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Posts posted by Girth.9731

  1. > @"KelyNeli.4516" said:

    > No.

    > Warrior already has a tool which he could use to reduce the cast time.

    > Quickness reduces the casting time of this spell to 1.75 sec.

    > Now imagine they will cut it in half, and warrior will be able to quickness it, he will deal 40-50k damage in 0.9 seconds or in your case 1.25 sec. In pvp it would be stronger than whirling axe, which deals similar amount of damage (a little higher) but has the same casting time. You would stun someone for 2 secs, press 2 and evaporate someone.

    > You cant just straight buff class, because you call for it, think about other classes, who could have pull out 40-50k dps with a one single spell?


    I do see your concern. Let me clarify though as I think you are exaggerating a bit here. Nobodys asking that they would cut the cast time in half, that would just be insane. I think a 3s cast time is really where the skill should be, which would make it 1.5s with quickness (still not as good as scepter 3 for mesmer). Honestly, I'd even be fine if they reduced the damage so that the dps stays the same, I just wish it was feasible to land all 9 hits in pvp.

  2. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > @"Girth.9731" said:

    > > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > > use it for downed cleaving

    > > >

    > > > count dodges, count stunbreaks, use cc, use hundred blades

    > > >

    > > > no healthy being will not stunbreak after bulls charge, so wasting hundred blades there is pointless

    > >

    > > Pretty pointless comment. I think most people know how to use hundred blades. Bait dodges, wait till their out of stun breaks, then try to land a nice CC for hundred blades. My point is this; even when we are able to get the CC off, hundred blades will almost never land the last hit. I find I normally can get 4-7 hits off depending on whether sigil of agility is off CD. I think reducing the cast time to something like 3s would be a really good QOL change.


    > if u knew how to use it, u wouldn't make such a thread


    > play ranger, use whirling defense then you'll see what it means to be rooted in pace FOR LONG RIME


    > hundred blades if for downed cleaving, nothing else



    > if you want to buff pve war (lol?) you would need to nerf axe, for gs to be a valid option..not gonna happen


    What are you even on about?


    First off, power Warrior is one of the lowest dps specs in pve so I can't see how a buff to its damage would be a bad thing.


    Secondly, you bring up Whirling Defense but I'm not sure why. I think its cool that Hundred Blade is a high payoff skill if you can use it on a stationary target, I just don't like how the last few strikes virtually never hit, even with sigil of agility.


    "hundred blades is for down cleaving, nothing else" Uhm, have you ever played Warrior? Watched any pvp videos? Hundred Blades is a great way to capitalize on a stun, knockdown, or immob. It does good damage, I just wish the skill wasn't so darn clunky. The last half second or so of the casting is almost never going to hit in a pvp situation.



    All I'm advocating for is a slight reduction in the cast time so that the skill can more reliably be landed in pvp.

  3. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > use it for downed cleaving


    > count dodges, count stunbreaks, use cc, use hundred blades


    > no healthy being will not stunbreak after bulls charge, so wasting hundred blades there is pointless


    Pretty pointless comment. I think most people know how to use hundred blades. Bait dodges, wait till their out of stun breaks, then try to land a nice CC for hundred blades. My point is this; even when we are able to get the CC off, hundred blades will almost never land the last hit. I find I normally can get 4-7 hits off depending on whether sigil of agility is off CD. I think reducing the cast time to something like 3s would be a really good QOL change.

  4. Not saying this skill is bad, but I think it could really use a slight decrease in its cast time. I feel like I never land the last hit in any pvp situation, even off a Bull's Charge. Considering that you can't move while using the skill, I feel like it could be a bit more threatening. Would also be a nice way to potentially bump up power SB dps in PvE too. What do you guys think?


    EDIT: Accidently posted. Com = Completely rework


    > I don't know what I would buff to make that build more viable, I don't play it and I don't see it's relevance to the FH baseline point anyways ... it's an academic question (and a subjective opinion that build sucks to boot). It's pretty clear to me that specific builds don't have performance targets in the first place. That's not how balance works in this game. That kind of thinking doesn't 'fit' here.


    So you are saying these builds just shouldnt be viable? If you aren't interested in increasing warrior build diversity then why are you even here having a discussion? Its not a subjective opinion, its a fact that the build has never even been considered decent by anyone in the warrior community. Also, its extremely revelant to the topic and the fact that you cant see that is part of why you dont understand why warriors want FH baseline. Ill try again to create an understanding for you.


