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nthmetal.9652's Achievements


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  1. it's all Rock-Paper-Scissors :) If you have a condi-heavy enemy, you need a lot of condi-conversion. If you have a high-boon-sustain blob, you need lots of strips / corrupt. Obv if you lack numbers neither is gonna work adequately, but otherwise if you have the right composition you can fight the corresponding enemy.
  2. > @"Handtuch.6503" said: > > So anyone who try to find full status on Gandara is just dumb, simple as that > > because gandara players tried to boycot wvw during the last weeks. Untrue. We had problems with activity all the time last year, especially since summer, best visible in the periods without links, so it's not like this singular event now what was pushed it all. But it shows how tilted the players are. And looking at the mass transfers from WSR / to WSR last year, we're not the only ones.
  3. > @"Zok.4956" said: > > @"nthmetal.9652" said: > > If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. > > What exactely is the "duck" your are seeing? That the "full" and "very high" of Gandara are false and Anet has set Gandara intentionally to "full" because Anet hates Gandara? I don't think "hate" is any factor. I wonder what you're trying to achieve by putting me in that corner. Hate is something that actually takes a lot of effort, consumes and wastes energy, and I don't think this has any room for that. I could speculate, that Gandara is not as economic, as it could ideally be, so opening it up might have no priority - but then again by the amount of players transferring, the transfer costs, the frequency, even such a speculation does not exactly make much sense. It doesn't appear as though the WvW transfers are that much of a notable chunk in the revenue stream, right? So no, I don't know. Maybe it's simply neglect? Maybe I'm completely wrong, and Gandara, despite all the hints we have pointing to the opposite, is actually full and our population just distributes very, veeeery evenly, so that there are never queues (well I am exaggerating here. Of course we sometimes have queues. Very small ones. During primetime, and not during the last weeks - but generally moving even big groups was pretty easy during the last months). And we're just so slightly above the full threshold, that moving between maps 50-man-zergs is indeed easily possibly. Yet somehow we never dip below the "full" threshold anymore, despite guilds transferring off the server and no one new being able to join. And of course our players are all pretty bad, so that we can't win fights. That aspect is very easy to explain generally. There is a lack of commanders (we're not the only server suffering from that), which means a lot of activity is pretty unfocused. And maybe, just maybe, the average Gandaran player is so bad, that even the PPT is bad, right? Bad enough to not make it past T4 when we have no link (but we can make T4 and even T3 when we do have one). But you have to admit, that's a lot of factors that have to combine together to give the picture you imply, namely Gandara being actually a full server which does work exactly as I describe above. Or you take the simple explanation. That we're not full. Or at least that this criterion of being "full" is inadequate for the gamemode. And that doesn't only go for Gandara. Maybe someone could take the time to cross-reference server population history (for example researchable through gw2mists.com) and cross-reference with links and matchup-history (activity, points) from wvwstats. Might give us a better idea on how activity or points and server population might or might not be related and thus remove at least some of bias, we're all prone to have :)
  4. > @"Neukku.5713" said: > Theres a reason your server is full gandara. You can allways hop into bandwagon for easier bags. Yep, we all know the reason. Because this isn't about population balance and surely not about matchup balance.
  5. Yes, I can see that with the tail. And I can also see the effects of Gandara activity and "fullness" for several months now. Not as extreme as in the last few weeks, but no queues, ability to easily transfer whole zergs between borders, etc - that has been a thing for the whole last year. The only times when we could not do that was, when we actually had a linked server. Which makes be believe this is untrue. Also we can see population adjustments pretty quick after transfer of big guilds like KISS or KILL, so the statement above cannot be true.
  6. @"Zok.4956" we will have to simply agree do disagree here then. Maybe you are right and we on Gandara have figured out a secret: How to play a game, without playing a game. Because that's apparently what is happening: A lot of people are playing the game (according to your facts and the combination thereof) without really playing the game (in terms of seeing any kind of result - result not only being measured in score here, but in any kind of thing where population has an impact on the in-game experience). The activity of Gandara is not shown in either PPT score, kills or deaths, it also doesn't show up in queues (as has been confirmed by other people in this thread, whereby a commander is apparently able to move a full zerg between maps without much of an issue - which I personally can confirm. There were no issues moving even a full 50-man-zerg between maps freely, even to home and EB). To which I would say: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. Your experiences seem to differ.
