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Posts posted by Pati.2438

  1. Don't get and will never get those thief players that said:"thief is death cause I don't deal good damage!". While at the same time they are play on 2 defence lines (daredevil and shadow arts). Like .. you deal basicly 4k damage with 3 skills (backstab and skill 2 and 3) while being in long stealth and do blind while got a ton of mobility. It is just mutch more damage than other classes would deal on 2 defence lines (like warrior on spellbraker defence).


    Just take that low damage or play on a other line than just shadow arts and made your gameplay less ezy.

  2. @"Aaron.1294" Thats what i said.. we allready get banners for Support side. But thats what i want to be nerfed removed ... ik. Give me some thing Support wise to use it aktive and not like banners passive. All I was saying I would love to see Banners nerfed to idk useless?? And they bring a new Support E-spec that work like banners but with more active play ...... so basicly give me a paragon spec with staff and skills to boost my groub with comands instead of boons.

  3. @Aaron.1294 so in your opinion you said litterly ... it heal it cc and support team with cc so its support .... made no sence to me cause thats what litterly all specs doing. Spellbraker is clearly a spec more about controll (removing boons and deal alot cc/ to be fair they should just buff the fullcounter cc in pve as well) than about buff your teammates or doing high damage as mutch as Berserker is more about Damage and hard single cc.


    So it would made sence that we get something as a Support spec (I hope for a damage/buff e-spec more than for a heal/buff e-spec since that would fit the warrior theme more). All in all your right tactics is still a support spec .... but it is still too useless in pve to get played (heal is low and boons are not rly needed) so i would love to see something like the old paragon in gw1 does .... buff enemys not with boons but with "commanding skills" that buff ya like empower allies for some stats and not boons. (this would finaly made banners not so usefull... would be soo happy to finaly see them left the game tho .... simply not funny to play with them)

  4. @"Aridon.8362" All i could personaly say is ..... Warrior on Power is not just "death" , it is only weaker than some other Builds yes. The Only thing that is surely too weak at the Moment is just **Core Warrior** since there is only one endurepain left you seems to have alot of defence left (sure you could just help it out by playing [tactics](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tactics) instead of [Defense ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defense)to gain more heal over all .... but yea you just left with only one cc brake to gain heal and might so this is only good in just 1v1 situations and 1vx made it near impossible plus the just hard nerf of [Eviscerate](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eviscerate))


    This are at least the Power Builds that left:


    [Power Berserker ](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEd7lJwCZJMMmJeyX+tbA-zZILlGDhMLgSjgeTAVGA) (is only good cause you got a second skill like endurepain, called [savage instinct](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Savage_Instinct)/ its only good when played with [Armored Attac](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armored_Attack)k ... maybe if they get a rework on the [Defi pain](https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defy_Pain_(warrior_trait)/history) traitlineskill the normal weapon skills will left with too low damage but im not so sure here)


    [Power Strength Spellbraker](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEh7lJwUYJMMWJOWX+vbA-zZIPlGFCZKC6VC0xCQFDA) (its just all in all in a okay spot .... but also in a week one since cc skills damage got nerfed to near 0 Damage)


    [Power Core Tactics Warrior](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAEd7lJwuYJMMGKOWTpLfA-zZILlGDhMLgSjgeTAVGA) (is pretty week cause you only get a 60 seconds stunbrake here)

  5. @"Bazsi.2734" Well those "random builds" are actually the Meta builds. And they arent Meta for no reason. They are actually the most effetive way to play competetive pvp..... and most of them are just as said AoE spaming Builds.


    I dont wana say aoe spaming builds are the only played builds now .... of course not but its trueth that they are actually so effective that they are hard to get downed fast.... even while they are focused xd.


    P.S. Nah you arent too dump xd. My english is simply bad af xD!

  6. @"Bazsi.2734" Bro what are you talking about. Take a Look at the whole meta builds and you will see that he is just right ...... (renegate= spaming heroes and hammers aoe plus sevens shot/ core necro spam aoe weekness press Licht and kill all with 1 Button smash/ ele = okay it need hard skill but at least its also aoe Burn/ burn dh= yea full Trapper plus sword of justice .... nothing more to say here/ holo = feels so like its passive aoes doing more damage than its weapon skills/ Healbraker = shouts spam ... nothing more thsn right aoe heal) sure there are some 1v1 decap builds that are also strong but the only reason they playable are just knockbacks and the lack of Stability in the whole pvp game Mode.



