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Posts posted by Axelteas.7192

  1. > @"Apolo.5942" said:

    > No, many of the worst pvp and wvw issues could be solved by implementing runes/sigils tailored specifically for those modes.


    > Like superior rune of the world v worlder...

    > (1): +25 toughness

    > (2): +25 vitality

    > (3): +50 toughness

    > (4): +50 vitality

    > (5): +100 toughness

    > (6): Reduce damage taken from players by X%.


    > Make the X relevant enough and you can normalize player bonuses and damage by tailoring the environment through runes, it would literally have no impact on pve because other bonuses would be better.


    > It takes very little effort to implement something like this, they simply dont want or care enough to do it.



    Thats what most successful mmos and older did. A special armor set for pvp that reduces damage or runes that do so. Is absolutely necessary to make fights loner and fun.

    Being insta killed by a deadeye or a mesmer being a guardian is a total nosense

  2. > @"suffish.4150" said:

    > Yes it’s definitely possible. I play Druid only which is definitely not meta and play 90% solo q and have no problems at all getting from gold (which I regularly drop to by playing fun build that I am bad on) up to plat 3. Getting legend takes longer and needs a little luck but I have been there multiple times this season.


    > Take a look at what you can improve in your own play before looking to matchmaking. Your team mates will almost always be bad players, just focus on playing your best and if even that isn’t enough, then just forget it and move on to the next one :)


    did you read the title? druid is meta build from pay expansion

  3. I come here again to expose my experience, as I told in the past this season again when I'm 1-2 matches to pass my pvp rank Anet puts me in a spiral with losers teams to keep me stuck in low levels. This way they guarantee low waiting times because in high ranks there's less people. Ans when I told that in the past season son CM said I was conspiranoic about that. No, Anet does it in purpose, they dont want so much people in high divisions. I QUIT I feel treated like ...... damn manipulations

  4. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > @"Axelteas.7192" said:

    > > > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > > > @"Skeletor.9360" said:

    > > >

    > > > > Really tired of new players not realizing that some of us paid for the game. Then an expansion came out which degraded our accounts in game content that we paid for. The only way to not be downgraded in power was to pay for the expansion - in old content. Nobody is asking for a freebie. We are asking that either you give away the new abilities in the old content OR you remove the abilities from the old content.

    > > >

    > > > I'm sure Arena would be happy to introduce subs to get access to elits and maps for those that don't own exapcs. Like TESO did. If there are many players like you.

    > > > Giving you access to a paid product for free isn't an option

    > > >

    > > > Other comments look like i bought this car in 1999, then the model got modifications and enchantments. Why factory is treating us that bad? If we who bought original model in 1999 can't have those modifications, downgrade the rest of production line.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Wrong analogy. Think what if the factory modifies the road to be only used by new models, while 1999 models would have problems and accidents driving in the new road? Thats what Anet has done!


    > Public roads are a form of common good which is to say they're non-excludable. Gw2 is not.


    Yes but you cant drive a Frod T in the highway because modern cars will kick you in the as, like core builds are kicked by overpowered expansion builds

  5. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"Skeletor.9360" said:


    > > Really tired of new players not realizing that some of us paid for the game. Then an expansion came out which degraded our accounts in game content that we paid for. The only way to not be downgraded in power was to pay for the expansion - in old content. Nobody is asking for a freebie. We are asking that either you give away the new abilities in the old content OR you remove the abilities from the old content.


    > I'm sure Arena would be happy to introduce subs to get access to elits and maps for those that don't own exapcs. Like TESO did. If there are many players like you.

    > Giving you access to a paid product for free isn't an option


    > Other comments look like i bought this car in 1999, then the model got modifications and enchantments. Why factory is treating us that bad? If we who bought original model in 1999 can't have those modifications, downgrade the rest of production line.




    Wrong analogy. Think what if the factory modifies the road to be only used by new models, while 1999 models would have problems and accidents driving in the new road? Thats what Anet has done!

  6. I'm agree 100% with the OP. It IS PAY TO WIN, and the people who says the opposite are who bought the expansions.

    Class specializations are an empowerment that canntot be obtained in the game. We who only bought the core version in 2012 and dont want or cant buy the next 2 are being treated bad because we cant compete with pay to win specs in PVP and WvW.

    We deserve a vanilla server to play in equality of conditions. We that bought the game initially are being treated as bad as the stingy people that plays in f2p accounts and thats unfair.

  7. > @"Draakfire.3691" said:

    > Well lord, there was a bot in the top 100 last year, win traders and people who use the MOST obvious and useless hacks. I couldn't even finish my placements this year because I had an afk or a RQ or an intentional throw every. single. match. in my placements. I average at high gold low platinum and suddenly I'm going to end up in bottom teir bronze. That's absurd. I had a friend playing ranked that, in multiple matches, had their ENTIRE team go afk. It's ridiculous and not even worth the farm anymore.


    In other seasons I reached mid gold, now I cannot surpass silver being matched with casuals, afkers and throwers. has become unplayable.

  8. I play core game since 2012 and didnt buy the 2 expansions because the content wasnt new or appealing to me, now when I want to play PvP I'm usually anihilated, It doesnt care how I practice how good I am making combos, I just can win I fight vs some casual newbies.

    People who play POF specializations is like if they were using hacks compared to a core player. Moreover the holosmith with runes of durability is like trying to solo a fractal finalboss, totally shameful un disproportionate. PvP has become pay to win.

  9. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > well except for castle wall everything else is working as it should they are enemys.

    > its like saying i dont target the players becouse all the npcs are in the way well they are suposed to be in your way.

    > Edit

    > Quite stunned that you dident complain about all the mesmer clones.


    The thing is when I have an enemy player in front of me and click target, it targets a NPC guardian that is far in a tower instead of the player in front of me, I dont think this is right.

  10. When I'm In Pvp or WvW whenever I press tab to target the nearest enemy it focus other things or stuff and NOT the real enemy, this is unplayable and annoying. For exdample it targets enemy castle walls, a necro golem insted the necro, a pet instead of the ranger, roots instead of the enemy, turrets instead of the enemy engineer.

    What can I do to fix this?

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