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Posts posted by Girth.9731

  1. I remembered that there is no reason because Warrior is in a horrible spot. Why does Anet refuse to buff Warrior sustain? Maybe they are tired of Warrior doing well in PvP? Regardless, I'll keep checking the forums to see when Anet finally gains the wisdom to make Warrior good at what its actually supposed to be good at again. Until then, see you all in ESO.

  2. > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > Don't forget all the other weapons that need reworking, lite literally everything, rifle, daggers, torch, warhorn, maces, for crying out loud.


    Again, my list was a few of the things that I think Anet needs to address in the near future. Are there other changes that need to occur? Absolutely. Overall, I think Warrior is in a good place after the patch, but a few things are performing IMO. I personally feel that Sword and Longbow need changes more than any other Warrior weapon. Rifle still isn't great but it has its place in Zerker builds and it works well there. Dagger is fine as is and is probably the best MH weapon Warrior has. Again, Torch seems to be working well in the Zerker builds that use it. I think Warhorn is actually a pretty decent support weapon now and MH Mace is really good in Body Blow CC builds. I think Warrior overall is working well. If they fix the broken traits, add a bit more sustain to the class, and rework the outdated weapons, Warrior will be in a really good spot.

  3. > @"Envergure.6512" said:

    > Warrior is purely useless, except in PVE and in WvW his only role is to press Buble. In pvp it's literally beyond disgusting


    This might be a get good situation... There are plenty of Warrior builds that are quite powerful. If you are good, you should be able to take on any other build you encounter.

  4. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > I use sword main hand a lot, the mobility and burst potential is great, and it’s the only mobility main hand if you’re not Spellbreaker. I actually see sword warriors a lot. Why call out sword mainhand and not talk about sword offhand or mace offhand? Both currently unusable.


    > If anyone wants to see some deeper revisions of warrior skills look here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100849/comprehensive-changes-to-warrior-skills


    I agree that OH Sword and Mace are both pretty bad (although I think part of that is that Shield is just so good) and could use a good look at. However, I was just stating a few things that I think need to be changed in the very near future, a few things that really stand out to me.

  5. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > I like the sound of most of these changes. I'd also agree with a change to 100b like @"ProverbsofHell.2307" mentions.


    > I think the slightest damage buff would benefit it a ton. I've been playing Defense bunker warrior and if a DPS Zerker Warrior actually manages to stunlock you and hit you with as many hits as possible before the CC expires, the damage is pretty laughable.


    > I know bunkers are the extreme, but this is a neato-looking skill that requires one to be locked in place to use. There should be some payoff to the risk, and some reward for the setup.


    I do think 100b could use changes and I've made posts about it before. I don't know if the skill needs a DPS buff. Even now, 4 hits of 100b = a level 3 Eviscerate. If anything, I find myself using the skill more now that stun breaks are less common. However, I definitely think the skill needs a cast time reductions. 3.5 seconds for a melee skill that roots you just doesn't fit with the pace of GW2. I think 2.5s would feel really good, and they could reduce the damage a bit so the DPS isn't too insane.


    Also, I've been playing a SB - Str - Def that's been working wonders for me. I feel like since the game is a little slower paced we don't actually need Discipline as much as we did before. With Runes of Evasion you can get perma swiftness and make up for the lack of Warrior's sprint and sigils, Mending, and Cleansing Ire can provide more than enough condi removal. It has killer sustain but yet you can still hit like a truck.

  6. Just a list of a few things that really stand out to me as being underpowered, poorly designed, or in some way could use a little fine tuning.


    1. I think I heard that they are looking into this, but Defy Pain and Last Stand obviously both need to be reworked. I assume that the comical 300s cooldown was just a way of telling us not to use the traits until they are reworked. Nonetheless, these are probably the two most significant duds of the class right now. I hope they find a way to make the traits more interactive to play with. Maybe something that combines hitting burst skills with benefits to stances? Maybe like landing a burst while under the effect of a stance grants "x" benefits or extends the stance duration. Idk, something cool like that.