    SB Str Def, as I'll call it, is a build that many warriors have tried (including myself and guildies) to make work and is probably the closest thing we have to a functioning non-discipline pvp build, but unfortunately still sucks. Now lets look at the solutions to this with the goal of build diversity in mind.


    1. We can nerf discipline as you have hinted at. Well that doesnt make any sense. Warrior is already stuggling as it is to stay relevant in PvP in a world of Mirage brain-dead condi spam, Scourge spam, etc. This would kill the meta builds and create a dead class. Horrible solution.


    2. We can buff the traitlines. Again, bad solution. Any buffs to the traitlines themselves would make both the underused fringe builds AND the meta builds stronger. This isnt what we want. This would not create build diversity, only make the meta builds even more popular. Powercreep.


    3. We can make FH baseline. This does NOT buff the meta builds as they already have access to FH. If they made FH baseline tomorrow and I kept playing what I've been playing, I wouldnt even notice a difference. However, if that day, I decided to play SB Str Def, for example, I would notice a HUGE difference. The importance of fastswapping cant really be understood untill you've played the class. Thus, in this scenario, the meta builds stayed the same and the frings builds became stronger. Do you see this yet?




    > Yeah ... that's what I think sometimes. How making skills baseline and that NOT being powercreep???? ... #mindblown.


    It seems like your definition of powercreep is buffing anything. Again, if you would please adress my point instead of posing rhetorical questions that only express a position I know you hold already. Take for example the SB Strength Defense builds that seem cool but currently suck. In this scenerio, which traitline would you buff to make this build more viable? Simple question.

  7. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > you guys are thinking about diversity completely backwards. rather then making strong things baseline, its better to buff under powered things for 2 reasons: it doesn't make things op and/or add power creep, and it adds diversity by making bad traits better. making good traits base line does add more diversity, but it does it in a negative way. if we make the case for fast hands, why not every other strong trait for other classes? necro gets might on shroud auto and boon corrupt upon entering shroud, thus no need to take spite. engi gets hgh and vigor on swiftness thus no need to take alchemy for elixir builds. do you see where this is going? its going to hell thats where. if things were made baseline, that doesn't make other choices better. it simply makes them available, which is a huge difference.


    > also, this.


    > > @"sneakytails.5629" said:

    > > 5 seconds is too fast for a 8 second burst recharge (non-disc) Warrior anyways.

    > yeah better make burst recharge base line as well eh? big lol.


    Making FH baseline is actually a great way to avoid powercreep. Take for example SB, Str, Def build that have been tried but currently suck. Which traitline to you propose buffing to fix this? Do you see the problem? Anything you buff will also make other builds that utilize those traitlines more powerful, builds that are already strong enough. Making FH baseline keeps the meta builds as they are and buffs any build that doesnt take discipline, its a much better solution.


    > I'm not saying Anet doesn't make things baseline either, but just because they do it occasionally doesn't mean by default, any idea to make something baseline is a good one. Other things being made baseline is not a good reason to make FH baseline.


    I didn't claim that was the reason, you are strawmaning. You said theme was never a reason to make things baseline, yet it was done with the mesmer. I was giving a counter example to disprove your claim, not making one myself.


  9. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > Just as unfounded as saying people would not take it. I honestly can't see how giving a player baseline FH encourages them to try builds that don't have Discipline in them. Why would I NOT take discipline if FH as baseline? Giving people baseline traits from a trait line does NOT make that traitline less desirable, especially if there are many traits in it that strongly align to the baseline ability. It just doesn't make sense to think that Discipline becomes unattractive as a traitline because I have a 5 second weapon swap. If anything, having a baseline 5 second weapon swap makes the whole bunch of weapon swapping traits in Discipline MORE attractive, not less.


    > I'm not saying Anet doesn't make things baseline either, but just because they do it occasionally doesn't mean by default, any idea to make something baseline is a good one. Other things being made baseline is not a good reason to make FH baseline.


    Yes, it does not make discipline less desirable, no one has ever claimed that, but yet you keep stating it. It only makes other trait lines more attractive has they now essentially have access to a trait they perviously didnt.


    If you still don't understand, think of it like this: making FH baseline does nothing to affect the current meta builds, but it buffs any non-disipline builds. Thus, making non-discipline builds more attractive as they are now stronger. Hope that helps.

