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Posts posted by archmagus.7249

  1. > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > Here is the problem with Throw Mine


    > 1. It's invisible to enemy players, both the projectile and the aoe effect. So dodging it is very unlikely because you don't see it coming.

    > 2. Unblockable makes it so aegis can't stop it, and it cannot be reflected so the only thing that you can do to avoid it is dodge.

    > 3. Being that it removes 3 boons, means it has a very high chance of removing stability and you still get knocked back.

    > 4. It is more powerful (utility wise) than holo elite https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prime_Light_Beam and has the shortest cooldown for a 5 target CC from any class.

    > 5. It starts recharging before using detonate, making it basically an even shorter cooldown.

    > 6. It is the only 5 target skill with unblockable, cc, boon removal with the shortest cooldown.

    > 7. Bonus: Mine Field toolbelt skill that comes with Throw Mine has the potential to remove 25 boons total if 5 targets in 180 radius are hit by the mines, and has 15s cooldown if running tools traitline.


    > The skill is very powerful, and the cooldown needs to be looked at in the very least.


    1. Hm. Something tell me that if there was a giant red circle on the ground, they wouldn't step in it. I assume you also want traps to be visible to enemies?

    2. It's one of our few unblockables.

    3. It's one of our fewer boon rips.

    4. Prime light beam has a larger area of effect, and can burn enemies

    5. If you use the skill again before the mine goes off, the mine will be moved to the new location.

    6. ... And yet very few people take it because if you are going with explosives you have better options, and the very few gadget builds don't have the space for mine.

    7. Minefield removes one boon per mine, and at only 180 radius, it's no good against ranged enemies. Just like the mine, minefield is refreshed when you re-cast the skill.

  2. I don't think stacking stealth is the problem. That's just good game sense.


    What the problem is the deadeye one-shot kill from stealth then remove revealed and stealth again to stomp.


    A fix would be to make it so that that one skill which removes revealed locks all skills and interactions for half of your remaining stealth period, puts you in combat, and gives you exhaustion.


    Also, for anyone who is stealthed, getting hit by any aoe will remove stealth, but not reveal you; note that you must actually take damage, get cc'd or otherwise be affected by an enemy effect to lose stealth. If you evade the aoe, your stealth will be preserved. Having resistance and taking condition damage or snares will remove stealth, as will having stability and getting hard cc'd. But you cannot be invulnerable and stealthed at the same time.

  3. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"archmagus.7249" said:

    > > > @"Jagblade.4627" said:

    > > > Tarnished Keys, Ornate Rusted Keys, Essence of Nightmares and Greater nightmare keys. Basically if it currently sits in your inventory and is consumed to open something in the open world, or is any sort of currency, put it in the wallet please.

    > >

    > > Essence of nightmare is needed to make a greater nightmare key. I think material storage would be the best place, not wallet. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > Some of those were proposed during the update to Material Storage, and were dismissed.

    > > > Remember, there's only so many slots available for Material Storage. No idea if the Wallet has a limit; I'd guess so.

    > >

    > > Yeah it caps out at 250 without upgrades, 2k with upgrades. By the time I got 250 legendary motes, I probably am ready to craft a legendary upgrade. That limit is kind of superficial. You probably won't reach it, but until you do, it declutters your inventory/bank


    > Nothing to do, really, with what I stated.

    > Here's what I was referencing: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Additions-to-Material-Storage (Dev posts)


    To the devs credit when they're talking about cooking mats they made a lot of progress, but it is really inconsistent. I can't store my seasonings or my bowl of roux but I can store my slice of bread?


    And just to clarify: I'm not talking about seige and traps/tricks. There was a "Blueprint Armory" idea which was discussed which I liked the idea of.

  4. > @"Jagblade.4627" said:

    > Tarnished Keys, Ornate Rusted Keys, Essence of Nightmares and Greater nightmare keys. Basically if it currently sits in your inventory and is consumed to open something in the open world, or is any sort of currency, put it in the wallet please.


    Essence of nightmare is needed to make a greater nightmare key. I think material storage would be the best place, not wallet. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Some of those were proposed during the update to Material Storage, and were dismissed.

    > Remember, there's only so many slots available for Material Storage. No idea if the Wallet has a limit; I'd guess so.


