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  1. The numbers themselves are good if: - you build for it - you gear for it - your party is on point - your squad actually goes melee - you manage to pull a rotation off - you're not dead It's just an out of wack risk vs reward ratio to for the kind of damage a rev puts out with 2 skills from a 1200 range.
  2. I think you guys aren't getting the value of boon denial from the bubble. I also mentioned that you have to be much more strategic with placing it now. I mean, comparing a well to a bubble...seriously. > @"Nimon.7840" said: > > Also they forgot to nerf warrior damage, which makes warrior one of the strongest melee damage dealers in WvW blob fights right now What?
  3. I love these changes and I'm a warrior main. Now you need to be more strategic with your bubble instead of just popping 5 and pressing W to roll through smaller groups. It's more an area denial tool like it used to be and should be. Not to mention more room for damage spellbreaker plays, now that you don't have to sit in the enemy group to land a full duration bubble.
  4. Those two have different roles, you take core guards and revs for the coordinated spike and a weaver or two for the sustained pressure and cc. Completely different things.
  5. It never left the meta. You just don't need more than 2 in squad, since you can't really coordinate a weaver spike.
  6. Truth is that every game needs a class, build, damage type, whatever that allows the below average person to play and feel good about themselves. What would happen if they actually nerfed that absolutely ridiculous kit that rangers have access to? Half of an already minuscule WvW playerbase would just stop playing. You need to balance around the baddies, that's why you have dire condi builds, rangers and whatnot.
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