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Posts posted by Rukia.4802

  1. I'm curious what content you're failing with pugs. GW2 was in dire straits for sure, even I thought it was all but dead and moved on until the xpac was announced.


    I'm surprised this post was made on may 30 lol you're a few months(?) too late.


    I did a augery rock meta for skyscale at 4 in the morning yesterday. Log into any other MMO at 4 AM and I challenge you to find a single other player doing something in the world. Its pretty freakin rare.

  2. They are obsessed with buttcapes/flaps/skirts/insert literally anything that isn't normal looking armor.


    I feel you especially as heavy armor, it just sucks bad.


    I made a thread a while back about it, and searched a ton of topics, I am 100% sure they are aware but just don't care cuz its their style they want.

    I expect more of the same, they really hate normal armor.

  3. They hated on mounts too, until we got them and ANet put a spin on it, now how many anti-mount posters we have?. Need to drop the "GW2 doesn't need this" mentality, thats how the game stagnates and gets boring. I can't count how many people worked for the legendary fishing pole in Legion, or how many people post they completed the meta fishing achievement in ESO. Its just a fun side activity which ANet would probably more interesting than the other MMOs like they did with mounts.


    It doesn't seem fair to me when people say NO to something that they don't even have to participate in, just let others who would enjoy it. I am for it and I don't fish in any of those games that have it because I find it boring, but it sure couldn't hurt the game. I think it would look cool to see some people fishing a pond out in the middle of nowhere having a chat or whatever. Its an MMORPG, not everything has to be combat related.


    I think you should be able to cook out in the open world too, with a stew pot and cooking fire or whatever, another option for more cosmetic$, we are adventurers after all. I hate crafting, but doesn't mean I should be against it, cuz others like it.

  4. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"Mortifer.2946" said:

    > > Dear ArenaNet,

    > *snip*

    > So basically follow your suggestion and deliver a system with rewards and monetization....

    > But no actual fishing system?

    > ...because all I see in your post is rewards, monetization, and uses for a system with zero description.


    > 10/10 Armchair Design.



    Do you really need MMO fishing explained to you? He's just pointing out its a potential profit, and ANet being a business first, is whats on their mind. Players get what they want, so do devs, win win. ANet aint gonna bother with anything that doesn't make them money.

  5. > @"kratan.4619" said:

    > Hopefully, they are never removed. This is just your opinion man. No different than saying, "I do not like these so I also want nobody else to have them.


    I literally put suggestions in to have both. I don't care if people like buttcapes, but there needs to be options without them. I imagine it can't hurt them too much to take a pair of scissors to a bunch of outfits and re-release them, they probably sell a lot better. Win for players win for devs.

  6. Yes GW1 armor was good.

    I think them customizing the engine for 2 really messed with the quality of armor, much of it just looks awful, even the ones directly taken from 1 just don't look or feel the same at all. In WoW they updated HD to some of the old sets and they were still the same just looked much better. I can't really put my finger on it in this game but its so inferior to what they had.

  7. 90% outfits are instant pass , can't find normal heavy pants for the life of me, just don't understand why everything needs to be buttcaped or some odd flap added to it.


    Can you design more regular armor for the love of all the gods and 9 divine combined, especially in cantha don't ruin my fav aesthetic with endless buttcape. At the very least design ONE good armor set that is just normal for all and/or make outfits into skins again so we can mix match to look half decent.


    For being a horizontal progression MMO I really do think the aesthetic game is below any other on the market aside from WoW which is actually probably better but suffers from lack of 3D textures and horrible poly count. FF14 gives me so many options to look how I want. Drop your outfit restrictions and even make 2 versions of the same set for outfits so we can choose the one without buttcape.


    And for being a 'progressive' team I find it strange how in ESO I can be a big beautiful orc in a wedding dress or skimpy attire but can't do the same in GW2. There are too many limitations for a game that should be largely focused on fashion but actually isn't. I just can't click with this art team at all and its a shame that I am destined to be ugly forever in GW2 outside of using a full outfit that can't be customized in any way outside of dye. You really gonna make me use a outfit I've been using for years, for more years? -_-


    GW2 needs like 10x more options, your fashion game is sorely lacking.

