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Posts posted by MadBomber.3719

  1. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"tom.4051" said:

    > > PvE players have been pandered to since day 1.

    > > WvW players have been ignored and neglected since day 1.

    > > So what do you expect to happen when entitled PvE players are preventing WvW players from playing the only game mode they play in this game!


    > PvE is the only reason this game is still alive and making money.

    > WvW players get ignored because their favorite game mode is by all reasoning.. a failure, a waste of Anets time and resources to support because only a minority actually play it regularly.

    > You want WvW to get more attention from Anet then you need WvW to get more popular.. and that's never going to happen unless the majority PvE playerbase start playing WvW.

    > That's the sad reality of WvW.. either the game mode remains underpopulated and a waste of Anet's time to support.. or it becomes populated and you have to deal with queues.


    Perhaps it's a failure and underpopulated because it was abandoned for like 3 years by anet? pretty much up until HoT there was no new content, HoT we got a pve map in desert bl in which people still dont like playing on, that's almost 4 years of no content from anet. would you still be playing if anet failed to provide content for 4 years for your gamemode? It's a failure as a result from Anet's lack of support for this gamemode. WvW and GW2's combat system is why many of us still play this game, there's still nothing else like it.

  2. > @"Xenon.4537" said:

    > This is why the wvw game mode is "dead" or dying. The hardcore wvw players make "taggless" squads, or invite-only because they don't want "rally bots" following them. This attitude has been around since 2012. I was in a dedicated wvw guild back then. I remember how those people felt about "fairweathers" and pve players. They look down on you with disdain and contempt. It's an "us vs them" mentality and over the years it just alienates people. It's like walking into a biker bar when you aren't a member of the local biker gang.


    > The game mode would be in a much healthier state today if people were less standoffish about builds and gear. Maybe point people to resources or just give them advice instead of treating them like a disease to keep out of your precious squad. I mean for crying out loud its Stonemist, not Dhuum CM. Who cares if a few randos follow you.


    so it's alright to be exclusive in Dhuum CM? but not alright in WvW? i highly doubt you let randos into your Dhuum CM group with bad builds or classes not optimal to your raid. what gives your PVE raid more entitlement to be exclusive than a guild in WvW? there's elitists in pve just as there are in WvW...

  3. > @"PrinceKhaled.5104" said:


    > 1- Do you think WvW is not friendly for new players ? (please don't get confused with these under-skilled/skill-capped players that has been playing this game for years)

    WvW has never really been friendly to new players. Experienced guilds usually don't want to spend to effort to train new players.


    > 2- What happened to multiple guilds running 20 to 25 players closed raid? Why is everyone blobbing these days? Even those should be skilled guilds..... they are fat now!

    Guilds run fatter and fatter to counter the blobbing and nuthugging these days. Yes that means more people nuthug to fight bigger guilds but it's always been like that too.


    > 3- Is WvW GW2 turned into Range Wars (Revs and Necros, with couple weavers)? What happened to damage from warriors, old school damage guardians etc?

    Radiance guard at the end of HoT was definitely fun. With WoD nerf, melee pushes are definitely a lot more viable.


    > 4- I heard people complaining about _stealth and pulls_ meta, should we factor this in as a "no fun"?

    Being able to blast stealth out of someone's vision for like 13 seconds is pretty lame.


    > 5- Back in the day, no one cared about which tier they are in as long as they get fun fights. Unfortunately that's not the case anymore and numbers/blobbing seems to matter a lot. Since the linking system is regulated by a crappy system, it is more of a luck whether you get linked with good server or not. Anet thinks they got it all sorted our since they have so-called _valid statists and numbers_ . How do you think Anet can fix this? Ignore the fact that Alliances is coming out soon, because you never know!


    Blobbing as always been a thing, it's just been worse recently because at least on NA, people decided they wanted to "train" for alliances. 3-4 guilds on one map for one server. map queues or nothing.nothing anet can really do other than lower the cap on maps, but that means more queues



  4. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"TheDevilWithinU.7092" said:

    > > On EU nobody is really worth mentioning. Every time they have come to NA they've gotten waxed. On NA though I would say [Caed] by far. They've been undefeated since 2014 and still kicking. [KEK] would definitely be right behind them though. :)

    > >

    > > Edit: Both guilds on Fort Aspenwood currently


    > yea i clearly remember when the "best" NA guild came over to EU to fight TA (team aggression) and got mobbed. i watched most of the fights and it was pathetic, NA necros running into the crowd of ppl watching and still getting dumped


    > NA used to play lots of single target focus while EU just ran in a melee ball and NA wasnt able to focus single ppl out and just got destroyed, not sure which guild it was but they were supposed to be NAs "allstar" fighting guild ppl.


    > that was some years ago i guess, but tbh there is no real gvg scene anymore, most if the best ppl just left the game and those would probably reck all of todays "best" guilds if they where still playing and up to date.


