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Posts posted by Timbersword.9014

  1. > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > Bonsai hairstyles, ginkgo hairstyles, sakura hairstyles.

    > > I want that.


    > these would be cool if they did it properly and fittingly for sylvari B)



    While cute, I know myself and a lot of people are hoping for more leafy mock-ups of human/norn-like hair styles. Shoot, I would not complain if Anet direct copied some of the more popular human/norn hairstyles and just made them thematically appropriate for Sylvari.

  2. > @"jokke.6239" said:

    > I actually began using outfits a lot even with the lack of mixing different pieces. When you have a lot of outfits it's very cool to be able to switch look every day without having to worry about transmutation charges, they add up if you want to switch that often.

    > But can we please get the option to at the very least use helmet skin with outfits? It seems like it wouldn't cause any issues. I've even seen helmet skins work with outfits in preview window.


    I'd appreciate it if I could hide shoulders and gloves on all outfits. For some outfits, the outrageous shoulders are a deal breaker (like the one with all the feathers, I can see anything from the waist up.)

    By a similar token, I'd have appreciated if the outfits pieces could be mixed, even if not with any of the other weights.

  3. I'm still leveling professions. My "main" so far has been a female human warrior, but I've jumped around the story to pick stuff up and I can't quite figure out how to fully replay chapters, just seems like I can only touch the first mission in each one, which is annoying. But like another said earlier, my plan was to make the character a descendant of my GW1 character.

    Playing multiple races/professions is only making this WAY harder. They're all fun.

  4. Lighter necro, but I'll bite in this case:

    A horse mount's special feature would be that it could carry multiple riders. It wouldn't have a long jump or super jump. It wouldn't be able to hop through sand portals, fly, or glide over water. It would just move faster than on foot travel, still feel "heavy" like our mounts do turning and getting going, and it's engage would be a simple stampede manuever, but it would be able to carry two riders (or more?) Great for someone hauling around a friend (or a lover, *growl*) that hasn't or can't unlock mounts yet, assuming the horse isn't made universally available regardless of X-pack.


    Added bonus that people are probably more likely to pick up the "variant normal" skins for the horse. If One is getting a different raptor or bunny skin, chances are they're waiting for something a little more flashy than a new scale/fur pattern. Horses though? People have had time to decide if they prefer a pinto, or a clydesdale, or shire, or what have you.


  5. I have to say no to this, even though I do hate some of the hearts myself.


    But my biggest issue with hearts isn't that some activities are repetitiously "meh." _Being a waiter for Charr at Meatober fest isn't why I picked up Guild Wars 2._


    But no, that's a smaller gripe. My biggest issue is that some hearts need to be reviewed for coverage/practicality. It's when they may ask me to murder XYZ to fill the heart, and the area that counts towards the heart only includes 2 XYZ, while there are 50 XYZ outside that area, that I really start grinding my teeth in frustration. Feels like absolutely no oversight went into drawing those boundaries.

  6. Things I want to see:

    1. Brand new weapons _to the game._ Fist-weapons at least. Figure there has to be at least 2 so... whips?

    2. Way more hair styles for all races. Try drawing more inspiration from the more popular hairstyles. I'm hard pressed to believe Anet can't see what people are picking.

    3. New race, purely so we have new starting zones to muck around in. Love core Tyria, but I need a 6th set of 1-40 maps. The rest of Cantha can be 80, but one more set will make me a happy lazy bum.


    Things I don't want:

    1. New elite specs... Unless there's an effort to make the weapons themselves available starting from level 1. Feels like $#!% to eat a trait line JUST to use some weapons.

    2. New class. Not that I would actually say "no," but I prefer new weapons, yeh?



  7. I'm all for giving people a free kitty mount, especially for WvW (and I don't even do PvP,) but I'm not going to be offended if they have it in PvE just because I paid for PoF. Like, mists, people, _get over yourselves_. Most of y'all are riding around on freaking dragons anyway. A cat's got nothing on that. They can't even properly compete with a raptor, arguably the most basic, entry level mount.




  8. 1. More hairstyles is a given. I'd appreciate it if the Sylvari got leafy mock ups of the more popular human/Norn hairstyles personally. I get it, they're plant people, so leaves and brambles... I still want them to look good? Is that too much to ask?


    2. Transmute a selected appearance to a slot, not to an item. What good are purchasing these cosmetic pieces if it's only practical to use them if I have A: hundreds of transmutation charges to spare or B: am already level 80 and don't plan to replace my stuff anytime soon?


