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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. > @Danikat.8537 said:

    > I didn't see the leaks but I love the idea of a griffon mount. I really hope it's true that that one is still coming in some form or other.


    > If spider mounts ever get added to the game I hope it's only as a reskin for another mount, so you don't have to use them **and** that there's a way to avoid seeing other people use them (like the mod for Dragon Age Origins which replaces all the spider models with dogs). I can just about cope with the occasional ranger pet, although I have moved away from the bank or TP because of a spider being right on top of my character or right in front of the camera. And of course I have to fight them (with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled overhead, and using only ranged weapons to keep my distance and tab targeting so I don't have to click on them). But spiders big enough to ride running around everywhere would be horrible. Especially since I can guarantee every town will have a massive norn on an appropriately scaled up spider right on top of the bank. (And one of my guild leaders would likely be one of those massive norn. I accept and even sort-of understand that other people would love this, but it's hard to explain just how horrible it is. Even writing this is making me feel like I need to double check under my desk to make sure there aren't any spiders around.)


    I completely understand Danikat as I feel exactly the same way. Can you believe that someone in the old forums called us **_LIARS_** for feeling this way about spiders? I'm personally dreading seeing spider mounts everywhere. But I'll keep my silence and avoid them as much as possible. I'll even go to another bank if I have to.


    Anyhow, I think I'd like a griffon mount.

  2. > @Ashantara.8731 said:

    > I believe, more than anything, the non-human races deserve "more love" **the most** in the writing: dialogue style, voice acting, typical racial characteristics and cultural behavior -- that sort of thing. Everything else is only cosmetic and doesn't make it less painful to play non-human races.


    As a mostly asura player, I do have a charr and I love him, and I completely agree that that non human races definitely need more love.


    Also, I'm going to go ahead and drop this here. [Charr hairstyles at the bottom of this page](http://purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox "purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox")


    Yeah, some of them are funky, but more variety can't hurt, and is definitely needed with charr and asura.

  3. > @"The Mighty Crossbow.2971" said:

    > Does anyone else think this is given way too often? I think Anet needs to tone down how many they give out if at all any.


    As a PvE only player, I can honestly say they don't drop often enough. I wish I could buy them on the Trading Post.

  4. > @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

    > **Reasons for Another Character Slot**

    > by An Altaholic


    > 1. Key farming

    > 2. Wanting to run a separate build with out having to change armor or Traits or weapons often

    > 3. Visual aesthetic of another race as that class

    > 4. "Building team asura"

    > 5. Want to see if story dialog changes with your race/class/faction of choice

    > 6. Bored with your current nine

    > 7. Did I mention key farming?

    > 8. Extra storage

    > 9. Event or node farmer parked on a map (because I'm not buying that many Malgies)

    > 10. Putting on a fashion show and need models

    > 11. All of the above


    Yes with 11 asura characters out my total 16 character slots, I definitely qualify as "Building Team Asura." :)

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