    2. Eviscerate should grant more than 1 stack of might. I think 3 is more appropriate.


    3. Longbow needs serious reworks. This weapon has been left in the dust and forgotten is seems. Arcing Arrow needs to be removed entirely and replaced, Fan of Fire needs its cone narrowed, and Dual Shot needs some kind of benefit added to it, maybe a short bleed or cripple?


    4. Sword needs to be reworked. As of right now, sword lacks identity and is probably the least used MH weapon in PvP. It makes you feel like you should play condi, but then why final thrust? I just don't feel like you should be forced to play hybrid by any weapon. It makes the weapon bad in both power and condi builds. I would remove Flurry (there's no fixing that garbage lol) and replace it with Final Thrust, but make Final Thrust a condi skill that loads the enemy with lots of bleeds if it hits a target below 50% (kind of like a condi Arcing Slice). Replace Sword 3 with something that fits the condi theme.


    5. Might Makes Right should grant less endurance but more healing. As of right now, the healing from this trait feels a little undertuned, especially considering the nerfs to might gain. I would like to see the endurance gain per might stack > 1 and the healing > 100-120. I feel like this would be a fair compromise that would add a little sustain back into the Strength tree without making it completely busted.


    I'm sure there are many other changes that need to happen, but these are a few that stand out to me as needing to be addressed in the very near future.


    EDIT: I probably should have included a small buff to Healing Signet. At the moment, it's simply outclassed by Mending especially if you are running Strength. I think the healing needs to be increased to about 280-300. It may be able to compete with Mending at that point.

  7. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > @"Girth.9731" said:

    > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > > @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

    > > > > Umm a warrior is not meant to be compared to a Ranger with a Longbow?

    > > > > Are the Rangers GS skills as good as the Warriors bursting?

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Uh, yeah. Maul hits way harder than any other Warrior GS skill.

    > >

    > > Not anymore xD It got the nerf hammer hard


    > Pretty sure it hits harder than GS5 still? Coefficient might be the same but they got more modifiers to beef it up.


    Not on paper. Why compare it to Rush? Rush is more about the gap close that it provides. Maul and Rush both have a 1.36 modifier by the way.


    It would be more appropriate to compare the skill to Arcing Slice or Hundred Blades as they have similar cool downs and fill a similar role. Arcing Slice has a 1.213 / 1.82 modifier compared to 1.36 for Maul. 4 hits of Hundred Blade is about a 1.4 modifier which is a little more damage than Maul.


    As for class modifiers, that makes things really complicated as then you start getting into trait balance, builds, etc... But as for the raw numbers, Warrior GS does quite a bit of damage. Its the only thing that keeps Warrior viable in PvP tbh.


  8. > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

    > > Are the Rangers GS skills as good as the Warriors bursting?


    > Yes. Even better.

    > Burst damage? Check.

    > Mobility? Check.

    > Block? Check.

    > CC? Check.


    Warrior GS is better though


    Arcing Slice does insane damage on a low CD and generates permanent fury.

    Hundred Blades has insane damage potential for capitalizing on a CC, just 5 hits = a level 3 Eviscerate.

    Whirlwind Attack is one of the best PvP skills in the game for obvious reasons.

    Bladetrail and Rush both do very good damage and make it very hard to kite you.


    There's a reason why GS has been meta on Warrior since 2012.

  9. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

    > > Umm a warrior is not meant to be compared to a Ranger with a Longbow?

    > > Are the Rangers GS skills as good as the Warriors bursting?

    > >


    > Uh, yeah. Maul hits way harder than any other Warrior GS skill.


    Not anymore xD It got the nerf hammer hard

  10. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Girth.9731" said:

    > > > @"Sodeni.6041" said:

    > > > *What weapon would you like to get for the next **warrior** elite specialization?*

    > > >

    > > > *Clarifications*:

    > > > Since spellbreaker gets dagger/dagger I also added pistol/pistol because it's very likely to get them main- and offhand as well.

    > > > I also added an option for "other" weapons, too, so you can tell us what currently non-existant weapon you would like to get as a warrior.

    > > >

    > > > I would appreciate if you voted and told us why you'd like to see your chosen weapon for the next warrior's elite specialization! :)

    > >

    > > I think we will almost certainly see staff; it's what the community wants and has been asking for. I think it will be based on the idea of the W/Mo from the first game, maybe in the spirit of Mhenlo. Something focused around healing, cleansing, and protecting while still retaining the core principles of Warrior.