    P.S. This meta actually is just clearly a mid fight meta where mid fight classes are near as strong in 1v1 as side node classes. Why? Cause the most Side note builds are hard damage nerfed and a mid fighter is ways too long needed to kill

  7. To be hones the whole meta is about builds like (Renegat= insane power damage while use defence amuelt while have also insanse defence/ Burn DH = sword of justice spam for instant burn stacks and trab spam for stealth/ core necro= insane tanke press lich and spam 1/Healbraker =press shouts and heal over 500k per match/daredevil= 3 evades plus near mutch stealth (is okay here since power dont deal mutch dps)/ granade Holo = is now okay since all thos slight nervs to them but still .... its just granades spam lol/Fire Weaver= the evades are okay .... but the doing burn stacks passives are ways too good) that are just so sleepy played ... sry but i would call the atm meta a just take the build and be near as strong as a player that plays for years ..... yes there are some things that made good players better but the gap between them is pretty close.


    P.S. they should take a look at conditions (specialy fire cause its too ezy to stack and should be a rare but effective condition instead)

  8. To be real gw2 pvp goes to die after they left esl. But with this duo/solo que thing they give it a suicide shot. They simply remove organised pvp guilds. Let you loose the controle over the map most of the time and made it horrible for some builds get played out side of ats. Best step would be ... bring in 5v5 ranked and remove or left duo/solo que as it is.


  9. @"Fat Disgrace.4275" on warrior side its simply impossible to rly counter a well played thief cause they ezy dodge like all your skills and even if you touch him ... they dont care just port away, cc brake or simply steal daze the warrior. Sry but with the cc = 0 damage thing they made it simply impossible to be dangerous for thiefs in any way lol xd.


    Sure I dont wana say ... this counter my class letz nerf it (cause i play thief my self ... its just made fun to play but it is wayyys too ezy to play cause of you got so many ways to ezy evade high damage) but it got left with so many mobility and ways to simply evade damage ... it would be hard stupid to buff its damage and left those class with that mobility plus that mutch stealth and ports it got.

  10. @"Psycoprophet.8107" the problem isn`t the mobility alone .... the most drastic problem are the 3 dodges on that e-spec. This 3 dodges let the class near perma dodge (i know its not "perma" but you could easily dodge like every single high damage burst skills of most classes) so you couldn't even touch it. That let you the option to go in burst a pretty damn hard burst (if they would damage buff that class) and go out of range with help of 3 dodges, stealth and ports. Imagine i don't have something against mobility plus damage at all ..... but there should be a way to counter that class at all and if you give thief a 3 dodges bar plus high damage and stealth there would be no way to even punish him.

  11. @"Filip.7463" i dont say i just liked those changes but i said it mades sence that they do it cause they actually could only change numbers ... its bad for core thief for sure but as long as they only allowed to change numbers it would always end in nerf both daredevil and core thief xd

  12. @"Filip.7463" sure buff mobility .... but then don't cry about thief gets damage nerfed.....



    For the one that don't understand my point: Thief as a daredevil get high mobility dodge (give ya swiftness and a dodge that let ya "run" a good amount of range) or a AoE damage dodge (it's good for Staff builds specialy PvE sides). What I want to say daredevil give you access to a speedy dodge role what boost your mobiliy straight up. With his three dodges abiliy it is even more powerfull for sure. So if you just buff its Power damage and rebuff its energy skills it would end as a not touch able 1v1 winning class and this class would be also able to finish a +1 in seconds.(What would be Bad game Design cause that class would be able to simply solo carry the entire Match by running from point to point and kill every Single class on it)


    This whole point lead anet to just nerf those Power skills (what directly nerf core thiefs too). After thief Mains want to do at least some damage and the pvp Balance Team isn't allowed to just rework the spec itself, just only numbers (wouldnt be that hard ... simply Remove one dodge bar. just would not hit the pve thief caus even on that build you need to have 0 energy to deal increased damage) they end in just not touch thiefs dps in February Patch that hard but now since the dps is a bit too high they end ub in nerf its mobiliy number wise..... so they nerf mobiliy skills like shortbow 5 and the mobility Signet (that nerf hit daredevil and core thief so its just Bad shit for sure)

  13. I rly think about the Balance many Times and I must say it here. The actually Balance is all in all one of the best and one of the worst ever at the same time. Let me explain:


