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Posts posted by MadBomber.3719

  1. UPDATE: ran repair twice yesterday and deleted my gw2 cache. i did not experience any FPS drops last night. I did not turn off GPU OC. hopefully i have fixed my issue. *knock on wood* For those dropping frames try deleting your gw2 cache. Ofc its only been one night, will update if problems persist.


    While I was going through the folders to delete the cache i noticed this https://imgur.com/ebbWkz9

    this cant be normal


  2. > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > > > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > > > SOS is a carebear server, has been for years. you all dodge when Mag is in the matchup. lets be real

    > > >

    > > > Hmm says a server that tanked to get away from BG cannot remember them winning many skirmishes ,prove me wrong but dont go to far back in history

    > >

    > > since when has mag cared about skirmishes. literally mean nothing. thought it was funny how TSYM changed their schedule to raid at 4pm and ended raid right when NA prime started :p


    > Mag care about blob pirate ship and claim the kdr and only run when they have omni blob numbers ,no skill to spam 1


    you have a guild that runs 50 man squads and is still recruiting. you really gonna call out mag for blob numbers and no skill? LOL

    lemme quote Coron Bale

    "TSYM is all for making SoS stronger, more coordinated, and big enough to beat the BG Corp super Zerg. The difference is how we go about it. Within a month or two we will be able to queue a map ourselves. "

  3. > @"cobbah.3102" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > SOS is a carebear server, has been for years. you all dodge when Mag is in the matchup. lets be real


    > Hmm says a server that tanked to get away from BG cannot remember them winning many skirmishes ,prove me wrong but dont go to far back in history


    since when has mag cared about skirmishes. literally mean nothing. thought it was funny how TSYM changed their schedule to raid at 4pm and ended raid right when NA prime started :p UNBREAKABLE

  4. > @"Xruptor.3965" said:

    > > @"Armour.3412" said:

    > > JQ black out got rid of the good guilds and left the server with all the toxic junk. Moving here you can have little to no expectations, as the same majority who started the black out will do the same as soon as they get slapped again in higher tiers.

    > >

    > > Do yourself a favour and don't waste the gems moving there. FA or SOS are solid choices.


    > So literally every guild that held JQ together left the server?


    SF OnS CALM FLUX still there... what good guilds left? only good guild that left was borp

  5. > @"Leamas.5803" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > i dont want to hear "get a better PC" i dont have these issues in other games. the only other game is GTA 5 but that game has a known issue of not liking GPU overclocks (works fine with no OC)

    > > anet fix your game


    > GW2 is also known to dislike over clocking. I had to down clock the video card on my old machine in order to stabilize the game. The machine works fine for everything else. It was in a sticky post related to crashing on the old board. Not sure if that posting came across to the new board. That said, I think these current frame rate issues are more related to the server than the client-side hardware setup since when it happens it tends to affect an entire instance, or at least groups in the vicinity of each other.


    I will try turning off OC completely tonight but so many people having same issue and probably havent OC'd their GPU, so im doubtful thats the issue. people are telling me to clear gw2 cache so i will try that as well

  6. reposting from another thread:

    ive been getting massive frame drops to where the game is unplayable (5 fps) even in non intensive gameplay like running around wvw (not in a fight), and i have to restart the game. this happens almost nightly and it's getting really annoying. Ive tried turning off shadowplay (havent had it on for the last 2 months), turning graphics to best performance (low everything), i dont have arc dps. sometimes the game will recover after a few minutes other times it becomes completely unplayable.


    i7 7700k OC'd @ 5.1ghz


    32gb RAM

    game is on SSD


    i dont want to hear "get a better PC" i dont have these issues in other games. the only other game is GTA 5 but that game has a known issue of not liking GPU overclocks (works fine with no OC)

    anet fix your game

  7. for those saying "get a better PC" It's not a "get a better PC" issue, ive been getting massive frame drops to where the game is unplayable (5 fps) even in non intensive gameplay like running around wvw (not in a fight), and i have to restart the game. this happens almost nightly and it's getting really annoying. Ive tried turning off shadowplay, turning graphics to best performance (low everything), (i dont have arc dps)


    i7 7700k OC'd @ 5.1ghz


    32gb RAM

    game is on SSD


    i dont want to hear "get a better PC" i dont have these issues in other games

    anet fix your game

  8. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


    > We aren't specifically. While, we're not planning to have a GvG queue, I'm hoping once we get an appropriate map for 10v10 or 15v15 into custom arenas, we'll be able to have an occasional GvG special tournament. But it takes a while to get maps made and I want to get Swiss style tournaments in first. Also, 15v15 may need some UI adjustments.