    > Community has been asking for pistol/pistol or land spear. Staff is just a poor replacement for land spear. Screw healing, they won't let warrior have that much sustain.


    A quarterstaff or glaive like weapon could really fit the eastern-theme of Cantha though. And while its true that pistol-pistol and land spear has been asked for, based on this poll and talking with other Warriors in the community I think the consensus is staff. Land spear would be nice too, but I doubt they would transfer a water weapon to land. Also one of the class themes is sustain over the long run (i.e MMR, Adrenal Health, Healing Sig, the entire Tactics tree now lol, etc.) so I could see them going for a sustain heavy, maybe even support style W/Mo inspired spec. Would be pretty unique and add something new to the class. I think the only challenge would be making it unique from Guardian.

  11. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Kichwas.7152" said:

    > > I voted Scepter because I can't think of any good explanation for it being scepter... :)

    > > But let's go Scepter / Focus.

    > >

    > > I'm thinking the new spec would be "Old Geezer" and you would get "lecture" utilities like your AoE knockback "You Kids Get Off My Lawn!"

    > > An Alacrity / Condition removal Elite skill: "back in my Day!"

    > >

    > > And you'd use the scepter to hit shorter toons on the head and then yell harshly at them, causing the 'fear' effect.

    > > Or if you're an Asura you'd hit them in the kneecaps and trigger a 'fear' that used the 'laughing' emote...

    > >

    > > You'd also have a "spill my coffee" offhand with "focus" that on finishing the spec gives you a 'complimentary retirement mug' that does condition damage'.

    > >

    > > You're #3 would be "shake a stick at them" that works as a charge attack.

    > >

    > > You healing skill would be "take my meds" where you wave the stick, turn about randomly, and suffer a knockdown, but get a massive heal.

    > >

    > > Because well...

    > >

    > > Warrior basically has everything... and so... that's what I've got... :)


    > we have no blinks, no stealth, no true invulnerability (endure pain isnt), bad ranged attacks, no good conditions... warrior has basicaly nothing


    Bro you are in every thread I see complaining about how bad Warrior is. Why even play the class? Lmao you sound like you'd be better fit for something based on stealth and kiting :)

  12. > @"Sodeni.6041" said:

    > *What weapon would you like to get for the next **warrior** elite specialization?*


    > *Clarifications*:

    > Since spellbreaker gets dagger/dagger I also added pistol/pistol because it's very likely to get them main- and offhand as well.

    > I also added an option for "other" weapons, too, so you can tell us what currently non-existant weapon you would like to get as a warrior.


    > I would appreciate if you voted and told us why you'd like to see your chosen weapon for the next warrior's elite specialization! :)


    I think we will almost certainly see staff; it's what the community wants and has been asking for. I think it will be based on the idea of the W/Mo from the first game, maybe in the spirit of Mhenlo. Something focused around healing, cleansing, and protecting while still retaining the core principles of Warrior.

  13. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > Post patch how is warrior feeling, do u feel like u have the impact in matches or in wvw that u should?

    > How is warrior feeling in matches post patch along side the other classes, lastly how is the lack off damage on hard cc feeling on warrior?


    > Just curious as I haven't really been in game for a while, war doing ok?


    Hey there, I can't comment on WvW as I have only been testing in sPvP.


    Honestly, the field is really open right now and it seems that there are quite a few builds that work. However, Spellbreaker is undoutably still the most competitive traitline. While the old Strength SB still works well, I'd actually recommend this build I've been testing for a few weeks. It feels clunky at first, but once you get the hang of it I believe its the best thing you can do on Warrior right now. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEh7lJwqYhsEGKOWPpvbA-z5gfG9KFyXFYwB


    Core Warrior feels okay, both Tactics and Defensive work fine, but still a rung below Spellbreaker in terms of powerlevel. As for Berserker, it definitely feels stronger than before as it was hardly nerfed, however it still suffers from the same core design as it did before. Namely, when you aren't in Berserk mode you are very weak and usually have to kite rather than put on pressure. However, Headbutt is extremely powerful now so I wouldn't count Berserker out.