    The good Things that happen:

    - Power damage nerfs for about 33% (where rly mutch needed cause of too many oneshot options ingame)

    - Heal skills get down nerfed too

    - The cc =0,01 damage thing (it slowed down the matches so this was the right way to go)

    - even conditions get nerfed (not enough but thats another point)

    - Granates nerf (yes it nerfs core Engis as well but they where ways too Powerfull so it was needed)

    -Stealth nerf to Shadow Arts (This was so needed ...... highest mobility plus perma stealth is never a good idea.... as well as mutch stealth from spaming trabs)




    Bad things that happen:

    - automatic defence traitlines get 300 sec CD (hell i hate that they do this ... yes on some points it was needed but for real they let my core warrior die and do a shit to fix it)

    - conditions arent enough nerfed ( they deal hard damage ... sometimes even more direct damage than Power (fire could sometimes doing 3k damage per second as an alone condition and that is ways too mutch for at least one Condition art while there are still some more). Maybe bring in the still exist stat Expertise. This will lead condition Damage Builds in two ways played: The one with defence stats "Power/Vitality/Expertise" , will end up in a damage over time/ The one with more aggressive stats "Power/Condition Damage/Expertise", will end up in a burst damage playstyle while beeing a bit more squish.

    - Renegate (yes .... those whole spec hast too mutch of everything.... it could deal 4k damage with sevensshot on a condition weapon while being played on a heal amulet, and this amulet made this build tanky as hell at the same time)

    - Trapper rune (simple ccing condition trabs plus stealth for using them is simply Bad game Design ..... do a CD on the stealth of this rune or simply Remove it from game)



    Bad things that happen (Personal things)

    - all in all the "design" of Berserker is Bad af pvp wise... you not only get a 300 less thougness debuff while your in Berserker Mode ... you also cant stack the Adrenalin heal thing .... so it ends und that you are less defence in and out of the Berserker Mode

    - nerf all weapon skills for 33% and even more (big meme axe eviscrate from 3.0 to 2.0 Was ways too mutch) plus remove the cc's Power damage to near 0 let Power warrior be played like a class that is nerfed to its own identity.

    - Mobility nerfs to thief core skills to basicly nerf daredevil as e-spec/ shortbow 5 and Signet of movement (you could better left daredevil with 2 dodges, Buff energy gain from daredevil skills and maybe buff some core thief skills like sword skills and backstab)




    P.S. my English is Bad af by I hope you understand my points. Plus as you could maybe see I am warrior Main so the Personal things are basicly for warrior only

  14. @Yasai.3549 to be fair ... i would be so happy if they do that!!! Like for real Warrior should be warrior .... high dps and cc ... or as i hope for the new e-spec to be a buff support (maybe staff) with cc. Yes at first it would kick dps Warrior out of the PvE meta for sure ... but well you could simply buff waepon skills as well to evoid that issue and that would be the perfect thing that could happen to warrior in this moment xd

  15. @felix.2386 well if you rly think Warrior is the easiest class to play then sry but your totaly wrong. It is the easiest class to play against bad players .... that is true. If you go and fight other rly good players it is just like one of the hardest classes. Why? simply cause as you said the class is rly easy to understand mechanic wise BUT that made it also easy for enemys to evade your hardest hitting CC and Damage skills. It end ub in a mutch mutch harder match ub, cause of you need to time skills perfectly and just fool the enemy by fake casting skills etc.


    Other classes are just then hard mechanic wise but if your good with the mechanics its easier to play against better players, cause moste mechanics safe your life and not the fact that you fool the enemy with some tricks.

  16. @"Vancho.8750" nah there is a ways ezier thing you could also d to let the passive traitline made a comeback ... simply swtich "[Rousing Resilience](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rousing_Resilience)" with "[Lesser Endurepain](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lesser_Endure_Pain)", so you would still have some condi remove (since you would then dont need to thing about using "[Rousing Resilience](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rousing_Resilience)" or "[Cleansing Ire](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cleansing_Ire)") plus some good Adrenalin from "[Cleansing Ire](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cleansing_Ire)" (It would also set Defence Berserker and core Warrior in a Ways better Spot).

  17. Against revenants in general play just passive. Wait for the right moments and burst in it with help of cc. Power Herald is just a ezy deal (with spellbraker only cause you could use counter to counter the 3 skill of sword) .... on core or Berzerker it is just more a loose matchub ^^

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