  10. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Girth.9731" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"Loading.4503" said:

    > > > > Ur saying that if fastline gets baselined, people will still take discipline becaust the line is that good, in that case its like fasthand baseline never happened. But if you intentionally take a different line, youll missout on all those strong traits which will be intentionally making urself weaker, so why not just give it to us then lol

    > > >

    > > > No, I didn't say that. I'm saying that if you give people FH baseline, they are biased towards choosing Discipline. Therefore, the argument that baseline FH improves build diversity is complete nonsense. What you say is also not true ... if FH is baseline, Anet would replace it with something else in it's spot in Discipline, so it's not like making FH baseline doesn't change things (for the better) for people using Discipline.

    > > >

    > > > Why not give it? That doesn't make much sense ... you can choose it if you want it; you have to make a choice. That's how the trait system works. I mean, "I want free traits" isn't a compelling reason to make traits you can choose baseline so you don't have to make choices. That much should be obvious.

    > >

    > > Your argument is essentially "if FH is so good then just take Discipline" which totally misses the point of what this post is about. This post is about build diversity and how we can break the now 7 year history of Warriors being essentially required to take Discipline. If you think that this is a problem worth fixing, making FH baseline actually makes alot of sense.


    > I already explained how making FH baseline does NOT address build diversity many times. People will not just pass up Discipline just because they have FH as baseline because FH isn't the only reason people take Discipline.


    > Yes, I have no doubt it would be a buff in general ... that's a trivial reason to make any buff.

    > Yes, I see that there is some link to master of weaponry ... that's why warriors have FH in Discipline as a choice in the first place. Being highly thematic is not a reason to make it baseline. The direction of the themes you want to take are determined by taking traitlines. That's how every class and all the traits are designed.




    Your claim that people will still take Discipline anyway is pretty unfounded. I think we can agree that, at the very least, it would be a good first step at encouraging players to try other builds. If you have ever tried play those builds, you will quickly realize how important FH is to the class. The Warrior's weapon skill have been balanced around the fact that FH exists. An easy solution to the problem would be to make FH baseline.


    Also you claim that theme is not a reason to make things baseline, that you must chose a theme. Yet, look what Anet did with Mesmer during the rework? Made a number of traits baseline that were previously scattered about the various trees.

  11. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Loading.4503" said:

    > > Ur saying that if fastline gets baselined, people will still take discipline becaust the line is that good, in that case its like fasthand baseline never happened. But if you intentionally take a different line, youll missout on all those strong traits which will be intentionally making urself weaker, so why not just give it to us then lol


    > No, I didn't say that. I'm saying that if you give people FH baseline, they are biased towards choosing Discipline. Therefore, the argument that baseline FH improves build diversity is complete nonsense. What you say is also not true ... if FH is baseline, Anet would replace it with something else in it's spot in Discipline, so it's not like making FH baseline doesn't change things (for the better) for people using Discipline.


    > Why not give it? That doesn't make much sense ... you can choose it if you want it; you have to make a choice. That's how the trait system works. I mean, "I want free traits" isn't a compelling reason to make traits you can choose baseline so you don't have to make choices. That much should be obvious.


    Your argument is essentially "if FH is so good then just take Discipline" which totally misses the point of what this post is about. This post is about build diversity and how we can break the now 7 year history of Warriors being essentially required to take Discipline. If you think that this is a problem worth fixing, making FH baseline actually makes alot of sense.


    1. Making FH baseline and replacing the trait with something else would provide a small buff to the existing PvP and WvW builds, no doubt. Is this really so bad though? Is Warrior overperforming in these gamemodes right now? How often do we see Warriors in ATs these days? Not very. A small buff to the existing builds via the addition of a single trait would hardly change this.


    2. Making FH baseline would be a huge buff to builds that try to pass on Discipline (which are currently horrible and virtually unplayable). Builds like SB Str Def and Str Arms Def that people have tried (myself included) are incredibly clunky and usually extremely weak to condi. A buff to these builds may allow Warrior to explore them finally.


    3. FH is thematic with the Warrior class in GW2. Warrior is supposed to be the master of weaponry. It makes sense that a profession which is touted as such would have some inherent benefits pertaining to weapons.


    TL:DR FH baseline would be a slight improvement to current Warrior builds, a large buff for the horrible ones that don't use Disipline, and would be highly thematic with the profession.

