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Multicolorhipster.9751's Achievements


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  1. > @"wilykcat.5864" said: > I dont get how this new pvp mode works, how to win, and how not to instantly die due to enemy player. You play thief right? I made a pacifist thief build just for you: [gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAgiVlFwEZbsLGJeeTWrTA-zZwOlMFB9KEyYB0xEQHDA](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAgiVlFwEZbsLGJeeTWrTA-zZwOlMFB9KEyYB0xEQHDA) Very sustain. 0 Damage. Bunker thief. Probably the hardest class to make a pacifist build for. Spam death blossom in melee range. Spam dodge as randomly as possible when outside of melee and dagger 4 to harass people into going back into melee range. Can swap out specifics like sigils, rune, utils, and traits to your liking. Namaste ? This will stop those brutish mesmers
  2. I don't think so. I've averaged slightly under 1 death death per match for the past week and i'm not very good at this game.
  3. Not on EU, but this is how I see it happen: Big name or content creator = No ban to a max 1 week pvp ban. Random person doing the same thing = 5 dozen accounts connected(they were boosting) permabanned
  4. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" I get you, and I don't mean to insist anything. Just retelling things that historically happened there in monthlies since the patch. Like I say; if people like it, I get why and that's all gravy. More power to them. I don't have any sort of philosophy towards balance, I just personally don't find this very fun to play or watch in its current state. > @"georgessj.4198" said: > Well then 2 can play this game right? That's the hope, in the end. > I'm very sorry to hear for your bunker killing troubles and I hope you find peace in the future. > When you try to kill bunkers What build/stats were you running? (so i can ridicule it even if its good just like you would do to mine). > Namaste ? I think something got mixed here. I don't kill bunkers, I play a bunker. I don't kill anyone actually. Currently i'm peacefully protesting the lack of damage by doing none and preventing others from doing the same. I would also never ridicule your build because I love you and everyone else. That is why I peacefully remove their ability to do damage, because the only one that truly takes damage in the end is the one dealing it. Namaste ? Here is my current build: [gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAIl7lJwSYYMFGKeaX+vTA-zZwOlMFC9KCyYB0xEQHDA](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAIl7lJwSYYMFGKeaX+vTA-zZwOlMFC9KCyYB0xEQHDA) Do not be disillusioned by the 1200 condition damage. This build has no access to any conditions that actually do damage that are not first given unto it. ☮️ > Now if you wanna get serious everything you say is true IN A 1 VS 1 PVP ONLY !!!! perphaps it will also ruin 2 vs 2 games yes but in 5 vs 5 when the most usless by default and nerfed classes like the warrior for example uses axe skill 3 hits you for a 6-7k plus that theres probably 1 to 4 real damaging class enemies around to unleash some 10k bursts in a couple of nanoseconds what kind of reset back to full hp are you pretending to be doing? And ofc thats assuming a condi fiesta doesnt take place in a condi fiesta game. All I play is 5v5. That's where I receive most of my insults. Little do they know however; violence has karmic consequences, and to save them from retribution I take it upon myself to stall and CC multiple people at once. Lately, the maximum number of souls i've managed to save is 4 at once. For 200 points of an entire conquest match. You are correct though. When dealing with only one; it is much easier to show the misguided the path of kindness, self-reflection, and morality. Some might call this very boring, and to most it probably is. None can cross the gateway into the astral plane without discipline, and 'fun' is a mile marker on the road to destruction. ?
  5. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > Go play in some higher tiered environments like MAT or just even normal ATs. People still explode when +'d. There is plenty of damage. > > Anyone who thinks otherwise must largely be playing only in ranked or unranked, where there is this skew of plat to gold to silver on each team. When you have skews like this, of course the bulk of the guys attacking you aren't understanding how to execute their damage correctly. However, pushing heals and dodge rolling around is a lot easier to do for those tiers. <- This is why people think things are bunkery right now. But I'm telling you, in higher tiered environments, people know how to bait defensive cycles before bursting and they know how to combo team bursting, and things explode still. > Just throwing it out there since this whole thing kind of exploded and this post stands out... Most people play Ranked/Unranked. ATs are super niche. And the last MAT(Maybe? If not, the one before that) There was a game that ended with DCs, barely any deaths before then, and the streamer casting the whole thing even called it boring. Only one where anyone actually quit mid-match I think, but that usually doesn't happen in MATs. There was quite a few that ended with relatively little deaths and of course, people picking on the thing the entire time Also there was that MAT a little while after the Feb 25th patch went live where 2 people were just /dancing at tranq on Silent Storm. It was probably the most interesting thing to happen during that MAT tbh.