    > Even then, I expect a lot of people will be unhappy, as a large segment of those who want GvG want the WvW rule set. Currently, custom arenas and tournaments are only sPvP ruleset.


    wouldnt it be easier just to instance OS?

  9. > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > > > > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > > > > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > > > > > You appear to have no actual understanding of anyone's motivations.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > T1 for example communities are not tanking to avoid T1. They organized as a community, to minimize playtime as a server, in order to get their closed servers to open up and unlock.

    > > > >

    > > > > Mag tank to get out of T1, many on SOS have stated they are trying to tank out of T1, many on other servers have said they tank to avoid BG in T1.

    > > >

    > > > So you are claiming to be intricately imbedded in each of these servers communities?

    > > >

    > > > To convince a reasonable person that you have that kind of time, you must demonstrate that you are perpetually unemployed, or dishonest in your claims of knowledge of thousands of players acrss multiple servers motivations.

    > >

    > > so where did you get your knowledge of thousands of player's motivations? you seem to know it all.

    > >

    > > Right now the only closed servers are JQ, Mag, BG. JQ is the only server whos come out and said they want to open (since theyve been closed for at least half a year).


    > I only claim to speak for my experience on my server. The rest of my argument was that anyone claiming to speak for others s dishonest. Do you disagree?


    > I dislike when posters lie and claim to speak for others in order to try to give false weight of an entire community to their point. Do you agree it is reasonable to hold posters to the standard of speaking for themselves and allowing others to speak for themselves?


    you were the one who claimed everyone was tanking so they could open and not to avoid T1 and told me i didnt have an understanding. you clearly have no idea what people want either. like i said JQ is the only one whos come out and said they are actively tanking to try to open. while i do not speak for all of maguuma i believe the majority do not want to open, honestly we didnt even want a link after DR. BG obviously is not tanking.

  10. > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > > > You appear to have no actual understanding of anyone's motivations.

    > > >

    > > > T1 for example communities are not tanking to avoid T1. They organized as a community, to minimize playtime as a server, in order to get their closed servers to open up and unlock.

    > >

    > > Mag tank to get out of T1, many on SOS have stated they are trying to tank out of T1, many on other servers have said they tank to avoid BG in T1.


    > So you are claiming to be intricately imbedded in each of these servers communities?


    > To convince a reasonable person that you have that kind of time, you must demonstrate that you are perpetually unemployed, or dishonest in your claims of knowledge of thousands of players acrss multiple servers motivations.


    so where did you get your knowledge of thousands of player's motivations? you seem to know it all.


    Right now the only closed servers are JQ, Mag, BG. JQ is the only server whos come out and said they want to open (since theyve been closed for at least half a year).

  11. > @"Malerian.8435" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > > @"Malerian.8435" said:

    > > > You just need to evolve or play something else. WvW will never be as great as it once was. A lot of PvE type people are now playing WvW as some of the more popular classes are super easy to play and require very minimal skill to play. That is the way it is in most PvE content, and that is what Anet makes the most money off of. So figure a way out to outsmart these new players and their easy mode classes. Were there is a will, there is a way.

    > > >

    > > > But coming on the forums and complaining about it helps nobody.

    > >

    > > your post helps no one either but ok. no one here was talking about skill ceiling/ playstyle being the issue.

    > >


    > Well actually you were. But that's ok you seem a little upset and unable to understand what you actually wrote. Maybe rte-read your statement regarding being a major guild... Like you think your guild is better than others. So there you are talking about skill. It's ok to be mad sometimes. Maybe instead of complaining about stuff you evolve and become better than you were before. But no let's complain to Anet cause I do not like the way things are...


    im super hurt right now. please quote where i mentioned it was an issue. this thread was meant to be a call to action to Anet. im genuinely curious where you took it to be complaining about skill and trashtalking other guilds


    where did i say my guild is better?? i havent even mentioned what guild im in?? what you are you talking about??

  12. > @"Malerian.8435" said:

    > You just need to evolve or play something else. WvW will never be as great as it once was. A lot of PvE type people are now playing WvW as some of the more popular classes are super easy to play and require very minimal skill to play. That is the way it is in most PvE content, and that is what Anet makes the most money off of. So figure a way out to outsmart these new players and their easy mode classes. Were there is a will, there is a way.


    > But coming on the forums and complaining about it helps nobody.


    your post helps no one either but ok. no one here was talking about skill ceiling/ playstyle being the issue.


  13. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


    > I don't see evidence that the "current state" is anything different from previous "current states" in which people declared that the end was nigh. As long as there are people who like ZvZ or roaming, there will be competitive WvW. And no matter how good it gets, people will keep leaving, too.


    although you arent wrong, that mindset is probably why anet continues to neglect wvw. "people still playing everything is fine!"

    so at what point do you draw the line and say things arent ok? my point is how many guilds/ players will have to stop playing before it really is too late?



