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Just a flesh wound.3589

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Posts posted by Just a flesh wound.3589

  1. Here's what they've said recently on the subject. [August, 2017. Reddit GW2 meet and greet](



    >I (the interviewer) asked whether they have even considered adding a new race for PoF. Mike said that no and then added that new races in GW2 are "not impossible but very unlikely" to appear in the future. Implementing them would require a lot of resources that can be spent better on creating new content relevant for all players.




    Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.


  2. > @Panda.1967 said:

    > No... reasoning, inconsistent exchange.


    > 400 gems can currently be exchanged for 72 gold, but requires 106 gold to buy.


    > Fair would be the same exchange rate both directions.


    The price difference is there for two reasons. One is a gold sink. The other is to discourage people from making gold by flipping gems for a profit.




    Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.


  3. They've looked at it and said this about resetting/replaying the Personal story.


    _Q: Why can’t I reset my character’s Personal Story progress?

    A: **The Personal Story was not designed to be replayable. Attempting to adjust a character’s story progress introduces a wide variety of bugs across various content and game systems**. We investigated different solutions for partial and full story resets. In all cases, the changes led to unpredictable results in many different content types, including permanent blocking of story progress._


    [reddit thread](


    [forum thread](https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/Personal-Story-Restoration-update)




    Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.


  4. If you're asking for fewer tomes then you are asking for a reduction in the ones coming from PvP/WvW because PvE only gets you a very few. Since PvP/WvW players use tomes to level chars (seeing as PvP and WvW doesn't give XP) then asking for a reduction hurts your fellow PvP/WvW players. What you should instead be asking for is not a reduction in the number of tomes but more uses for them. For example, more things to get with Spirit Shards or waypoint unlocks (with the understanding that that char will not get map completion rewards or a Gift of Exploration if it unlocks wps with tomes).




    Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.


  5. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > If you can't find a good use for BL salvage kits, you aren't trying very hard.

    > * Do things that accumulate rares (all sorts of content) and salvage with BL kits (instead of selling)

    > * Buy rares for under 25s and salvage those.

    > * Buy exotics that have sigils/runes worth at least as much as the cost -- you're essentially getting free ecto (GW2 Shinies & **GW2 Efficiency both have tools** to make finding such exotics a snap).

    > * Salvage rares for your friends. Give them ~70 ecto per 80 rares and keep the rest. Or offer to recover sigils/runes for your friends.


    I looked on gw2efficiency and didn't see that. Where is the salvaging tool for that app?

  6. Nick might have a [descendant in Fireheart Rise](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Villager_(Havoc_Steppes))


    _Child: Over here. Don't let the grawl see you.

    Player: What's going on?

    Child: My friend Nick said if I brought him some grawl necklaces, he'd trade me for a gift. He said these kinds of scavenger hunts are an old family tradition for him.

    Player: How many have you got so far?

    Child: None. I'm not even sure they have grawl necklaces here. But I'm not giving up until I get at least five, no matter how long it takes._


    If ANet wanted to bring this quest type back that NPC could be established as a descendant of Nick (or a cousin) and could be used.




    Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.


  7. I just saw on another post someone using an emote not in the emote section at the top of each forum post. Checking it out, it's from another list that can be pulled up. Since it was new to me I figured it is new to some others and I thought I'd make a post about it for all as clueless as me. :dizzy:


    So, typing : pulls up a list (and hopefully they'll work when I hit post). :#


    :kissing_blush: kiss with blush

    :cookie: cookie

    :astonished: astonished

    :skull: skull

    :trollface: trollface

    :frown: frown

    :bleep_bloop: bleep bloop

    :warning: warning


    And a bunch of others

  8. > @Cyprien.4208 said:

    > .... I hardly get any. Just the day before yesterday I got one from daily box and I've been waiting for a long time and even used tons of keys before and not got a single one.


    > I could use your luck.


    Which is an argument for those that have extras being able to sell them to other players.




    Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.



    >anet banning say very different . I suggest your read their name ban post on this and you will find out you can be banned for these things .


    Your phrasing is inaccurate. _You_ don't get banned. The name gets banned. When a player makes a name that breaks ToS and gets sanctioned s/he'll log on to find a name change is required to play. Once a new name is chosen the player can log on and play.




    Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.


  10. When the players switched from guild wars to guild wars 2 they left everything behind . All their characters, their titles, the collected armors, weapons, minipets. Inventories full of platinum and items. All left behind because ANet decided they wanted to make a new guild wars and the players were willing to trust ANet and go to the new game. As a reward for years of faithful playing in guild wars, of support for the company over all those years and as a consolation prize for leaving their old accounts behind and switching to a new game they gave the vets of guild wars some mini pets, armor & weapon skins and some titles. They also promised at that time that these items would not be made available from guild wars 2. To ask ANet to make any of these items available to non gw1 players is to ask them to break a promise they made.




    Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.


  11. > @staringcenter.5013 said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > The wiki says it's from another ectoplasm gamble merchant. It will depend if It's account bound or sellable.


    > Hopefully the Lucky Roll item will not be a rare drop. Looking at the loot table for the Lucky Roll the Rune of Holding appears to be the only common item currently listed.


    Well it says it's a common drop (for what that's worth) but if it's account bound and an expensive gamble times the ANet interpretation of the word common, it might not be anywhere near cheap to get.




    Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.



  12. Maybe there's some sort of problem we don't know about. I've read on the WoW forums how their transformation tonics only last a few minutes [(one was a 30 minute transform with a 2 hour cooldown)](http://www.wowhead.com/item=86568/mr-smites-brass-compass) and this game's Watchknight tonic used to be 5 minutes with a 25 minute cooldown. This sort of thing, short durations and cooldowns, makes me wonder if there's an underlying problem with transforms. I know ANet is aware of this as a question about the Watchknight tonic transform had a direct response on Reddit (where else) :/ before its recent change but even then it was only given 15 minutes with no cooldown.

  13. It doesn't log everyone out. I haven't been logged out since the new forum started up. I use an iPad with Safari if that makes a difference so maybe it depends on what you use to read the forum. Maybe state what you use in case it's a bug related to certain devices or browsers.

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