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Posts posted by Pati.2438

  1. Okay this is Threat is only just for those who think: "yea warrior need damage buff cause i dont do damage".


    first of all you play Zerker amulet on spellbraker strength. It is just simply full dps like. You could ezily do about 10k critical hits with arc divider and about 3-4k with some dagger skills, that is just actually more than enough. The only reason why you just deal like no damage are the random blinds spam from some classes who get blind for no reason. First example the EE trait from engi do daze (what is first of all okay) but it also blinds ya .... and i dont get for what is this blind for its simply there. Other example would be the rev staff block .... it just block so for what is that stupid blind here ....... There are a lot more of those blinds for no real reason... Pls do something about that Anet so Warrior would get back to shine ... a Damage buff will simply do nothing!

  2. @"felix.2386" well you know he just mean power warrior not the Healbraker version of it. The Healbraker Warrior is legit so braindead and so unfun to play .... me as a Warr main since release playing it once and leave it behind after one match cause its so effektive while need like 0 skill. For the Power Version of Warrior @"kenshinsoul.3604" is actually right. Warrior on Power Build is actually one of the (if not the) hardest Build to play well in the curent state of meta..... you would ask why?. Well cause they overnerf Warrs healskills hard af while do all its cc skills to 0 Damage (it was like 4k hitting Bullscharge) so Warriors Builds do not only loose tons of heal ... it also loose tons of damage while the whole meta is full of blind spam skills what is the hardest counter thing for warrior.


    SO Healwarrior is actually ezy to play low skill high effort

    WHILE Power Warrior (all Builds litterly) doing so low damage and get so low sustain that it need high skill to play but you will get also low effort from playing it

  3. @"felix.2386" so im just p2 with a unplayable and dead class you wana say? xd nice now i feel like a god xD! .... okay jokes aside ^^ warrior isnt that bad if you know how to play it rly good. (For sure its just ways bader than most meta builds) Akutally you could play it on more defence amulett to get good damage and good sustain ( things like Maurauder or Demolisher Amulet for sure)

  4. Nah Warrior itself need only a little bit more love i gues. For example ....


    **Bring damage back Damage to Warriors CC skills.** (only low dps, something like ["Bull's Charge"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bull%27s_Charge) = 1-2k damage (critical hit)).This should be the Special thing of why you using Warrior ( Guardian got Aegis, Thief got Stealth special attacks, Mes got clones, Necro got a second Life bar and Barrier, Ele got Elements (with mutch dodges i gues), Rev got its Heroes, Engi its Kits.... so why Warrior not Damage on cc?)


    **Then for the love of Defence ... bring ["Defy Pain"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defy_Pain_(warrior_trait)) back into a usefull skill** (bring it maybe on 90 seconds cd)..... that would be the moment when Berserker will maybe see a use in the meta.


    **For Spellbraker i would say just reduce the Daze from ["Full Counter"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Full_Counter)** back to 0,5 seconds (cause the 2 seconds Daze is just pretty toxic design) BUT Buff its dps back to a 2-3k (critical hit) Damage lvl.

  5. @"lare.5129" sure thats exactly why the pvp scene was just friendly af at this time and ended now salty and toxic. xD sure it made fun to play 121i1i41419iße winning builds in pvp for a pve player but as a player that play to be good it felt like the moste toxic balance in the end xd.

  6. Actually too strong classes are (my personaly meaning; no front to players that playing those classes):


    **Holo** (only cause of blinds spam granades (not the granades itself its simply the new traitskill Flashbang)

    **Revenant** Condi and Power Version (too mutch damage for too low effort)

    **Thief** (Yes thief .... let me explain: perma stealth, Ports, unblockable Steal, 3 dodges, pretty mutch blind combs are realy too mutch defence options for a class that deal backstab damage like a warrior burst skill (while warrior have actually no real defence besides full counter and might heal traitskills)) **Guardian** (why? .... well cause it simply random get aegis back while having blocks and blinds and an infuln eliteskill (of course fb is just ways more overpeformed cause gets more aegis for free skills and blinds ( some of those blinds realy need to go))

    **Nekro** (to be fair this class is only too strong cause of 2 reasons: unblockable boon remove fears, Lich Elite)

  7. The only not Balanced shit from Holosmith is this Traitline skill for sure: [Flashbang](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flashbang)


    Rework or Nerf this skill so it dont blind enemy with granate explosion after First hit and/or Dodge and all would be fine with Holosmith.


    P.S. No idea how this nerf would effect core engi or scrapper. Maybe instead of remove the blind from the skill you only need to give it some amount of cooldown.

  8. So we will get a small buff to the Traitskill "Brave Stride" : Gain 2 seconds Stability after using a Movementskill (10 seconds cd)


    After i read it I was thinking like .... why the hell isn`t this a new Traitlineskill for the defence traitline?!

    I mean just remove the 300 seconds Endurepain for the new Brave Stride and made it like this: Gain 2 seconds Stability after using a Movementskill (5 Seconds cd)


    This wouldn´t end ub too broken and would give the defence line a bit more defence.