  12. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > @"Girth.9731" @"BlackTruth.6813" This might be completely insane but if I did run Strength on a zerg build, would Merciless Hammer ever be worth taking over Might Makes Right since I would be running hammer or would that be a little too squishy?



    I personally wouldn't recommend it as you wouldn't get much benefit from the bonus damage against CC'd targets. The reduced cooldowns could be helpful. I chose to take MMR for a few reasons. See, Forceful Greatsword has no ICD, meaning that if I crit 5 targets with Arcing Slice, I get 5 might. Thus, MMR is particularily effective when you are cleaving multiple targets.

  13. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > **Current Builds**

    > * [Zerg/GvG](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJASRnUJCF7ilhAeeAM7ilsADPDvhHxK1gUXMAZwVACAA-j1xHABMpEEgDBQPK/eX9nw3fIgjAgX6CmHEAEKAVVVlUAruMC-w "Zerg/GvG")

    > * [solo roaming](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAoeRnMdAt6ilhAWhAkiglrADJAkASd4b4P8JWJH06qBA-j1xHABMpEMgjAw7q/E++DepJoHlfAcIAmHEAEKAVVVlUAruMC-w "Solo roaming")

    > Does anyone have success with Str/Dis/Spb? I'm just trying to think of ways to improve my damage without losing too much survivability.


    Yes, it is absolutely possible to run SB without defense, even in zerg fights.


    First off, let me start by saying that if you are playing defense SB for roaming in 2019 you are doing it wrong. The passive regen style of warrior is dead and has not kept up with the powercreep. Strength SB with Mending provides more healing, more condi clear, more endurance, more might, and more damage. I swapped from defense SB to strength SB about a month ago for sPvP and WvW roaming and trust me, its way better.


    As for zerging, my guildies and I in [HERE] are currently testing a SB Str Disc build for WvW. So far its showed alot of promise. You will consistantly hit higher numbers than the defense variant. Instead of relying on autoproc stances going off at the right time, you rely on spamming your dodges wth the insane endurance regen you'll get. We've found that a big part of the damage actually comes from procing Reckless Dodge. The build is more difficult to use however.


    In short, yes. Strength SB is now as good as or better than Defense SB in every PvP game mode.

  14. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Defense is pretty much mandatory, what are you talking about?


    Actually, not at all. Not these days. If you play any ranked PvP, go on some duel servers, or even check metabattle, you'll find that Defense SB and Core are basically dead. Strength SB is the last competitive build that Warrior has now.


    Defense only remains viable in WvW zerg fights thanks to the extra stances you get, but some Warriors are starting to drop it there too.

  15. Defense has been hit so many times its basically been nerfed into unviability by Anet. Most of its traits are undertuned (i.e. Adrenal Health) or totally outdated (i.e. Armored Attack). As much as I do love playing Strength SB builds, it would be nice if Defense were viable too. The passive healing play style is dead. The heals from Adrenal Health and Healing Signet are very undertuned by today's standards, ensuring that you'll be wittled down slowly. Even in WvW, there's been experimentation with dropping Defense for Strength and its had some success from what I've seen.


    Please Anet, I want my Defense back.

  16. SB is strong for quite a few reasons. The tree has alot of natural synergy with other Warrior trait lines. For example, having multiple smaller burst skills (i.e. Arcing Slice > FC > Arcing Slice) procs Building Momentum in the Strength tree many more times than a single burst skill does. Magebane Tether provides awesome might gain that synergizes with Might Makes Right and Pinnacle of Strength. You get the idea. Additionally, SB provides many defensive tools that allow the Warrior to stay in the fight, prevent getting bursted, and outsustain its opponents; thats how the class tends to win fights.


    As for Berserker, after playing with it for a little while, its not as bad as people say it is. Headbutt is an AMAZING eliet skill, one of the best in the game, and Outrage is a stunbreak on a 10s CD. The problem is that the tree has little synergy with the rest of the class trees, virtually no defensive options, and pretty bad might gain. Traits like Dead or Alive are hilariously underpowered by today's standards.

