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Posts posted by MadBomber.3719

  1. it wont change anything. You'll still get one sided matchups and people will still complain. a T4 server matched with BG or another T1 server isnt gonna make them magically have more people or play any more. In fact you actually have less incentive to try because ppt becomes obsolete


    can people stop saying servers are tanking? what server is tanking? i assume most people are referring to mag? if people actually did some research, theyd know mag basically has nothing outside of NA. their 2 main NA guilds (PYRO and KEK) raid twice a week, they have no pugmanders and without a link they certainly dont have the coverage to be in T1. could mag try a bit harder on the ppt? sure, but not having coverage doesnt mean youre tanking. and for those saying mag tanks to get "easier fights" iirc last time they were in T1 they still had a KDR over 1; neck and neck with BG so... theyve had a higher kdr than any other server thats been in T1 in the last year outside of BG. T1 isnt exactly harder fights..

  2. > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > @"style.6173" said:

    > > There are a lot of people who think they are fight guilds. Really they are just bag guilds. Essentially what happens is that some servers to play to win. They only fight when they have the advantage. The bag guilds then say they want to drop to find better fights. Rinse and repeat.


    > This perfectly describes those kinds of “fight” guilds lol It’s sad. and to address the topic, I don’t know why people tank. Maybe its because theyre mediocre in life and happy to be mediocre in video games too.


    can i get a list of these "fight" guilds

  3. > @"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > > @"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:

    > > > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > > > i swear half the people that post here only play EBG.

    > > >

    > > > Yeah, cause we're in a thread about MAG xD. Literally take SMC and they all stop playing. 100+ queue on EBG dead everywhere else.

    > >

    > > idk it was pretty lit on blue bl last night ;)


    > Yeah, KEK is the only one though and you guys dont raid often. MAG doesnt have alot of guilds but its your pugs that attached to EBG.


    yea it's mainly because all our guilds run tagless, so the only place they might find a tag is ebg.

  4. > @"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > i swear half the people that post here only play EBG.


    > Yeah, cause we're in a thread about MAG xD. Literally take SMC and they all stop playing. 100+ queue on EBG dead everywhere else.


    idk it was pretty lit on blue bl last night ;)

  5. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > honestly theres been more fights with HoD and SBI in T3 than there was in T2 the week before with TC and NSP. part of that thanks to mal's alliance. T2 isnt anything special unless you get FA or YB in the match up


    > More fights with HoD, you're kidding right?

    > Sbi only because of tw/ons/iv mostly, and they'll be t2 next week.

    > T4 is CD and DB, enjoy the easy bags I guess.




    not saying T4 wont be boring just saying T2 is only good if you get a good matchup. if you get stuck with TC and NSP its just as boring as T4. and HoD had a pretty big group last night on blue bl

  6. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > it is nice being able to raid without 30 pugs trying to follow us. still happens just not as much like when we were linked with DR. i think the issue of pugs isnt necessarily purging its the fact mag has no pugmanders and all the guilds run private. so they all sit in ebg afk cause theres nothing for them to do. thats why everyone says "mag only plays ebg." With SBI taking SMC this week, the pugs have no where to afk, they arent playing as much and we are losing


    > Well it's also the fact that mag has spent all those years purging with ridicule the ppt players pugs, ppt guilds, and pugmanders off it, as the ppt players are the ones that will actively go to other maps to cap stuff. We're losing because no one cares about keeping homebl, most guilds and commanders sure don't, so why would a pug.


    > The server conditioned itself to be a fight server, can't really complain now when people want to sit in the map with the most action most times. Yeah you can raid now without pugs, but you're going to do it in t4 not t2, and if you tell me there's no difference there... then smh.


    honestly theres been more fights with HoD and SBI in T3 than there was in T2 the week before with TC and NSP. part of that thanks to mal's alliance. T2 isnt anything special unless you get FA or YB in the match up


  7. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > Not much point purging a server at this point.

    > Not unless you really only want maps to yourself fighting low end players and guilds, looking for the easy fights.

    > When alliances roll around mag will be no more and you'll be surrounded with pugs again anyways, if not more than before.