    Yeah it caps out at 250 without upgrades, 2k with upgrades. By the time I got 250 legendary motes, I probably am ready to craft a legendary upgrade. That limit is kind of superficial. You probably won't reach it, but until you do, it declutters your inventory/bank

  5. The crux of the issue is that resistance is a hard to come by boon. Yes it grants you total immunity, but not every class has access to it. Sure you can use durability runes, but you only gain it for over one second. If they made it more like protection where it reduces the damage by 33% but is more accessible, then things would be better.

  6. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > i disagree with removing the keep guards. they are fine. nobody cares really about them. the do not do hard dmg even against paper gear, if u have the wxp investment there, which u should have anyways.


    > they should only move the silly NPCs that are neutral hostile or yellow. like the Arcotdus, the Wolves, the moas, the stalkers, the skrelk etc etc


    I agree with you on the keep guards. It would make it way too easy for one or two people to take even a t3 keep. If they did remove guards, then maybe increase the health of all walls and gates, make gates and perma-seige immune to player damage and conditions. Players on perma-seige gain 3s of defiance every 3s; defiance can only be removed by ballistas, and upgraded shots will knock back in addition to removing defiance. Camps get their supervisor upgraded to elite, and only get NPC protection from adjacent mercenaries. Lords/Supervisors take half damage and condition damage from other npc's. If no assaulting players are in the ring when the defense event ends, the lord/supervisor will be ressed. In addition, double the supply cost of every seige weapon type except for shield gen and treb. This forces a larger amount of people to carry supply to take out an objective.

  7. -No downstate

    -Add glider skills like bloodstone fen so we can do bombing runs on enemy players, or heal allies.

    -balli shots at flying targets ground them and prevent them from gliding for 3s, and hitting mounts dismounts them and prevents them from mounting for 5s. Also puts them in combat.

    -skills which block or reflect projectiles also block or reflect projectiles from seige.

    -add +10% wxp to the badges of honor and make them level 80 food. Increase the price to 10 badges.

  8. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > I want the NPCs to res me.


    > D:


    You can only get a res off a vet rank or higher npc.


    But I do think they need to make them a bit more durable. Especially against mercenaries; making it so that all camp npcs take half damage from other npcs, except for dolyaks. Also make it so that iron hide reduces condition damage as well. Upgrade camp supervisors to elite.


    As for how long it takes to cap, cap the % per tick to 4%. That should give defenders ample time to defend the camp.


    And sentries, if the sentry is killed, it starts an attack/defend event. If the attackers fill the bar, they win and claim it. If the defenders refill the bar and hold it until the event ends, then they will win the defense.

  9. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > @"archmagus.7249" said:

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAEd3lJw2YcMPWJecXltfA-zVZYDBLG2RUDlRcVQnpgJXigsHeLANDA-w here's a build I've had success with. Right now the armor and weapons are exotic, but I still crit cap, especially in shroud. Thanks to the putrid defense and corrupter's fervor not having an icd, I can stack lots of toughness and power. That combined with unyielding blast and reapers onslaught, I can easily stack vulnerability. Decimate defences and death perception ensure I land a critical hit every time. I use my utilities mostly for building life force, though I will switch to greatsword to quickly get some carapace stacks in close quarters, and spam gavedigger on bosses once they're below half health.

    > - Why the useless bleed sigils? For god's sake put energy or cleansing sigils or anything other than earth in these slots.

    > - Why the useless putrid defense? You are not picking an extremely valueable condi cleanse trait. Picking shrouded removal is a no-brainer!

    > - Why the useless unyielding blast? You are not picking one of the best necro traits. Picking speed of shadows is a no-brainer!


    > (I get your intention: unyielding blast, putrid defense + soul spiral and the sigils are ment to stack carapace. The thing is, it isn't worth the trade-offs. In general death magic reaper is subpar outside of zerging, because the trade-offs the carapace mechanic requires to work solo or in smallscale are too big.)


    > Trade-offs: your build will be destroyed by any soft cc or condi build. Fight someone like me and you will experience a total cc shutdown and you won't land one single hit in shroud. Change the things I mentioned and the build becomes five times as good as it is now.


    Between relentless pursuit and spectral walk, I can handle most condition builds. My favorite is running around a corner, teleporting back behind them, then hitting them with chilled to the bone


    I chose earth in particular because it has a shockingly low icd of 2s. Hydomancy sigils as well to get some burst damage after leaving shroud. Spectral armor is basically just there as a stun break, and to keep myself in shroud longer during a fight


    The one problem I have is deadeyes one shot from stealth. Just walking around and all of the sudden you're dead.