  7. > @"Faolain.2374" said: > Are we even playing the same game? because for second night in a row i've seen their night commander actually waypoint their entire 50 squad, as soon as my 30 squad has come to defend the objective, like actually turn around and waypoint before the fight started. Its clearly called out of linked in chat because they all port together Yes, and in that very same night, the whole zerg has beaten, and has been beaten by enemy zergs. Of course you can port out. Of course you can run. But while having a FULL server, doing so consistently over a whole evening is NOT possible. Doing the same thing over a whole week is even less possible. And as I said before, it is pointless, even if it were. If you could really build a server that is as full as other full servers and can manage to consistently, over a sustained amount of time, port out without causing kills and deaths, this is not a problem, if at the same time that server cannot win any matchups. And as population balance itself is only a means to an end that should not be a reason to keep a server locked and thus prevent guildmates from playing with each other.
  8. Wow, @"Meowmaru.9341" that was quite negative and I don't think Gandara deserves that. I don't think _any_ server deserves that, whether they perform well, or they perform bad. It's simply not everyone's goal to be top of the line, but it is surely not the goal to be bottom of the line. I know, the information we do have available is incomplete, and there is no hard connection between the pieces of information, but that isn't our fault. As Anet is unwilling to create transparency, gw2mists and wvwstats (and similar sites) are the pieces we have, and from that you can draw conclusions. gw2mists tells us, that not many registered players are on Gandara, compared to other servers. We have no reason to believe that the amount of registered players on gw2mists from Gandara is for some reason significantly lower than that of other servers. But of course you can draw that conclusion, despite no evidence given. Now add to that some information from wvwstats: activity as measured in kills+deaths. Especially over the lasts weeks, where Gandara has made its way from T3 to T5 and thus was facing different servers with different populations, the numbers have been consistently low. Lowest of all servers world wide. Now you can, of course, believe that this is, because the whole Gandaran population is especially good at running. They can't kill people, but they also cannot be killed, because they always run away, and somehow they do that way better than everyone else. Were they just bad fighters, they would have low kills, but a lot of deaths. So that must be it, right? I believe that's how you build a conspiracy theory, because what I actually see in game does not match this theory. Gandara players go for fights, they do not overly employ hit-and-run tactics with greater success or "skill" than anyone else. We also see no, to very low queues on borders. Seeing all these facts as unrelated pieces of information that match up "just by chance" and thus would not tell us anything about population - that is how you build a conspiracy theory. But if you accept the facts present as actually being connected they suddenly point to a population problem. And in the end it might not even be relevant, because the **goal of WvW server status should not be to balance population**. Balancing population is not an end to itself, it just a means to and end: Achieving matchups where everyone can have a chance, where everyone can have fun and the possibility to win. Thus opening a server, that's already performing very well is a much bigger problem, than opening a server that's performing pretty bad ...
  9. I am not saying that warrior is now super weak, by the way. You can still achieve many strips, ESPECIALLY if the fights last, if your support is at least okay, if you position correctly. Thanks to the way warrior strips work, thanks to reduced CD on break enchantments, thanks to warrior survivability skills, it is still valuable. The CC skills may be weak in terms of damage, but they are highly disruptive. Support is still okay, especially since you will be able to bring your support even under high pressure. That warrior is high damage is something I cannot confirm. I almost never see warriors in top damage spots, and when I do, they are for the most cases berserkers and are not top consistently as they are very glass cannon. I still see revs up there very consistently. The only thing I am saying is: The bubble, for an elite skill, is too weak. Maybe it should be replaced with something different altogether, something that is worth a 90s CD. Or keep it and lower the CD.
