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  1. > @"hobotnicax.7918" said: > Dude, the M1 is destroying everything in the laptop market and it's and entry level chip... Apple is changing the PC market and some people (you for instance), just don't want to accept it. Nope, how about the points from my comment above? I am software developer, gamer, power user and I would not touch apple devices with a stick considering their "dumbed-down foolproof limitation what you can do on their devices". Yes, I like being able to break my hard drive firmware on linux with hdparm tool if I want to.
  2. I never found refill button to be any useful - it's way better to break forging animation by pressing F to reopen mystic forge and re-put items - it's faster
  3. > @"Linken.6345" said: > Very rarely and why is something like this needing a macro? When you mystic forge total of 50000 tier 5 materials into tier 6 then you will understand
  4. Well, I think the best summary of current situation is "reality check of people who use system tied to some company". If Microsoft someday decides to lockdown people and force to use their store for applications... that will be very funny reality check for many people.
  5. Mac is already considered third class citizen when it comes to gaming due to Apple's vision of Mac being closed ecosystem, they invest in homebrew tech without attempts to make it word beyond Mac (for example Metal). They go towards locking system like phones do, but on PC. When you go for corporate operating system you are limited by their decisions, present or future - that's why I prefer linux which is secured for eternity by being community-based with very high programmer's interest.
  6. Mac may be good for some sorts of "professionals" but it definitely isn't good for power users and running incompatible stuff via compatibility layer software may be roadblocked by Apple etc. I still vote for game engine upgrade to newer directx so there will be performance gain on both windows and linux via wine software. If Anet goes further and decides to use vulkan then they may be able to semi-support Mac indirectly via MoltenVK and maybe even make GW2 work natively on linux while providing even higher performance. > @"hobotnicax.7918" said: > > Macbook Air M1 would like to have a word with you. Hi Apple, have you finally started making standalone computers that are somewhat Power User friendly, with ability to replace broken part without buying new device?
  7. If you can't get day off work for caravan then you are not dedicated enough :D If I didn't do it before that's what i would do.
  8. EU server may be able to do it right now ASAP after patching game as patch dropped at off-palawadan hours.
  9. The magic carpet and similar items work as intended IMO as they were there when mounts did not exist
  10. On the other hand I like complicated. Before GW2 i played Dungeons & Dragons Online and that MMO is way way more complicated.
  11. What istan caravan and geforce RTX 3000 series graphic cards have in common? Both disappear in no time when you camp for them
  12. There were two new instances around 6 PM UTC on EU in last 2 days, but I think it was sorta lucky because based on my experience it's usually really hard to get instance that opened around 3 PM to close, usually next palawadan reopens them. On weekends with more population nobody knows I guess.
  13. I finally managed to get it done today, that was pure nightmare experience. No raid boss is as tough to get it done as The God of Cows. RIP to players who still need to get this done, I wish you the best of luck with finding fresh map instance. I camped so hard to get it done that it gave me a little bit detrimental effect on my mental health due to frustration, lol. Your chance might be after patch day - if the patch will drop not during palawadan then patch the game immediately when patch drops and go to istan. If it drops during palawadan then the fresh instance will be bugged, but then if 2nd map instnace spawns outside palawadan hours then it will be unbugged.
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