  14. Looks fun, although I personally prefer the SB - Str - Def build as you are basically unkillable. Have you considered swapping Disc for Def? Or Tactics? I find that Disc isn't really necessary for open world builds. Anyway, just a thought.

  15. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Girth.9731" said:

    > > I realize that, but that's not really the point of the post. I am comparing the build to the standard meta SB, so your comment is irrelevant.


    > Mkay. Any warrior build without Discipline works, and any warrior build without Defense works, or neither to be honest. But F1s still being broken on Spellbreaker is still relevant for how your build is performing at the moment.


    > Kudos on breaking out of the Discipline mindset though. Not enough warriors can be convinced to drop it, same for Defense pre patch in WvW. Honestly the only traitline on warrior that is lacking now is Arms. It could use a gentle rework at this point, nothing major but some of the traits are showing their age.


    > Cleansing Ire should give you pretty good mileage. Merciless Hammer will as well if you are interested in trying it out. You'll get adrenaline for everyone you CC either with Shield Bash or Full Counter, but that would go further on Berserker or Core than on Spellbreaker, yet it is still nice to pop FC at 1 bar of adrenaline and see 2 full bars afterwards.


    I agree, Discipline isn't actually as essential as a lot of Warrior think. We are all so used to playing with it so dropping it feels extremely clunky at first.

  16. Hey fellow Warriors, although the old meta SB build is still quite good, I think I may have stumbled upon a really powerful new build.




    Yes, you saw right, no Discipline. This build has been doing me wonders; it's tanky, has a ton of sustain, and can burst incredibly quickly. Getting kited is the main counter to the build but there are a number of aspects that can help prevent that.


    A few comments about some of the build choices:


    1. Obviously, this build does not run Discipline which felt super awkward at first. However, once you get used to it, its really not so bad. I believe post patch Defense is super underrated right now. Shieldmaster puts our stun on a 16s CD and our block on a 24s CD, Adrenal Health is actually super strong right now and heals for a ton, and Cleansing Ire provides all the adrenaline gain and condi removal you could ask for. The downside, however, is that you have to make sure you are hitting your bursts but I haven't fount this to be an issue. Between Cleansing Ire, Mending, and 2x Sigils of Cleansing, condi really hasn't been a problem.


    2. Next, Rune of Evasion. Not something you typically see on Warrior, but since we lack the increased movespeed an swiftness from Discipline, I have found that it is a must. Every time you evade an attack, which is very often, you get a nice amount of swiftness making it very hard to kite you if you play well.


    3. Finally, make sure you use 100b often after landing a FC. The No Escape really facilitates this and is essential for build up adrenaline and might.


    Try the build out! Its unorthodox and feels clunky at first, but once you get the hang of it its a killer build.

  17. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > A skill being of poor design does not inherently make it more skillful in use.

    > The fact 100 blades needs certain limited situations to preform it's full chain does not make it a more skillful skill especially since those limited situations can be easily avoided or shutdown by good players. Just makes it garbage design :)


    I don't think the skill is poorly designed. It is a very unique skill that can be very fun to play with, it requires the Warrior to really think about how he is going to best utilize the skill. However, from many many years of experience playing Warrior, I believe a 3.5s cast time is just too long for a channeled melee ability that requires you to stay stationary. It's not that skill is particularly weak in terms of the DPS payoff you get, its that a 3.5s channeled, stationary melee ability (or just about any ability with a 3.5 channel time) simply does not fit within the gameplay of GW2 PvP. The game is too movement based, too fast paced, with too short CC's and too many stun breaks for a 3.5s channeled melee ability to fit well and really feel good. Yes, it has the potential to do an insane amount of damage, but in some match ups the skill is quite literally useless. Now, I'm not saying the skill should loose its identity. I believe a very simple change, just reducing the cast time **and damage** to something like 2.5 or 2s with less damage POTENTIAL but roughly the same or potentially slightly more DPS (as the last hit would be landing more often), would make the skill FEEL so much better to use. It would feel very satisfying to land that final strike on an opponent when you do manage to land a good CC that isn't stun broken. Also, the skill could be better utilized without necessarily needing a hard CC. It just feels so clunky to use right now and I feel this would be worth trying to remedy that. Plus, I imagine this would be a super simply change for Anet to code, wouldn't require any fancy reworks or new animations. Just touch up some numbers to make the skill better fit into the current paradigm of GW2 PvP.

