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Posts posted by Ashantara.8731

  1. > @"Farohna.6247" said:

    > I enjoy weapon collections, tedious as they can be


    There are collections that take you places and have a story attached to them - those are fun.


    And then there are those collections we have seen a lot of lately that are mere grinding for materials - that doesn't qualify as "end game content" in my book.

  2. > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > This legendary armory thing better be free... and not a gemstore item that's attached to one toon and you have to buy 20 if you have 20 toons... that would kitten me off so bad.


    Agreed. We've already been let down regarding a proper implementation of a template system. What we got are mere loadouts. You can't permanently save equipment templates (not even via code outside of the game), the build template storage is limited and costly, and the loadouts are costly and even more limited. It's the worst design one could think of. All server-sided, too, so when something breaks your carefully assembled "templates" get messed up for good.


    Bad enough that we are forced to pay for that existing kitten - but if they charge us for the use of a "Legendary Armory" as well, that would be another heavy slap in the face.

  3. > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

    > On the one hand it's good that DRM CMs vary in difficulty but they should also be adequate to the rewards they are tied to, in which case it has to be changed.


    That's true, too, of course. The weapon drop rate is lousy, so that's not an incentive to do them.


    And the fact that you must have finished 1 fire and 1 ice mission to receive the respective buff (which only lasts 1 hour!) in order to be able to farm another mission of the kind for crystals (which you need to craft the other sets) is indeed a bad design. At least make the buff last 12 hours so that you won't have to do unrewarding missions only to receive the buffs for the remaining missions.

  4. > @"DAN.7314" said:

    > I just bought 200 of the new deldrimor supply chests that can drop the volcanic weapon boxes. They cost me 4 thousand tyrian defense seals. I got zero volcanic weapon boxes. I've opened another 50 of these boxes previously and got zero as well.


    > I've opened 250 DRM end chests or more (mostly gold chests from CMs). I've gotten zero volcanic weapon chests from there.


    > I could understand if it was a rare weapon collection with no mastery point tied to it, but this is a STORY achievement with a mastery point! I haven't gotten a single weapon for this collection, and I have played DRMs a ton!


    I only got 2 out of chests, so I had to buy the set. I've played those DRMs daily, 5-7 a day. Never received a single drop from there.


    By the way, "1,000 Gold", as mentioned in the title, is a joke - it costs _a lot_ more than that, easily three times that amount.

  5. > @"TeeracK.3601" said:

    > Right now cause the timer happening in the middle of the escort the timer is really hard to beat simply for not having anyone with a speed buff for the npcs.


    The Heal Firebrand has several ways to buff the NPCs' speed. Shouldn't be an issue. Unless you play without one. ;)


    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > If you’re getting to the boss with only two minutes left on the timer then it’s less about the movement speed of the NPCs and more to do with very low DPS.


    That's true, though.

  6. I assume it must have been related to your system (i.e., OS), its configuration or some program you are using across all of your devices (the antivirus, for instance). There must be a similarity between all of them that was causing it, there is no other explanation as other players did not experience your issue.


    > @"Leamas.5803" said:

    > GW2 appears to now be working properly on all 3 machines.


    Well, good to hear.

  7. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > What am I missing on my Restored Boreal Staff's description that says it is required? I mean i did craft it a LONG time ago, so maybe the change wasn't retroactive, but are you saying that the weapon description should be saying it's used for the illuminated version? i'm not seeing it.


    Okay, so it was shortly after Drizzlewood came out, _after_ the Bjora Marches fiasco (which was about the Boreal weapons). I salvaged all mine back then.


    So they did not changed anything about those retrospectively? :s Ouch.

  8. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > I don't know how you are playing DRMs to feel like you need to be "raid proofed" to play them, but they are super easy, even with basic exotic gear.


    I don't waste time playing the normal version, as then I would have to do them again on another char for the crystals. So I always play them in CM. If you want them to succeed (e.g., Snowden Drifts) you need to know the profession you are playing or else you are letting the rest of your team carry you. (I wasn't talking just about gear, I was mainly talking about builds and rotation.) I also prefer to play them with KP groups if available to ensure success. "Super easy" is not necessarily what I would call them if you have teammates who don't do proper damage or don't know the mission's boss mechanics and constantly die (I've seen that happen, believe it or not).

  9. > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > I somehow have a hard time to even call the last episode an episode.

    > It was exactly like the one before without any story. Just portal to 3 locations and hold the town.


    That's because those weren't episodes but chapters of one episode (Champions). Still, I agree that these mini bits are not what we are used to from previous LW seasons.


    But there is more...


    ## The Icebrood Saga made me delete several characters


    GW2 always prided itself on being alt-friendly. Well, it no longer is, which is why I deleted several characters and retired two others. It was shortly after the Drizzlewood release.




    * Content has become very grindy, including playing through the story. I am a completionist, I've always played through the story with all of my characters and I used to enjoy it. But suddenly being forced to play meta events as lengthy and tedious as Drizzlewood with each single character to progress in the story was just too much and downright boring and exhausting. So I said, "No, thank you."

    * Story content suddenly forced you through tons of group content and "encouraged" you to have all characters raid-proofed. Well, I have some professions that I only play occasionally for fun and diversion. I never took the time to perfect their meta build rotations and class mechanics (e.g., Revenant). Now I am forced to play through group content that requires you to be good at it (as per DPS meters). And on top of that, you have to look for a new group every couple of missions, simply because the DRMs are interrupted by non-DRM story content that you must play through if you want to proceed. That makes it really time-consuming and irritating, so why put up with it needlessly? Exactly. Ergo I deleted professions I had multiple characters of (except for two which I kept for their age) to make my GW2 life less stressful.


    I've even considered to stop playing with all characters and resort to only my main character from now on when it comes to story content. And I might if the devs continue down this road. I think that's a pretty sad testimony for GW2.

  10. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > From my recall, it started prior to the Wintersday patch, so that wasn't what broke it.


    I have observed that more glyphs have become affected over time (for instance the Watchwork Sprockets no longer dropping from the SAB home node and the respective tool producing less in general than prior to the bug). So it's been getting worse since the patch you mentioned.

  11. I've been observing for many weeks now that some Glyphs no longer work (e.g., Glyph of the Scavenger), while others no longer work _on certain nodes_ (e.g., the Glyph of the Watchknight no longer producing Warchwork Sprockets on Baubles home node) or have a majorly reduced rates of producing the additional gathering results.


    Please fix your Glyphs, ANet. Players paid either Gems or gold to get them and now they are having issues (it started approximately in late December or early January after a patch, I don't recall the exact date).

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