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Posts posted by Timbersword.9014

  1. The problem with "compensating" people who simply logged in and then logged out is that now we've given everyone a reason to board the crashed bus so they can make a claim to their insurance and collect.


    THAT is the precedent that was just set. People don't like being left out in the cold for doing the right thing.

  2. I use dual-dagger, personally, but note I'm pretty much exclusively open world and not a level 80 elementalist yet. Core is hardly a solid representation of what does or doesn't work.

    But as to the reason I like dual-dagger, extreme mobility and constantly switching my attunements so I'm not caught waiting on cooldowns makes for a very engaging play style.

  3. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > That's all well and good, but Anet is sure to have the figures that tell what styles of outfits sell and which ones don't. With all of the other flashiness of the game, I believe that subtly is not their aim.


    Numbers don't tell them the why.

  4. I think for this feedback to be effective, we really have to point to outfits we currently like. I still consider the pirate outfit a good stylized "casual" outfit. The chef outfit can also pass as a common laborer's clothes for the most part, even if it does sport a spatula for humans.


    Though to be fair, I don't think most outfits are all that outrageous, but things that are covered in ice, crystals, daggers or fire (or other unnecessary, horribly tacked on knick-knacks) I do tend to avoid. Like the Verdant Executor outfit? I'd be all over that if my female characters didn't have to have those random branches and pedals sticking out from their back. Awakened Zealot? Nice... except for the all the stuck knives that look ridiculous. Crystal Nomad? Never going to touch.


    On the note of crystals and other ridiculous decorations though, I find the Gem Aura or Crystal Savant Outfit's to have been done tastefully. They're "look at me!" details are minimalistic in presence and properly incorporated into the design, not garishly tacked on as if in a desperate attempt to sell the theme of the outfit. Subtlety is what I'm looking for here. Subtlety.

  5. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Hitomi Shadowleaf.5629" said:

    > > 1. A downvote button on the forums.

    > > 2. A new playable race like Largos or Tengu

    > > 3. Direct X12 Support

    > > 4. More customization with hairstyles

    > > 5. More story line for the Gods / Celestials

    > > 6. More weapon choices options for classes like Theif & Rev with very small weapon pools that arent tied to Elite specs

    > >

    > >


    > Not even mentioning engineer as the class with the most limited weapon pool, lmao.


    _Technically_ they have access to a bunch of unique weapons through their skills, but I hear ya.

  6. I vote yes, but with the caveat that it's not a priority, and should be built into the home instance if there can't be, say, a separate zoned suburb for us to easily check out other's homes.

    Problem is Anet is clearly big on keeping this a multiplayer game with a strong emphasis on social engagement and housing doesn't really add to that. Costumes? Sure. Housing? More of a private venture.

    So while I wouldn't mind having a real-money sink that allows me to flex my creative muscles, I'm not going to be disappointed if it never happens.

  7. Sorry, I put in a ticket about a week ago to get one of my characters back so I could recover the unbreakable tools I paid 2400 gems for and got them back this morning. Unfortunately, apparently the price was breaking the EU servers. There's _always_ a price.


    But no seriously, gotta wait for Anet to wake up and boot up their PCs. Then they need to make a few phone calls, all while contending with whatever Covid shenanigans their area might be up to.

  8. > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > @"Nymeria.1653" said:

    > > I agree. Also for the faces customization, never understood why there are some faces only npc can have, like this one for example (I swear there is not in the character creation, not even in the total makeover kit)

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/Z5k9rZ0.jpg "")

    > >


    > I've wanted that face for a looooooong time.


    That face is column 2, row 3 at character creation. Mouth is made WAY wider, eyes are bit tweaked too. I think slightly lowered height, and slightly raised width?


    I think outside of a few select named NPCs (destiny's edge for example) virtually every NPC uses player character assets. Just have to play with the sliders, even if what they do from face to face is inconsistent.