    After this you would get a free traitskill in strength for new ideas.

  9. @"Axl.8924" well you said aoe spaming classes were op. You maybe miss then that this aoe spaming classes meta now arent ya? xD Plus this aoe spaming classes (core necro, FB, Condi rev) are so tanky and condi spammy that they could only get toutched by power classes that are complete glass canons and doing op instant dps (the meta Holosmith and Power Rev Builds) so all in all the Meta Balance atm is worse than before..... but all in all the other classes and builds that left the meta complete seems to be now in best balanced state. (Well they are so good balanced they have like 0 chance against meta)

  10. I´ll vote for before the 25/2 only cause of one reason. Tank condi spam meta! Sure the oneshot burst meta wasn't funny but at all it was left with more playable and variations of Builds than the meta now and all in all it was ways more skill needed.


    BUT there are only 5 Builds that are out of controle and hopefully anet will do something against them with the following patches and hopefully doing something realy against this condi fiesta (condis need a real nerf). After all that i would enjoy PvP and coming back but at its now situation its worse than before 25/2 by far worse.

  11. @"Sigmoid.7082" The reason why conditions shouldn't burst is simply cause of the most condition Build could allready kill ya slowly AND burst you.... so you get damage over time and the same amount of burst damage of Power Builds.


    What does this mean exactly? Here is the answer:


    Power Builds: have to deal with blindness, with thoughness, with weakness, with Protection, with Aegis, with Blocks, and need to be played complete glassy

    Condition Builds: Have to deal with condition cleans and Resistance only (sure if they would be like ONLY bursty like Power Builds they would to have to deal with Aegis, Blocks, Blinds too ... but exactly they aren't only Bursty they are damage over time and Bursty) they do damage over time and the same amount of Burst damage as Power builds plus are played defence like.


    So why exactly i want that they do something against conditions? simply cause you have 2 Damage arts in One Build (Burst and damage over time) Plus having less things to deal with plus having more defence options.



  12. @Kulvar.1238 Nah i don,t like them in any team .... they just like don't need mutch skill but could ezy carry teams hard.


    @"Axl.8924" I exactly don't want them to dead nerf conditions ..... all i want is that they bring them finaly in good balance. Conditions shouldn't work as burst damage .... they should work as damage over time and in its current state they made a higher burst damage than power builds while also doing damage over time.

  13. Sooo after you destroy Power Builds nearly completly (sure some are there like power rev or thief) you finaly need to do something against condition Builds aswell. Sure you nerf condition runes but you hard nerf Power runes aswell. Sure you reduce the condition duration (what means no nerf to conditions cause of simply you actually could Burst them so duration means nothing. (best thing you ......... could do a 5k tick with one condition (maybe fire) in less than 3 seconds with low cd on the skill that do so many stacks, while you left power builds like Warrior with 5-8k max dps while been complete glassy). So all in all now is the situation that you need to play complete glassy to deal any dps with power Builds while condition Builds are playing on defence and doing same amount of burst damage as power Builds.


    P.S. Pls reduce the stacks of conditions per attack or just simply reduce its damage per time!

  14. @"saerni.2584" ....... the exact comb is stealth (Blinding Powder or Hide in Shadows in comb with Basiklisk Venom if you have it) , Spider Venom, Sneak attack. All you doing then is porting to foe and spaming 3 like a monkey and running away. Enemy has like near no chance to get ya and will be instantly death after 3 seconds if he dont kite or condi cleanse. If he cleanse or Kite .... ezy you have enough stealth so ...... stealth and spam stealth attack port on him and spam 3 ..... well rly skill needed shit right? xD

  15. @"saerni.2584"

    Well do you remember that this builds stealth attack could doing the exact power damage of most power builds full burst skills while using a Condition amulet? While coming out of nothing (from stealth) while being on range, while having some ports, while doing 11 stacks bleeding and Poisen? And all those for only using a 3 skill comb witch is no risk shit cause of ranged and in stealth. Plus if your our of stealth? just Simply port to enemy got your 3ird skill on him and complete spam 3 skill on range. That build have so many shit for needed so low skill. Shouldn't exist in PvP.

  16. Nah warrior is in a pretty balanced spot (only a bit too mutch cc spam maybe) but all in all its fine. The only Builds that rly let warrior see no chance against are condition builds (not for no reason conditions are out of balanced and still could hit more BURST damage than POWER Builds, while having more defence as well witch is pretty bad).

    Maybe tank builds are too strong too but I'm not so sure about that (cause of they kill ya while facetank ya xd).

  17. Well just play this exactly Build and you will actually dont loose most 1v1s while only running arount and spaming the shadow 1 skill.

    The Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAoiVlFw2YHsQ2JO2OrrbA-zZoOlUUAZKC6VIEvEwxDA



    PS. For real this thief build need a realy hard nerf .... and all the ones that said "just l2p" have no idea how fcking strong this build is .... i mean you could perma load spam and oneshot enemys while porting and stealth around.

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