  8. > @"kurfu.5623" said:

    > Using Asmongold as a reference to back your arguments totally invalidates whatever point you were trying to make. That guy is an AH.


    > Analytics are a valid measure of how many people are participating in the various content available.


    Can you give me any good reason not to listen to asmongold?

    He knows everything about WoW and is pretty knowledgeable on the topic.

    If you don't like his twitch persona thats fine but don't spew bs. You should actually watch the video instead of getting triggered immediately and claiming the OP point invalid, thats pretty childish.


    Here is the original if you want to actually focus on the point of the thread but its much longer


    Analytics alone are terrible and don't tell you much out of context. You need to know what your players think of the content and listen to feedback. Blizzard ignoring feedback and only going by metrics is why the game sucks today.


  9. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > Ok ok ok hold on, let me sum up the claims that we have so far from all of these threads within the past month:

    > >

    > > 1. Everything a Ranger Pet does deals anywhere between 6k and 12k damage. In rare events, autos only hit for 2k and 3k.

    > > 2. Ranger Pets have raid boss like sustain values.

    > > 3. Ranger Pets are impossible to kite and they are impossible to chase.

    > > 4. Apparently Core Rangers have no CD for dead pet swapping.

    > > 5. Apparently Core Ranger has mobility & disengage that is equal to a D/P Shadow Arts Daredevil.

    > > 6. The Core Ranger Greatsword is by far the superior weapon kit in the game because it has a block skill.

    > > 7. A dozen Core Ranger complaint threads have been made within the past month, but not a single thread has been written about Protection Holosmith, despite almost an entirely unanimous agreement from all players that Protection Holosmith is equal to or greater in strength than the Core Ranger in all categories. Weird eh? Something to think about in the way of biased expectations.


    > Ur last point is true and the reason is people find rangers more annoying to fight than holo regardless whether its more OP or not so they want it nerfed to uselessness. Happens to all classes with annoying mechanics. Thief cuz stealth and tele, mirage cuz obvious reasons and ranger cuz pets and lb range.


    Really? Ranger isn't even that annoying, mesmer has held that torch for quite a while to the point of being toxic to play against until recently. Many builds have triggered me to the point of not playing in the past but I can't say that ranger has ever been toxic.

  10. > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

    > IIRC even at the game's height of popularity the side content never had anywhere near a majority of players darkening their towels. Splitting off the dev's resources and manpower from the game's main selling points to please a crowd much louder than they are numerous is a big "Nah, son."


    > That having been said, the side content should have something new added every development cycle. It's only reasonable. Like how McDonald's keeps the Fillet-o-fish on their menu: Someone will want to eat it.


    It happens when your pvp launches with a single mode around capture points, class design doesn't allow any more fun modes, and your wvw is just hitting gates 24/7. They were all really popular at first until everyone got bored and realized what a joke the potential of esports was in a buggy spammy game with 0 visual clarity.


    Pvelords love using the term side content for anything pvp related but realize pvp is pretty popular in most games that have it and its not any less relevant. Pvp was immense and really well designed in GW1 and earlier expacs of WoW. Notice the trend of more braindead faceroll gameplay and you see pvp die in these newer xpacs/MMOs.

  11. I used to get 60 ping in GW2, but ever since the Amazon server move I get double that. 120-150 is my avg.

    I feel constant delay on my abilities which is most noticeable in pvp.

    I am on the west coast and as I understand it the Amazon servers are on the east..


    What do I ask my ISP?

    I want to be specific in my query and talk to the right person about the right issues.


    I can't be competitive with a laggy connection and I'm tired of it. I had 0 issues with GW2 prior to this server change.

    Is there a test I should do to determine where I'm getting a bad connection from?

    Is it just impossible to get back my good ping because of the newer server locations?

  12. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > @"Rukia.4802" said:

    > > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > > > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > Maybe an average build is but there are some huge exceptions I’ll just point out how PW got huge nerfs and is still decent in fact pretty much great as a thief build, dp builds in general got good nerfs to and some variants are still great. Not just thief, from what I understand war, engi, ele lots of classes you would think highly affected by cc nerfs dps and sustain nerfs are still doing great

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Alot of the stuff was tickled and not nerfed.

