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Posts posted by Alatar.7364

  1. > @"Katelynn.6593" said:

    > > @"jungsowon.2074" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > @"jungsowon.2074" said:

    > > > > Desire: Tomes of Knowledge!

    > > > > Server: NA

    > > > >

    > > > > New-ish player and I just wanna level my Mesmer so I can be extra helpful during HP trains! <3

    > > >

    > > > Those are account bound you need to play wvw or spvp that award them.

    > >

    > > kitten... Just pretend you do not see it ?️


    > Since you asked for a desire that nobody can fulfill, would OP be mad if you made a new desire that is actually something people are able to get you?


    It can be edited in such cases.

  2. I am not sure if this has been reported before, I did a quick search of the Bug section and did not find such report though.


    The trait _Trickster_ in a _**Trickery**_ trait-line on a Thief profession does not reduce the count recharge of _**Scorpion's Wire**_ utility ammunition skill, it only reduces the "re-use"_(that is from 1 sec ICD to 3/4 ICD)_ yet normally reduces the CD of other Trick-category skills.

    For comparison; the Warriors trait _Vigorous Shouts_ reduces the count recharge of all of Warriors ammunition shout skills, so since those are both **ammo** utility skills I can only assume that in case of the Thief's Scorpion's Wire the functionality of _**Trickster**_ trait is likely bugged.

  3. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > I've never been good at thief but I've been trying out the dagger/pistol daredevil build and it literally does like 2k at most unless you land a backstab. And landing a backstab with this next to impossible, at least in a 1v1.


    > On top of that, nearly everything seems to instantly cleanse blinds. I watched some video showing off the build and the seemed to imply that you just do a few autos in pistol 5, cast a heartseeker, and you're good to go. But blinds never last and my autos do like 200 damage. So I mean, what is the point of playing this when I could play on rev and have more sustain and do 5 times as much damage?


    > I don't understand why thief requires literally perfect play to be efficient or watching every single cast for perfect timing when nearly every other profession has a build that can perform the same role but twice as easy?


    > The only build I think is total bull is the sword/dagger build because thieves just use it to spam teleport. But even that does little to no damage unless you time your evades just right.


    > I'm always out of initiative, my abilities never land, my blind never lasts, my damage when it does land is miniscule, I'm somehow always out of range of steal, and stealth doesn't last long enough to get in position to land a backstab.


    > So, what is my damage at this point? Skill 3 and just shadow shot, headshot and hope that what I'm interrupting is important? Memorize the skill animations of every class and every ability so I know what to head shot? I just don't get why someone would play this for any reason other than shortbow 5, triple dodge, and swiftness.




    Shhhhh, not so loud!!! We do not dare suggest Thief is actually not brutally OP but rather is a noodle plushie that can only and only run! Somebody might hear you keep your voice down!!


    >So I mean, what is the point of playing this when I could play on rev and have more sustain and do 5 times as much damage?


    None, not even joking, definitely do run Rev If you can and if you don't mind leaving Thief.


    >Memorize the skill animations of every class and every ability so I know what to head shot?


    Yes absolutely, thief is the only profession in game that can't afford to face tank or turn his brain off because Thief is the only spec that doesn't have access to stab and prot or at least to high armor or HP. Historically Thief has always relied on knowledge of other professions heavily.


    >I just don't get why someone would play this for any reason other than shortbow 5, triple dodge, and swiftness.


    This **is** the only reason + you can run portal as viable choice, however since Misha played few matches as mes with portal then I think even this part of Thief will get pushed off.


    Anyway, like I said, never dare suggest Thief is not OP bs otherwise all those people playing specs that have 9/10 advantages and only 1 downside will descend on to you about how Thief with its 2/10 advantages *(mobility and evasion when it happens to not be a locked-in frame death sentence)* and 8/10 downsides is the most unfair and broken spec.

  4. PW is a fun paradox.

    It's an unusable trash skill now but considering the amount of stuff it does _(stun, evade)_ then the dmg is fine. If you increased dmg it will instantly be op again, if you remove stun or evade and replace it with more dmg it will be back to trash skill.

    It may be my limited imagination but I think there is nothing you can do to it without making it either OP or trash with no middle ground. Right now in its uselessness it's quite balanced.

  5. > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > Its always the same people that win and they play every single day specially at off hours to abuse the system. I say to limit there wins so other people have a chance at first place


    1th place is earned not given, same as with all games, sports and whatnot.

    If you can't win AT it means better players defeated the worse which is exactly how its supposed to be. Nobody is abusing anything by winning _(unless wintrading, exploiting, etc.)_, if anything those people provide a value by offering opportunity to face someone more experienced and learn from it.


  6. Think you kind off completely ignored the fact that whats an issue about Ranger is 11k Tiger pounces and 10k Bird attacks. Even got one 5k bird AA on me.

    So since Ranger has Maul on 4 second CD _(a moth*******ng 4 second)_ capable of 8k dmg AND two pets that both have separate CD for between 8k - 11k then I am pretty sure that comparing it to glass backstab thief is not exactly fair, not to mention that none of the thief builds you linked are popular or even played because A) No thief build uses Assassin's Signet anymore, B.) It never did use it at the same time as using SoA and C) Staff build

  7. > @"Murshid.9854" said:

    > New thief player here and lately I read a lot about the class more than I play just to learn it and thankfully there is a lot of good material out there to learn from, but I still have 2 question that I need to be clarified regarding stealth and steal.