  9. I can see a warrior dervish (or any staff warrior) if we get a new elite spec.


    I feel we'll sooner see new weapons before we see new elite specs though. Some of the classes, such as the warrior, don't have much room left to maneuver in for elite specs. Warriors for example have the short bow, scepter, and staff. Can't keep doing this forever without addressing the elephant in the room.


    > @"Gundahar.2765" said:

    > Staff wielding warrior? Please just... no. Enough profession political correctness. Warrior's whole point is to be a mauling beefy boi. _**Just imagine a norn charging at you with a staff, in heavy armor.**_ That's either OP looking or plain shocking. Leave warrior alone pls.


    Like Norn Revenants?



  10. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"keenedge.9675" said:


    > >

    > > I doubt Anet would give people an outright notice to avoid boosting to 80 or play F2P version before buying the game. However, some subtle clues could be given.

    > >


    > >

    > The L80 Boost does say "For advanced players".

    > Likely most ignore that, though.




    Of course they do! "I've played MMOs before!"

    There's no one saying, "_Not like this one._" Unless they're coming from Kurtzpel (not even an MMO,) mismanaged as that game is.


    On the flip side, just because someone levels up a toon from 1 to 80 still doesn't mean they're prepped for none-core content. They can totally face roll through core in most combat encounters, but after that, their build and their understanding of the basic mechanics of their class let alone combat as a whole needs to be at least _somewhat_ up to snuff.

  11. Like others have said, make sure you gear is up to snuff, and your build isn't crap. You can to a search on the trade post for some exotics and runes. They're not as pricey as you would expect, just make sure you're getting the right ones. Next, look into metabattle if you're not interested in discovering your own builds.


    But at the end of the day, you are going to have to learn what your abilities do (it's time to REALLY grasp the text in each tooltip,) the value of your traits, the usage of boons and conditions, and know when to simply evade. You can't just mindlessly spam through your weapon bar abilities with all signets on your right bar outside of core (I was guilty as charged until I raced into PoF for my mounts.) In some cases you might even have to change your build based on what you're fighting, like if the bulk of your DPS is burn damage, you're not going to do so hot against anything with burn immunity, pun intended.

  12. I agree in large part also as someone that never really gets into GW for more than a month at a time (I picked the game back up 1-2 weeks ago? Already feeling the burn.) I was never interested in the PvP side, even though GW2 looks properly built for it, but even for PvE I can see how things like builds, dungeons, non-core open world can really slam the door in the faces of a lot of newer players, including myself. I took PoF (barely stepped a foot into HoT) as a realization I needed to up my game and work on my builds, but without looking up guides I was mostly picking what sounded nice based on what I understood and I can say I found something that works for me? Kind of weird to be a self-motivating warrior that NEVER SHUTS UP, but at least I'm hard enough to kill and my damage isn't crap?


    It's ironic, but for all the seeming simplification and consistency of mechanics across all classes, builds can be _amazingly_ complex things. Despite picking a total of 9 major traits and having 9 minors, keeping track of how it all interacts can be a bit overwhelming. And how many people think to look at conditions and boons to keep themselves alive? I'm still telling myself to do that! Suddenly an ability that causes weakness on the enemy for 4 seconds sounds REALLY nice where before I was "meh," both because leveling was face-tank easy and damage output was my primary concern and because I'm already inundated with a plethora of other boons and conditions.


    Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that PoF asked me to up my game and think of more than just raw damage output and the occasional dodge roll, if I can even see the attack coming through the ridiculously hard to notice-yet-obscuring ability effects (seriously, next to other MMOs and RPGs I've played, Guild Wars 2 has a real problem in its clarity with relaying information at ALL times in ALL things. It's _maddening._) However, I don't play Magic the Gathering or Hearthstone for a reason - putting together a valid deck and making it work is just beyond my comprehension. I've always half-joked if I have to take note of more than three things I'll get confused.