  10. > @"Absurd.2947" said: > I love these changes and I'm a warrior main. Now you need to be more strategic with your bubble instead of just popping 5 and pressing W to roll through smaller groups. It's more an area denial tool like it used to be and should be. Not to mention more room for damage spellbreaker plays, now that you don't have to sit in the enemy group to land a full duration bubble. As an area denial tool it is relatively weak. It's pulses have been halfed, the cooldown is high, it only actually denies area, if you put a lot of additional effort into it (immob / stun targets inside, that for some reason are not able to circumvent a non-moving target) and on top of it, there is a long cast time. So unless you need to block a choke and blocking the choke for 5s is somehow enough this is very situational. Dropping the bubble on openfield fights is almost like a random thing now, thanks to the long cast time. Pinpointing that where it needs to be is going to be hard. To boil it down, the bubble is now like a necromancer well. It pulses for 5s, once every second, hits 5 targets, and strips 1 (or 2 with trait) boons. With a cooldown of 90s. The high cast-time of 1.5s and personal cast area make the bubble hard to place right. Whereas necro well pulses for 5s, once every second, hits 5 targets, deals damage, also hits 5 targets and strips 1 boon. With a cooldown of only 40 (!) seconds. There is no direct trait to make the well boonrip more, but necros have other traits, which enhance their boonrips in general. I'd call that comparable. The necro well can be cast at range! The necro well also only has a cast-time of 0.25 seconds making it easy to place correctly. The bubble area is a bit bigger (but the well is still big enough to hit its targets I think). Maybe I should be comparing the Winds of Disenchantment to Ghastly Breach, but look at all the things breach does. Compare it to the bubble and tell me these things compare well. I think for an elite skill, in comparison the warrior bubble overall as it is now is just too weak. I am aware that there are further differences (like not able to gain boons in bubble, and the missile block - but honestly who uses bubble for the missile block?)
  11. > @"Menzo.2185" said: > Who came up with this dumb idea? > It is the worst idea you could have had. You could nerf the dmg, you could restrict the number of banners/BL, you could have reduced the time from 15 to 10min and you could even have rework all the banners skills. But restrict the usage to the general area around the objective they are spawned in to, is the worst idea of the worst ideas. Why dont u remove it from the game... something that has been around here for 8 years? Sure it is a totally bad idea, that a tactic, which is tied to an objective like all the other tactics, can only be used around that objective. It makes no sense at all. None whatsoever. Yes, the current implementation isn't perfect, as things like the dune roller for example can still be used away from their objective and they make little sense were it otherwise, but then again the dune roller is mostly used against other objectives and less so against players. On the other hand: If banners were allowed to be used all over the map, why not make other tactics also usable all over the map? Wouldn't it be great, if you could designate an area in which chilling fog is to be used instead of working only on the objective it is tied to? Or a supply drop! Less running around! Simply pull the lever and select, where the supply drop shall be applied to! Or the airship from SM. Mmm, so much fun. If you start applying logicals arguments to tactics, please apply the same logical rules to all tactics, not an arbitrary subset. > I HATE IT!!!!!! PLEASE, turn back this decision! Yeah, we can see that. Your agument is mostly based on the fact, that you hate this decision. Not on logical reasoning. Not on the overall design of what tactics were meant for: Protecting and defending an objetive. A specific tower or keep. > **For those who loved this !@#! idea, please go play other games. Stop whining!!! Just dodge! Block! Don't stand in red circle. And please stop trolling Anet by making them believe that the majority of WvW players really want this dumb changes. Mounts are great, Glider too, Desert BL its one of the best maps. I want flying mounts too. Make this possible, think outside the box. For those who hate this great idea: Please go play other games, stop whining. Learn to use the skills of your profession instead of being a dragonbanner main.
  12. You know what is worse? Apparently the game forces me to do PvE, if I wanna make a legendary weapon! (at least those, that I can't straight up buy from TP - and even then, due to efficiency reasons, it's way better to do PvE, if you just wanna buy a legendary)
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