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Posts posted by Axelteas.7192

  1. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Axelteas.7192" said:

    > > And then how you acquire ascended gear then?


    > Some people don't care about that 1% or 2% increase from exotics to ascended gear.


    this is notorious trust me, and is not a 1 or 2%

  2. > @"alain.1659" said:

    > Don't play spvp. It is simple. I was furious about balance, bots, afk people and anet not giving a fudge about those issues. So I (and many of my friends) stopped playing spvp. Feels wonderful. Without a protest this will go on forever.


    Fantastic. And then how you acquire ascended gear then? Its even worse farming materials and crafting than the toxic disgusting PVP

  3. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > Ah yes the daily conspiracy theories.


    > 90% winrate is impossible!

    > My alt wins more than my main!

    > 50% forced w/r!


    > Its almost comical how much excuses you guys go through


    Legendary players live in a alternative reality with rainbows and unicorns BECAUSE due to low people playing in PvP Anet matches them with bronze players and they always win. Yes this way 90% winrate is possible.

    The thing is Anet is allowing the abusers crush noobs WHY? to lower the waiting queues times, to make possible matches because there isnt enough people.


    The million question is what determines a legedary player?Skilled+hack users+Old players that started in beta with strong premade teams?

    It has to be some reputation/karma system that puts losers/quiters in a negative strike list forever. Thats why old accounts will never win.

  4. I'm actually in Desolation. Even we win sometime, i feel like I'm playing alone. Deso only wins because in certain hours some commandern logs in and people go full zerg to conquest. But the rest of the time its a shame. I always see in enemt servers people roaming in little groups everywhere. While I go alone or follow 2 or 3 and always get raped, its very sad.

    I was thinking to switch from Deso to Kodash. What you guys recommend? I cannot spend 1800 gems to change into a FULL server.

  5. I bought the 6 set of runes of the ranger than increases damage when having an "active companion" I read an searched in forums and they say a minion is like a pet, but never Anet developers gave an answer.

    I compared the damage before and after adding the runes in to the clothes and the numbers were the same or lower. No notable diference in crits and damage. Anyione noticed sucessfully higer damage? A mesmer with clones tried this?

  6. It would be a great idea that individual players who die more than 5 times in a match recieve a dishonour penalisation for an hour. Im tired to see how my entire team wipes like its nothing wrong. People sholud avoid death more because it cost a lot of points that the enemy team recieves.

  7. Im the top scorer or second in every team I'm in. its just not fair te be carried to hell with throwers or bad players. Rating by skills or accomplishments is really doable and dont know why anted does not implement it:

    Bases captured, enemies killed, mates resurrected. And of coure the less times you die the best rating you get. im tired of people who die like rates in total team wipe except me....

  8. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Axelteas.7192" said:

    > > This is the least solo friendly game I ever played.


    > I hope that was sarcasm, as outside of raids and fractals you can pretty much do everything by yourself.


    tell me how to solo the citadel of flames when you have to click all pillars at the same time

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