    > > > > > > Necro and guard ate almost no nerfs whatsoever, kitten like maul after double nerf is still nerfed less then most things.

    > > > > > > They should just add global -30% dmg taken instead of going skill by skill becouse its impossible to touch everything.

    > > > > > > Removal of CC removal and evasion made escaping CC much harder.

    > > > > > > If I play mirage against warrior my CC remove got CD increases, I lost a dodge, Im forced out of vigor ( chaos line ) and my scepter 2 and axe 3 got increased cooldowns.

    > > > > > > Bottom line is I can dodge WAAAAY the kitten less, and remove CC less often. But there is same ammout of CC on warrior for example. And if they take hammer then kitten me im not gonna move.

    > > > > > > like just look at it.

    > > > > > > daze/stun from dagger.

    > > > > > > stun from shield 4

    > > > > > > stun from hammer f1.

    > > > > > > daze from F2

    > > > > > > stun from F1 if reset by f2

    > > > > > > knockdown from bull

    > > > > > > aids stun spam from rampage

    > > > > > > backbreaker Knockdown

    > > > > > > staggering knockback

    > > > > > > thats potential 9 Hard CC skills, who the kitten can avoid all dis, im not saying its op or whatever becouse I didnt play against it but its the matter of principle.

    > > > > > > evade/stab/cc remov got dunked and cc remained.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > InTeRRuPt tHeIr CC! We are reaching GW1 levels of interrupt/CC-spam lately, and in that game this unironically was a thing.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I remember reading in 2011/12 that they don't want CC overloaded builds in GW2, because they learned it from GW1 how stunlocking targets untill they die is a terrible design.

    > > > >

    > > > > What builds could stun lock you until you die in GW1? The one that could remotely do that was moebius strike + horns of the ox assassin which you only needed to block one chain skill to mess it all and that was in low tier pvp.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Any DH or Backbreaker A/W or W/A variant. Once the target gets hit by the first attack, only Disciplined Stance or Shield Bash could have saved them(and these skills were pretty much only run by monks, or required the target to be on their defensive weaponset before eating the first hit). While this combo was the worst offender, any class with a knockdown could combo ridiculous things togheter, like my Rt/A lifesteal meme build that only did armor ignoring and lifesteal damage.

    > > > All you had to do to "stunlock" someone is knocking them down again just as they were standing up. GW1 had no stunbreaks, only some instant cast stances/skills that could maybe defend you from the incoming spike once you've been incapacitated. GW1 also had no stealth whatsoever, so anticipating incoming spikes was easier, but still.

    > >

    > > Yeah dude this was like loooow tier pvp.. you can't just wombo combo someone solo in a GvG lol ofc this happened in jq/fa/ab/ra but even still there are tons of anti melee. Real spike dmg in GW1 was coordinated from most of the group on comms, dying to a single assassin meme spec is impossible in a real group and that goes for any other class too. We weren't rambo 1man armies like in GW2.


    > I literally got silvercape by memeing a 4/4 split and 2 A/W as frontline, also trolled with the knockdown-spam in r10+ HoH teams. If that's low tier, what's high?

    > If abusing out of control CC-spam builds is possible, there will be high end pvp players doing it. That's what happened in GW1 and it will also happen in GW2 now.


    > I have played several dozen matches with Lightning Rod weaver this last two weeks, I can finally say I can utilise most of it's potential. And it's distgusting. A few builds with on-demand stability counter it, rest has to flee and/or gank. Lack of condiremoval could mean that condition builds keep it in check however... no they don't. I can just charge the enemy condi-bunker revenant/necro, and interrupt them to death. This feels exactly like A/W did back in my GW1 days. A few mindgames to bait/fake out defenses, and everything dies.


