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Posts posted by Wisty.4135

  1. I can see this stance, but I don't necessarily agree with it. I know with these changes, I've been forced to consider line of sighting, spots where I can't be TP'd to, etc. Whereas on the old map I wouldn't have (and didn't). I think these are good changes, as they force a player to consider slightly more strategy to be successful.... But I will admit some maps have a bit too much "stuff" in the way.

  2. Depends. I'd say for matches I win, no more than 250K healing is a sweet spot - any more or less and fights are too long (more) or we have so much kill potential that I'm not really needed on sup (less). As a support I care more about caps, defenses, rezzes and total team deaths - those are "hard" objectives meaning I've been doing something. But even again, that's not a foolproof way to gauge one's performance as you can camp home all game and prevent the decap and get top defenses....



  3. Ah, you have not encountered a fun-flame warrior. It's deadeye but not for wusses :3


    But yeah, I both love and hate these builds. They're great for relieving stress, but also super stressful to play against.


    Guess I'll dodge.

  4. > @"WolfSparkSmack.2649" said:

    > You may got me wrong... I mean something that actually makes difference (not visuals) but rather any kind of bonus


    To this effect I would have to say I think it's best that these aren't implemented. As mentioned other places in the post, this has potential to make certain aspects of the game more toxic (specific leggies or kick? Overwriting boon effects or field/ finisher effects from organized group play?


    Granted, these may be fringe cases, but I believe they'd cause way more hassle than they're worth. Sorry.


  5. Legendary weapons already have the footfall effects and draw, carry and sometimes attack animations and sounds. Many of them are pretty obnoxious (quip and dreamer come to mind). I'm uncertain of what addition effects could be put on them without making a visual disaster.


    But I'm curious - what would you change or add specifically to give legendaries "more value" - and are there any legendaries you're referring to specifically?


    > @"WolfSparkSmack.2649" said:

    > Maybe not everybody will like it but... What if each different legendary weapon has a specific bonus/passive/proc effect or anything of that sort to fit with the theme of the weapon and the lore behind it nothing to op . Its just to make Legendary weapons meaningful.


    Or, do you mean to add a stat bonus of some sort to the legendaries as equipped? Because I could see that being.... Slightly unfair in WvW, say, but ultimately inconsequential in all but the highest form of PVE content.


  6. Does it not work in guild halls? I presumed that to be home instance restriction only.


    Also, I don't think this is an issue that needs compensation - as a glyph owner, I don't even think it's an issue at all, honestly, especially since it still functions perfectly well on every other node farm I run. One daily harvest versus close to 25 chars over 3 flax farms is nothing.


    It sucks that it's a little less convenient, yes, but as a means of not invalidating a fairly important (if not very glamorous) segment of the game, it's pretty needed, for now.


    Best case is this is a hotfix that will eventually get revisited when the dev team has less on their plates.

  7. > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

    > > @"Wisty.4135" said:

    > > I'd be down for a guarenteed recipe, but I can see the slope now - get recipe for surefire clovers costing 3x mats? "guarenteed recipe costs too much! Nerf it!" - gets nerfed "why is it only one? The random has 10X chance!" And so on.

    > >

    > > The methods available now are already decent-ish. Plus the clovers aren't intended to be something easily farmed for. I mean you can, yes, but that s not the point of them. I don't really like that either, but 8 leggies later I'm kinda ok with it.


    > Obviously, if the intent is to get around the RNG, the exchange rate would have to be substantially worse otherwise the RNG recipe becomes obsolete. It would likely cost 5x to 10x the materials to make one guaranteed.


    That's my point, but there'll be complaints about the exchange rates and calls for nerfs. It's a whole thing that I think is best just left untouched. RNG sucks but it's waaaaay better than the (potential) alternatives.


    Plus, as mentioned elsewhere in this discussion there do exist non RNG ways to get them that aren't really meant to be farmed, but more intended as gradual accumulation. These have worked really well for me so far - logins, PVP and WVW reward tracks, etc. I usually have 100-ish clovers by the time I'm ready to craft my next leggy, about every 5 months.

  8. I'd honestly reccommend running mace/sword and Hammer on rev. The condi damage ticks let you move and kite as needed, while sword 4 immobilizes into place with a load of damage too. Hammer brings range and CC.


