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Posts posted by Dondarrion.2748

  1. > @"Kronos.3695" said:

    > I'm sorry, but I don't get your point: I'm not saying that this is an important and vital feature for the life of the game, but it's still a bug.

    > If during a software life cycle you ignore every little things, your code became a mess over the years :)


    With the current issues at hand with EU servers hardly performing at all, and lots of other bugs in the game, then this would - in my developer backlog - rank as trivial. Yes, they should fix it but there's more pressing matters. There was someone in the community (reddit i think?) who posted they were sad about this because they no longer receive their gw2 birthday present on their IRL birthday, and again, hardly a critical error. Someone even said that person could wait to login one day and still receive the present on their birthday ;)


  2. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > Perhaps make memories of Otter drop more? ... Or make them drop off every boss?


    Yea, seeing as most of the people who already got it did so from exploiting the fact they could multi-loot on several characters after meta was done. So, to speed it up for the rest seeing as this exploit has been patched, at least up the drop rate from the Dominion Tribunes, 3-8, and while you're at it, if the collection is unlocked, maybe also the Cache Keepers after South Meta can have these added to their drop table, e.g. 1-4 there.



  3. > @"Helle.8754" said:

    > > @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

    > > If you choose 'exit to desktop' and it crashes to desktop, does it matter? ;-)

    > >

    > > On topic question however, do you use arcdps, reshade, gw2hook, TaCo or any such "addon"?


    > This also happens when Taco and Arc are not running.


    What about d912pxy, you using that? I know the latest release includes a fix for hang/crash on exit to desktop. Just made me think of this support post, seeing those release notes.

  4. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

    > > > @"Darkbeefy.5729" said:

    > > > Btw... I seriously doubt Anet is even worried about long-term brand damage as they show no sign thus far of even addressing this problem that so many players are enduring. And I dont mean simply fixing it, Anet will not even discuss the issue in forums or any where else.

    > >

    > > Such as this red post to let everyone know that they indeed are aware of it and are trying to figure out what's causing it?

    > >

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues#latest

    > >

    > > Something like this is probably not easy to pinpoint in a massive codebase and could stem from a number of things, and more likely cumulatively over the course of several updates due to some code causing other stuff to lag, etc. And they're probably better debugging it in peace and quiet; they've got enough issues with ongoing circumstances of covid-situation and home offices and then trying to pinpoint this, if they're going to have discussions with us as well about it.

    > >

    > > Let the programmers do their job.

    > >


    > How about the programmers communicate with us on their own forum instead of reddit, tbh.


    Hm, that link is to a red post (dev) here on the official forum. Nothing about reddit in what I said...

  5. It's even a great service they've got tools to actually restore/cancel pending account deletions and/or character deletions.


    Other than doing the same as e.g. BDO and impose a deletion timer when you delete a character, I don't know how many "prompts" you can get before at some point you must take responsibility for going through with a deletion.


    I've deleted characters in the past, but only after carefully considering what I'm getting rid of and being convinced it was something I wanted to do.


    Was there a need to delete your characters AND account to begin with?

  6. Actually, 9 days is not that long if they've indeed put together a team across departments to try and figure out what's causing it. I'm sure they're working on it just as they've told us, so we just have to be patient and hope they can resolve it within timely fashion.


    And by timely fashion, I'm thinking 2 - 4 weeks. The lag - though irritating I'll be the first to admit - is hardly critical. You can play, but with sub-par performance, no one's lives are at stake, it's game... just chill while we let Anet focus on doing the job.


    And I seriously hope Anet are picking up on the massive post / inquiry on Reddit calling for an upgrade to dx11 to improve performance.

  7. > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

    > I'm not sure why it hasn't been changed, or at least reverted to the original one as it's more appropriate for the content we are playing now. If we aren't getting one until Cantha, can we at least select which one we want to use?


    Think it's been answered already but they usually only change character selection screen with each xpac release.

