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Posts posted by anduriell.6280

  1. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

    > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > > @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

    > > > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > > > so it is anet's fault that APPLE gave up on an industry standard (opengl) and decided to introduce a homebrewn cpu (to make more money and don't have to share with others)? Get a grib on reality.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Apple sells overprized low quality junk. If you bought it, ask yourself about the wisdom of your decision.

    > > > >

    > > > > Macbook Air M1 would like to have a word with you.

    > > >

    > > > it can talk to my hand. The hand pushing it back into the dumpster fire where it belongs. Apple is a great marketing machine, but their products aren't even half as good as they try to tell people.

    > >

    > > I'd be curious if you have ever taken the time to use Mac and get to know it, or if this is simply your opinion formed without having used a Mac in the last decade or so.


    > b) I really recommend Apple fanbois to search for Rossman's repair videos on youtube. Macbooks are are really badly designed. Pretty one the outside, cheap on the inside.


    The video about the liquid metal was super funny thou...


  2. > @"Dadnir.5038" said


    > When a balance issue with a common point happen 3 time in a row, it's time to admit that this point (here, the runeset) might be the prime culprit.


    I would say trapper runes expose the issue with stealth.

    Stealth needs to be fixed so it’s a balanced mechanic, then this runes will not need to be changed.


    Anything with access to stealth causes an enormous amount of balance problems, so better fix stealth.

  3. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > Thieves are the apex predator of small scale and Roaming, that's their niche, that's their role.

    > Either accept it or join them and play Thief too.


    > No guarantees yu will do well on Thief though, usually those Thieves giving people alot of problems are ones which have been playing Thieves for very very very long time.


    > Similarly, a Thief is utter dogdoodoo when it comes to Zerg combat and they instantly explode, even Frontline "dps Staff DD" builds are extremely fragile in Zerg combat.


    Thief is the most forgiving class in game, too many “instaSaved” buttons with stealth, evades and teleports.

    Also does an immense damage burst.


    I agree PvP balance should be applied to wvw, it would make a healthier gamemode.

  4. > @"Pepsi.3610" said:

    > Hello everyone,

    > For xmas I decided to buy a new gaming laptop: Asus Rog Strix G15 with GPU RTX2060, and CPU i7 10th generation, I mean, a really great PC for its specs.


    Just sharing my experiences :

    * laptops are a pretty weak machines when we talk about CPUs, because of power consumption and thermals.

    * I7 2.6ghz is slow in comparison to what you get in a PC. The 5ghz hyperboost will not be noticeable for games. Ina desktop I run 5.2ghz in all cores stable in a i7 9th generation. I have seen 10th gen reach 5.6ghz stable.

    * laptop 2060rtx is a 20% slower by design than the desktop counterpart which is not good to start with. Also ASUS is known to under clock their machines to keep the thermals down.


    TLDR: a “gaming laptop” is not a gaming pc, its overpriced computer you use when you cant play on a desktop because travelling, so don't expect an amazing performance.


    Now, yes GW2 is badly optimized and you can not get over 30fps in busy maps even with the latest most powerful hardware.

    As other said lag is usually because an slow internet connection.

  5. > @"memausz.7264" said:

    > If you want to keep your Mac, learn how to dual boot Windows 10 on it. It's time to follow some consecutive steps, my friends.


    > But if you have a weak Mac.... yeah, time to get a PC.

    Well I don’t think the game would run in a macbook air with integrated graphics anyway...


  6. > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > Dear ArenaNet, please consider writing an official guide on how to allow MAC users to play GW2 in order to give players at least the chance to enjoy the game they paid for. Nobody is going to refund me my 80 Euros I have spent for the ultimate bundle 4 months ago and I don't think it's reasonable that someone has to spend all that money to see the game client sink all of a sudden.

    It took me 3 seconds in google...



    After install GW2 and play happily ever after. I don't think is Anet position to teach you how to use your computer.

  7. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > Its a pretty stupid comparison to take a build doing big power damage AND "passive" condi damage, and compare it to a build that ONLY does "passive" condi damage. Like....... really?

    Condi builds can use Viper or Grieving and use power weapons as well for high output damage, the guard build use power weapons . Additionally condi builds usually does not apply only one condition, Am i Correct? So if cleanses can work on OWP any cleanse only can remove 2 stacks at once of the unlimited you can have on you.


    You see how ridiculous sounds trying to defend what everybody is saying is broken in any PvP?


    **Anet can decide to keep nerfing the condi applications in all the skills in game and get the Ranger treatment (from 3s to 1s 66% duration reduction)**, power creep the cleanses in game or apply this design.


