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Posts posted by Sampson.2403

  1. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

    > > You guys are delusional. I'm playing matches everyday and 1v1 the mes will get killed by a spell breaker 95% of time. Mirage runs away most of the time. I don't see many classes that can stand toe to toe with Spell breaker at the moment, they are broken. Obviously there are no serious people in this thread. It's just bash Mes because you don't like fighting them. Au revoir.


    > You don't stand toe to toe to Spell breakers. You kite them and abuse Phase retreat until they've wasted their active defenses and then you go in for the kill.


    > Most of the time it's not a matter of whether a mesmer can kill a Spellbreaker, but whether it's time efficient to do so and if you can do it before the Spellbreaker gets reinforcements. It's usually not.


    Yes but by kiting them don't you lose the node?

  2. > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

    > You guys are delusional. I'm playing matches everyday and 1v1 the mes will get killed by a spell breaker 95% of time. Mirage runs away most of the time. I don't see many classes that can stand toe to toe with Spell breaker at the moment, they are broken. Obviously there are no serious people in this thread. It's just bash Mes because you don't like fighting them. Au revoir.


    Lol this is me for sure. I play mirage and i get rekt by spell breakers. But I've just assumed it was a l2p issue for me which it is BUT its nice to hear im not the only one struggling :)

  3. 1. Disagree - the total games required to be on the leader board which increases by 5 each week and the current decay system really eliminate leader board camping. By the end of the season, imo the leaderboard represents the best active players for the season.


    2. Agree.


    3. Disagree - based on the amount of conspiracy theorist and whiners chatting and posting on the forums i can only imagine how much bs is in the report ticket que. I see your point but pick your battles.


    4. Disagree - The Glicko-2 rating system is the best there is for this type of game.


    5. Agree


  4. Lol people love to justify their losses based on everyone else but themselves and will go as far as to convince themselves that their teammates are self sabotaging.


    Even IF there are dudes purposely throwing matches often enough to cause people to post about it aren't they going to eventually end up in low gold / silver / bronze tier anyway?


    I joined last season, i have now played over 1,000 ranked games and I have worked my way up to plat from silver and i float in the plat 1 & 2 range now. So obviously i qualify as a candidate for worthy observation across the entire skill spectrum and ive seen like 1 or 2 people legitmatelty throw games and that was when i was in low gold.


    Just play to win, improve and when you get into the higher tier games you won't run into this stuff anymore.


    What most of you are talking about by the way is people rage quitting, not win trading and not game throwing. Ragers always sink and dissolve naturally, no need to code anything here.

  5. Im just curious where is all this afk trolling happening. People tend to blow things out of proportion.


    I've played a lot of games this season and the previous season and I have rarely encountered troll afk behavior / win trading.


    I don't mean to bash, because i know it is a problem for sure, but im guessing this happens in a very small % of your total games played and youve probably gotten free wins just as much as you've gotten auto losses from troll afkers.


    I think people will play like 50 games that are all fine and then 1 game has some kind of outlier event occur and then they come onto the forums and present it like all 51 games happen this way.


  6. Yes i know its easily bypassed by 'acting afk', my point though is that anet has already implemented something that detects and punishes true afks.


    Like others have already said in this thread, its impossible to build any reliable pattern recognition feature that can accurately interpret the behavior of players 'acting afk' on purpose to throw games.



  7. > @"Najten.2418" said:

    > Still, likeliness of dealing 0 damage, taking 0 damage, not moving past the spawn location; after 5 minutes.. whatever you're doing you're not playing PvP as intended. That's 100% certain.


    They already have a no movement timer in sPvP. You cant sit for 5 mins doing nothing or you will get flagged and dishonored.


    So true afkers are actually being punished already.

  8. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > Kite and save your biggest condi bursts like Torch 4+5 until after they waste their resistance skills. Open up with a more minor Mind Wrack to bait them into popping Berserker Stance. Once they pop that you can unload on them. If they pop heal signet use Sigil of Annulment to strip resistance and you've won.


    > Always kite them. Use terrain and Phase retreat to you're advantage. Never go toe to toe with them. It's really just a matter of kiting them effectively until their defensive utilities run out.


    Update - this has really worked well vs spell breakers. I've gone from getting smashed 100% of the time to winning 50/50.


    The hardest thing to do is to get them to actually blow cooldowns without using the primary burst tools (shatter 2, torch 4 and 5).


    Ive come across some spellbreakers who also save their block for when i go invis with torch 4.

  9. Here's my unpopular opinion.


    The matchmaking seems fair to me. From what ive read atleast, the algorithm tries to make the teams as equal as possible. Obviously the limiting factor everytime you que is who else is also queing at the same time, so sometimes you'll get lopsided matches, but half of the time you'll be on the winning side of those matches, so these outlier examples people keep posting about are irrelevant as the wins and losses u get from them balance out over time. Everyone on the leader boards has to endure the rng for good or bad.


    If rank were completely random and at the mercy of rng then you wouldn't see the same players in the top 50, 100, 150 etc over and over. Just think about that. They're queing solo just like you.


    Rank in sPvP overtime is an average reflection of your team impact, not individual impact. To be able to recognize the intentions of your teammates and enemies and then capitalize off of them is what wins games consistently for sure. So what your plat 2 and your teammates are gold 2. The team that your facing more often than not has the same skill spread.


    I think psychologically whats going on here is that its just super easy to blame everyone else except yourself when your queing solo and you lose a game.


    You must realize that its impossible to make a match making system that can accommodate what some of you are asking for. This, or a similar version to this is as good as its gonna get for the format of sPvP solo que.


  10. I play condi mirage in sPvP and im usually floating around the plat 1 and plat 2 range and am looking for advice from players in that rank window or higher.


    Even when i played power mirage shatter last season or the chrono disenchanter build this season i always struggle horribly vs spellbreakers. I can't seem to put any pressure on them.


    Any tips? My build is like 90% the same as the carion ineptitude build on meta battle.

  11. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > @"JayAction.9056" said:

    > > The current system gives better matches overall.

    > > Solo q is more competitive than team q.

    > >

    > >

    > > Say for instance you and your 5 friends are not of equal skill. One person can be extremely good, and one person can be so bad they are a free kill to the enemy team.

    > >

    > > How do you balance for this? How do you determine who is the best on a team?

    > > You don’t. It’s impossible.

    > >

    > > The current system in *RANKED* is to assign rankings to players based on skill.

    > >

    > > If you simply want to play with friends, play unranked, challenge yourselves in ATs, or even go to WvW.

    > >

    > > Once again, the purpose of *RANKED* is not to play with your friends but to see who is ultimately the best, what classes are the best, and what is generally the best strategy.

    > >

    > > The current system does that extremely well. It took like 9 seasons for it to get to this point. Your suggestions have already proven multiple times to not be a good idea.

    > >

    > > Hope this clears up your misunderstanding.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Do you legit think that the strongest players will finish at the top of the leaderboards?


    Yes. If not the strongest, then who are the players at the top of the leaderboard? Since you have to que solo its all about you and your rank reflects that over the long run.


    Everyone of us has to endure the "coin flip" aspects of ranked play, so IMO, that is not really relevant.


    That aside, i do agree with not being able to que with your friends as a major bummer. Im new to the scene as of last season. My buddy and i been queing up and learning the game together and when we hit rank 1600 that's how we learned that we could no longer duo que.


    I read that arena net did some data mining and concluded that premades were not stomping pugs like one might expect, so what was the reasoning behind the change to solo que in ranked? Which season was ranked changed to solo que only?



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