  8. > @"Darkbeefy.5729" said:

    > Btw... I seriously doubt Anet is even worried about long-term brand damage as they show no sign thus far of even addressing this problem that so many players are enduring. And I dont mean simply fixing it, Anet will not even discuss the issue in forums or any where else.


    Such as this red post to let everyone know that they indeed are aware of it and are trying to figure out what's causing it?




    Something like this is probably not easy to pinpoint in a massive codebase and could stem from a number of things, and more likely cumulatively over the course of several updates due to some code causing other stuff to lag, etc. And they're probably better debugging it in peace and quiet; they've got enough issues with ongoing circumstances of covid-situation and home offices and then trying to pinpoint this, if they're going to have discussions with us as well about it.


    Let the programmers do their job.


  9. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > If Anet believes there is enough demand for a new map like you suggest, then I would have no problem with it. My issue is asking for this content in a PvE environment when the modes for this type of gaming already exist in GW2. Could WvW and/or PvP use some extra attention? Perhaps. Only Anet has the metrics to make that determination.


    There will be PvE maps added to an xpac regardless, try to shake off the feeling this is adding PvP content to a PvE environment, my proposal would be a map to fuse elements of PvP/WvW and PvE, not shoehorning some PvP into PvE environment. Rather, hoping that Anet could develop a new "game mode" for one map in the new expansion where there is something like a conflict to be resolved - that could both impact the story but also be influenced by players be part of factions. Of course, it requires a lot of consideration to ensure factions are balanced and players don't manage to manipulate so that like Fort Aspenwood (GW1) on a bad day sees one faction annihilate the other in no time.


  10. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > PvP game mode already exists. It isn't needed in Open World.


    Well, that's your opinion and you're guaranteed to get enough PvE maps regardless... but maybe try to think outside the boundaries of GW2 and hope for something new and exciting too.


    PvP exists in structured and world v world, but it would be nice to have - as part of the xpac - an open world-type map like Fort Aspenwood of old. Imagine a map, where there's 2 opposing factions vying for control. I'm not saying, take a PvE map and make it PvP, I'm saying, when they're creating new maps, they shouldn't be restricted to more of the same we already got. They should challenge themselves and try to add something that can be a fusion of PvE and WvW/PvP.


    Drizzlewood Coast is a semi-WvW map although there's only scripted PvE meta and NPCs on the opposing faction. If they're going for new types of horizontal progression; then 2 factions tied to PvE groupings (e.g. Luxon and Kurzick again, or something entirely new, depending on what we're going to see in Cantha 250+ years later).

  11. Characters I'd like to bring because they're resourceful and it makes some sense.


    * Canach (like his personality)

    * Marjory (to return to the country of birth, and that includes Kasmeer to tag along)

    * Taimi (I guess, for her continued research into dragons plus Asura have probably not yet set foot in Cantha. Only want her along in limited capacity, done with "ingenious discoveries" always leading to the next move)

    * Rox (to replace Rytlock who should really end up by joining Crecia again and stay in the Black Citadel this time)

    * Braham (who ideally dies facing Jormag, and then we can rather take some other Norn with us :P)

    * Sayida (for transport by airship, why take the dangerous seaways when you can fly across)

    * Kito (if the Order of Shadows want to establish themselves in Cantha, Order of Whispers are probably already there and don't need anyone to tag along)

    * Izu Steelshrike (or Fuji Shadowblade as mentioned - anyhow, I'm thinking a return to Canthan shores calls for a Tengu storyline - maybe conjure up some descendant of Silverwing or Honorclaw from last time we saw them 250+ years ago)

  12. That's one way of handling it, the other is that they could offer you tokens of the same sort you got for the 4 different types in Grothmar Valley, so if you got a token for completing the south meta it would open an extra room in the final area where they're putting this ring of chests. So if you have the south meta token, you can unlock this extra room which will have an extra 20 chests (just increase the loot from the 40 chests and cut back on the number of chests... seriously, it's silly. I'd rather they cut back on cache key rewards if they could make me have to intereact with fewer chests...).