  17. > @"Mousehawk.1746" said:

    > > @"Girth.9731"

    > I have a better perspective on mace now. I barely use it which does prove how underpowered it is. It definitely needs buffs or an overhaul of its skills. Longbow should have a defined roll. If it were to go all the way into condi (this is the best choice since it is very condi in zerker) the burning on autos trait should be built into the weapon. Adding burning to arcing arrow as well would be good. I don't think the burst needs changes, since it already applies burning per pulse. Something I want to bring up about bladetrail is that it is good on paper but in practice it does not do much. It should do more like the other melee great swords. That is all that caught my attention. Thanks for the response.


    > @"Mousehawk.1746" said:

    > > @"Girth.9731"

    > I have a better perspective on mace now. I barely use it which does prove how underpowered it is. It definitely needs buffs or an overhaul of its skills. Longbow should have a defined roll. If it were to go all the way into condi (this is the best choice since it is very condi in zerker) the burning on autos trait should be built into the weapon. Adding burning to arcing arrow as well would be good. I don't think the burst needs changes, since it already applies burning per pulse. Something I want to bring up about bladetrail is that it is good on paper but in practice it does not do much. It should do more like the other melee great swords. That is all that caught my attention. Thanks for the response.


    Yeah, Bladetrail can be unreliable. However, I find that if I try to use it at just the right distance (usally after dodging into and whirwinding through an enemy), then both parts of the skills will usually hit making it pretty solid. My only worry with making the skill into some kind of CC is that it might make GS pretty busted. Even stronger than it already is. I mean of you think about it, virtually every power build in every gamemode for Warrior has included GS.

  18. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > Most of the warrior trait lines are pretty interchangeable depending on the situation. More damage? strength. More team support? Tactics. More sustain? Defense. More condi? Arms. No matter what kind of build you're running though things never feel right without Discipline because of Fast Hands. It's run so commonly that faster weapon swapping feels synonymous with warrior. Why is this not just included in the base warrior package by now?


    > If you run an elite specializations that's 2/3 of our trait lines taken up by "must haves". I propose that fast hands just be part of warrior independent of traits so that it feels more open to build variation. Not having it adversely affects the flow of the profession (at least for me). Discipline would still be a strong choice without fast hands but if I choose not to run it I don't want to feel punished for it by slowing down my gameplay. I would even be fine if they increased the recharge time a tiny bit to balance out it being base line.


    > Idea for fast hands replacement trait:


    > Reckless Draw:

    > Swap weapons, 5% bonus damage on next attack.


    We've been asking for baseline Fast Hands for years. Warrior was clearly designed with fast hands in mind. Funny thing is, Discipline is so good that even if Fast Hands was ripped out of the tree, made baseline, and replaced with nothing, Warriors would still probably take it almost 100% of the time. Being able to consistantly use burst skills is vital to the class. Sadly, I doubt we will ever see this change. Anet has had YEARS to do it and yet they refuse.


    I'm just praying they can spend to time to rework Berserker and buff Defense... I love the Strength based builds but it would be nice if Defensive were still viable.

  19. > @"Mousehawk.1746" said:

    > **Greatsword**

    > I think about a few skills that need work, the rest are great.

    > Hundred Blades – Should hit 5 targets. The damage is good it’s just very difficult to justify using, especially in competitive play because of it rooting you in place. Should be a faster cast, let you turn like with sword burst, or be useable while moving. The first and second options are preferred changes.

    > Blade trail – Unlike other professions skills, warrior lacks hard cc on great sword. Guard has circle pull, ranger a stun, Mesmer a push, and reaper a forward pull. It should be turned into a hard cc skill, a block/throw skill like ranger, or something else. I doubt giving it more damage would make it super great, but it is rather low, and the cripple should be longer. Ranger gets a block, more damage, and a 5 second cripple on its throw.

    > Rush – It can be messy to use because it does not reliably connect and can send you in weird directions. It might act strangly because of combat camera.


    > **Hammer**

    > Maybe more damage on autos but it is a great weapon. I can’t think of any changes for skills.


    > **Longbow**

    > Good skills.

    > Arcing Arrow – I think that this projectile should fly a bit faster and have some hard cc. Like a .5 second stun/daze or a 240-range knockback. It is an explosion after all.


    > **Rifle**

    > Kill Shot – Having this skill deal more damage to enemies under 25% health would make it very dangerous however, I like it how it is.


    > **Axe**

    > The perfect weapon.

    > Triple Chop (3rd chain skill) – Making this cast in 1 second might be too strong. It would feel more fluid though.


    > **Mace**

    > Counterblow – Having an 8 second cooldown would put it in line with revenant and guard mace.



