed permanently , but temporary is ok, though it seems like a ton of dev work for no great payoff. I mean years later the world is still trashed by deathwing , just makes no sense and the devs have to fix it back or redesign it all over again. or in WoW's case just leave it there forever and just say screw it the world is ruined now, enjoy :) kek.

  9. I only have the ones I uploaded to photobucket (lol) since I have changed PC , and dang that place was a trip down memory lane. I threw in a bonus pic that made me laugh, some guy I saw at tequatl back in the day. From oldest to new:



    ![](https://i.imgur.com/dae10iq.png "")



    ![](https://i.imgur.com/jKlwJ0J.png "")



    ![](https://i.imgur.com/QcJ7Jee.png "")


  10. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Morvran.8265" said:

    > > > @"mrcodez.6987" said:

    > > Although I wouldn't mind it if they made them hard. I loved doing the Mage Tower in WoW's Legion expansion, if they made these even just half as hard as those I'd be sold.

    > I would guess that content of that caliber is not GW2's target audience based on the existing level of difficulty. Personally, I'm fine with that. If players are looking for WoW-level content, then I would prefer that they play WoW.



    Difficult solo content is exclusive to WoW? How about Liadri which is the same idea just not nearly as fleshed out.


    I know half the playerbase would cry a river if any meaningful reward were put behind that type of content but if WoW and ESO could both get away with it, I am sure we could survive.

  11. I don't think recipe are restricted to a class.


    For 2nd spear nayrim it starts at makali waypoint and you defend her first, then escort, then defend once again and the final part will require multiple people so make sure to post on the LFG and spam map chat. I did that recently I think for griffon, it took a while to find the spawn. 5 or more players are recommended for that imo.

  12. For the more lets say "dedicated" friends in this game I've seen waste a lot of money on BL chests , like recently the wings. If I didn't have much self control maybe I would be in the same spot. I am all for removing loot boxes, no reason that crap can't be straight purchasable on gem shop even as a higher than normal price as opposed to RNG who knows what price.


    That said, GW2 walks a fine line because you can purchase them with ingame gold so I doubt anything would happen compared to big scumlord EA who have literally 0 care in the world for their player$. We even have literal ecto gambling, how would you regulate that since technically you can purchase gold with real money then gamble it? In the end its really the responsibility of the player and these should be looked at on a case by case basis, EA is the absolute worst and their system should be shut down for very obvious reasons.

  13. Condi was extremely well designed in GW1, except blind top kek but how rare was that anyway. I only remember SoM on mes and maybe ele blinding flash in pvp. They just need a degen system like that and remove condi stat all together but they shot themselves in the foot already there is no going back now it will always be a clown mechanic that isn't fun to fight against unless you are built to directly counter it. Imagine just building for a single dmg stat and all condi still being useful with proper rot pressure like it should be not ridiculous burst equal or superior to power.

  14. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > It would be better if you stick to unranked for a bit. Play something you like. When you feel confident that you can do okay, then consider ranked. I would generally say, if you cannot win half the games you play, it is not wise to play ranked.


    Unranked will teach you literally nothing, worst suggestion ever lol


    Play rank and don't take the game seriously at all or you will end up like the rest of us, jaded and full of hate.

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