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Posts posted by YaminoNakani.7083

  1. I'm just watching this firebrand named dwyana incarnate solo 3 people at once chain stunning and burning them to death while either chain blocking or healing through any damage that somehow gets through the CC spam. Dude literally also just face tanked a beserker without attacking back with minimal key inputs before getting bored and purging the shit out of it.


    I mean overall people have made some really crazy builds like that with mainly guardians and warriors that just output a level of sustain, damage and CC so abundant that they experience a level of power great enough to become bored with it. Its like the one punch man parody.

  2. > @"Etaoin.4362" said:

    > I'm going to regret jumping into this, but what the hell?


    > 1) You can't "fix" Bulwark Gyro through scaling based on teammates. The bulk of the barrier is given at onset, so if you're alone at this point and get a reduced barrier, then have your teammates sharing with you while getting spiked, you can actually end up taking more damage than mitigating it since the scrapper (not the gyro) absorbs damage on behalf of teammates now. No, this would not make it more interesting as a "risk-reward" skill, it would just be a coding nightmare that could actually break the skill (which, for the record, is apparently already bugged to treat some elements like siege equipment and fortifications as allies). A better solution might be to alter how the skill scales with something like healing power, but then my guess is most scrappers would shift to a mid-support role and people would just complain about that instead. A third alternative would just be to make the gyro a flat damage reduction across the board (akin to something like Dwarf Stance), but I fail to see how that substantially differs from the current barrier.


    > 2) Decrying this particular scrapper build as unfair while you have other professions capable of running similar setups (e.g., weaver, scourge, etc.) is strangely inconsistent. Note, I am not saying that they are the same, but they are relevantly similar with regard to what I assume is the core of the complaint, namely sustainability. For example, yes, scrapper has more mitigation options than, say, scourge, but scourge has much more offensive utility and should be able to do things like force a player (even a scrapper) off point if played decently. Weaver, on the other hand, has a lower health pool, but access to a greater variety of skills to alter the nature of a given engagement. There are also other sorts of bunker/bruiser builds that don't rely on tools like barrier (FB immediately comes to mind), but hopefully the point has been made.


    > 3) Despite what some folks seem to believe, scrapper actually has fairly limited mobility options. Unless the scrapper is willing to waste a Rocket Leap, it isn't going to be traveling between nodes particularly quickly. Super speed is still slower than teleport skills. This means their primary utility will either be sitting on a side node or supporting at mid; seldom (if ever) will they be able to easily transition between roles (contrast with the old chrono bunker or druids). As noted, there are already plenty of other builds that can stall on side nodes; if on mid, bait the Bulwark Gyro (it only lasts five seconds) and then either try to spike the team down with coordinated AoE (they have to be near the scrapper to get the barrier and damage reduction) or pick off weaker opponents out of support range.


    > 4) While the scrapper is hard to kill, (a) this has always been the case, and (b) there are solid checks to it. Stalemating with something like a warrior or revenant ensures that the scrapper will have skills on cool-down regularly. At that point, you should be able to +1 the fight and de- or full-cap the node as the scrapper retreats/recovers (power mirage and several thief builds get particular shout-outs here due to their utility and mobility). Scourges are also helpful here, as their area-denial limits the scrapper's options in avoiding condition damage and boon corruption, but they are a slower option in terms of movement speed.


    > 5) This doesn't apply to everyone in this thread, but my guess is that it applies to many: your problem isn't actually with scrapper, it's with the way you can stack a team to have multiple bunkers/supports.


    Honestly, this guy is the one who made a post with any sense to it in this entire thread. +1 to you.

  3. People are mainly complaining about scrapper because people are trying out it out en masse and pvp has turned into bunker wars. Most of the scrappers playing pvp aren't a threat. Most of them are literally just a reskinned sustain weaver with even less damage but more support and a few platinums have managed to make them into a threat but overall they're still less threatening than holosmiths along with still being less threatening and viable than every other meta build especially soulbeast.


    That said. I think they're really good for support now in pvp. They're no firebrands sure, but I think they're nice to have against heavy condition damage teams to be able to brawl it out melee style like before scourge. So overall it's a plus for the pvp scene.


    Just give it some time for the scrapper hype to die down and you'll see the focus shift back to mesmers, holosmiths and soulbeasts again along with probably some rework renegade threads.

  4. Honestly in my opinion, the only real problem with pvp are the non telegraphed instant kill combos from stealth. Other than that, it is a matter of learning to play against the different classes. Like for example, stop blinding playing the meta. Play the different classes and get experimental. learn how they work and figure out counters. For those who are not capable enough or too lazy to do that... well either accept your pvp rank or play another game mode or perhaps another game. Stop repeatedly doing what makes you upset. That kind of behavior will lead to necessary medical attention.

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