  18. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > @"Girth.9731" said:


    > > Weakness = Low mobility and very kiteable, lacks AOE damage, susceptible to poison, damage is conditional.

    > >


    > Yea no.

    > This is on a Warrior, which has access to GS and Bull's Rush.


    > Low mobility my beautiful butt.




    I guess I meant the weapon itself and the skills associated with the spec would not provide much mobility.

  19. Elite Spec = Champion


    New weapon = Polearm


    Strength = Focuses on dueling with a brawler type playstyle. Good single target damage, decent tankiness, and sustain over time


    Weakness = Low mobility and very kiteable, lacks AOE damage, susceptible to poison, damage is conditional.


    Focus/Theme = Taunts, counter attacks, inflincting vulnerability, might generation, healing based on damage dealt to opponents


    Profession mechanic = "Duel", the Warrior's burst is replaced with the ability "Duel". Duel counts as a burst skill.


    Duel - 15s CD, 1s cast time ability that creates an arena in a 600 range around the Warrior. Those who attempt to cross the arena will be inflicted with knockback. The duration of Duel depends on the adrenaline level of the skill, maybe something like 6s/8s/10s. While inside the arena, the Warrior gains pulsing might, swiftness, and fury and gains access to his normal burst skills. Opponents inside the arena are inflicted with an initial taunt followed by pulsing cripple and vulnerability every few seconds. The Warrior cannot leave the arena, but he can reactivate the skill to end it early. When Duel ends, the Warrior can no longer use his normal weapon burst skills.


    Polearm skills


    1: Relatively low dps autoattack chain, the last hit inflicts a stack of vulnerability and cripple


    2: "Sundering Strike" - 6s CD, hit your opponent with the hammer of your polearm, dealing moderate damage and inflicting 5 stacks of vulnerability.


    3: "Impaling Thrust" - 12s CD, mediocre base damage, thrust with the spike of your polearm to find a weakness in your opponents armor. If your opponent is inflicted with 10 or more stacks of vulnerability, this ability does 100% more damage and the cooldown is reduced to 50%.


    4: "Counter Bash" - 18s CD, block incoming attacks for 2s. If a skill is blocked while in melee range during this time frame, you lash out with the blunt end of your polearm, stunning your opponent for 1s as well as inflicting vulnerability and cripple.


    5: "Axe Rake" - 25s CD, use the axe head of your polearm to hook the opponent's feet. If they are crippled, they are pulled towards you and knocked down for 2s.


    Burst: "Death's Blow" - 8s CD, Raise your polearm above your head and strike your opponent with a devastating blow, cracking their armor and inflicting a large amount of vulnerabilty. Enemies who are under 50% health are marked for death for the next 4s. You heal based on a proportion of the damage you deal to marked targets.


    Was basically trying to combine the themes of axe and hammer with this weapon. Would see this weapon as having not as much damage as axe and not as much CC as hammer, but laying somewhere in between them. Most of the damage would be tied up in "Impaling Thrust", so maintaining vulnerability stacks would be very important.


    Utilities would focus on taunting your opponent, inflincting vulnerability, crippling them, and empowering yourself through might and fury generation


    Heal skill would passively heal you based on damage dealt, activating would taught nearby enemies and heal you based on the damage you take over the next few seconds


    Would like to here your ideas. I think this would be a really cool theme to pursue.

  20. Can I cheat and do an eliet warrior spec?


    Class = Champion


    Armor = Heavy


    New weapon = Polearm


    Strength = Focuses on dueling with a brawler type playstyle. Good single target damage, tankiness, and sustain over time


    Weakness = Low mobility and very kitable, lacks AOE damage, susceptible to burst damage and conditions.


    Focus/Theme = Taunts, counter attacks, inflincting vulnerability, might generation, healing based on damage dealt to opponents


    Profession mechanic = "Duel", the Warrior's burst is replaced with the ability "Duel". Duel counts as a burst skill.