  6. > @"georgessj.4198" said: > And i have photos of a 300 damage skill hiting me for14k (perhaps even more) that takes less than a second to hit my char. Obviously i died in 2 seconds after the other hits came so......where does this lead to? Does it lead to boosting ferocity or dmg overall so it can hit my 25khp char for 26k? I'm very sorry to hear that and I hope you find peace in the future. Was that before or after patch? What build/stats were you running? I play a Bunker build post patch and the only thing that can come remotely close to that kind of damage now is a Soulbeast that invests everything into maximum damage. Even then it doesn't come from 1 skill. It comes from multiple skills and it still only manages about half of 22k hp.(Albeit with 3,067 armor). Then I pop my healing skill and go from ~11k back to ~18k hp, and proceed to stunlock the Soulbeast for a solid 20 seconds(Give or take a few stunbreaks, but that doesn't really matter because they all take a good 5% of a match for the CD to reset now, longer in some cases) and if they even manage to escape the CC/Block spam by the time their burst is ready again, i've already completely reset back to full hp, and seen every mean word in the English language tossed my way in /say chat. If you're also investing everything into damage(like Zerks) then obviously you're going to die a lot quicker. It's probably not going to feel all too different to pre-patch.... Until you fight a bunker like me. Before, damage was there to stop people like me and provide some sort of consistent threat to people running similar builds. After, damage is only a threat to other people trying to do damage. I don't like it very much personally, but if people like it, I don't judge. But yes, I think the majority of the nerfs from 2/25/2020 onward have been pretty pointless. I don't think damage needs to be buffed, I think all the nerfs and removals since then need to be undone. I'm also a huge hypocrite because I will exploit it to no end so long as its there, and ruin many days and attention spans in the process. Don't hate the player though. Namaste ?
  7. Playing CopeBreaker: [gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAIl7lJwSYYMFGKeaX+vTA-zZwOlMFC9KCyYB0xEQHDA](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAIl7lJwSYYMFGKeaX+vTA-zZwOlMFC9KCyYB0xEQHDA) Not much mobility so you could backcap. If you +1 me and spam blinds I can't proc Adrenal health as often. Could also spam-interrupt my skills, particularly Mending. If it's a 1v1 you could purchase several [Flask of Blood Whiskey] from the TP You probably have a higher attention span than me as well, so you would probably win eventually. Namaste ?
  8. > @"Lucentfir.7430" said: > When it comes to other games It's really weird to also see WoW having a better pvp state than gw2, it's like they swapped places, and GW2 is having it's own BFA disaster(probably worse) right now in all aspects. Current gw2 pvp is all about stripping down the game options,, whack-a-mole nerfing and not really fixing any root of problems. At least back then before the poorly devised Febuary patch, there were plenty of avenues for classes and builds to go by, someone running heavy boons or heavy stability? Spellbreaker and Necro variants were a go to. Too many conditions, bring group supports like warriors or guardians with Soldier runes and shouts traited warhorn etc so on and so forth. DPS specs were also threatening if you make critical missteps, and not to mention DPS themselves would have to be very proactive, as they themselves could easily explode. > Yeah, exactly. Before might have not been perfect, but if you went on Metabattle you could find some guidelines on a good build for any class. There was a time shortly before PoF where every single class besides Rev had a 'meta' build. Now it's down to like 3 classes, that all kind of play pretty similar. Besides Healbreaker. The supposed best build for Warrior that no Warrior actually wants to play. Warrior doesn't want to heal, he wants to hunt. You can't just suppress 65 million years of 'me Warrior, me smash' instinct. And yeah, you can afford to make a few mistakes in fights now and can usually make up for them. Happy for the people that enjoy it, but kitten, this is a snorefest for the rest of us. > I can't in my right mind even recommend friends to play Gw2 for pvp because it's in such a awful state. Oh yeah, definitely don't. Unless you don't want to be friends with that person/persons anymore.