    I'd recommend Demon and Assassin for damage and kiting, but otherwise demon/dwarf if you need close up protection.


    Rev is all about kiting and control early on, as you are fairly squishy. Do not be afraid to take toughness and vitality on gear if you need to! Also don't forget your dodges!


    Once you master movement and kiting, rev becomes an absolute powerhouse. This only gets better the more you level and focus your specs, too!


    If you have any questions feel free to ask.always happy to help!

  9. I'd be down for a guarenteed recipe, but I can see the slope now - get recipe for surefire clovers costing 3x mats? "guarenteed recipe costs too much! Nerf it!" - gets nerfed "why is it only one? The random has 10X chance!" And so on.


    The methods available now are already decent-ish. Plus the clovers aren't intended to be something easily farmed for. I mean you can, yes, but that s not the point of them. I don't really like that either, but 8 leggies later I'm kinda ok with it.

  10. Of the two, Necro is easiest to get into and has a low skill floor for most content and game modes. Revenant also has a place, and is very effective in all content types as well but requires some time and skill investment to become serviceable.


    However, revenant is LOADS more fun in my opinion. I'd say give them both a try and see which one speaks to you more - you can always delete a character and reroll if you don't like the class!

  11. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > The Moot because it was my first 6.5 years ago and everyone knows disco is life.


    > Chuka and Champawat and Kraitkin are also up there with ones I like the most


    Kraitkin looks really good (even for an underwater) and Chuka's entire crafting quest was one of the most absorbing things I've done in this game. Plus it looks dope.


    Howler's probably the one to round out my top 3 though. Just wish warhorn had better usages.

  12. I'm ok with the glyphs going down. The benefits were marginal and I still got cute dragons to harvest my stuff for me. It's annoying yeah but not world-ending to the point I'm gonna throw a fit for not having the bonuses for two weeks-ish. Thank goodness for the consortium sickle, else the 30-man daily flax farms would be a nightmare, though.

  13. Meme in ranked. Try your hardest, but have fun doing it!


    I can only play axe/shield GS Spellbreaker so much before I get bored and go rifle zerker instead. It's this that makes pvp more palatable, especially when it's breaching plat with memes.


    Otherwise, duo, aim for a goal that isn't "X Rating by season end," etc.

  14. > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

    > If you have a scrapper, then heal-rev as addition might also be good.


    I have an engineer and a Rev. My rev is my raid-ready condi rev, which I've had some good success with - the Khalla Elite is A+ for my small-scale fights in sustaining and disrupting, and citadel bombardment is gross when specced for extra missiles. I could perhaps switch some geat out to make it a heal rev, but I'd really need to practice it.


    As for engie, I have a YOLOsmith for roaming, but have played bunker scrapper in pvp; i'd need to adjust my build and gear slightly, but I can give it a shot.


    > @"Auburner.6945" said:

    > Most of the times I have died more than saved, so like a good and a new scourge to PvE raids that expects downs, same goes for WvW to know when and where.


    I'm a mediocre scourge, and currently specced for damage. I have done some heal scourge before, but only in organized PVE. I wasn't sure if the skillset would quite transfer over, or if it'd be welcomed given how much utility a scourge brings as a damage dealer. I'll definitely look into it though



    Also as a quick aside, thanks for all the links and guides! Reached Mithril so far this week healing and I've been getting a better feel for what to expect in terms of fight dynamics and when to use what as a Tempest. I'm dying a lot less, and helping my team die a lot less provided they don't get caught. I think that was my biggest issue - lack of knowledge for the battle flow, which greatly impacted positioning and healing effectiveness. Gonna keep up the practice.



  15. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > Poor Druids...


    > “Bringing heavy healing to GW2, unlike anything you have seen before. Strong support, very powerful in upcoming raids and WvW. Can sustain a zerg train of 20-30 players in WvW.”...


    This was perhaps the biggest surprise to me. In raids I bring it for offensive buffs, as healing is secondary (but still pretty good). In Havoc/Zerg stuff, though, it seems the utility is outclassed by FB/Herald, and the heals are sub-par for anything greater than a 5-man derpsquad.


    > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > best healer i had was a rev =',) high skil cap toon though


    This was another one I wanted to try, but I felt like the tablet manipulation was a bit awkward in these fights. I can see it working on a 5-10 man scale, but anything more would just be spamming Ventari 6 off CD?


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