    > Might as well enjoy what's left.


    it is nice being able to raid without 30 pugs trying to follow us. still happens just not as much like when we were linked with DR. i think the issue of pugs isnt necessarily purging its the fact mag has no pugmanders and all the guilds run private. so they all sit in ebg afk cause theres nothing for them to do. thats why everyone says "mag only plays ebg." With SBI taking SMC this week, the pugs have no where to afk, they arent playing as much and we are losing

  8. > @"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:

    > You have no idea, what I'm thinking. You can't possibly understand. Way beyond your concept of thinking.


    Mal is 20 metas ahead in thinking. rollsafe.jpg

  9. > @"mantisboxer.9608" said:

    >Mag will get farmed just like anyone else without a link, just like World Elite did this morning before rage quitting. Literally yesterday they would have farmed sbi. Today they got farmed.


    mag has had the highest kdr in every matchup theyve been in, hasnt been close. how does that equate to getting farmed?? the only server that might have higher kdr is BG but it's usually pretty close.



  10. >Successive downed states weaken a character further. Each downed state inflicts one point of downed penalty, reducing downed health by 25% per point. Downed penalty lasts for one minute and stacks by intensity. Holding four points of downed penalty (100% health loss) will instantly defeat a player.


    probably this ^ make sure you repair when you die

  11. > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > Please make transfusion Necro mainstream meta for wvw. So much easier to hundred blades downed peeps when necros stack them nice and tight. :)


    it's pretty meta in NA.


    as for OP either play support guard and MI people or play transfuse necro

  12. i think WvW is still fun for the most part. Depends if you are EU or NA but NA is definitely more casual rn. There really arent any true "hardcore" guilds left on NA. Guilds run bigger and blob more. EU seems to be more competitive, (someone on EU correct me if im wrong) guilds run smaller and are more willing to GvG. (if you are into that).


    IDK for me i basically play for the friends. Raid twice a week and just have fun. maybe when alliances hit things will be more competitive (for NA).there are some nights/ matchups where the fights are just nonexistent.

  13. combat related-

    * positioning is one of the biggest things

    * knowing when to engage/ where to engage

    * being able to bait bombs (positioning/ engages) knowing how to counter certain playstyles

    * predict enemy movement

    * know when to be aggressive and when to be pull back to regroup

    * being able to monitor your squad. cooldowns & health. can you push? or do you need to wait? just because you are full health and have your cooldowns doesnt mean everyone is ready

    * being on comms (obv better than a commander not on comms)

    * overall awareness of surroundings and the map, dont tunnel vision


    i know that list sounds kinda repetitive and everything sounds the same because for the most part everything is comes back to positioning and awareness



  14. > @"Annihilator.2617" said:

    > > @"MadBomber.3719" said:

    > > it's viable for support but firebrand has pretty much replaced it in that role


    > Which is better, to have Firebrand x2 or Firebrand x1 and Tempest x1 in the group? Does the Tempest provide the group with something unique?


    really depends on your group comp/ playstyle but you really dont need tempest. push comp 2 fb, pirate comp 1 fb per party. if you are playing pirate youd rather run weaver for the ranged pressure, if you are playing push comp you want the extra fb for stab. fb may not have the burst heal tempest does but basically serves the same purpose and gives stab


    you can def run tempest, but fb more optimal imo

  15. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > @"Floz.8904" said:

    > > Firstly, the attitude that has been created from the servers who try not to win is ridiculous. Playing a game not to win is beyond me.


    > How you still think you're "playing to win" after months of getting roflstomped is beyond me. The only thing you people have accomplished is becoming BG's most enthusiastic free range chicken farm

    yea im not sure what they are trying to win. not winning in PPT and not winning in KDR. maybe a participation trophy?

  16. There is no incentive to "win." what are we winning? to go to T1 where BG and SOS sit in towers/ keeps and run from fights? Ofc WvW will be stagnant, you are making yourself sit in the same matchup with the same server just so you can bash your head against the wall and not win. What exactly has SOS won last few months? they arent beating BG in ppt and they have the lowest KDR every week so they arent winning on the battlefield either.



  17. considering SOS, TC, NSP are in T1-T2 right now for NA, id say EU would dominate that. If you switched 2 of them out for JQ & Mag, you might get some more even fights. NA is just blobby right now and not as hardcore fight focused as it once was. there just arent any "hardcore" guilds really in NA.

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