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Posts posted by Sampson.2403

  1. I like the idea of build customization if it makes sense. Being able to go all in on damage at the expense to survivability and sustain makes sense to me. As far as i was able to tell, this build fit that bill.


  2. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > > > @"Uvirith.9573" said:

    > > > > But... Clones are caped at 3 and have always been, and fantasms die right after their first strike.

    > > >

    > > > They are not capped at 3 when the screen is filled with 10 plus clones every second.

    > > >

    > > > I mean not able to spawn more than 3-5 clones/phantasms in the screen. Like impossible to have 6 or 7 or 8.

    > > > Now mesmer just spam 10 clones shatter, another 10 clones, and they don't seem to die after their first hit tbh.

    > >

    > > A mesmer cannot have more than 3 clones out at a time that haven't been shattered yet.


    > Illusions then. Fighting 1 mirage spamming 10 clones on the screen is just unfun and frustating, and it's not a l2p issue, add the invulns, evades, it's just a profession who needs to be gutted down. An average player killing a better one just because the profession is so low skill but high reward it's not fair.


    > Every profession has a counter. A god mirage has no counters. Only another mirage.


    There's no mirage build that anyones using that will have 10 illusions (3 clones plus 7 phantasms up at once). The most ur gonna get against a mirage is 6 illusions and thats pushing it. Ur barely gonna see this combo, but it would be the following:


    6 = 3 clones, plus 2 warlocks and 1 torch phantasm

  3. > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > I advocate for solo only.


    > The ATs are not working. They are an example of a team required queue. So the suggestion of making team queue in ranked is not born out by the current conditions in game. **If ATs, which are team queue only, don't work... then why should teams in ranked work?** It is not logical to argue that a failure should lead us to conclude that we need to do the same thing on a larger scale.


    > Again, your post misses the point. Teams and factions tend to break down community. I'm proposing making all PvP players part of a single "team" as a means of creating cooperation.


    I don't want to derail your post because i think its a good post and its relieving to see someone make a post on the pvp forums that isn't full of crying about the game but i must call you out here : P


    Teams and factions break down community? I think you need to lay off the philosphy and re introduce common sense back into your perspective. One of the core principals of any MMO is to encourage the members of the community to meet one another, form groups/guilds and explore the content, PvP or PvE, together.


    Hell, the name of this game IS "Guild" Wars lulz.

  4. > @"Lux van Grozny.3458" said:

    > And the forum it self is a prove of how horrible things are latley, reading the forum titles its like reading first page of tabloid's horror titles. Murder there murder everywhere!

    > and most people that uses forum are here from long based expiriences with the game and are players who actualy care about this game! Get someone who plays gw and pay him to read those posts if u cant! It clearly shows your lack of communication between players and anet!


    Yes, because clearly the select few players who pour salt into the pvp forums each day represent the larger majority of players who just play the game and dont post anything.


    Take a look at the leaderboard, how many of those names in the top whatever be the glorious number do you see posting here. Barely any.


    So most of the top players are kickin butt and not crying on the forums while the mid/lower tier make one salty post after another.


    Just an observation.


  5. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > > > > Power Mesmers aren't even that much of a problem. Their burst is easy to avoid as long as you see them before the engagement. Condi is where the real problem likes, or moreso the ease of application. I fought a condi-mirage yesterday. I cleansed the 10 stacks of confusion, 12 stacks of torment, 3 stacks of burning. Within the *same second*, I had another 6 stacks of torment, 8 stacks of confusion and 3 stacks of bleeding...you can only imagine that I barely managed to cleanse those before the same amount was almost *immediately* reapplied. Am I not bringing enough clears? It's seriously not a fun engagement.

    > > > >

    > > > > The confusion is not deadly at all as long as you don't cast into it. No joke, I could dump over 30 stacks of confusion on you and so long as you don't attack it'll maybe do 30% of your total health depending on the class. No joke. It was testing it on a friend and who was on deadshot scourge seeing exactly how much damage I could do to him with just confusion stacks and him just eating it, no barrier or anything and that's what over 30 stacks of confusion would do to him.

    > > > >

    > > > > Burning is the deadliest thing in condi mirage's arsenal and that comes from the torch skills. If you're going to beat a condi mirage, the key is to understand the rhythm of the torch skills and avoid them. The prestige is a 3 second stealth and has a very obvious animation and sound queue when they go into stealth. Once the stealth is over they'll explode out of stealth for a ton of burning damage. Next is the phantasmal mage which has two pulses of burning. First is around the mesmer themselves when initially cast. I actually kind of really dislike this aspect of the skill and would rather all the burning of the skill get reweighted onto the phantasm. The phantasm has a very obvious wind up before attacking with another wave of fire in a cone and dazing. This wind up is the exact same animation as the unbound mining tool if you've ever seen it. It'll levitate into the air, lift it's hands back and thrust them forward like it's casting a hadoken and when it thrusts it's hands out is when they attack will land.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think condi mirage should have some of the burning stacks trimmed from the torch skills. No joke if all three attacks land on you it's 10 stacks of burning for 18k damage so cleanse it, resist it, barrier it or die. Even if they have counter play and can predictably be avoided they're honestly over performing.