    I think my suggestion is the most sensible and efficient:

    * You still can apply the bursts as needed. Just keep an eye for the cleanses. No need to rework any skill.

    * Your auto attack damage will still tick as nobody will like to waste a cleanse for 1 or 2 seconds immunity.

    * The design does not need a massive rework of the skills and traits in game.

    * The design is future proof. It doesn't matter the future condition durations or burst, cleansing them will have the same effect.


    Indeed Anet can decide to do nothing but that will not solve this glaring issue.

  8. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > The damage has already been done. If you get a 8s poison on you, you've already received the damage, it just has a delayed arrival. It's not doing any "new" damage, you've already received it.


    > It's like saying that you can't dodge Pulmonary Impact, because it has a delayed arrival. No, you dodge the skill that applied the Pulmonary Impact.


    > The damage per-tick is also proportionally lower than power attacks, it's the total from all ticks that adds up to being comparable. A power attack does 5k damage up front, a condi attack does 1k damage per second for 5s = 5k damage. The condition attack doesn't magically do more damage just because it happens over a period of time. Both of them do 5k.


    I get your point but still you see the damage like "it is already done" when is not the case. The examples i gave you are exactly that case: You get hit once with the rapidfire and then you get the full damage of the channel overtime. Damage which also stacks with other Rapid Fires.


    Think Soulbeast get OWP as passive now and every attack triggers the skill but instead ticking once ticks 4 times. 4 seconds is well below average duration. 1K damage is about 2 burning from a Dire set like this one, which you will keep at least 2 stacks of burning on you at all times against this build.


    In sPvP



    I use burning as example but the same happens with torment and confusion and many other builds. 1K bleeds can be achieved very easy in a condi build where you will need just 3 bleeds to achieve that. It is very easy to get constant ticks well over 1K for just moving around or the auto attacks.


    > [One Wolf Pack ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/One_Wolf_Pack) well the condi version would be instead ticking once it would tick for the next 4 seconds and staking with following attacks. The current 1K damage tick is well within low side of the bleeds damage you may get from almost any condi build.


    **If you don't think a passive OWP for the soulbeast is fine why should it be ticking conditions.**


    > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > If you cleanse 10 stacks of burn, few moments later you have another 10, you cleanse them too, next skill or just autoattack spam will give you another solid stack.

    > This is the real problem, too easy to spam and apply with zero drawbacks.

    Exactly my point, as such to have a buff (let's say the same icon as the condition but in blue) when you get a condition cleansed so the same condition can not be applied for some seconds (depending on the stacks) would be the perfect solution. It is the same problem for any other condition in game.


    You cleansing a condi burst would be the same effect as reflecting a seven shot but overtime. You would be immune to those conditions for some time. You cleansing 2 stacks would not have the same effect as cleansing 10.

  9. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > Sorry, but that's nonsense.


    > You've chosen a skill that does multiple hits, and compared it to an imaginary skill that does 1 hit. Why not compare it to Mighty Blow or Eviscerate?


    > Why not compare it to another skill that has multiple hits? Like a ranger trap, sword of justice, plaguelands, caltrops etc etc etc Those don't just hit once and dump all their damage up front, they need to hit multiple times to give the full efffect. Exactly the same as rapid-fire, you can eat the first hit of those and dodge the rest, mitigating the damage.


    In gave you the perfect example, you get hit once you get the condition ticks for long time. [Caltrops ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Caltrops) will apply 10s bleeds, You get hit once and you will be bleeding for a long time. A [viper nest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Viper%27s_Nest) will poison you for 8 seconds for each hit.

    [igniting Burst](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chapter_2:_Igniting_Burst) will burn you for 5 seconds. [Grasping Dead](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grasping_Dead) will apply 12 seconds of bleeding. Autoattacks like [blood Curse](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blood_Curse) will stack 5s bleeds every 1/2 second.


    With such long durations is very easy to stack any amount of ticking conditions which can not keep cleansing. **So unless all classes cleanses all conditions with dodges the mechanic is OP for PvP modes and needs to be fixed**.


    As I said: **the easiest is to give a buff which blocks any new incoming conditions for short time when actively cleansed. So if you cleansed burning you will be safe from new incoming burns for some seconds** And use the stack system to make the buff longer will be positive for balance as it would reward the player for cleansing the condition bursts. The skill ceiling will be higher as condi builds currently are very forgiving with sets like Trailblazers and Dire in WvW and Rabid and Carrion in sPvP, and after this they will need to be careful when to apply the burst. Hey the same as power builds needs to keep an eye for immunities.