  10. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAEd3lJw2YcMPWJecXltfA-zVZYDBLG2RUDlRcVQnpgJXigsHeLANDA-w here's a build I've had success with. Right now the armor and weapons are exotic, but I still crit cap, especially in shroud. Thanks to the putrid defense and corrupter's fervor not having an icd, I can stack lots of toughness and power. That combined with unyielding blast and reapers onslaught, I can easily stack vulnerability. Decimate defences and death perception ensure I land a critical hit every time. I use my utilities mostly for building life force, though I will switch to greatsword to quickly get some carapace stacks in close quarters, and spam gavedigger on bosses once they're below half health.
  11. > @"jpsssss.7530" said:

    > ima give you a warning rn and tell you that signets are largely dookies (except locus signet). You really need stun breaks, unless you like losing to everything. Stability is non existant. You also want some health and armor, because unlike PvE, you will get one-bopped by a thief and then get danced on. I wouldn't go over 2500 to 2600, but I'd also go for more than 1900... Health pool for average necros is around 25k.


    > Sample power reaper build for WvW (small scale/roaming): http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAEd3lVw2YcMPWJmcXnNbA-zVhYBBBKG1cBEBhcEk1ZkpEoC1gGPACsHu/JJA2i+zAA-w



    I'm using this build right now for roaming. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAEd3lVw2YcMPWJmeXutbA-zVhYBBBKG1cBEBhcEkVp0UEEXBkZIEeCYyBQg9w9vJBQW0fGA-w (I replace my utilities with Wells when I join up with a zerg.) I've been successful most of the time, but I still get one shot by some perma-stealth deadeye, and condi spam.

  12. > @"misterman.1530" said:

    > > @"archmagus.7249" said:

    > > I'm looking for a bit of advice on these builds for roaming both are reaper, though one is condi and one is power.

    > > Power Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAEd3lRw0YYsL2IO+WtNfA-zVJYwRNfZERKkeF40nIM7h3yXnRA-w

    > > Condi build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAEt3lJwaYLMHWJW6X9tWA-zVRYfRNYG+yogKokUQ4PhgWB/JFQyjbA-w

    > >

    > > I already have ascended gear I can flush in the mystic toilet to change the prefix, and the trinkets I can reset. My only problem is repeating that TA reward track until I have enough tokens.

    > >

    > > Any feedback would be nice.


    > Sorry, I am starting to sound like a broken record, but I have long since switched to a Core Necro for roaming (using Grieving stats at the moment -with Antitoxin runes).


    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAYd3lRw0YIMFGJO8O/LPA-zVZYBRI6SMiQIsRBH4h0kCIThQFyAJfBEXIA2AvkH3A-w


    > I am having a lot of success with it, and unless my life force starts off at 0 at the beginning of a battle, this works well against Reapers and Scourges. I can't remember the last time I've lost to either of those. The only classes I have issues with are well-played DHs (I have to be very careful with them) and permastealth thieves. The sustain is incredible and as the fight lags on, Death Magic's Carapaces start to stack and give me more and more power. In fact, I've seen my power hit close to 3500-4000 with buffs etc.


    I'm having a hard time with this build (I'm using exotic armor since they're easier to get than ascended, and using a zerker staff since getting a grieving weapon is a pain.)

  13. > @"ASP.8093" said:

    > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > It has a 10s cooldown in WvW.

    > >

    > > Imagine D/P + shortbow thieves stealing 3 boons on interrupts without any cooldown... headshot spam when roaming and choking gas spam in zergs would be meta (because broken).


    > I mean, it does get negated by Stability, though.


    Stab won't prevent it from activating, but it will increase the icd by 3s.

  14. They need to make ascended armor and weapons have a chance to drop from mithril or higher skirmish chests. Below that, a chance for exotic (except for wood). And a higher drop rate for memories of battle/skirmish claim tickets.

  15. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > @"archmagus.7249" said:

    > > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > > > Trailblazer scourge is extremely strong in 1v1. But not for beginners. You need some good terrain awareness because you are slow.

    > > > >

    > > > > As a beginner you should just play the "spectral onslaught" or "greatsword roamer" reaper metabuild. It's quite versatile, even though stronger builds exists for specific demands.

    > > > >

    > > > > https://metabattle.com/wiki/Necromancer

    > > >

    > > > I was about to say, I roam with a variety of Necro builds and Scourge is one of them. It's mostly Trailblazer with a bit of Dire and Tormenting runes + Parasitic Contagion. My Life Force gen is quite bad with the build I use, but my damage is overwhelming. I play extremely aggressive and the only times I have much trouble are against decent Rangers or too many players to handle. I honestly have not found a 1 v 1 that can deal with the amount of conditions I can pump out, even Firebrand.