    > stating that NA was always better than EU is a stretch tho


    you mean that USA guild? lol you do realize it was just random pugs, not even "all stars". congrats to EU for beating a pug guild. take what you can get i guess. NA has beaten both of your best guilds in TA and Ash. in case you forgot

  5. watch videos from players of good guilds. see how they play and use their class. recording your own gameplay is also a great way to learn, find someone who can review it and give you advice. may sound kinda "hardcore" but honestly recording footage is one of the best ways to learn. look up builds if you actually want to be effective, dont run w/e you want. Join a dedicated WvW guild that can teach you.


    easiest class rn, probably scourge or rev. you have to watch your positioning though. Firebrand isnt hard but you need to be able to manage your cooldowns.

  6. There will always be a gap of more hardcore players and casuals. I think the main issue at least for NA, is that there just aren't many experienced good drivers left. the playerbase has gone casual everyone just blobs, no groups want to fight alone. the "GvG Scene" is more lifeless than it has ever been. Whatever is left of the hardcore veteran playerbase basically stacked into 2-3 guilds, not that this is a new thing, players have always stacked guilds; but with the playerbase already depleted it creates an even bigger gap in skill level.

  7. > @"Raven.1524" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > > @"Raven.1524" said:

    > > > > @"misterman.1530" said:

    > > > > Not a matchup thread, just a simple question: what happened? Was there an exodus? People left the server?

    > > >

    > > > They are not a blob anymore and have no skills as a server to win fights without a big group :3 (grabs popcorn for angry comments incoming)

    > >

    > > lol and what amazingly skilled server do you come from?


    > Skilled? Lol, I'm from SBI we are just a bunch of drunken people screaming and laughing on teamspeak.


    youre from SBI and talking about another server having no skills to win fights without a big group? lol ok

    funny cause last time we were matched up with SBI and your kaineig alliance you all couldnt even get a positive KD against our dying server



  8. mag is dead. people can continue to say mag is tanking so they can farm kd or that mag is a t1 server but if you have been on mag recently you'd know how dead it actually is, especially these last two weeks. we have zero coverage outside of NA, being closed and having no link has really hurt the server. We have no queues and barely can queue EBG anymore during NA prime. Even KEK was able to get on EBG both raids last week. that would never have been possible in the past

  9. > @"Raven.1524" said:

    > > @"misterman.1530" said:

    > > Not a matchup thread, just a simple question: what happened? Was there an exodus? People left the server?


    > They are not a blob anymore and have no skills as a server to win fights without a big group :3 (grabs popcorn for angry comments incoming)


    lol and what amazingly skilled server do you come from?

  10. SOS did this to themselves after years of discouraging more hardcore fight focused guilds to prioritize a casual/ carebear attitude server. That's why you don't see really any guilds wanting to go to SOS despite their ability to stay in higher tiers. As much as they want people to "have fun" theyve actually done more harm. And that's why SOS is in the state that they are in.


  11. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > > I find it funny that when Mag is fighting BG, all they talk about is how BG sits behind siege in their T3 structures and avoids fights. But when other servers are fighting BG, suddenly BG is a good fight server and has a high KDR because they are out farming the other servers. So I'm curious, which is it?

    > >

    > > Both. Mag was the only server before the recent dethroning that kept a high kdr v BG. BG has had a consistently positive kdr as well v every server.


    > So BG is a good fight server, except when they face Mag, then all they do is hide in T3 structures? I guess all the BG players sitting on siege this week is just a figment of my imagination.


    I never claimed BG was a good fight server, just that they have maintained good KD. and idk if you saw my edited post but they also have more players than any other server.

  12. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > I find it funny that when Mag is fighting BG, all they talk about is how BG sits behind siege in their T3 structures and avoids fights. But when other servers are fighting BG, suddenly BG is a good fight server and has a high KDR because they are out farming the other servers. So I'm curious, which is it?


    Both. Mag was the only server before the recent dethroning that kept a high kdr v BG. Mag was also the last server to dethrone BG like a year ago. BG has had a consistently positive kdr as well v every server. but they also have more people and better coverage than every other server

  13. > @"JordanPaul.1439" said:


    > The guilds left on mag are tired of what maguuma has become and have either left the game, run tagless or rarely play.


    > Solution: delete ebg or make 3 ebg maps.


    the guilds run tagless so they dont have 20 pugs following them. not every guild likes to run 50 man squads

  14. > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

    > It seems like Mag kinda stops showing up after Monday as well. This week SBI is out in force, but Mag has been hit and miss off of EB. The weekend was amazing, but yesterday it was slooooow.


    SBI? we arent even in the same tier. none of the mag guilds raid on the weekend. KEK, WaR and TBT raided last night

  15. when people say guilds left, the only guild that's left mag in like the last 6 months is SoX... it's was KEK PYRO CTH for a while mag actually got more guilds in TBT EZ WaR. the issue is we really have nothing outside of NA. the only off hour we have is Riddle's guild WE who has like 15 people is about it.

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