  9. > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said: > Movie incorrect, headbutt crits for 7. > Spar with me though Herbert was using Zerker stats I'll see you in the ring B) > @"Shao.7236" said: > So the reasoning is, make everyone overpowered so nobody can be underpowered because tipping the balance in equal match ups is too difficult? no, the primary reasoning is to make people giggle in these trying times > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said: > Also imagine bringing some argument about fighting against holosmith, which have a bit overtuned sustain as an example lol, the spec screams "dmg af" and it still have pretty decent/high sustain available at it's disposal. kekw Checkmate > @"Ghos.1326" said: > Honestly though, if you want to play a game where everything kills everything really fast, including tanks, play BDO. I'm good. I don't hate myself **that** much. Prefer an equilibrium personally where tanks/bunkers can be very disruptive and punish hyperaggressive play, where high risk DPS builds carry high reward for smart/risky play, and where the supports in my Discord are encouraged to work very hard on their friendship. ? I play Paladins for this. I used to play PvP in a game called Guild Wars 2, but its something else now. Overwatch before, but what happened to that game isn't too dissimilar to what happened to this one. Paladins tried to do the same thing at one point, but completely undid their massive patch because most people didn't like having all the fun stripped from the game for some balance farce. Guess which one I play the most now
  10. > @"wilykcat.5864" said: > The only nerf I approve is mesmer. I can't say no to that face. Okay, most nerfs bad. Mesmer is the exception. 0 Dodges next FeelsAmazingMan
  11. **Update for the Feb 23rd 2021 patch** Still an absolute monster imo. For efficacy, not fun of course. That doesn't matter though. Fun is forbidden in the accursed lands of PvP. Playing this today, I survived a 4v1 friendly-node far(Yes 4v1) for 200 points of a game. Here's the variant i'm using: [gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAIl7lJwSYYMFGKeaX+vTA-zZwOlMFC9KCyYB0xEQHDA](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAIl7lJwSYYMFGKeaX+vTA-zZwOlMFC9KCyYB0xEQHDA) To get into specifics, the Ren nerfs and Minionmancer nerfs stealth-buffed this build because every bit of removed damage from PvP makes builds like this stronger. Flash Shell nerfs also help a little. The FC daze reduction is a straight nerf to this build, so its weaker in that respect. That's why I started taking **Bull's Charge** for a util. If i'm going to lose 1 second of daze, bet i'm going to make up for it with 3 seconds of knockdown with yet another CC. Bull's Charge is also good for moving between points and gap closing. Emergency Evade too and easy to land after breaking stuns with "SiO" Over Bull's Charge I sometimes take **signet of stamina** for high-condi comps, and **kick** for decapping and more CC. Using **No Escape** instead of Guard Counter now. The protection is pretty much useless since nothing does damage anyway. The imob is even more disruptive and helps your teammates that actually do damage, do damage. Also helps with chaining CC together. Still using **Rune of the Flock** for the increased health, increased regen from Adrenal Health, and to bring the total healing of Mending to 7,213. Another use is to heal allies for a small amount. If you're like me, and you're so bored that you only play PvP for dailies, this rune helps a lot with securing that top healing stat to get them done quicker and limits your exposure to the crawling chaos... of the _Darkest Duels_. Namaste, and good luck ?
  12. > @"UNOwen.7132" said: > > @"Shao.7236" said: > > At this rate it is really true that people complain because they can, gameplay is an extremely good state right now and we have this unbearable negativity that despite all efforts think that the game was better before... > > > > It objectively wasn't. > > Yeah, gameplay is "in an extremely good state now", thats why we saw a massive drop in players, and overall community opinion on the state is horrendous. Yes, the game *was* objectively better before. The February Patch basically destroyed PvP. @"UNOwen.7132" is objectively right. If you compare the amount of people playing now to before, it's dropped pretty drastically. -All the polls on the Feb 25th balance patch and all subsequent patches usually end with the vast majority of people against them.(Like 3:1 if not higher) -The bottom 45 ranks on the NA leaderboard are gold into the final week of Season 25 which is the all-time low i've ever seen them.(Playing since Season 2 and even when the queues were restricted to 2, 3, & 5 it wasn't this bad.) -The standard for even being top 250 is 1,460 at the time of writing this. Again; one of, if not the worst turnouts ever for a Ranked conquest season. > @"Shao.7236" said: > You can say the playerbase is dying because of the balance, I'll keep telling you it's because people can't have their mindless fun so they quit. They're entwined. The balance is actually horrible and boring so people are having less fun and then leaving when they get bored.