    3. Similar to two, I wish I could choose to either show my outfit headpiece, my armor head piece, or hide head wear entirely. I have a character I want to wear glasses, but outside of the just released Queensdale Academy outfit (which looks... okay...) it's rather impractical to change the appearance of every head item he'll find to glasses, and alternative options just aren't there for outfits.


    4. Finally, character creation. I do want more customization over my character, particularly the body. Even that simple square/four quadrant slider would do. Maybe "thin-heavy" for weight, on one axis, and "slim-built" for muscle volume/sex appeal on the other, with muscle definition being it's own, separate bar? I mostly just don't appreciate selecting from ~8 prebaked bodies.

  9. I catch myself playing for about a month then putting it back on hiatus ever few months to _years._ It's good enough to kill some time, but it doesn't feel too different from release day. The core of it is still fill hearts, see the sights, run group content for cosmetic armor bits...

    Just now there's a lot more living story to go through. And mounts. They're pretty nifty.

  10. I don't think there are too many levels, but in my experience, there are three sore spots for me in the leveling experience:


    1. The first 20 or so levels. Just... slowly gaining one skill after the other before I'm even at my "baseline" for the character. Even brand new to a class, after my first play through, I don't need to be "drip fed" my weapon abilities and my skill slots. Weapon slots especially are pretty quick to grasp with just a few minutes with each weapon on said class.

    2. Levels 40-60 feel the worst for whatever reason. Like the exp required and the rate of exp acquired is a bit off. I seriously feel like I get more bang for my buck after 60 doing events and the like.

    3. We open our first trait line at level 21, second at level 45, third at level 71? I feel 71 is just a tad too far down along the road, personally?


    Aside from that, the core game play doesn't really change from level 1 to level 80, just feels like character progression doesn't really start until level 20 and some pacing issues in places between there and 80.

    *EDIT* Also, it would help immensely if each specialization just straight up spelled out what it focused on,[ as seen on the wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Specialization)

  11. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > Translation: "I would like more cosmetic body, facial, skin, and hair options for my characters."


    > I agree, I would like that too.


    This. We don't need new (sub) races, we just need a ton more cosmetic options for the existing races. Smooth skin Sylvari can be _nearly_ achieved with new skin pattern options.

    For my part I'd appreciate an actual body weight/proportion slider, but even more body options will suffice in a pinch.

    And you know... more hair styles, especially for Sylvari. Can we get layers of flowing cascading leaves to mimic "long hair" already? I feel the Sylvari males have a better selection than Sylvari females. There's trying to stand apart from other MMO's, then there's being an amateur about it!

  12. I went with Norn, but mostly because I've got a representative for the other possible race/sex combos where it matters (don't need one of each for Asura or Charr.) Norn have ~~some~~ sexy ~~medium~~ racial armors though, so I'm cool with it.


    Also, if you roll Norn, go big or go home back to Divinty's Reach. Too many shorty norn that don't realize how awe inspiring a full sized Norn is from the other races perspectives.

  13. I voted no, but only for lack of an "other." I'd rather if Anet just provided more body options, or hell, actual body sliders instead of prefabbed proportions/weights options to choose from. My Norn needs hips! HIPS!

    Shoot, even one of those square sliders with the four directions would work, with thick/thin on opposing sides, and stocky/curvy(?) taking the other two opposing sides.

  14. Don't mistake elitists trying to change the requirements to entering their little club house as a representation for the community as a whole. There are players that will gate keep to make things easier for themselves (the infamously paradoxical "you have to have run this already to be allowed to run this") Though these types of players are _everywhere_. If the game features tons of exclusives/time sensitive prizes, they'll staunchly defend keeping these items from ever becoming available again. Anything that can be flaunted as a badge of merit will have a group rally around these badges, but likewise, there are always people that think this behavior is stupid, even childish.


    In my experience, if a community goes into the toilet, it's because the game's culture has encouraged optimizing the fun right out of the game and the developers did nothing to prevent it from spreading. Usually prevalent in PvP games (amidst all the balance complaints) but definitely possible in PvE games that focus on grinding and farming.

  15. > @"Headhunter.4796" said:

    > See a tank in a mage outfit and a mage in a tank outfit. Nope, disagree!


    My elementalist can already run around in full plate fit for a Guardian, and my warrior can march around in a frilly dress. Outfits already throw this argument to the curb and stomp it into dust. At this point, saying no is just being difficult for the sake of being difficult.