    Outside of that, my hoarder tendency and altitis makes it hard for me to want to craft things or pursue any goals that require spending too much gold and materials, personal problem though. Also, customizing One's appearance is a bit pricey and somewhat lacking - a lot of armors in the game are just... uninspired. Going 80 levels holding practically the same word only works if I like how it looks. Chances are though, I'm just working with the same crappy gray stick I had at level 1 despite the stats being those of a level 79 weapon, I'm not feeling too attached. 80 I can transmute and trust it won't be gone in an hour, but before that? Boring.


    Anyway, that's my gripe. Builds are hard to wrap my brain around and I imagine for a lot of people it's the same. Skill plays a big part in Guild Wars 2, but the right build can make or break the experience.



  13. > @"arooboo.5143" said:

    > Mine definitely has a bit of a slight delay, gets a wee bit annoying when I'm selling a bunch of items back to back, but it's not to the point where it feels unusable. D: Not sure what that would be all about.


    How it feels for me. It's definitely a really sluggish menu, and it's not like my frame rate is tanking either. Just feels like I'm browsing via dial up again when I use the black lion store.

  14. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > I just spent three days doing events for a legendary collection (Chuka and Champawat II, III, IV).

    > Any time I was worried that an event or chain would not progress due to lack of players, I tagged up and threw up an LFG.

    > I had zero issues other having to wait for events to start.

    > Your post comes off to me as yet another player who won't leverage their existing tools and somehow justifies more loot as the solution.


    I'm going to show my noob side and say that despite playing this game off and on, I still have no idea how to "tag up" and looking through the LFG list (

    On Tarnished Coast,) it's either near empty or there's something horrifically wrong with its search functionality that I'm only seeing a whole of two groups in central Tyria, with most groups concentrated in dungeon/fractal or LWS4 and PoF content.


    Sure, leverage your existing tools, but if no one else is using them...

  15. Brand new weapon types (like fist weapons for the punchy and the kicky.)

    Direct X 12 support.

    Tons more customization options. Primarily hair styles. A lot of the male sylvari hairstyles I'd like to see on their females at least...


    A new race, though I really don't know which one would be most appropriate. I don't want something that feels like a variant on an existing race.



    New one: For 1h weapons to fill all 5 slots when wielded alone. Not exactly new weapon types, but still a few new skill/build options. Alternatively, and potentially less work, instead of leaving the final two slots blank, make them generic "unarmed" abilities?


    I'm not really clever enough to conceive any actual new features for a new expansion though. All of the above is mostly just "more" of what we already have.

  16. I'm not super concerned for a new expansion. Living world already kind of serves that purpose, though we do periodically need something "big." Mounts were big. Gliders and elite specs were big. They can't just keep throwing a new story quest at us. Even a new weapon type (fist weapons, polearms, whips, etc.) would go a long way to keeping things feeling fresh.

  17. > @"Braile.3894" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > Trust me, you don't want that. Optional subscription games always end up crippling their base functionality in order to push players towards the subscrition.

    > >

    > > Full, obligatory subscription is practically always a better choice than an optional one. Asking for that is just asking for a system that mixes the worst parts of both cashshop and subscription systems together.


    > Yeah I get that but we are already at a place where the game is unplayable if you don't spend a kitten ton of money.



    Nah. Game is entirely, very playable without spending a cent beyond the buy in price. I choose to sink cash for convenience items like unbreakable harvesting tools, extra bank slots, bag slots, crafting professions (thank Dwayna this one isn't per character like bags) and style items like total make over kits and costumes-I-still-wish-I-could-_still_-put-together-piecemeal. I could go for a slightly more forgiving transmutation system, since transmuting anything but level 80 arguably exotic/definitely ascended gear is an inevitable waste of cash unless I missed something, but otherwise I couldn't complain about my play experience without spending a dime on gems.

    The cash shop items enhance my enjoyment of the game, but they weren't required for me to enjoy the game.