    > > > >

    > > > > As a condi mirage I'll often deliberately feint with a minor condi shatter to bait cleanses before going in with the torch for the kill.

    > > > >

    > > > > But yeah, once Chrono is no longer god tier condi mirage will be a more dominant presence in the metagame.

    > > >

    > > > "No joke" 30 stacks of confusion means I can't do *anything* except walk around while the Mirage can continue to apply *more* stacks of confusion and torment and burn to make sure that I continue to not be able to do anything. I can't even *cleanse* without taking damage from the confusion. Can't port away to wait it out, can't stealth, can't even auto attack. All of that is punishing, I am punished for actually trying to play my profession... "No joke" how is that fair again?

    > >

    > > If they're running the meta build it's very hit it run and kite dependent. It doesn't actually have that much sustained damage at all. It's constrained by the limitations of it's shatter skills. If they've botched their burst they'll be mostly on the defensive until their shatter skills are up again. They can throw out a lot more chip damage over time compared to say a Greatsword mesmer but if you survive the initial burst where they'll attempt to drop 20-30 confusion on you, the 3-4 stacks they'll maintain on you while they wait for another burst is not all that punishing. There's a lot you can do, you can cleanse it or pop resistance or just avoid getting hit in the first place.

    > >

    > > 90% of condi mirages are going to time their entire burst to land right when The Prestige lands, so if you can avoid the Prestige you've made huge head ways into the fight. My advice is just get a guy to play condi mirage and head into a 1v1 hotjoin and just get some good practice in avoiding the skill.

    > >

    > > Also Vallun has an excellent video detailing how 1v1ing a condimirage plays out from the perspective of thief. Even if you don't play thief it's still an excellent detail into what the build is capable of.

    > >

    > > [



    > I'm talking purely WvW. I understand this thread is in the PvP section, but the merged aspect pulled from both WvW and sPvP subforums. Condi mirages in TB/Dire gear using Sw/Torch and Staff are beyond broken. How insecure do these players have to be to main something like this...


    Yes, because clearly choosing to play a fun strong build in a video game directly translates to being insecure.

  6. I would recommend that you have your friends watch streams and obviously read the metabattle guide for their build. The streams are by far the best learning tool that there is.


    My first ranked pvp season i ended in plat 1 and maybe that's not great but its not terrible. I learned everything from watching helseths streams.


    Browsing the forums helps too. Although 99% of everything posted here is someone complaining you can learn a lot about the current meta from the salt. The salt has hidden wisdom the salt will show us the way the salt.

  7. Whenever i fight a spellbreaker i don't feel like i am engaging into pvp with another player. I feel like im fighting some PvE boss and trying to kill the boss solo for a challenge and only asking to join a group for help when im unable to do it alone fast enough.


    Outside of support roles like firebrand, i see no reason for these stalemate, sustainy as hell dps role builds. Im so happy druids heal got nerfed.

  8. YAY! another slow paced, boring, sustainy build that always took forever to win OR lose against has been nerfed. Now we just need to get rid of spell breakers boring as hell sustain.


    If you want to face tank the world and the universe play a pure support role like firebrand.


    Mirage and thief are perfect examples of "healthy dps role sustain" where they have the tools to avoid taking damage but the second they actually take damage they drop.


    Sustain by face tank is no bueno and is the leading cause of obesity.

  9. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

    > > Let me drop this here. When looking over this I get this feeling that the OP isn't talking about balancing from a higher level position, they are just stating their opinion on that micro level balancing. If you ever want to look at balancing in a way that doesn't only affect core mesmer, or the specific builds you like to play (your reputation is that rip), perhaps you should learn what is being discussed here.

    > >

    > >

    > > You also talked about being able to do a successful 1v1 ANY class. That's contradictory to another thing you said:

    > > "Balance does not mean: Make every class alike."

    > > Scourge for example is a terrible 1v1 class, HOWEVER if you examine the meta as it is right now, you will note that scourge so good at doing dps on mid that literally the whole meta is designed around it. Necro has never been a strong 1v1 class, it has never been good on sides and its place has usually always been on mid. Thats its thing, to make it a viable 1v1 would literally make the meta comp 4 or 5 scourges.

    > > FYI scourge isn't the only class that is like that, you could also take a guardian as a very good example, or thief as an example of a class who isn't so strong at the mid fight. Scourge is just a good example because it's so prominent in the current meta.

    > >

    > > Also stop replying multiple times to a single post, if you want to add something just edit a comment, there is no reason to troll that person, even if your opinion is different to thiers.


    > Thumbs up for Extra Credits.


    Great video

  10. > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > Seriously, how often is someone whose ranked up enough to be in plat 2 going to pull something like this? What your describing is someone rage quitting. If this person keeps doing this then yes they will sink and dissolve naturally.


