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Posts posted by Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365

  1. > @"smsarasin.3468" said:

    > I would like to see something like they put into OSX on the Mac. If you wiggle your mouse quickly back and forth the mouse pointer quadruples in size briefly and then shrinks back to normal size. Makes it really easy to spot on the screen. :)


    Yeah! It reakky is annoying when you lose your mouse and leaps the wrong direction :´D

  2. > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > Are there addons that do this? Where do I go to find them? I need one badly!!


    > Oh, and plus 1!


    Yeah there are different way but I'm not sure they coutn as 3d party software or not. Dunno what Anets policy on them are so i thought it might be cool if the made their own :D

  3. I dunno about you guys but I tend to lose my cursor every now and then, especially in large and long WvW fights or PvE fights. There are way to get mouse-cursor markers that show where your mouse is already.


    But i thought it'd be cool if gw2 had its own set of them. And maybe themed ones, like simple figures like the forum avatars: quaggans, class symbols etc in the options.


    What you think?

  4. > @Zephyra.4709 said:

    > Fairly neutral regarding this topic but I see it pop up now and again... players have debated in the past that the following would be suitable options regarding _contested_ objective WP's:


    > The WP only becomes contested (inaccessible) if (no particular order, _any one_ option(s) applicable):


    > * Damage is done to the wall/gate (starting at ~3-7%)

    > * Damage is done to objects such as cannons/mortars/oil (starting at ~5-10%)

    > * Use of _siege damage_ on any attackable NPC/object/gate/wall etc

    > * Killing a _player_ within the objective's event radius


    > As it currently stands, merely _tagging_ an NPC/gate etc to proc the contested WP's is a valid tactic; roamers in particular utilise it to cut off enemy forces from approaching sooner than expected.


    You only have to aggro the npcs in order to contst it.


    I feel like the only thing that should contest a keep is siege damage to walls & gates



    also to OP you might wanna change your poll options to more neutral alternatives.

  5. > @Chaith.8256 said:

    > It's like peeing in the wind, when you're moving forward the graphic reaches about one foot in front of your Med-Blaster, the graphic needs to match the skill range for starters.


    > I dunno if it can be made that great, afterall you can just spam it with no restriction, maybe a niche condi removal would be awesome, like anti-burn as guildabd.6529 put


    also make other skills prioritized over the #1 skill. You cant interrupt the channel by eg toss elixir B

  6. > @Teratus.2859 said:

    > Tbh since Stability was changed from duration to stacks I've found the buff to be almost utterly useless..


    > I get stability regularly as one does playing the game but whenever I encounter CC that it cancels out.. most of the time it comes down to something like 4-8 stacks of stability vs 15-25 CC effects.. so no matter what I do the stab is going to get ripped off me in seconds and i'm going to get thrown around by CC..


    > Some enemies simply have too many knock around skills.. or just many of them attack in numbers and have far to much CC between them for stability to be a viable defense against it.


    You can't lose more than one stack of stab every .75 sec. So you're more likely to have your stacks corrupted than having 4-8 stacks removed by ccs

  7. > @Evonet.1632 said:

    > > @Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365 said:

    > > Beign chased down and having a WoD put on you and your zerg isnt that much of a deal, it takes a couple of seconds before you lose all your boons


    > No it doesn't. If 5 players are caught inside the bubble, they instantly lose 6 boons and lose the other 5 (assuming they had all boons in the game) half a second later - So yes, all boons in half a second.


    > An ICD on enchantments collapse would still make the first hit strip 6 boons from 5 ppl, but I guess it wouldn't have much of an impact of 10 or more players. Could still be synergised with other boon strips and make it an uncounterable kill field which should not exist... but I guess it would be better than nothing.


    > My feeling reading this is that many here either don't play medium/large scale or that are yet to face an half decent guild... all pushes into them are literaly WoD + 6x Heated Rebuke + CoR + Met Shower. Death in 1 second with no counterplay (other than, of course, not pushing at all which is the entire point of this discussion). If you are yet to see the WoD+Rebuke+CoR combo, then you are yet to experience the real problem with WoD.




    Want to start off with: I play on EU t1 so yeah ive had my fair share of very good guild groups and large scaled fights. Not that it matters.




    The skill removes 2 boons /sec (3 or more if traited and others are around) This makes my statement very much true.Combined with the fact that the skill only has a 360 radius and not eg the same raidus as meteor shower, in addition to my example (where rather than being face to face with the enemy, you are running away from them) the WoD is much less effective and easier to get out of than some want to make it sound like.


    I do however agree on puting an ICD on either the trait or WoD itself

  8. Beign chased down and having a WoD put on you and your zerg isnt that much of a deal, it takes a couple of seconds before you lose all your boons and by the time the ranged catches up to the warrior to bomb the WoD you've most likely gotten out.

    Where WoD shines the msot is choke fights: a prime example is Stone Mist inner hallways. It is best as a defensive tool and much harder to use during an open field fight. It's much easier to waste in and have all the enemies jsut pass through ti than to time it with the ranged classes and get a bomb off inside the WoD radius.

  9. > @"The Path Finder.3197" said:

    > Haha Oval - seem Gandara likes AG, I try to often drop upgrades for them too. Yeh I do, but you know people/leaders etc not always on same time. I find a forum over time zones better than spamming wvw chat. MUDse <3 - I read on lots of online places big guilds left about 6 months ago, etc, so bit of power vacuum - trying to see who's the main guys on the schene, now, not just the community but who is there to coordinate things with. Then take it from there.


    Hehe ye I kinda like AG - good luck with the recruiting!

  10. > @Chaith.8256 said:

    > > @Arimas.3492 said:

    > > Only thing I dislike about this idea is how bad heat therapy scaling is compared to the Coolant Blasts current effect. Other than that its a cool idea, pun intended.


    > Yup.. 560 healing gives you 15-30 healing per second while cooling. That's a joke. You're cooling down what, half the time?


    Arimas: Yeh the scaling sucks.


    Chaith: Do you mean cooling down half the time you're fighting? Not sure I understand sry :P

  11. I tried to use one of these boxes on my bank guild, on which I havent even claimed a guild hall yet, let alone get any upgrades.

    What happened was that I got a centaur banner out of the box and I consumed the it and it dissapeared. It didn't go into my war chest, nor any of the other guilds' war chest. Just gone.


    Is this intended? If so then there should be a restriction to prevent you from wasting these upgrades if you by any chance is repping the wrong guild ( a guild without upgrades)

  12. I realyl feel like this skill has some lost potentional.


    For example the *above 50 heat* effect really would fit thematically and mechanically if it triggered Heat Therapy every second for 4 seconds. Removing 5 heat. The healing done would be aprox the same and you'd lose 20 heat over its duration.



  13. How long are you supposed to wait for a respons from the support team?

    They gave me instruction on the subject which I followed and now it's been 2 days and I havent heard from them.

    Does it usually take this long?




    after a little scrolling in realise 2 days is nothing compared what some have waited... lol.. im going back in line

  14. The only problem I have at the moment is fluency. For sucha zerky espec with so many restrictions it needs skills which arent hindered by some stupid animation time.

    ESPECIALLY for engineers where we have so little acitve defenses that also allow us to use skills during the active defenses.

    It makes 0 sense to have a glassy melee spec thats locked behind such slow and obvious skill animations. All of the leaps have such clumpsy pre/aftercasts it's insane in a pvp environment.

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