    Also at this point, I think the issue is what the game does in transmuting items. We're more transferring stats to a different item than changing the appearance of said item. So... the issue is largely to do with armor values? Because I'm not seeing where clipping would be a massive issue. Gloves and boots generally don't extend past the elbows and knees, and leg/torso armors don't typically flare out past the elbows/knees and when they do, everything past the wrists/ankles is removed on gloves and boots. It'd mostly be waistlines that might cause the most problems.

  16. The comments in this thread are so defeatist...


    If behavior like this falls under harassment, report the offending party. WoW's RP scene is strong because while Blizzard has designated roleplay servers, many of the same behaviors meant to disrupt role-play are also recognized as harassment on any other server. And if Anet won't address these people? Maybe this game no longer deserves your time?

  17. > @"SpyderArachnid.5619" said:

    > I believe it's simply they just don't want people running around in their knickers everywhere they go. Do you want to raid with someone who is just in their tighty whites? Or do a story with the main character in their briefs? It doesn't quite have the same emotional impact when you're standing there in your bloomers.


    Thing is, this fear is unfounded simply looking at WoW. People are still asking for Blizzard to return to vanilla/TBC armor designs that show skin (for both sexes,) as they'd prefer NOT to simply run around in their underwear, and males are fine to appear topless and even this look is quite rare. You get the occasional perv/jokester running around as naked as possible, usually on a female toon, but the vast majority of people have a little more taste.


    Anet is just being difficult about it.

  18. Stay with the current model. New outfits sell. Mount, weapon and armor skins sell. New character customization options (that actually look good) sell, though new options are unfortunately very rare.


    I'd recommend to them to keep making expansion packs as well. There's no way they aren't a nice financial kick to their bank account.


    Finally, if they really need money, take a page from Warframe - they should see how they could incorporate something like "prime access" into Guild Wars 2. New collectable armor sets, with each LW update or something.

  19. > @"Kobi.8347" said:

    > The games are huge cause the developers got lazy and don't compress the content to spare CPU cycles (mostly because the Xbox One and PS4 consoles have weak CPUs), there's lots of new features in both Vulkan and DirectX12 which help with assets management a lot, which show again you have no idea what you talking about.


    It's not laziness. Compression means a dip in quality. Games that take large amounts of disk space but happen to be "small" content wise are huge largely because of one if not two reasons - really big texture files (talking 2k-4k here,) and lossless audio. Art assets are just memory hogs all around. It's generally understood that the average piece of computer hardware is capable of producing some pretty good sound even if they can't make full use of high quality audio files, and disk space is only becoming more cost efficient, so file size for lossless audio is considered an acceptable trade off. 2k-4k textures are still in that sketchy territory where most people aren't going to be able to run them without their frame rates sweeping the floor.


    Otherwise, on the topic at hand, what really needs to happen is that Anet needs to upgrade their engine. At least Direct X 10-12 support. How their studio is set up and the funding available is the issue though. I don't expect the guys that would be coding in DX12 support to also be sculpting art assets, but they could probably be involved to some degree in event scripting. Really depends on how many hats everyone is expected to wear.



  20. Fewer people will come on to these forums to praise the story than to bash it. that isn't indicitive of general consensus... that's just in general how people _do._ People are more likely to complain than they are to praise. Any good business knows it is preferable to receive constant criticism over hearing nothing but a dead silence.

  21. > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

    > Threads like these are rooted in only one thing, jealousy. Truth be told nothing anet can do will be fair or equitable.


    Anet should have just given all of EU the same "prize" for their server problems. The current approach told everyone that if you see the metaphorical bus accident happen to the servers, get on the bus ASAP so you can make a claim and go collect. And I'm not sure telling everyone "quick, log in!" to unstable servers currently undergoing issues all in the hopes they'll get some cash-shop toy for free is going to help _anyone_ the next time the servers start acting up.

  22. > @"Rogue.8235" said:

    > > @"Timbersword.9014" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > That's all well and good, but Anet is sure to have the figures that tell what styles of outfits sell and which ones don't. With all of the other flashiness of the game, I believe that subtly is not their aim.

    > >

    > > Numbers don't tell them the why.


    > Numbers do, that's what regression analysis is. You identify all confounding variables that are regressed c.f. the data you're analyzing to identify statistically significant correlations. These Correlations are then studied for causal links (if any) to finish the analysis. I have my own regression tables I made when iI conduct some econometric studies for myself.


    Making a lot of assumptions there with regards to the numbers they get. Specifically, you're assuming there are always clear correlations.



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