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Everything posted by lare.5129

  1. > @"Raffrey.5271" said: > I can't imagine throwing so much money into some weapons that have fixed, generally not so useful stat only to instant-salvage them later. Maybe you're rich idkadc but, not everyone. main coast is skin, and collection. Exotic weapon is gift after process.
  2. > @"dani.5680" said: > Tell this to the guy that said 150 LI in 7 weeks :D PLEASE! 150LI is ok for 5-7 years also. Aslo 0 is ok too. Raid is not main content. > I doubt these players know you start with 0 Ap and a PTV 80 exotic gear only! Start what ? GW2 is not only raids.
  3. and mian thing - raid here is not main content. Many layers play from start and have 0 li.
  4. > @"dani.5680" said: > Impossible for new players to get in a new raid! this is ok. >All require 150+ LI this is minimal require .. For most case you aslo req kp from each boss > and all training require ascended so you are in a farming space of over 3 months for ascended gear just to get in the training! yes, this is ok. 3 months only ? I farm it 2.5-3 years. Not joke. Now it realy do more easy. >Then 1 year to get those 150 LI! What te hell is going on? I play from start, still nto have 150 li Currently 138. You want 150 per one week ?? > Most of training guilds take you on weekends if they are free, if not, not! yes, good choose. You can make you own training giuld if someone interested do that not in weekends. > So as a new player you have to farm 1year to be in a LFG? Thats stupid isn't it? most of players more that one ofc. This is mmo game.
  5. > @"Bojjang.1052" said: > I main Warrior. Have not played since HoT. > Wanted to get into PvP even though i have been hearing a lot about the state of Warrior but I did not care. good choose fro skilled players! > Anyways, played pvp. Had a 1on1 against a Hunter. Hit by 7k World Impact followed by a 7k Maul. yes, it is great too. > Yeah, gg enough pvp for me. why? >I started Warrior because I wanted to hit like a Truck and not to be hit like a Truck. so you not properly understand concept. Warrior should be a paper rubbish, and shine only in extra skilled hands. It for warriors, people who want challage and ready to fight. If you want "dps numbers" - take class what look overpowered for you and don't play warrior.
  6. welcome to T1. Take guildmembers and do chill T1.
  7. > @"Raffrey.5271" said: > I have no even the slightest interest to craft these Dragon Slayer weapons so I'm not so obsessed in grinding these mats daily. this collection, as many others not for everyone as requirements pass > Make them stat-selectable. welcome to ascend and legendary items world > I mean seriously, given the price each would cost (3 amalgs, 30 ectos, hundreds of ingots), they should be stat-selectable. yes, 30 ectos a little bit hot, but mostly ok.
  8. > @"Leafstorm.1349" said: > Why is this still a thing? why not? > Why do guardians just hit you once and you have 6+ burn stacks? some bonus for good class and spec > Why is it that you can apply 21+ burn stacks on something instantly? you should train more, 25 is max value >This is literally the bane of this game and the rise for every single bad player ever. we need some boost for bad players to make some fair fight. Feel skilled and exp, and want challenge ? I want, and I take sword and celestial thief. This is depend always from you, not from some one more.
  9. > @"Fleabite.7528" said: > behind such a high gold cost wall. high ? yes. But not "insane" ..
  10. > @"Fleabite.7528" said: > * Significantly increase the droprate for the Volcanic Stormcaller weapons. so one random value 0.002342734 yopu suggets change to another 0.00234586 ? no way. Drop can be same. Next time on this run for another content better give some crystal, for any ran, and possibility change 10, or 20, or 30, or 100 that crystals for box .. elimintae random a liitle but .. To have some % drop, and each tiem do soem guarantee progress .. > at an insane 4,800-6,000 gold. it not insane. Normal gold value. > Change the Prismatium Crystals home node drop to 3 a day like every other node, not the present 2. yes, I was stuck when get 2 from node first time .. but ok > What else would incentivise you to run more DRMs? and MIAN question: for that reason we shoudl ask incentivise you to run more DRMs .. this is small part of LS ..
  11. 1)at first, 250kp old this beginner-midl level. Why you wait some magic from them ? 2) more better ark kp from kp.me, ant don't bring any less than 8k uce .. 3)use only proper classes: cfb as dps for 100. Bs also swap on cfb on 100. On other ofc some can swap to slb, but if all stay cfb as dps is ok. 4)don't make cm already inside cm. Take hfb, and better look good dps from cfb ..
  12. do you read that this rune do ? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune_of_the_Trapper_(PvP) only dh and ranger can set traps check https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trap so rune have 6th effect for them. If this give additional motivation tu use trap biud for ranger and dh - **we should ask more boost that rune** by increase stealth and give additional effects.