    **And this magically would fix the perma-stun lockdowns as after breaking stun you would get 1 second of immunity to react.**


    I would set the limit for this buff duration of 5s by condition in sPvP and 10s by condition in wvw.


  10. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > Condition damage is dodgeable. Condition damage is blockable.


    > Guardian throws a torch? You can block it. Scourge throws a Shade? You can dodge it. Rev throws some mace skills? You can blind it.


    > Oh, you mean that you can't dodge it _after_ it has already hit you? You mean...... exactly the same as power skills?

    Your example is flawled i will give you the power version of the condi.


    A ranger shoot a [Rapid Fire](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rapid_Fire) agaisnt you. Currently you get hit once but can dodge, block or LoS the rest and mitigate some damage, 1K total damage, it's fine.


    **The condition version would be if the ranger hit you once and you get the full damage of the rapid fire overtime, unblockable and undodgeable.**


    [One Wolf Pack ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/One_Wolf_Pack) i see a lot of crying about this skill, well the condi version would be instead ticking once it would tick for the next 4 seconds. The current 1K damage tick is well within low side of the bleeds damage you may get from almost any condi build.


    And now you say "cleanses" and i say: Ranger Longbow auto attack is now the new Rapid Fire which only needs to hit you once and you get damage overtime. As you can see an amazing mechanic which power damage would need to benefit from as well.




  11. ##Happy Rabbit.

    This happy bunnies are a special breed of white rabbits. No domesticated due to it's dietary restrictions still they love to be hugged and holded by other animals or sentient races.

    Of appearance similar to the cute white rabbit, same white but a little bit less fluffy and more scrawny, probably due to the lack of propper sustent as this race struggles to find food due to it's kindness and loving traits. .


    _Pet Skills_:


    * _Kiss_ CD 1s . The rabbit jumps to give an small kiss in the cheek of the foe as a proof of affection. Unfortunately it always lands first with it's teeth which always manage to keep a chunk of meat causing damage and some bleeds (1 stack 3 seconds ). This may get bonus damage against Asuras.

    * _Hug_ 10s. The pet uses all it's strength to leap to the target's neck ( leap 1200 ) to be wear as an scarf to protect against the cold, but because of the hidden talons in the paws it scratches the foe in its entirety causing medium damage and also poisoning the target (2 stacks 4 seconds). Again this may get bonus against asuras.

    * _Happiness_ CD 30s. So excited of having new friends the rabbit wants to play with them, entering in a frenzy (breaks stun) while playing with the foes in the area hopping from one to another ( combo finisher whirl ) . Unfortunately due to the sharp hidden teeth, fangs, talons and spikes the rabbit does high damage (x5) to all of them making them bleed ( X5 1 bleed 3 seconds ) and poisoning them ( x5 1 stack 4 seconds )


    _Beast Ability F2_


    * _Lunch Time_ (40s CD). The ranger signals the Rabbit it's the lunch time. This makes the pet focus (breaks stun) and during a short time (10s) the rabbit get additional power and condition damage (+25%) also because of the power of happiness will be faster ( Quickness 5s ) as so much love giving has made it very hungry .Additionally every time it happens to unfortunately do some damage it will heal the rabbit


    _Soulbeast abilitites_

    * _Hug_ 20s. The ranger jumps (leap 1200) to hug the target. Unfortunately the weapon land first causing damage and bleeds.

    * _Happiness_ CD 40s . The ranger gets into a sudden ecstasy of happiness and hop between foes (x5) to share it's feelings with them. This feelings are so exciting which can break stun. Unfortunately because the ranger has the weapons drawn it causes damage and bleeds and poison to the new friends .


    _Happy rabbit Behaviour and Mechanics_

    The Happy rabbit or like it is known by the common folk land piranha, shares the stats with the [Drakes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Drake). The mechanics are based in the [smokescale ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Juvenile_Smokescale) as the the skills are similar without the Knockdown, the pet is a version of the smokescale which exchanges self-sustain for higher damage.

    Happiness skill is similar to Smokescale's [smoke assault](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Smoke_Assault) being the animation the pet hopping from target to target. In exchange for higher CD, the might stacks and the evade this skill does higher damage and breaks stun.



  12. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > rune needs a rework and not a nerf, traps in general are OK when you use 1 of them, but if you use more then one they become stupid

    > and the rune encourages using several of them....


    DH traps are designed to be used at the same time. However if you can't see the ranger or DH putting down the traps the mechanic of arming lose all sense. Agreed the runes need a rework.