    Running around pressing FFFF on all these chests for a bunch of mats, blues and greens, shards, I don't see it as very rewarding doing that on 50+ chests after the meta.


    And while you're at it, can you please cut back on the drop rate of the masterwork/green Medallions... or at least make them salvageable.

  13. Great change incoming!


    Can you also perhaps look into shaving 15 minutes off the meta by the following:


    * If you participated in the south meta, your participation will be remembered and you will get the 36 Dominion Cache Keeper chests (9 x 4, is it?) also at the end. That way, when the final battle at Wolf's Crossing concludes, the meta can resume after 30 seconds to continue pushing north... now there's an artificial 15 minute break while some people go for the cache keepers, but more and more people just hang around on the central bridge at Wolf's Crossing waiting for the North meta.

    * Also, slightly speed up the part where the 3 cannons are shooting the Citadel gate... it's tedious and goes on a bit too long just running between spawning portals that are easily killed anyway.

    * Also... the Ruinbringer... is it working as it should? It's a dumb tank rolling around doing nothing while we have to spend ages killing the two shield generators. Surely there's a lot you can do to make this part of the fight more exciting. Defeat 2 shield generators, then slap the actual tank silly... it's like a sad tank rolling around getting beat up by a huge zerg. The Veteran Shaman mob in the area seems more threatening even...


    Easily a possible 20-25 minutes shaved off with these changes.

  14. Don't think I can narrow it down to just one moment, but several of importance have already been added. But it's something about the writing and the direction they choose to go over and over.


    When something ends on a cliff-hanger you have all these great fan theories in the Lore section and on reddit, and everyone's like, "oh they wouldn't choose option A because that's just obvious / poor and makes little sense", and lo and behold with the next episode, it's actually what happens.


    Exemplified with most recently with "No Quarters"; we've just had Steel and Fire setup this great back story for the Steel Warband and its characters, and woop, all A Song of Ice and Fire-like, they're all killed off in the next episode...

  15. Happened to tune in just to hear some of his thoughts on the game as he continue to level up, and was greeted by 'this game is just awful'... He's on day 4, he's playing unranked with a premade of 4 players and complaining he gets "stream sniped" and destroyed when he repeatedly goes 1v2... this has nothing to do with facing "pvp gods" on the other team, when he does rotate and follow his team he does actually do ok and manages to damage / kill, but it's very evident he's got a lot to learn in pvp still. Sadly, he's on day 4 and already annoyed, so I doubt he'll stay for a long time. Probably be back in ESO in an hour or so... Was nice with the extra publicity he brought for a few days though ;)




    Anyhow, he's getting so angry after a long, tiring stream he suddenly disables chat for anyone but his subscribers because he's getting called out on calling the game awful when it's just him learning and not being able to take a few losses.



  16. * Removal of artificial limitation on light / medium / heavy gear for classes.

    Tie the armor value you get from armor (wrt. rarity) to your profession and let an engineer wear metal if they wish, or a warrior wear cloth or a necro wear a trenchcoat ;)


    * Greatly increased build diversity by means of letting all professions use all weapons... means great number of new weapon skills to be added, but hey, it's an expansion, right?

    (Or if I can't have that, please please let my guardian get a gun (pistol or rifle)! :D)


    * Cantha (but we know that's already coming, but I can't wait to see Jade Sea, Kaineng, Shing Jea again! Kurzicks and their damn Echovald Forest can suck it :P)


  17. > @"MeefChurrito.2793" said:

    > > @"signarokkaos.4035" said:

    > > 15 days you are in the future my man.


    > It's a Sinead O'Connor song. "Nothing Compares 2 U"? Probably her most famous song in the US, in fact.

    > Ah you kids today and your mumble rap.


    Thanks for clearing it up; had just read a joke with the lyrics and the song was on my mind. :)


    Bangar remains ever silent regardless, so back on topic, please fix this Anet.

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