  13. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > Not really, i mean, you can't just take your Raids build and expect to do well in WvW. on wvw it depend how you understand words "do well", gameplay style, and many factors. > There's tons of people compaining on the forums how WvW sucks and they get instakilled by everything and everyone is toxic for killing them this is part of fun - cry on forums. Welcome on mmo games world. >They're running berserker's gear and are expecting to do their PvE rotations on people, like, seriously? it depend from style and strategy, and setup around u. No bad gear. There is bad tactic. > Also, if you want to be useful to idk, your guild in WvW raiding on each giuld you need check that biuld wait from chrno .. It depend from giuld, and have many variation. > I'm not using the metabattle build, it's weird yeah. I'm using a build my guild gave me. same for me.
  14. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > Mostly WvW on wvw u can take any build, class, and armor, no one care. Target - get fun. > and Fractals content. on fractals current mechanic not acceptable for most fractals, where u need put wells and wait wait wait 3 tick .. so they current wells is not acceptable and smell fail .. Also as support chrno anyway u need have deviner set, and make not only boon but and more than average 8k+ dps if we talk about normal party .. >Some open world any build, class, and armor,
  15. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > No, one(1) euro is far from being enough. it was not enough in 2010 .. but not today. In 2020+ all that bring any plus is a fine. .. So if we image that it absolutist not profitable - I am as manager will sell it, but not hold... We have new reality of business, where all old and new products have new value.
  16. On Monday night I get some info about "Reborn of Destroyers" on 2026-2028. I will share more info if get stable source. But how I say new raid wing come soon without any exp, so will see. Anyway don't try get everything per one year as sunrise.
  17. > @"Stormcrow.7513" said: > GW2 is showing its age with an antiquated engine and limitations. you will see same limitations in any version of GW. These limitation don't have any impact to mmo game. I am play now few mmo games more, one of them relized at 2002, and soon will be 19 years old .. Game fine and will be on air next 20 years I think .. If you not like limitations - the mmo games not for you. Because best games already created, and gw2 one of them. If you wait something better in future - no, nothing good not come nearest 25-50 years. >The LS idea was a cool concept but .. you look at LS as due, but this is GIFT for us. > I have zero emotion If you try get all emotion from one game - it big challenge. Not for game, for you. > GW3 if it is ever made, would hopefully take into consideration some of the features and ideas from the fanbase that couldn't be put into GW2. ideas, if they realy good fro someone and they possible to do - then already exist in another game. Mmo games is games based on 2002-2012 time stack. Best examples: lineage2, wow and others have continuous exp/patch model. Imagine now Bliz make Wow2. Most player stay on wow1. So if they push close wow1, and not do exp - this is trigger player leaver wow at all to another project .. Yes, some people will come to wow2, but summary is wiht sign minus. Same with gw2, lineage2 ant most other projects. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"lare.5129" said: > > The + is bigger than 0 nowadays. So if this give one(1) euro - this profitable. > So, like City of Heroes? yes, good game from 2004, and good demo of mmo reality. My best example ragnarok online.
  18. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said: > New players should pick warrior and a greatsword and just go out and be slaughtered by every class cuz it makes the game more fun, is that part right? yes. This is one of part of fun. > Secondly u think it would be and should be normal for 2 necro's to destroy 10 warriors? yes. We need some good balance for necro. > Lastly u think necros and thieves need buffs but warrior is....ok? no warrior is not ok. They need nerf and make other class more easy win vs warrior. > Let me know if I missunderstood any of what u said, and I believe we kno the 2 classes u play :) I play all classes, and try all builds. Prev sesason player mostly on condi chrno, this on sraper 90% and thief 10% aprox. It not easy use only 2 classes and have 5000+ ranked games. I have plan try sup warrior next season.
  19. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said: > Lol who the hell plays a warrior to support and do little damage? I have warrior heal for dungeons and warrior for 25 might in past, and bonnstrip warrior for wvw .. may be in past too ..But warrior -is main meat by concept, all non skiled player should create warrior, take big great sword and be killed by any class. This is one of concept in mmo game. It make more fun. >Players play a warrior class to battle it out with their steel thay should think that they can do it, but only think .. So in normal game concept 2 necro should kill 10 warriors. So next after boost thief necro alos need some boost.
  20. > @"noiwk.2760" said: > dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. yes, amulet removed. One more nerf for my thief >thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^ it ok for me, but we need rename thief and weaver to other names if it is.
  21. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said: > I play warrior not thief if I log on, mostly to remind myself why I dont log on much :) one of best support class and meta wvw class can't be compared whit thief.
  22. > @"noiwk.2760" said: > your class is already over peforming.. I have all clases, fo fast use some of them have twice, about that class now you talk? >if you dont enjoy it go play another class.. yes, for each type and style I have my own class > thief should personal for me is no matter what class should we ask boost, and we need pvp class anyway. By name it should be thief, I check it - no, it not op. Sometimes it fun, but no op. So we need good stealth, good dps (in my celestial it was totaly craps, especial if I try kill weaver wiht same amulet..,) and myt some stats boost fro gems ..
  23. > @"noiwk.2760" said: > simply unrealistic.. that want to be god.. simple asthat.. this is gw2. Here evrything is real if you have target. I am already fractal god, wvw god will be soon, but in spvp not exist some point to stack .. ofc I have leg pvp backpack, but I also need some boost for any class to make game more fun.
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