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Posts posted by anduriell.6280

  1. > @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

    > > @"Galmac.4680" said:

    > > More mount speed would be nice, perhaps only in own regions.

    > > Perhaps something like a third dodge.

    > > And with the first attack perhaps hitting more than one target (what currently looks really really weird when attacking these white ambient creatures)

    > >

    > Wouldn't it be nice if the dismount could kill downed player as well?


    > Lel.



    I think this idea would be fantastic. Something to spend those extra mastery points.

  2. > @"Vombs.5917" said:

    > **Core:**

    > [stalker’s Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stalker%27s_Strike) - Range increased to **550**. ( [Off-Hand Training](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Off-Hand_Training) )

    > [Predator's Onslaught](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Predator%27s_Onslaught) - _Only activates while in combat_. Swapping pets teleports you to your pets location. **[15s ICD]**

    > **Druid:**

    > [Celestial Avatar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celestial_Avatar) - Activation threshold & duration removed. Celestial Avatar abilities consume astral force. Cool down decreased to **15** seconds.

    > [Glyph of Unity](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Unity) - Outside Celestial Avatar Tether yourself to allies & take **33%** of their incoming damage.

    > (Inside Celestial Avatar Tether yourself to allies & heal allies **33%** of incoming self-healing)

    > [Druidic Clarity](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Druidic_Clarity) - Transfers **2** conditions from allies to pet on entrance. Exiting _copies_ **3** conditions from pet to foes. (**360** radius)

    > [Celestial Shadow](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celestial_Shadow) - Grants quickness **(3s)** to allies on entrance. Exiting grants protection **(3s)** to allies. (**360** radius)

    > **Soulbeast:**

    > [Vulture Stance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vulture_Stance) - Grants regeneration instead of might.

    > [bear Stance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bear_Stance) - Conditions removed per interval decreased to **1**.

    > [Live Fast](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Live_Fast) - Activates off pets **F2** beast ability. Beast abilities remove **2** boons.



    I love them all.

    [Live Fast](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Live_Fast) by the description should already activate for F2 beast abilities thou.



  3. > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > Dear ArenaNet,

    > I really want to bring to your attention this valid claim of mine because as a male GW2 player I feel there is a lack of good male major characters and obviously good male dragons.

    > You killed off Trahearne and Vlast in two expansions giving me no chance to dive deep into these two characters and I feel there is a lack of male representation among the NPC.

    > If the commander can come back to life then it's valid to claim that both the NPCs I have mentioned above can come back to life and I, as a commander, feel the need to rescue them from oblivion.

    > Please stop killing off major male characters and add some variety by bringing back my sylvari bro and poor Vlast who sacrificed himself to save the commander.

    > I don't understand why only Aurene, Glint's daughter, should be the only good elder dragon in this game, it's just not right.


    > Regards

    Trahearne should return to help us all, i did like the character.

  4. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > LOL what condi-guard build is hitting for 10k power?


    > Go on, link the build.

    One with Grieving my point is not if the build is playable or not for low skilled, my point is it is possible to do as much damage in power as condi. And condition damage is something you can not keep removing constantly.


    We talked about this comparing condi damage to ticks from One Wolf Pack.


    My point is Anet does not need to nerf the condi damage, just add a buff so when a condition is cleansed that specific condition can not be re-applied for short time.



  5. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > And do you know how that "passive" damage happens?


    > Right, the guardian has to hit you 3 times, and that triggers 1 stack of burning which will do a total (not per-tick, total) damage of roughly 1500-2000.


    > Do you think doing 1500-2000 for hitting an opponent 3 times is too much?


    > How much damage will a spellbreaker, or any other class, do with 3 hits? In many cases its more than 1500-2000.


    > Your argument basically comes down to "I think its unfair that guardians do damage when they hit me". Yikes.


    Guardian already did 10K with the 3 hits and additionally you get the burning stack for 2K which can not dodge, block or evade.

  6. > @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

    > > @"BadSanta.6527" said:

    > > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

    > > > > axe is not overtuned. it has very little capability of defense and deals less dmg than longbow and gs.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Axe reachs 4k autos in a tanky build and Winter’s bite deals as much damage as the maul ins a AoE at 900 range with chilled and weakness. Split blade can delete glass builds if you hit with the 5 blades.