  13. > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > Lol you sound just like the manipulating trolls. Me and OP don't feel that way. it sucks losing, regardless, getting that 1/3rd of what you could have gotten if someone actually played fair (and tbh, it REALLY sucked when I was earning ascension, I've never been more furious at any entitled brat more in my life being told "lol free leggies" as they literally made me play more matches than I needed to). But sure, I guess getting nothing makes it suck less? Lol! The manipulators and you are deluding yourselves thinking normal people play for just free rewards. Anyone who knows the game knows it's not worth it, and in reality, you'd only be playing to earn legendary amors, because you can literally do a lot of things for better reward. The PVP neck and ascension are all tied to victories, so those griefers make earning those ridiculous and awful. > I have never done a troll or a match manipulation in my life. I have only ever been a major opponent against high level match-manipulation and botting. I also haven't played Ranked since Season 18 solely because of high-level match manipulation. I believe its possible to make the game more competitive, but freebie rewards belong in the casual mode if anything. > BUT I think we've come to an interesting conclusion: botting in some scenarios is still free stuff. People manipulating are doing so for free stuff. Maybe the real answer is to cap rewards for the season and tie most of them to climbing the PVP Pip rewards once, then absolutely nothing after. You could up the ticket and ascended shards to compensate for people who want to grind the armors, but the devs could cap and time gate the gold, much like they do with other sources. Interestingly enough, I don't believe map bonus rewards are capped, so if someone wanted to bot, they could do that instead. That's really barely any different from what i'm proposing, but I guess I forgot that people love time-gates. > Other things that should be done: if F2p players are allowed to play ranked, they only play with each other. I think they shouldn't at all be allowed in ranked so bans are more meaningful. And yes, bans. I can tell you though me and others in NA have seen the same bots, over and over, and reported them, over and over and nothing has been done. Permanent PVP bans instead of whole account bans, so the person is still stuck with the grisly choice of starting over from scratch or just accepting what they've done and moving on. The worst punishment for big-name match manipulators/wintraders was a few months, and that was for the big MAT. It's usually unpunished in Ranked, if not an even shorter temp ~1 week suspension. Metagaming isn't technically Match Manipulation either, and since it's so easy to do now I don't see it being addressed ever. I don't think bots are really getting all that much attention right now either, but a ban isn't going to stop a bot anyway. Especially in a f2p game. If you really want to be rid of them, then you have to get rid of the reason why they're there in the first place. People also love to complain about the low population. So much so that its become an excuse to never do anything. "Don't get rid of the bots, population is too low!" "Don't split the queues, population too low!" I cannot imagine that these same people would be willing to lose the entire F2p population.
  14. > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > If people are using bots to manipulate, they're 100% intertwined. I actually believe they are, as you mentioned, it's using a common Elo system. i don't think it's that bad. I think that they're giving the bots an AI that is beneficial to the real player, so the bots may not even see the bad win rates you expect (the bot will play better when it matches with the manipulator). And the bots cover a large spread of the ELO (at least up through gold). If they were that bad, you'd expect them all to bubble down. I revoke my previous statement about your solution helping it at all. I think that the bots are part of the manipulation. It's true. They are. What do you think should be done about it then? A ban wave? > False, HoTs gives you credit just for playing particular class/character types in matches, Paragon had similar quests, Spellbreak you still get XP. It's getting less and less common in PVP games to give ABSOLUTELY nothing for a loss. I think 80% of our games are decided before we even get in, giving nothing is really stingy in that context. It was very rare when I was PVPing they I felt I was actually having an impact. I had many matches where my team mates were so crappy, even if I was the only player playing well, I knew we were going to lose and vice versa, where I knew I was kitten related to my team mates and the enemy but we still won somehow. Okay, fair. You do get XP in most games. I don't even know how to respond to that. I've been absolutely destroyed. The next time someone throws in any competitive game, i'll be sure to let everyone know they shouldn't be upset because they still get XP. I appreciate the advice, and i'll let you know how that works out.
  15. Yup! Another _good step in the right direction._ Overall great patch. I give it my highest rating, as it doesn't give me any reason to return PvP for another 3 months. Good for my health. It also cured my insomnia. ??️
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