  14. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > The game is five years old. It would be amazing if there weren't dozens of guilds leaving the game, burnt-out players, or anything other than a gradual decrease in participation in the game mode that has changed the least. People simply can't sustain interest for that long. Interests change, real life intervenes, and newer, shinier things distract us. It takes a lot of work to counteract the social entropy: for guilds to remain, they have to work hard to invigorate veterans with challenges and attract fresh blood.


    > So it's almost meaningless to say that participation is declining or that guilds are leaving WvW. It's annoying, frustrating, and potentially depressing, but it's also a fact of gaming that people move on.


    all true. guilds/ players will leave the game naturally as the game gets older in age but you cant deny the fact that the current state of WvW isnt having an affect on the recent exodus of guilds.

  15. > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > You appear to have no actual understanding of anyone's motivations.


    > T1 for example communities are not tanking to avoid T1. They organized as a community, to minimize playtime as a server, in order to get their closed servers to open up and unlock.


    Thats only JQ afaik. but please tell me more. Mag and BG are the only other closed servers (unless API is totally wrong) and mag doesnt want to open. please get an understanding yourself before you tell others to

  16. Ever hear that song "Blowing in the Wind" by Bob Dylan? here are some lyrics I have severely butchered


    Yes, and how many years can a gamemode sustain

    Before it sustain no more?

    Yes, and how many years can some guilds exist

    Before they all leave the game?

    Yes, and how many times can anet turn it's head

    And pretend that everything is fine?


    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind

    The answer is blowin' in the wind.


    the point is... 3 major NA WvW guilds have left the game in the last 2 months a 4th is about to go on haitus from the game in the coming week. if anet doesnt act quickly more and more guilds will leave. fights are becoming stale to non-existent. linkings and current matchups are not working. everyone is tanking to avoid T1, other servers are blacking out to open up. things are mess right now. No one knows the direction of where anet is taking WvW. can we get a statement, AMA, anything at this point from anet?? nothing was answered at the last AMA. PVP seems to be having some fruitful discussions lately, i hope the wvw team consider doing something similar. please send help.

  17. GvG tournaments have never been beneficial to the scene, as fun as they sound, they've always results in burnout and guilds disbanding. The last GvG tournament NA had, resulted in at least 5-6 guilds disbanding. I was in one of those guilds, by the end of it most of the people didn't even want to play anymore. Last thing we need now is more guilds leaving the game and burning out.

  18. > @"Invalidist.6872" said:

    > So a few years ago before HoT came out, I was fully invested in GW2. I was apart of a very highly skilled zerg busting and passionate GvG group called Syndictive on SoS. We were well known for what we were capable of and logging on and playing was never boring. We always were out looking for fights to be had and constant improvement in our skills. Fast forward to when HoT came out and elite classes became available, those that didn't or couldn't pay for the expansion were at a significant disadvantage compared to those that forked out the money. This caused most of our guild to split. Those that were unhappy with the new imbalance in both WvW and our limited GvG scene at the time ended up leaving the game for Archeage when it came out, including our main driver and guild leader, Fallen. And that was basically that. Since then, I've logged on and walked around anything that wasn't EB and saw that it was basically abandoned on a T1 server. Since then I haven't logged on in at least two years. Now a new expansion has come out and there is always a part of me that remembers the fun I had back before HoT and I wanted to know if things had changed since then. Are there still highly skilled highly competitive guilds out there? A GvG scene? An active community? Is there a good enough reason for me to buy the new expansion and give the game another chance?


    Although there are a few guilds that still GvG (eM,, DIE, RISE, RED, BAN, PRX), the scene is not as competitive nor anywhere close to alive as it once was. For the last 2 years or so it's mainly been like 2-3 guilds GvGing. There was a small revival in the summer where guilds like Hymn, GS, and Agg came back but it died pretty quickly and all 3 guilds have disbanded. For the last year or so it was pretty much only KEK and Borp GvGing. Most the gvg players you know have either left the game or joined guilds like KEK where they mainly just raid and mess around. Although they have recently gone on haitus due to the state of wvw and the holidays. PYRO is back too but they dont GvG and only raid once or twice a week.

    If you are looking only to hardcore GvG, I'd probably say it's not worth coming back. Open field fights can still be fun but it's either super pirateship or scourge stacking. There really is no point going full tryhard at this point as you'll just burn out instantly and there isnt much competition worth tryharding IMO.


    This is mainly for NA. I hear EU is still pretty active if you are able to play EU timezones but will need someone from EU to confirm that. could be totally wrong

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