    Yeah sure I believe you bro.. mind showing me in GW1 as I still GvG you can show me how assassin just destroys with perma CC :# it'll be a bit difficult when target has support and is in an actual team.


    anyway what isn't cancer in gw2

  13. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > > > > > Maybe an average build is but there are some huge exceptions I’ll just point out how PW got huge nerfs and is still decent in fact pretty much great as a thief build, dp builds in general got good nerfs to and some variants are still great. Not just thief, from what I understand war, engi, ele lots of classes you would think highly affected by cc nerfs dps and sustain nerfs are still doing great

    > > > >

    > > > > Alot of the stuff was tickled and not nerfed.

    > > > > Necro and guard ate almost no nerfs whatsoever, kitten like maul after double nerf is still nerfed less then most things.

    > > > > They should just add global -30% dmg taken instead of going skill by skill becouse its impossible to touch everything.

    > > > > Removal of CC removal and evasion made escaping CC much harder.

    > > > > If I play mirage against warrior my CC remove got CD increases, I lost a dodge, Im forced out of vigor ( chaos line ) and my scepter 2 and axe 3 got increased cooldowns.

    > > > > Bottom line is I can dodge WAAAAY the kitten less, and remove CC less often. But there is same ammout of CC on warrior for example. And if they take hammer then kitten me im not gonna move.

    > > > > like just look at it.

    > > > > daze/stun from dagger.

    > > > > stun from shield 4

    > > > > stun from hammer f1.

    > > > > daze from F2

    > > > > stun from F1 if reset by f2

    > > > > knockdown from bull

    > > > > aids stun spam from rampage

    > > > > backbreaker Knockdown

    > > > > staggering knockback

    > > > > thats potential 9 Hard CC skills, who the kitten can avoid all dis, im not saying its op or whatever becouse I didnt play against it but its the matter of principle.

    > > > > evade/stab/cc remov got dunked and cc remained.

    > > >

    > > > InTeRRuPt tHeIr CC! We are reaching GW1 levels of interrupt/CC-spam lately, and in that game this unironically was a thing.

    > > >

    > > > I remember reading in 2011/12 that they don't want CC overloaded builds in GW2, because they learned it from GW1 how stunlocking targets untill they die is a terrible design.

    > >

    > > What builds could stun lock you until you die in GW1? The one that could remotely do that was moebius strike + horns of the ox assassin which you only needed to block one chain skill to mess it all and that was in low tier pvp.

    > >

    > >


    > Any DH or Backbreaker A/W or W/A variant. Once the target gets hit by the first attack, only Disciplined Stance or Shield Bash could have saved them(and these skills were pretty much only run by monks, or required the target to be on their defensive weaponset before eating the first hit). While this combo was the worst offender, any class with a knockdown could combo ridiculous things togheter, like my Rt/A lifesteal meme build that only did armor ignoring and lifesteal damage.

    > All you had to do to "stunlock" someone is knocking them down again just as they were standing up. GW1 had no stunbreaks, only some instant cast stances/skills that could maybe defend you from the incoming spike once you've been incapacitated. GW1 also had no stealth whatsoever, so anticipating incoming spikes was easier, but still.


    Yeah dude this was like loooow tier pvp.. you can't just wombo combo someone solo in a GvG lol ofc this happened in jq/fa/ab/ra but even still there are tons of anti melee. Real spike dmg in GW1 was coordinated from most of the group on comms, dying to a single assassin meme spec is impossible in a real group and that goes for any other class too. We weren't rambo 1man armies like in GW2.

  14. Do new players really have to buy all the LS episodes?

    The season 1 story is honestly a joke unfortunately, it is just a couple instances of capturing circles and killing some mobs with little dialogue and no reference points. If I was a new player I'd be like.. what? So it makes sense they didn't put that aimed at new players now that I have been through them, it was quite sad to see how little effort went into that, why even bother really.

  15. > @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

    > Guild wars 2 has actually warped my sense of difficulty in games. It's so bad that i'm shocked when I lose in a normal single player game. Or I'm shocked whenever I die in the open world.


    > Devs have stated in the past one of the core reasons why their content leans on the easy side is because the dps of an experienced (or informed) player vs A

    > relatively inexperienced/uninformed player is huge. 10x the damage, which is just strait up impossible to balance between the 2.


