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Posts posted by anduriell.6280

  1. > @"Zera Allimatti.2541" said:

    > I beseech you: please revise the yield from those nodes and remove the yield of zero. Make it a minimum of 1 and then leave the additional yields to RNG. You can even lower the chance of an additional yield if you want, but at least ONE would be a massive QoL improvement. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

    There is no need to have any kind of hard limit on this currencies there are other mechanics like daily crafting in game. All this limitations over limitations is a bad design which is designed to frustrate any new and old players as soon as you are forced to grind anything.

    **The grind in this game is the most horrible i've seen in any mmo because all this daily and character limits only make any grinding an slog.** I personally dread the grinding in this game so much i could not bring myself to do the last flying mount grind.


    You should try WvW, at least you get 50 of those each time you complete the relevant reward track which depending on the amount of Reward Track buffs it can be as fast as 4 hours and are repeatable. It not much different from farming PvE maps you join a zerg and run along.


  2. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > Time for a rant.


    > Fed up with doing map clears on any class simply to a gift of exploration..

    > 2 actually. Where is a lot of other gifts can be bought with some form of currency or wvw reward track.


    > Let's add it to gem store for say, 3k gems for a single gift of exploration.


    Common sense dictates we should be able to buy them with Karma once we unlocked them once. It is enough grind just the materials.

  3. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > @"Salt Mode.3780" said:

    > > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > > If it gets its dodge back in PvP, what's going to be the new trade off?

    > > > > The Mesmers receive damage each time one of their illusions is killed?

    > > >

    > > > i dunno if this comment was serious or not but i dont see any other classes getting tradeoff for a revert on a MECHANICAL nerf.

    > > > I think the whole history of balance patches for mesmer is a big enough tradeoff.

    > >

    > > Current Arenanet needs their trade-offs though.

    > > Mirage's current trade-off is the loss of one dodge in PvP.

    > > If they were to undo that, Arenanet would have to introduce a different trade-off.

    > > And given their track record with these trade-offs, an idea like damage feedback from illusions wouldn't be out of Arenanet's domain.

    > > Their "balance" history, however, does not count as one.


    > Well, my idea of tradeoff is, Mirage lose his F4 Distortion too same as chrono and instead F4 will be: Gain Mirage Cloak for X seconds for each clone shattered, this may be with 40 seconds or more cooldown.

    > Kinda works like a third dodge invuln, but not quite, can still be interrupted by certain CCs which are not evadable, you lose all synergies with distort, but gain mirage cloak synergies (ambushes etc.).

    > It is very similar to thief tradeoff that Steal got reduced range but compensated with unblockable.


    > And considering holosmith, herald, renegade and to some extent other professions have near to zero if not zero tradeoffs, why not?


    > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > Restore 2 Dodge.

    > >

    > > New trade off?

    > > Max 2 Clones. Let's go.

    > >

    > > This way, IH gets indirectly nerfed, and Mirages get 2 dodges back, and there still is a tradeoff.

    > > Win win win.


    > So basically you kill greatsword power combo with this change, I don't like much.


    I think all the ideas has a good point, i like them all.


    > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > Even with only like 100 hours on condi soulbeast I frequently win 1v2/1v3 and it's my go-to class to roam on when I start losing and needing a free carry, well past a cut above 6k hours on thief and another 1.5k on my Dia+ level Reaper that I used to coach people on how to play...


    > So yeah, maybe not top tier in sPvP but WvW-specific nerfs being requested are absolutely justified.


    Just saying using the win rate in WvW is not a clear pointer a build or class is op, most of the peeps you can find in there are PvE players doing the transition to PvP. In other words is not like you can find there the top experienced players.

  5. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > As someone who started ranger recently I will give you some of my thoughts on the matter, maybe there are work-arounds maybe not.

    > But loads of ranger skills feel sluggish to use.

    > LB 3 in theory doesnt have a cast time but in practice its not instant, if you use it with your back it doesnt fire and goes on FULL cooldown, this needs fixing.