    > > >

    > > > It is a overtunned, it needs the might removed from the autos and the Winter’s bite an slower projectile and more visible.

    > > >

    > > > That single weapon alone carries tanky ranger builds.

    > >

    > > lol 4 k auto ? tanky build ? comon man that fake news


    > Its 4k auto with 25 vuln stacks on target **and** 25 might **and** sic em active **whilst** merged with a dps pet...


    > maybe on a good day. when the stars align.


    > I dont know what their definition of tanky is - apparently it just means taking the WS traitline, but still in zerk gear with scholar runes. LUL.


    > good grief the level of disingenuous deception at play on this forum is almost criminal.


    This right now in the pvp lobby. **With no vulns just the might i build from using the autos and the heal**. Only with autos i can maintain easy 12 stacks of might. One heal to copy boons and i'm capped already. And i said sPvP is better more balanced, this in WvW would get easy almost 4K .

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/5Sxl2sT.jpg "")


    This build, I am pretty sure you can tweak it so you could squeezy a bit more without losing the self-sustain. Exchanging SoS for the SoW would be a possibility (no invuln in exchange for an immob)



    Winter's bite does roughly double the damage so 5K in a tanky build at 900 range 5 foes AoE . In WvW i've seen up to 10K to 5 targets AoE + chilled + weakness.


    In my opinion the reason is the constant and easy might the axe gives. Remove that and give some bleeds and the weapon should be fine. An slower Winter's bite would be positive as it is big attack with multiple effects.




  7. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > War/ranger/holo/scrapper/ele/rev and roaming guard can all easily escape 10 people. Also they can actually take a fair few hits too while thief cant really.

    Maybe in NA that is the case i don't know. In EU if you get in the middle as melee range of those 10 peeps you will have very little chance of successfully escape unless there is a tower close by. Assuming they also have a ranger/thief/mesmer.


    Unless you are thief simply because of the invisibility on demand. Discussing this further is a no sense.


  8. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > If it does get fixed, I rather it be a 100% chance Projectile Finisher instead.


    > It fires off 3 projectiles, would be pretty nice in a field.

    Let me get this straight, [Lotus training](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lotus_Training) is an on dodge skill which thief has 3 plus fast access to easily refill the endurance bar.

    Thief also has plenty of access to smoke fields.


    > [@"Yasai.3549" said:](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/90649/lead-the-wind-projectile-combos-become-unblockable#latest)

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > Which will reveal the ranger with the first impact. What's your point?

    > Who cares if it reveals the ranger when yur Rapid Fire has 100% chance to Blind.

    So for thief this is not an issue? Care to explain the difference to me?

  9. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > Stealing mechanics from another profession seems more like a mesmer kind of thing than a thief, no?

    yes it could be a mesmer thing too.

    I thought about it but the reason i pick thief is: i know thief better (i don't have many hours on mesmer) and while mesmer used to have a squad spot thief never had.

    Thinking thieves are masters of shadow magic, becoming the shadow of your target in a sense that they have to fight themselves fits thief class perfectly too.


    Also this is the only way i can think of to change how the thief plays, because of the polarizing design of the class (it is designed to go all in or not) i couldn't think in any way we could have an spec which would not be the same stuff as the previous ones.


    This one brings anything you need with the limitation you need to fight that class at some point to be able to steal their skills.


    Weapon could be the focus a weapon focused on team support. Why not scepter? Thief has pretty good main hand weapons with Sword and Dagger (pistol in the ricochet era was pretty fun too) , and adding a scepter would be a yes or no gamble.


    Focus could bring a team support utilities on #3, #4, #5.

    And utilities no clue. I would say wells but i would like better something new and exciting.










  10. > @"Speedylord.2798" said:

    > Well yes, a laptop and a desktop, gaming or not, are just different things. Desktops are stationary, laptops are more compact and thus mobile, being able to be used when not plugged in.


    > Also please stop putting quotation marks on the "gaming" for gaming laptops, many modern gaming laptops can be faster than most people's gaming desktops so just quit it please.


    > Mini ITX setups are great and compact, but you still cannot get any work done with them when you're in a public place for example. If you're in a business meeting room you're not gonna place a Mini ITX Desktop, keyboard + mouse and monitor on the table. If you're travelling from office to office it can work, but not when you need to do work on the go or when you need to get things done when you simply do not have the space for a setup or do not want to rely on having power sockets and the necessary space available at all times.