    Well you aren't punished or taught anything for failing even the basic story repeatedly, just revive and continue. Very differnt from GW1 where its git gud or git rekt. Same for any MMO.. the games literally cater to that easy mentality and then its surprise pikachu face when you get anything challenging because you've been conditioned to the opposite. I blame developers. It doesn't take a genius to know you need different difficulty levels of the same content in MMOs nowadays or only a very small minority will do them. I grew up with games being 'hard' so I have alway done that content but I get why casuals don't.


    You don't advertise an extremely casual game then add some 1 difficulty raid level content expecting casuals to do it in organized groups. That just alienates your casuals and only makes the minority happy which are the only ones to see that content then devs see it as a waste of time I'm sure. I wish they would just cater to both sides and add easy/norm in every raid, like the strike public version with daily reward. In GW1 basically every area had the same difficulty curve at least that's how it felt to me. Sure dungeons were harder but it wasn't much you haven't seen before. By that time you know if you don't pull a group correctly or make a big mistake you are screwed.


    You use same strategy in your starter zone than in end game, the GW1 learning experience was really good. GW2 devs thought 1 was too hard and wasn't friendly to casuals which I disagree with but this is what happens when you remove the most basic prefrontal cortex requirement in most of your game. 1 was still very relaxing and quite easy in many areas, you just weren't encouraged to run in all rambo style and pwn everything spamming 1 skill. Casual design has owned MMO development for many years now, we are just dusty relics of the past.


    I think the difficulty is fine in instances personally, but overland is just all over the damn place it goes from ez to 1shot back to ez back to 1shots all the time like you never know what to expect in GW2 maps and it doesn't seem to be teaching anyone anything. I think the downed state is too much of a carry. And yes you have a big point with dps, that is the fault of their stat system I mean anyone can be running around in t/v/h gear and do 0 dmg. They should have stuck with GW1 attributes and not bother with stats, that was a horrible idea and why GW1 was able to be balanced much better.

  16. > @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

    > This may be unpopular opinion but I think some RNG is fine. Gives the item some value/prestige. I was drooling over the Berserker's Lightward's Battlestaff when it came out and still don' t have it nor have I paid for it, even though I can afford it. Little bit overpriced on the TP, but I have no problem how it is. I do get impressed when someone has it, because it's uncommon. Although it's rare to see someone have/use the skin.


    "some value" have you seen the price on tp? lul lowest seller is 7k highest buyer is 4850 for these helm.


    That's more than legendaries lol..


    Too late to change it now but pretty stupid, the staff you mention is hardly worth 200g.

  17. Garbage change.. thought my game was bugged and came here to find out why I couldn't swap my pet in combat. Well its a lot more boring now I'll give you that, bravo anet.

    > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > I often used the pet swap to heal me rather than save a dying pet.

    Me too now missing spiritual reprieve completely because you need a dps pet so now there is 0 variety.

  18. Strikes were never going to get people to raid. ANet are like a toddler in MMO-basics. An easy mode for casuals is the norm now but ANet didn't get the memo just like proper queue system for instances.


    Its a shame because probably so few people actually see raids and they don't see it as a great return on investment. If they just implement a LFR then 90% of players will queue into it if all they have to do is press a button and do a couple ez mechanics and see the story. I bet the public option for strikes is very popular for example.


    Then the content isn't "wasted" and THIS is what gets people to move onto pugging normal, heroic, etc. in WoW. Sure, most will probably stick to LFR which is fine, but you do get quite a few new raiders and in the end what does it matter if everyone gets to see the content you will still have your casuals and hardcores.


    Strikes are so disconnected with raids its silly.

  19. Literally impossible, Anet is incapable of designing anything without a buttcape or at least a buttflap/tail//string/wavything/buttsomething.


    Sometimes I look at the gem shop and say to myself wow, all of these would actually look great without that buttflap garbage.

    It literally ruins the look of 90% of armor in GW2, I'm not kidding we should actually do a % study and see just how many pieces of gear has a butt something attached to it instead of just normal fitting.

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