    > GS 5, locks you in place and does that small dash thingy, just let us move during cast and remove the dash, Give the hit itself 160 range and call it a day. ( it lets us land it more consistently, makes it get bugged on terrain less and makes it easier for ranger to position for the stun instead of giving the enemy or the dice gods the choice.

    > Sword 2/3 evades feel kitten. I Feel like im spamming evades and HOPING I evade something instead off actually evading what I need, sword 2 has problems with landing hits, and the skills themselves leave you open for attack.

    > Axe mainhand looks like it tries to be hybrid between power and condi, but fails at both. It has no defensive capabilities whatsoever, and the damage is not good enough to justify it. Give axe 1 some condi damage, and axe 2 damage buff and it might be usable.



    Fantastic Ideas all of them. Feels like a shame anet doesn't read this forums. Axe mainhand wouldn't need defensive if offhand weapons would provide something.

  6. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Pure DPS Soulbeast Longbow/Greatsword is insanely strong in wvw roaming with pve gear options & food/utility.


    > What puts it over the top is the pve gears & food/utility. It isn't the build itself, it's the extra stat stacking granted by pve/wvw options.

    That one if you like to pewpew and melt easy if focused. Otherwise the one with Axe/AXe - Greatsword with commanders/durability is pretty strong in 1vX.

    No my cup of tea as i don't like to fall asleep while fighting, i like quick results either winning or losing.


  7. > @"Eclipsiste.3251" said:

    > I love my Griffon but like most players I find the Skyscale more useful 99.99% of the time.

    > It's a shame to see such a glorious mount grounded because of a too stiff competition!

    > So while playing in Bloodstone Fen I thought why not make the Griffon able to use updrafts? Give it more places and ways to be able to start from up high!

    > I don't think it would outshine the Skyscale that way, but people might find it useful again, and I certainly would love to be able to hear its cooing while soaring through the sky!

    > I know I'm probably not the first to have this idea, but what do you think of it?

    I think that is a great idea, if we can use updrafts while gliding i don't understand why the griffon can't. It is part bird after all.


  8. I have come to the conclusion burns are fine, burning is very strong true but burning is something very damaging in real life too so it makes sense burning is a burst condition.

    Spamming blind is annoying but in real life when you are blind you are blind for some seconds not just your first action. So some blind spam seems fine to me.

    Nerfing how this conditions work may need to rework full classes and i don't know it even in that case it would make much of a difference.



  9. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

    > > Thematically it's fine for DH to have access to stealth.

    > > snip


    > Guardian is the polar opposite of what thief is, so of course it's fine for them to have access to the same tools. After all they are being different by being the same. Dude what?


    Yeah pretty simple, DH has access to Longbow and Ranger has access to longbow. Ranger has access to stealth so for DH is fine to have access to stealth. Also DH thematically is a hunter with a single target weapon, so it should be fine for a hunter get access to some sort of stealth. Because the weapon is single target is fine also to get access to stealth as a defensive utility when it is fighting a group.

  10. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:


    > I actually agree with this. I think they need Rune Of The Trapper to be functional. The problem is that they are too functional to the point of overperformance right now, and they are bordering on being allowed game mechanics that only thieves and mesmers should have.


    > The thing is though, they shouldn't be balancing DH around a single rune. If DH needs a very specific rune to be functional, that is a problem with DH just as much as it is the rune that is making it over perform.


    > If this is the case, DH needs fixing so that it can perform without needing a rune that turns it into a cross-class thief.


    If Stealth would not stack reducing the stealth time would work on the runes.

    While stealth can stack the DH just needs to equip 5 traps it will still have enough stealth uptime.



  11. > @"mrt.7813" said:

    > Hello friends


    > I've been playing since 2013 This is lately the thieves got into the game


    > How is it logic to fly 3000 range using a skill?

    > shotbow 5 time needs to be added

    > invisibility times need to be reduced

    > Keep / Gari Hiding Members Always non-stop.

    > 10 people run after a thief now it has become cancer-like I do not understand

    > what should we players do? I push logical explanation Regulations must come to thieves.