    > **Sword**

    > This weapon can be weird sometimes but the buffs to it were good.

    > Flurry – The root here is weird and does not always work well. I only use it for the root proc, then I cancel it. It needs more damage and should be usable while moving. If it stays as an immovable cast the damage should 100% higher otherwise 25% more damage wouldn’t hurt.

    > Impale & Riposte – I think these skills are good, but they are never a justifiable choice for offhand skills. I feel like they need work but I’m not sure where to start.


    > **Shield**

    > This offhand is too good and is only rivaled by axe offhand. I don’t think a nerf is necessary. The other off hands should just be buffed.


    > **Warhorn**

    > Not usable in many circumstances but when it needs to be used it works well. A boon share on it would be hilarious.


    > **Harpoon Gun**

    > Bleeds on more skills would help this weapon out.

    > Mariner’s shot – Along with more damage on distance it should apply bleeds similarly. 1, 2, and 3 bleeds for 5 seconds would be fine.

    > Puncture shot – Should cause 2 stacks of bleed for 5 seconds.

    > Split Shot – Bleeds are good, just needs more damage.

    > Knot shot – More damage would be nice, but it is a good skill.

    > Repeating Shot – A bleed on each hit for 4 seconds.

    > Forceful Shot – Bleed stacks per adrenaline level. 2, 3, & 4 stacks for 5 seconds.


    > **Spear**

    > Good weapon but more damage across the board would help make underwater nicer to play. Not a high priority.

    > That is my thoughts on what would help warriors fight in mainly a pvp/wvw point of view. If these ideas are bad let me know.



    > @"Mousehawk.1746" said:

    > **Greatsword**

    > I think about a few skills that need work, the rest are great.

    > Hundred Blades – Should hit 5 targets. The damage is good it’s just very difficult to justify using, especially in competitive play because of it rooting you in place. Should be a faster cast, let you turn like with sword burst, or be useable while moving. The first and second options are preferred changes.

    > Blade trail – Unlike other professions skills, warrior lacks hard cc on great sword. Guard has circle pull, ranger a stun, Mesmer a push, and reaper a forward pull. It should be turned into a hard cc skill, a block/throw skill like ranger, or something else. I doubt giving it more damage would make it super great, but it is rather low, and the cripple should be longer. Ranger gets a block, more damage, and a 5 second cripple on its throw.

    > Rush – It can be messy to use because it does not reliably connect and can send you in weird directions. It might act strangly because of combat camera.


    > **Hammer**

    > Maybe more damage on autos but it is a great weapon. I can’t think of any changes for skills.


    > **Longbow**

    > Good skills.

    > Arcing Arrow – I think that this projectile should fly a bit faster and have some hard cc. Like a .5 second stun/daze or a 240-range knockback. It is an explosion after all.


    > **Rifle**

    > Kill Shot – Having this skill deal more damage to enemies under 25% health would make it very dangerous however, I like it how it is.


    > **Axe**

    > The perfect weapon.

    > Triple Chop (3rd chain skill) – Making this cast in 1 second might be too strong. It would feel more fluid though.


    > **Mace**

    > Counterblow – Having an 8 second cooldown would put it in line with revenant and guard mace.



    > **Sword**

    > This weapon can be weird sometimes but the buffs to it were good.

    > Flurry – The root here is weird and does not always work well. I only use it for the root proc, then I cancel it. It needs more damage and should be usable while moving. If it stays as an immovable cast the damage should 100% higher otherwise 25% more damage wouldn’t hurt.

    > Impale & Riposte – I think these skills are good, but they are never a justifiable choice for offhand skills. I feel like they need work but I’m not sure where to start.


    > **Shield**

    > This offhand is too good and is only rivaled by axe offhand. I don’t think a nerf is necessary. The other off hands should just be buffed.


    > **Warhorn**

    > Not usable in many circumstances but when it needs to be used it works well. A boon share on it would be hilarious.


    > **Harpoon Gun**

    > Bleeds on more skills would help this weapon out.

    > Mariner’s shot – Along with more damage on distance it should apply bleeds similarly. 1, 2, and 3 bleeds for 5 seconds would be fine.

    > Puncture shot – Should cause 2 stacks of bleed for 5 seconds.

    > Split Shot – Bleeds are good, just needs more damage.

    > Knot shot – More damage would be nice, but it is a good skill.

