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Noodle Ant.1605

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Everything posted by Noodle Ant.1605

  1. Sand flare isn’t a 100% selfish heal skill though; it grants that barrier to 4 other allies *and on top that,* converts a boon on up to 5 nearby enemies. Similarly, the heal on fb’s *mantra of solace...* Having barrier be affected by healing bonus would be nice, but it would likely chain code it to be affected by poison, agony and other heal-related debuffs. Current numbers would have to be altered or even nerfed to compensate. At that point, what would be so special about barrier when it could just be straight up healing instead?
  2. They could at least revise/buff CC-centric elite skills, such as Basilisk Venom and Signet of Humility; while undeniably useful in PvP and against breakbars, they become immediately *useless* against defiant enemies with no breakbar.
  3. When you enter desert shroud, you gain a shroud-like appearance (you turn black), same as core and reaper (but w/o the screen effect). You also have a small funky-looking sand vortex at your feet. Unsurprisingly, ‘shroud’ ends when this animation ends. **When does it end?** (normal) Desert shroud: ends on the last torment pulse. There are 7 pulses; this means that shroud lasts for only ~6-7s. Harbinger shroud: ends when the aoe fills up and the ‘explosion’ occurs. Basically ~3s of ‘shroud time’. This only applies for *in shroud* traits/effects, *shroud skill x* ones still function outside of desert shroud as your F+{insert x here} skills.
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