    Duel - 12s CD, 1s cast time ability that creates an arena in a 600 range around the Warrior. Those who attempt to cross the arena will be inflicted with knockback.The duration of Duel depends on the adrenaline level of the skill. While inside the arena, the Warrior gains pulsing might, swiftness, and fury and regains access to his normal burst skills. Opponents inside the arena are inflicted with an intial taunt followed by pulsing cripple and vulnerability every few seconds.


    Polearm skills


    1. Relatively low dps autoattack chain, the last hit inflicts a stack of vulnerability and cripple


    2. "Sundering Strike" 6s CD, hit your opponent with the hammer of your polearm, dealing moderate damage and inflicting 5 stacks of vulnerability for a short time


    3. "Impale" - 12s CD, low base damage, thrust with the spike of your polearm to find a weakness in your opponents armor. If your opponent is inflinted with 10 or more stacks of vulnerability, this ability does 100% more damage and refreshes 50% faster.


    4. "Counter Strike" 18s CD, block incoming attacks for 2s. If a skill is blocked during this time frame, you lash out with the blunt end of your polearm, stunning your opponent for 1s as well as inflicting vulnerability and cripple.


    5. "Ankle Rake" 25s CD, use the axe head of your polearm to hook the opponent's feet. If they are crippled, they are pulled towards you and knocked down for 2s.


    Burst - "Death Blow" 8s CD, Raise your polearm above your head and strike your opponent with a devastating blow, cracking their armor and inflicting a large amount of vulnerabilty. Enemies who are under 50% health are marked for death for the next 4s. You heal based on a proportion of the damage you deal to marked targets.


    Was basically trying to combine the themes of axe and hammer with this weapon


    Utilities would focus on taunting your opponent, inflincting vulnerability, crippling them, and empowering yourself through might and fury generation


    Heal skill would passively heal you based on damage dealt, activating would taught nearby enemies and heal you based on the damage you take over the next few seconds






  21. > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

    > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.


    > Did you not just read the part in that post where they also said to **reduce the damage accordingly** to the reduction of the channel time?


    > So it wouldn't do as much damage, by reducing the amount of time so more of the hits occur in a reasonable time frame they are willing to lose damage in return.


    > So you either didn't read the whole post before shutting the idea down because you have your own ridiculous bias, or you are intentionally ignoring the statement out of bias?


    Yes, finally someone who understands. I am not asking for a straight buff to the skill. By reducing the cast time AND damage, the DPS can be roughly maintained at the level it currently is. I just feel it is more than optimistic to believe that all 9 hits of a stationary, melee, 3.5s channel time skill will all connect with an opponent. Maybe back in 2012 but certainly not in 2020. The skill is fairly well balanced as is, I just think the skill would feel much better at a 2.5s cast time with reduced overall damage, that way we could actually land those last few hits on a CC'd opponent. It would be more of a QOL change.

  22. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > I have no trouble getting value out of it myself. I can’t really think of a change for it that would be warranted. I wouldn’t mind for it to be replaced with another skill though. No idea what that skill would be. Maybe a single heavy overhead swing that does 1 sec knockdown. Honestly though, HB is just fine. There are worse problems on warrior


    Yeah, I can get value out of it too because the skill is actually pretty well balanced, especially if you throw it out often even to just get a few hits. In particular I like to use it after a FC rather than going straight into an Arcing Slice, I find Warriors who really know how to use Hundred Blades can milk every bit of damage out of the greatsword. I think my only wish is that the skill would be reduced to something like a 2.5s cast time with the damage adjusted accordingly, and this would be more for QOL than a balance change IMO. I mean even with a 3s knockdown, one of the longest available CCs in the game, it is still very unlikely you will land all 9 hits. Hell, they could reduce the damage on the final strike to 0 or multiply it by 10 and it literally wouldn't make much of a difference from a PvP perspective because it lands only once in a blue moon (on an opponent who isn't downed). I think this signifies that the skill needs to be looked at. Say they reduced the cast time to 2.5s or even just 3s and reduced the damage by about 70% or 85%, respectively. I believe this would create a more satisfying skill to use, as the last few hits could feasibly be landed on a CC'd opponent. As it stands now, it is an extremely rare occurrence.

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