    > Although gaming laptops can be bought as a mobile counterpart for their gaming desktop at home, most people actually buy gaming laptops to have the benefit of a regular laptop (mobility and portability/lightweight, off the wall use) while also having a good gaming experience when you're not travelling, which would not be possible on a regular ultrabook but would be on a (gaming) desktop.

    > Gaming laptops are for people who can benefit from the mobile aspect of it, and would need a good laptop anyway but either 1) cannot afford both a good laptop and desktop 2) do not have the space for a desktop setup 3) simply want to have one solution. There are many more reasons why one would want to look into gaming laptops as a solution but these are just to list a few.


    Agreed, my point is buyers should be aware they are not the same thing and they should not expect same performance. If we can agree on that i don't see any need to keep discussing this point.

  11. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > and what about ranger/sb without pet while quite some of its skills/traits are normally benefiting from it

    The pet is a terrible mechanic. What you may want from them is the weapon set (LB/GS) and the utility like stances or survival. None of them use the pet.


    But as i said, you use what you need and then drop it and get back to your thief utilities and mechanics. So while you have the 8s OWP effect on you you may be using an [unload](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unload). This is an example you are pretty capable of saying something like "P/P is trash"....


    necro-> use the wells or shouts, ranged weapons and when needed go back to thief utilities. I don't see any issue with this mechanic it is additive to what you already have. And the good thing is Thief will have always an spot in the squad as multiclass. Not as effective as the real thing yet flexible enough to be whatever is needed to adapt to the squad needs at any moment.


  12. > @"Speedylord.2798" said:

    > I'm not saying mobile CPU's perform as well as desktop CPU's, I am saying that mobile CPU's can still be very powerful in its own right


    > And yes, the mobile RTX 2060 may be 20% lower in performance compared to its desktop counterpart, that doesn't make it a slow GPU. For 1080P gaming,


    > Gaming Laptops will always be more expensive than Gaming Desktops, but the big difference is portability.

    So yeah you agree a "gaming" laptop is not a gaming desktop. When you buy one of those you should be aware of the difference. Those have their use and is when you travel around and don't stay in a place for long. Otherwise i would advise a mini ITX setup which can be pretty portable and connect it to a any TV or monitor.


    A gaming laptop is an accessory for your existing gaming rig, not a replacement.




  13. > @"Solanum.6983" said:

    > I get the frustration but that's what makes Thief a Thief.

    > If you take away keep/tower portal and reduce stealth time/mobility then you end up with a squishy class that can barely help in group fights and has it's roaming potential gutted. It'd need some serious buffs to compensate.


    Agreed, from my point of view stealth is the issue here not the thief. Stealth given to another class (looking at Druid or DH ) shows the lack of counter play against that mechanic.


    **I would not touch mobility or damage from Thief i think is fine for the moment**, i would rework how stealth works so others don't need to buy bundles from the merchant to fight a core mechanic.

  14. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Here is an interesting look at a bit of truth beyond the psychology of these power vs. condi debacles:


    > Imagine how much more it would kitten people off, if Maul & WI dealt the same exact damage that they did now, but it happened over the course of 10 seconds. So I hit a guy with Maul into WI and then he tries to run away, only to watch his health pool disappear over the course of 10s as he teleports away around a corner and completely disengages me, but still goes into downstate. There is something about "Getting away but then still dying" that really triggers people. And as much as some would not want to admit this, it is absolutely 100% true.

    Agreed some peeps think of condi like "damage already done overtime" but they would not consider the same for power damage because that would be outrageous.


    When the Feb balance patch happened all power damage and **sustain** was nerfed but not the condi output and damage. As such Conditions are overtuned at the moment and it should be addressed.


    I don't understand why that concept is that is that difficult to grasp.


