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Posts posted by Wisty.4135

  1. **Again, don't do these in ranked!**


    What do you guys play to have a little non-serious fun in an unranked PVP match?


    My personal favorite is the "Red Light Warrior" - no one moves, no one has fun.



    *Mace/Shield, Hammer

    *[Heal], Bull's charge, Stomp, [utility], [Elite]

    *Paladin's Amulet

    *Damage Runes

    *Shield blocks reflect, burst mastery recharge, physical skill mastery/peak performance, damage buff on burst use. The rest of your traits can suit your needs


    Fun because 1v1's amd 2v1's are usually quite favorable. If you catch someone, the amount of CC eats all their stunbreaks with plenty left to lock them down. Correct rotation of CC ensures a CC is always off CD so the fun never stops! Hit them, keep them down, noodle them with those dank 1k crits until they're downed (perfectly tenderized).


    * Not quite as easily kited due to shield bash, bull, and hammer burst. But still kiteable. Mesmers are the hardest to fight typically because clones tend to eat CC. Otherwise, it's a "skill" matchup in most cases.


    So yeah! That's a quickie on my favorite build, but what do **you** like to play to unwind in unranked?


  2. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > I'd like to see more like Cliffside and uncategorised which utilise more mysterious settings.


    So you'd prefer something not directly tied with plot points or identifiable locales/events, but rather reinforcing the self-contained nature that fractals currently present? ...More along the lines of observatory, nightmare (sorta), cliffside, or uncategorized. I'm cool with that as those tend to be some of my favorites to run barring the observatory; too long for most common groups I run.


    But I think the expansion of the fractal "world" could certainly be quite fun, even if it continues with the stability and the loop-like nature of fractals themselves. Great ideas!

  3. > @"Sister Saxifrage.7361" said:

    > I've said before, I would love a repackaging of the scrapped Nightmare Court lane in Dragon's Stand. Finally we could learn what the heck they were doing there. Of course we would be skinned as NC sylvari.


    That could certainly be a good idea. Honestly, the Sylvari lore is one of my favorites (behind Charr) so anything involving them is a welcome addition in my eyes. Could it have been a misguided attempt to resist Mordy? Or were there more convenient uses for being that close to the dragon? Certainly a topic worth exploring in a fractal, I'd think.


    > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

    > Also in Arah the cleansing on Glint from Kralkatorrik's influence.


    Interesting, though with something like this, might it be better suited to inclusion within a living story step relating to Krackletwerk instead? But conversely, could a story step give that piece of lore enough time to be satisfying? It's difficult to balance what would fit best where, but that's certainly something I'd enjoy playing.



  4. > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

    > 1. Orr before destruction

    > 2. Abaddon's fall but it has to be epic and great-looking

    > 3. Forgotten trying to convert Kralkatorrik maybe?

    > 4. GW1 missions. I'll take all of them. Please at least one.


    All of these are fantastic, really. As I mentioned, Abbadon's Fall would be boss to experience, as would anything expanding on the forgotten or Crackle-twerk; for Orr, would that be as they're being confronted with the decision to sink it, or earlier than that?


    With respect to the GW1 missions, I don't know; would that disincentivize people from purchasing and playing GW1? That might be the only hesitancy there, but those would all be ideas I could get behind.

  5. > @"Fallesafe.5932" said:

    > Like a LOT of them???


    Personally I would prefer quality over quantity. But I would indeed prefer any quantity over none at all. However, with the release of PoF there was the Oasis Fractal, which I quite enjoyed, and it was a step in the right direction, but I wish more regular additions could be a thing instead of generally being tied to a major(ish) release.


    So much potential with fractals, quite honestly!

  6. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > I mean...is there any way that casuals can enjoy the end game part of GW2 without adhering to a strict meta archetype? I am looking for a guild or just a group of people who just want to enjoy the game without all the fuss , anger and frustration.


    > To be more specific , I do not expect or even want the same level of "efficiency" of meta runs but at the same I will commit to a certain level of common sense like I wouldn't expect to get anything done with a healing thief for example.


    > Basically is there anywhere out there where you can play with whatever stats and still enjoy the mode as long as the job get done?



    Yeah. Usually guild groups do this. And if you're running guild groups, meta is not a requirement at all, so long as your build makes "sense." No healthief, sorry. Usually people will still play meta or something close since it's pretty easy and comfortable, but not required in most guild groups I've run. I mean, I run full ascended Soldier's gear, Hammer, Axe(mace)/Shield on a base warrior (I have both expansions) and regularly clear wings 1-4. Not actually tried the newest raid though.


  7. I bought like... 10 when they were 500 badges each. I miss those days, but I also don't since I had to rotate through 3 identical maps +EB to get the gift of exploration as well (the only reason I had so many badges to begin with).


    That being said, this is at least a manageable way to handle it with the reward track. It's involving and more invested than get to level 14 and talk to a vendor. It at least gives me a reason to touch WVW on like the rank 18 server I'm on. Otherwise, the mode's torture.


    I would be fine if it got added as a track for sPvP as well, albeit, perhaps increase the reward pts needed slightly to make the time invested about equivalent.


    So yeah. As it is, it's not in a bad state all things considered. I'd not be against a sPvP track with some adjustments, but the current iteration is healthier than past iterations.


    Or. Or. They can just give everyone a free legendary of their choice (Kraitkin, my love!).



  8. I've been thinking - I really have enjoyed fractals as they have been released, either the ones expanding on current lore or giving a further insight into past instances / focused portions of past events. As a lore delivery mechanism, I adore them. That being said, what are some things you'd like to see as the focus for new fractals?


    Personally, I would love expansion of the charr history - the rise of the flame legion or perhaps the renegade insurrection that lead to the precursor of today's charr society.


    Another fun idea would be "primitive" asura as they're first being besieged by destroyers and the chaos of needing to flee from the underground.


    I'd also more expansion on LWS1 content/settings as fractals, if the implementing that as a playable story journal set is still not viable.


    But the question's posed to you: content, mechanic or topic wise, what would you like to see included in new Fractals?

  9. For raids, I would say your best bet is to find a guild group. For instance, I've got a guild that does practice runs using an "anything goes" format with the express purpose of learning various boss mechanics or testing builds in an actual setting. (Golem testing is pretty bad IMO). Typically about half the group runs a comfortable DPS/Support (for a more guaranteed boss completion rate) while the others can run whatever they like to see how it fits in with a boss, mechanics, and a "group" as a whole.


    The only real recommendation I would have is, if not running the "meta" builds, make sure you can work your build to the fullest. A first time running glint-ventari Herald isn't going to help anyone in raids if they can't use the build effectively, for example.


    For just getting in and experiencing, I'd suggest setting up PuGs with the very clear expectation that it is for learning or testing, either by LFG (not recommended) or by tapping your guild resources I would lean more toward guild invitations as guildies tend to be a bit more understanding than PuGs are.


    However, for a good idea of what to expect, watching fight mechanics and reading about them first before the wing can really help. Some fights are hard. Most fights you won't clear first time (or even a tenth time if new). But it's important to not be discouraged - practice and experience is much more valuable than being carried IMO.


    Best of luck, and feel free to send any questions you might have! Always to help out if I can.

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