    > > >

    > > > When Torment is ticking in the 4 - 5k's on top of all the corrupts and Fear CC's, as well as having a lot of passive regen and damage reduction via Death Magic, I don't at all feel "crippled". I just need to be extra cautious about my positioning and who/where I engage, but that's something I'm used to doing with Necro anyway, just a bit more so with Scourge.

    > > >

    > > > I think what you say is true, it's quite strong, but it's not for beginners.

    > >

    > > Are the Metabattle builds kept up to date? Because some of the engineer builds haven't been kept up to date.

    > >

    > > I've got plenty of experience with roaming, so I'd just need experience with the class and build.


    > I honestly don't know, I never use Metabattle. I do know that it has a lot of false information and a number of objectively _bad_ builds though. A lot of people treat it like it's gospel but it isn't. It's mostly a good place to get templates when you're new to a class or want a frame for a build.


    > That isn't to say everything on the site is bad, just that you should take it with a grain of salt.


    I do take it with a grain of salt since it took them weeks to change the "Corona burst is your main source of stab" when they nerfed it to just give you more barrier.

  16. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > Trailblazer scourge is extremely strong in 1v1. But not for beginners. You need some good terrain awareness because you are slow.

    > >

    > > As a beginner you should just play the "spectral onslaught" or "greatsword roamer" reaper metabuild. It's quite versatile, even though stronger builds exists for specific demands.

    > >

    > > https://metabattle.com/wiki/Necromancer


    > I was about to say, I roam with a variety of Necro builds and Scourge is one of them. It's mostly Trailblazer with a bit of Dire and Tormenting runes + Parasitic Contagion. My Life Force gen is quite bad with the build I use, but my damage is overwhelming. I play extremely aggressive and the only times I have much trouble are against decent Rangers or too many players to handle. I honestly have not found a 1 v 1 that can deal with the amount of conditions I can pump out, even Firebrand.


    > When Torment is ticking in the 4 - 5k's on top of all the corrupts and Fear CC's, as well as having a lot of passive regen and damage reduction via Death Magic, I don't at all feel "crippled". I just need to be extra cautious about my positioning and who/where I engage, but that's something I'm used to doing with Necro anyway, just a bit more so with Scourge.


    > I think what you say is true, it's quite strong, but it's not for beginners.


    Are the Metabattle builds kept up to date? Because some of the engineer builds haven't been kept up to date.


    I've got plenty of experience with roaming, so I'd just need experience with the class and build.

  17. Here's a revised power build.



    I swapped to wurm runes, so that I can have bonus ferocity, since I don't have a reliable source for chill. I decided to take death magic for the carapace stacks,which also grant power. Eventually getting protection.


    Here's the revised version of the condi build.



    I changed the condi runes to the sunless, since I'll be using corruption skills a lot. My one stun break is a shout, since there isn't a corruption stunbreak. I did take speed of shadows.

  18. > @"Coeruleum.9164" said:

    > I think condi builds for roaming are better overall since 95% of roamers are just relying on stealth, swiftness, and dodge and don't even have condi cleanses, but power works too. You can make a condi build of pretty much any class and go out and take out some thief, ranger, and mesmer roamers and not just be trolling. Plus, aside from damage, condi reaper comes with things like chill that make life very very hard for the typical roamer since chill is a condition even if it doesn't have any damage. Power reaper won't be able to debuff roamers very much. I don't think power reaper is just troll level bad at roaming but condi seems leaps and bounds ahead of it when you consider what classes usually roam.


    That's good that the condi is better. Diviner's insignias and inscriptions are a pain to get. Even worse than celestial. At least the sinister and viper's can be bought.

  19. I'm looking for a bit of advice on these builds for roaming both are reaper, though one is condi and one is power.

    Power Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAEd3lRw0YYsL2IO+WtNfA-zVJYwRNfZERKkeF40nIM7h3yXnRA-w

    Condi build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAEt3lJwaYLMHWJW6X9tWA-zVRYfRNYG+yogKokUQ4PhgWB/JFQyjbA-w


    I already have ascended gear I can flush in the mystic toilet to change the prefix, and the trinkets I can reset. My only problem is repeating that TA reward track until I have enough tokens.


    Any feedback would be nice.

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