    > 1- Regarding stealth, does it come from smoke blast/leap combos and utilities only or there is something else?

    > 2- Regarding steal, does the bundle of things I steal from connected to the target or its general bundle? and in PvP I steal from players based on what?


    > Thanks


    1) Read Wiki page on Stealth, there's many sources of Stealth, so no point in just rewriting it here.

    2) In PvP stolen items are always the same single item based on enemy profession. You will always steal Essence Sap from any Rev player or Rev build, you will always steal Mace Head Crack from any Guard player or Guard build, etc. It can roll a random stolen item if stealing on AI like pets or phantasms, but even those have limited poll of items so you won't be able to get every stolen bundle in the game If you hypothetically kept stealing indefinitely.

  8. > @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > I'd like to see the Video.

    > > >

    > > > EDIT: Nevermind, I found it in the Thief subsection for some reason.

    > >

    > > I KNOW right? But if there's any specific profession you'd like me to dig up and compare it to modern footage of said profession on the same or at least similar stats I'm happy to attempt to do so.


    > I don't want to cut in the hype but....you know that @Alatar.7364 have been sarcastic cuz he's a thief's main, right ??........... :#


    About the Video? I wanted to see it and I did accidentally find it in Thief subsection, not much room or reason for sarcasm there =D

  9. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > I'd like to see the Video.

    > >

    > > EDIT: Nevermind, I found it in the Thief subsection for some reason.


    > I KNOW right? But if there's any specific profession you'd like me to dig up and compare it to modern footage of said profession on the same or at least similar stats I'm happy to attempt to do so.


    Ye, Ranger, good luck with that one =D

  10. Rev is still immensely powerful and a full fledged Meta profession/build.

    After the patch the thing that changed is that it's insane dmg is no longer coupled with large healthpool and easy survivability which is only fair. If you think Rev sucks now *(despite the fact it's still the main meta dmg dealer)* then you just got carrier by how easy and op it was before.

  11. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > Whats a +0.5er? Is that where you only join fights that are winning?


    That's when you realize the thief's shit tier dmg is not enough to even be considered a full "+1" and its not just due to current meta.

  12. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > Enough creating mechanics around Revealed and just let Thieves see all stealth characters within 900 range. No need for Revealed whatsoever.


    That's far too much. Imagine you need to spike a teamfight in sPvP and you get auto-revealed from behind two walls because enemy Thief just either ported in or was somehow present, so no more stabby stab for you and your teammates.


    Unless by see _"see all stealthed characters"_ you didn't mean an actual reveal but a visible target that only the thief can see.

  13. > @"Poolboy The Glorious.6091" said:

    > EDIT:

    > Working on my first legendary"Exordium",already finished Gift of Maguuma Mastery,Exitare and Gift of Exordium already is done too.already got most of all crafting materials for Mystic Tribute.

    > Desire:

    > 16/250x Mystic Coins

    > Thank you!!

    > Poolboy The Glorious.6091


    Please Edit your original post instead of making new ones. Your new post _(this one)_ is contradicting the old _(original)_ one and as such might create a bit of confusion if not unwanted action.

    This serves especially as a reminder to future posts; _Please, make only one post and edit it accordingly however as a sidenote **do not** edit it to change your wish_

    Thank you!

  14. Interesting, but I think there should simply be a small period of time when you can't be CCed by any skill after being CCed by a hardCC skill.

    Please note that would make current Rezz Fiesta even more of a problem so probably better address that too at the same time.

  15. > @"Curennos.9307" said:

    > The trait is outperformed in pretty much every way by the other traits. The radius is also way too small.


    > Thoughts? Idk, just wanted to get something going about this. I love the whole stealth-support idea, but this thing is far too weak. They could literally double everything about it.


    In my opinion it should be removed and replaced.

    Thief doesn't have literally anything to warrant that trait or kind of gameplay, for your idea of stealth-support _(support thief)_ which that trait tries to do, there would have to be an entire new Elite spec focused exclusively on support role. Right now Thief doesn't have anything to add to that and as such the trait is literally out of place, it's a nonexistent option.

  16. > @"Kondor.2904" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > Wait, hold up, just a sec...

    > > Thief tanky?

    > > How? It's the only profession that doesn't have any _(absolutely **any**, beside very situational steal)_ access to protection _(or any other survival/support boon beside vigor)


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flickering_Shadows

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Consume_Plasma

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Maleficent_Seven

    > These lads want to have a word with you. :)



    FS is not taken in SA nor is it a boon that you can grant yourself for the purpose of dmg reduction.

    Plasma - I already said only way is very situational Steal and to have it hidden behind a skill that is not accessible to Thief on demand simply is not considered an access to protection.

    Go on Wiki and check Protection, Thief doesn't have that boon on **any** skill nor does it have it on any other traits than M7 and even that one is barricaded behind yet another requirement and is, again, not an on demand protection.

    All in all, Thief just is not tanky and its ridiculous to even mention those two words in the same sentence , all the more with FB and Necro around.

  17. Wait, hold up, just a sec...

    Thief tanky?

    How? It's the only profession that doesn't have any _(absolutely **any**, beside very situational steal)_ access to protection _(or any other survival/support boon beside vigor)_, Thief **literally** when hit takes the most dmg in game out of all professions, even more then all the light armor specs for the very reason I mentioned.

    Also you say it should rely on evades? It already does, evades are it's only pure form of defense with ports usable for a complete run away.

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