  13. > @"iwatokage.5730" said:

    > Hi everyone, this is my first time posting on the forum.


    > Recently, I've seen some discussion on the forums that rangers are OP and should be weakened.

    > However, I don't think there are any specific OP build details mentioned during the discussion.

    > So I'm going to try to post a build that I think is OP and a video of myself.

    > What kind of build do you guys think is OP?


    Oh my Lord another video of a rangur fighting baddies in the borderlands. You do 1K damage on crits as basic attacks and 5K mauls on crits. You win because they are busy fighting a lord and you are ignored. I want my 25 seconds back (i skipped most of the video as i found it boring)


    There is no OP build for soulbeast, we already had that discussion in the forums. Axe mainhand is a little bit overturned, BeastMastery is too good compared to other traitlines and other bits and pieces in sPvP but nothing is obnoxious (with the exception of Ancient Seeds).

    Your build definitely is not "op".

  14. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > I'd say thief isn't unique in being able to run.


    > Warrior and Soulbeast both have extremely survivable builds that can run fast, endure/evade a lot of damage, and in the Soulbeast example still set up a burst from 1200-1500 range.


    > The complaint about thief isn't legitimate. If you can't keep up against a mobile target then stop chasing them. Focus on the objectives and targets you can kill.

    Well a Warrior or Soulbeast can not reset the fight at will. Or escape 5-10 enemies if they messed up.


    Which i can do as thief. **My backstab missed or i didn't one shot? I teleport or go invisible. I get knocked down? I teleport or go invisible. I can even mount up while being invisible. I don't have any TPs left or access to stealth? I cast [Dagger Storm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dagger_Storm)** .The class is extremely forgiving.



  15. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > Necro got a lot of love in the last two expacs with power-cleave, corruption-cleave and barrier. While Arenanet may be cautious with cleaves and profession-stacking in the future because of Necro, I can imagine Ele getting some kind of AoE-heavy specialization next.

    But the Ele is already a heavy AoE spec. It all depends on the attunement.


    What i would expect for the next expansion is to limit the attunements somehow so they can use only one or two or to replace the attunement system for an energy system.


  16. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > how do u wanna nerf it? Put down the damage? Then its like bleeding, just with shorter duration.


    Easy enough: **You cleanse one type of condition you get a buff which block the reapplication of the same condition for some time**. It could be based in the stacks, so status conditions (no intensity stacking) would only have the buff for 1s.

    Damaging conditions with intensity stacking could get 1s by stack with a high cap of some seconds let's say 10. So if you get 12 burns and you cleanse you get a buff for the next 10s which blocks any new burnings incoming.


    This can be applied to the whole game, PvE would not be impacted. No need to fiddle with conditions in the different game modes, it would self balance itself.

    10s buff too strong? let's nerf it to 5s. The important thing is to be able to have time to restore the cleanses, unless the condi damage become dodgeage, limited by current LoS, blockable by aegis and blocks, the design is simply too oppressive with current mechanics.

  17. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > This comment may explain your shortcomings i advise you to read it.

    > >

    > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > > And most people don't understand the counter profession/build system.

    > > >

    > > > If you are a power oneshot mesmer with 16k hp and you keep going against thieves and losing you cannot go cry on the forum how broken thief is because simply counters your profession and build.

    > > >

    > > > Same as thief going against sic'em rangers all day. You can't complain.


    > Which is great that you agree with it, seeing how it also applies to your complaints followed by your ridiculous ""rework"" idea you keep reposting. :mrgreen:


    That doesn't address stealth being completely broken, **when you need to buy bundles from the wvw vendor to fight the mechanic** because nothing in game is good enough there is clearly a big problem.

  18. > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > Hes leaving out the part where fb's are becoming semi rare in wvw because well theyre kitten to play, even amongst commanding players.


    Kids don't want to play FB because of bags, support does not give them. It wasn't a problem with Druid because nobody wanted rangers anyway but now is a problem. And all that while FB at least is able to do some tagging.

  19. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

    > > > > Lotus training still doesn't work as finisher, even tho bounding dodger was fixed.

    > > >

    > > > You are in combat when trying to get it to proc right?

    > >

    > > That should not be of any relevance, i can blast stealth even while i'm not in combat, this skills should behave the same. Isn't it?


    > It says so on the skill ingame tho

    > Under distance traveled you got Combat Only tag.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Impaling_Lotus#WvW.2CPvP

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Impaling_Lotus


    ah you are correct indeed. As i said i don't play with that trait and with so many labels it is confusing.

    Then maybe that is the case for the OP

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