  18. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > Think of it this way. The cost of the entire game including every living story is cheaper than four months of World of Warcraft without paying for the game. It's cheaper than four months of Final Fantasy XIV. There's no optional subscription. It's not pay to win.


    > So the question is, what is so much about paying for that amount of content. A living story chapter costs what? $2 a episode? That's not worth (at least in the case of Season 3 and 4) six new zones, six new story arcs, new skins, new mounts in the case of two zones, a new downed skill. If it was all expansions you'd be okay paying it? Or a sub?


    > MMORPGs make money in a few ways. They either have subs or "optional subs", they're pay to win, or they charge for content. No one is making an entire game for us to play for free. So what's the big deal? The entirety of this game now, beginning to end would cost someone less than subscribing to most MMOs for 4 months. You'll get a lot more than four months of content.


    I hate it when people put things into perspective for me. I can dump $15 into WoW to maybe play two weeks, I can dump some money into GW2 if I've managed that long and more. Hard to beat WoW's dungeon finder (does GW2 have a DF?) and transmogging though. Makes paying for transmutation crystals painful.

  19. > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

    > I typically use the mouse for directional movement, "W" for forward, "S" for backward, "A" and "D" for lateral right and left, which leaves "Q" and "E" for right and left strafing.


    > What is the easiest/most comfortable way to always face a target, attack, and be able to dodge?


    There's a keybind option called "action camera." You can use that as an auto-right click of sorts and it makes the game feel more like a 3rd person slasher/shooter. You can even customize camera position relative to the character in another menu, both horizontally and vertically, and based on camera zoom too. First thing I do whenever I log in is activate action camera. When you open menus, your mouse cursor comes right back until you close everything again.

    The way combat mostly works in this game, I'm rather appalled this method of camera control isn't the default, or that there isn't an option to make it the default.

  20. Remember when Lion's Arch was an actual city and not a museum, with a human girl and a charr girl playing together in secret and not understanding why their father's couldn't stand each other? A touching moment for us GW1 players now lost forever.


    Remember when outfits were piece meal and you could mix and match? Though they did immediately came off in combat... I still don't get that decision or the decision to change to the current model? Like, why was it hard to keep the piece meal approach without the in-combat=remove bit?


    Remember town clothes? I can't even figure out where to get more. I just know they exist, and for some reason on a 15 minute duration per use? Matter of fact... _WHY AREN'T THESE OUTFITS!?_ Far as I can tell an account doesn't even start with ONE standard "civilian" outfit.






  21. I play this game with the action camera turned on so being more mobile in combat comes naturally to me. Even still as a warrior this part was difficult as a fresh 80 warrior myself. It's a bit of a wake up call where core allowed me to get away with primarily a DPS/signet build and a healing skill, but here defenses and sustain are critical, as there's simply too much for two dodges and signet healing to really work. Still, I plowed through it by wounding targets to near death and exploiting the rally mechanic but it made me think about my build. I think I died once that fight, and largely because I rolled into a corner.


    On reflection, I've started focusing my build on some passive actions like "Shrug it Off" and "Lesser Last Stand," as well as having my shouts heal me as I tend to use "for great justice" and "shake it off" a lot now. Mind, "Shrug it off" triggers the heal too and is on a relatively short cooldown (shorter than it reports I think...) I then used a mace MH and sword OH for all the defense they provide and swap to two axes when my dodge meter is full and my healing skill Mend (big heal, short CD, removes conditions) and shouts are ready. Basically swap between biding time and bursting out damage now. Alternatively, there's the warrior healing skill Defiant Stance that turns all incoming damage into healing. Longer cool down than mend but it can turn the large amount of damage that can get thrown around in that fight into a resource.


    I hope this helps give some perspective in what might work for you, OP. It's easy to get a little spoiled leveling with a certain build and then have your sense of power and skill thrown in your face with this first mission, especially as a fresh 80 that hasn't spent any real time experimenting before running it.

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