  15. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > 4k AA with tanky build? Anything less than full glass zerker stats as base won't even get close to 800 dmg on a light armor golem...let alone 4k, where do you get these numbers? WvW? Surely not in PvP..if not there would be hundreds of axe/axe rangers right now and in WvW anyway....I am pretty sure those numbers come from some meme build that play hide and seek close to a tower

    Although PvP is better balanced Axe mainhand in a soulbeast does much more than that i a tanky build. You do 800 on no-crits with no might but you build up that quickly because of the bouncing axes. Removing Might from autos and to give it any bleeds ( as others suggested ) would fix that weapon easy and fast while keeping the hybrid nature. The Axe#3 slower projectile and some visual cue would be also very welcome, after all is a hard hitting ranged skill and instead nerfing the damage i would preffer to balance on the visuals.


    > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > I won't go and claim that ranger is not a competitive class right now, while not being a MAT pick or zerg worthy, the class is still luckily plenty capable for small fights...but there are other specs in the same spectrum as ranger right now with equally abusive builds that deserver as much in terms of nerfs.

    Agreed, but i don't think we have the same specifics in mind. Axe needs some light touches. Soulbeast needs some light touches on the multipliers as well, the trait Furious Strength is a direct upgrade over core, you don't need to be in beast mode to enjoy that extra 7%. BeastMastery is a "too good to avoid" traitline because of the crazy amount of extra stats which benefit DPS and Sustain, while forcing core to equip it is you want a half-functional pets. BeastMastery does bring enough by itself with the extra 10% damage and the CD reductions, the stats and speed should be baseline to all pets.


    Ï'm not saying Ranger has an obnoxious build, but if other classes are nerfed and those points aren't addressed it will be noticeable.


    > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > When it comes to WvW balance..**there is not a single class I would spare from the nerf hammer** with condi signet core necro as first on my list of things to hard nerf followed by Condi herald...and yeah we'd reach boonbeast eventually but I would pretty much bring the end times in WvW if left to me.....

    > Do not believe even for a single moment that whatever you're playing doesn't need nerfs

    **I wholeheartedly agree with you**. I'm an advocate of hammer nerf in general for WvW.

    **Something as simple is to apply and keep the sPvP balance for WvW would be very positive for that gamemode**. Simpler for the balance team to keep just one balance, and we all get to enjoy a healthier balance.


  16. > @"Sylvia.4870" said:

    > Even if the Thief can do a lot of damage, the Thief doesn't have much toughness. It is not strange that the Thief is light. Too many ''Instasaved'' buttons with stealth, evasiveness and teleportation? **With1 Healing skill slot, 3 Utility skill slots, 1 Elite skill slot and 5 weapon skil slots**? I don't think so. One or a few wrong moves, the Thief will fall down.

    So the the same as everybody else. Armor rating has the same as any other medium armor class (engineer and ranger) . Add to that no cooldown on weapon skills, easy access to stealth and teleports and there you have the "i'm saved" buttons.


    At any point i can make myself invisible and then watch the enemy play a guessing game.




  17. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > There is someone on nec forum asking for nerfs.


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/117932/necro-deserves-a-solid-nerf-especially-reaper-in-pvp-and-especially-wvw#latest


    > the person seems to be a noob ranger complaining about necromancer


    I wouldn't go that far, any ranger main knows they are a hard counter against necros. This seems more like a multiclass learning the ropes and learning ranger is not as easy as it seems in sPvP.

  18. > @"Sylvia.4870" said:

    > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > >

    > > He plays necro now so.....he'll ask for nerfs on anything that soft couter his new main....so if you're **a thief or ranger** get ready to be bombarded with nerf threads by @"anduriell.6280" .


    > lol Oh dear.

    I don't know where those wild speculations are coming from.. lol

  19. > @"XerMeLL.6042" said:


    > how about we nerf the ranger and delete the thief class.


    Thief needs balancing too, mostly about how stealth works, which would also fix Druid’s access to stealth


    If i’m playing now with thief doesn’t mean i haven't played thousands of hours on the ranger and that I do play with it from time to time.

  20. > @"bigo.9037" said:

    > axe is not overtuned. it has very little capability of defense and deals less dmg than longbow and gs.



    Axe reachs 4k autos in a tanky build and Winter’s bite deals as much damage as the maul ins a AoE at 900 range with chilled and weakness. Split blade can delete glass builds if you hit with the 5 blades.


    It is a overtunned, it needs the might removed from the autos and the Winter’s bite an slower projectile and more visible.


    That single weapon alone carries tanky ranger builds.

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