    > Dude there are times when I am reading your comments that make me think whether we are playing the same game, no offense. :)


    > The fact that there was a ban wave on wintraders from Anet recently wasn't my imagination at all. When a player 'goes emo mode' or afk or dc and reconnects that disrupts the match balance in favor of the enemies - be it wintrading or not which you can never tell for sure, the result is the same. It's not rocket science.


    lol, I think we're playing the same game, "My Café - Recipes and Stories"?


    of course I understand what you're saying about a match getting disrupted, and yes I heard about the wintrader ban, but how often does someone in plat 2 whose winning decide to stop playing and lose? and how often have you witnessed and been impacted by wintraders? Same question since the ban?


    I play plat games all the time, why am I not having someone go afk when we're winning every single game, or being a victim of wintraders.






  11. > Ok man. Both are manipulating the match, so whatever. Your semantics are kind of irrelevant.


    Ok - Fair enough, I see your point - Regardless of why someone goes afk or how often it happens, you're being put into a 4v5 situation that's out of your control. When a 4v5 situation happens because of a disconnect, you are protected from point loss, so why not when someone goes afk?


    As others have already said, it's very hard to implement something that would work in punishing afkers as there's always a way around manipulating something like this and there is big risk for false positives. I have a hard time imagining that my experience could differ so drastically from yours where you say you have someone go afk every single game and yet I barely see it in 1500 games played in the last few months. Then again, if my teams losing badly and someone sits in spawn just to speed up the inevitable, I don't count that as an "afker" and maybe you do?


  12. > @"CaldaRaric.6305" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > >

    > > > That’s awesome you have only seen it once. I get an afker every match. So, yes. Very, very common.

    > >

    > > Define afker. Someone who goes afk because they are win trading vs someone who goes afk because their team is losing and clearly not going to win are two very different things.

    > >

    > >


    > In both cases it is match manipulation. It is the same thing.


    Someone who goes afk intentionally so the other team wins and they benefit from it vs someone who goes afk because they're upset that they're losing are not the same thing.


    The former is match manipulation and the latter is rage quitting but I'm not going to debate that or this subject anymore xD.

  13. > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > I had posted a video from a Plat2 game where team blue was winning by a considerable amount then one of their mates goes 'emo mode' and afk, throwing the game. This post was removed as it contained player names something I didn't realise that it was breaking the forum rules - not my intention and apologies for that. Still it clearly showed that this isn't a thing coming from people that 'sink and dissolve naturally' but something present in all the levels of ranked affecting the PvP experience considerably.


    Seriously, how often is someone whose ranked up enough to be in plat 2 going to pull something like this? What your describing is someone rage quitting. If this person keeps doing this then yes they will sink and dissolve naturally.


    You're complaining about an outlier, presenting it like it happens all the time, and flooding the forums with QQ about how Anet is letting their game die because they wont develop code that interprets and punishes players for raging.


    Come on man, save these threads for actual cheats and exploits.




  14. > @"CaldaRaric.6305" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > > > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > > > Lol people love to justify their losses based on everyone else but themselves and will go as far as to convince themselves that their teammates are self sabotaging.

    > > > I think you got it all wrong.

    > >

    > > Nah man, i maybe new here but i aint new to competitive online gaming. Same tune, different song.

    > >

    > > Almost every game the losing team starts spewing conspiracy theories about win traders, throwers, cheaters, speculation of their teammates ratings being far below theirs etc.

    > >

    > > Rarely do people come to the conclusion that their team simply got outplayed by the other.

    > >

    > > The amount of BS on these forums is just GLORIOUS :)

    > >

    > > Edit:

    > >

    > > Back to the point of the post, if people choose to rage quit and go afk in a match, thats life. You act like "only pugs do this" - you and your friends are just as susceptible to the rage.

    > >

    > > Just like anything else in life, People who continue to play with this mindet will sink while those who don't will climb. No need for government regulation here.


    > People in this game match manipulate. It’s not just people spewing conspiracies theories. Stay long enough and you will see. Hackers, afkers, match throwers are very, very common.


    Very very common?


    I've played 1200 games last season and im at 300 games this season so far and I've encountered one person who was legitimately win trading by playing two accounts.


    What I have seen very very often is blatant rage fueled false accusations of "win traders", "report this guy because of xyz" and people rage quitting by "going afk" after a 100 point defecit opening.


    None of the above behavior is cheating, win trading or match manipulation. Its just poor attitude.


    Please feel free to correct me if I am missing something. With the amount of posts that talk about this subject I'd actually like to be proven wrong here.






  15. > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > > Lol people love to justify their losses based on everyone else but themselves and will go as far as to convince themselves that their teammates are self sabotaging.

    > I think you got it all wrong.


    Nah man, i maybe new here but i aint new to competitive online gaming. Same tune, different song.


    Almost every game the losing team starts spewing conspiracy theories about win traders, throwers, cheaters, speculation of their teammates ratings being far below theirs etc.


    Rarely do people come to the conclusion that their team simply got outplayed by the other.


    The amount of BS on these forums is just GLORIOUS :)




    Back to the point of the post, if people choose to rage quit and go afk in a match, thats life. You act like "only pugs do this" - you and your friends are just as susceptible to the rage.


    Just like anything else in life, People who continue to play with this mindet will sink while those who don't will climb. No need for government regulation here.

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