    > we know the logic for thief but not that much When it comes 2 3, it goes out of range in 1 2 seconds no class like this If you run away and recover, dive behind you in 1 or 2 seconds and make waves, the crime here is in the areanenet team.


    > 10 people run after a thief now it has become cancer-like I do not understand

    > what should we players do? I push logical explanation Regulations must come to thieves. we eventually have to swear or insult the games!


    > Best regards



    The easiest approach will be to remove stacking stealth. All the Teleports should not ignore terrain, so a thief can not teleport to another platform.



  12. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > That AND it's just terrible. So it won't get implemented, because why would it be, lmao.

    Stealth will be eventually nerfed and Anet is trying to find a way, the markers traps were just the beginning. You can be sure of that.


    It doesn't matter how much bias you have against it. I'm looking forward to the moment.



  13. > @"iwatokage.5730" said:

    > I'm translating this at Google Translation, so sorry if it's strange English.

    > It looked interesting, so I tried it with a Champion Target Golem-Tower Lord to see if I could get 4k with Axe's auto attack.

    > In the case of this golem, 4k seems to be possible with 3400+ power and 300+ ferocity under the following conditions.

    >  Superior Rune of the Scholar : +5%damage

    >  Superior Sigil of Force : +5%damage

    >  Hunter's Tactics : +10%damage

    >  Furious Strength : +7%damage

    >  Twice as Vicious : +5%damage

    >  Oppressive Superiority : +10%damage

    > In addition, if you use "Sic 'Em", you can hope to get 5k.

    > I'll upload a video of just punching the golem along with it.



    If you change Troll Unguent for We heal as One, you can maintain better might stacks and boon uptime. Insted Scholar you can use Infiltration or Eagle (+10% damage).

  14. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > Your direct answer in that thread though...

    Just pointing out the opinion from Yasai which seems to sway depending from which class we are talking about. I personally think the 100% project finisher is a good idea. And that we need more projectiles being able to become projectile finisher.


    > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > (...)It should reveal the DE as soon as it uses the skills and not when apply damage as such No more Death Judgements from nowhere.


    > So DJ that reveals on cast, which is before landing dmg is not fine, because it's still "out of stealth"/"out of nowhere", but ranger attacking out of stealth is perfectly reasonable because *"[it] will reveal the ranger with the first impact."*


    > ...again what is your point here? :D

    **Well in that same thread i talked about the stealthed players to be visible by enemies within 450 units.** Camouflage didn't have that limitation but while camouflaged they could not perform any action or being revealed. Mesmer invisibility would work differently.

    So no, ranger would not be able to hit anybody while being totally invisible by the target.


    **Stealth for all classes fixed with that**. I don't think is that difficult to see.


    But i will be honest with you, this will not be implemented because it would need to make many changes in the game. So i'm just sharing this idea although i'm sure it is not possible.

  15. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > Let's hope the infusion doesn't required tens of thousands of gold to make or an RNG drop that might as well not exist.


    > Ofc it will, and ofc it will lol

    The grinding part of this game is there so players keep returning for months even with no new content been provided. I am sure the future will only bring much more grind than we have now, it is easy engagement.


  16. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > Stealing mechanics from another profession seems more like a mesmer kind of thing than a thief, no?

    > >

    > > I'd say that mesmer is more about copying than stealing. Steal is supposed to imply a loss on the target that's been stolen from.

    > >

    > I can see that, too.

    It makes sense. Like when you successfully steal all the skills enter in cooldown and you gain all those skills. I like that idea.


    Could it be applied to core Steal? Like if the thief steal successfully one random skill on the target goes into full cooldown?


  17. > @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

    > Marauder and divinity is now a tanky build?


    > I thought that was just a generic DPS build... just not a full on Zerky glass DPS build.


    > 2.6 isnt 4k either, so I do feel I was justified in what I said in stating that you require far more than the Press 1 collect 4k.


    > If you drop that SoS for more Ferocity your armour will also suffer.. then you are that much closer to being glassy.


    Look you win, Soulbeast is fine.



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