    > Repeating Shot – A bleed on each hit for 4 seconds.

    > Forceful Shot – Bleed stacks per adrenaline level. 2, 3, & 4 stacks for 5 seconds.


    > **Spear**

    > Good weapon but more damage across the board would help make underwater nicer to play. Not a high priority.

    > That is my thoughts on what would help warriors fight in mainly a pvp/wvw point of view. If these ideas are bad let me know.



    Interesting suggestions OP. Just a few comments I would like to make.




    Only thing I would change here would be Hundres Blades hitting 5 targets. The skill is already powerful as is and can be devastating when combined with Shield Bash, Bull's Charge, Disrupting Stab, Rampage, etc. If you are running Demo Amulet with Forceful Greatsword in sPvP, just 3 hits of Hundred Blades will get you about 1,500 base damage, about the same as Maul on the Ranger's bar. I think Warriors don't throw the skill out enough tbh, even a few hits can make the skill worth using.


    As for Bladetrail, it is no doubt the weakest skill on the bar, but keep in mind it can hit twice, which I often find happening when I use it after Whirlwind Attack. Using the same conditions as before, the skill can hit for around 1,400 base damage and apply 8s of cripple. Not bad when it hits.


    Overall, I would confidently say that the Warrior's Greatsword bar is the best in the game, which I think time has proven. The damage and mobility it provides is really unmatched.




    I agree, the weapon feels great after the rework. No major changes needed.




    I would actually like to see this weapon move to full condi damage, instead of the weird hybrid it is now. Maybe Arcing Arrow could apply like 10 stack of vuln and some bleed instead? I would also like to Combustive Shot apply a little more burning. Feels a bit lackluster as it is now.




    Again, I agree, weapon is mostly fine as is. I think we could consider allowing movement during the Killshot channel though. The skill isn't nearly as powerful as it once was.




    Agreed, one of the best designed Warrior weapons. Simple but reliable. I do wish they'd reduce the aftercast on Eviserate though. Feels a bit clunky having to cancel out of the aftercast with a weapon swap.




    IMO, Mace is currenty in the worst state of basically all Warrior weapons. Its in desperate need of a rework. Counter Blow needs an 8s CD, Pommel Bash is just.... God.... so bad. Whole skill needs to be reworked. Crushing Blow needs a 1/2s cast time and Tremor hits like a noodle for damage. Tbh I wish they'd scrap the whole thing and turn it into a single target, low damage, stun/vulnerability focused weapon set.




    Sword is in a weird spot. Anet can't seem to decide what it should be and I'm not sure either. I do agree that Flurry needs a MASSIVE damage buff. Its so bad that most opponents won't even try to break out of a Flurry, they'll just sit their and out DPS you as you flail away. The needs to be way more threatening. As for Sword offhand, I don't think the design is all that bad, the numbers are just way undertuned.




    A great and balanced weapon. Has defined Warrior PvP since 2012.




    Pretty useless. A relic of when Anet had a different design philosphy for the classes. Tbh, I don't even care enough about this thing to even think about what it would need to be reworked to. I'd rather them spend time fixing Berserker or buffing the Defense tree.



  20. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > Could you please clarify/expound on the "Breaking the channel will destroy the spell." part for the spellbreakers. Thanks.


    > Sounds like it is interruptable if the caster is hit


    Sounds more like an other channeled skill, such as 100b, where the channeled skill is broken by CC or interupts.

  21. > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

    > > @"Girth.9731" said:

    > > Unpopular opinion here, but I actually think FC is still quite good after the changes.The 1.5 daze is quite nice, and I find that in comination with the No Escape trait it helps to land burst skills or even part of a 100B.


    > daze doesnt keep them rooted, stun does. And its kinda kitten with accessable stunbreak.


    When you combine it with No Escape, FC will cause immob + daze, as well as slow and cripple if you trait for that as well. I find that this combination usually allows me to land a burst skill or at least some good damage.

  22. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Girth.9731" said:

    > > > @"Rizigmar.2681" said:

    > > > L2P, Mesmer is not OP and doesn't need to be nerfed. It takes many skill to be good with it. Especially Condition mirage, if you die to that it just means you got outplayed by a superior player. :astonished:

    > >

    > > No, Mesmer is OP. Keep living in denial.


    > I think he's mocking Incissor


    Then you gotta drop a /s lmao

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