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Posts posted by Alatar.7364

  1. > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > 8. Get "No Valid Path to Target"

    > > 9. Get another "No Valid Path to Target"

    > > 10. Get third "No Valid Path to Target"

    > > To get lectures on mobility by people who have **no idea** how random and bugged it actually is, is amusing.


    > Oh yes...


    > 8. It's because there's a small pebble exactly where you tried to port to

    > 9. It's because you remembered to aim past the pebble when you shot your Infiltrator's Arrow, but by the time it landed, you were standing on the pebble

    > 10. I haven't figured out exactly why this happens, but I'm sure it has something to do with the pebble even though it's invisible and intangible


    > Those are especially fun when the skill actually activates, but fails... costing the full 6 initiative, and getting absolutely nothing for it.


    > Also fun are the times when trying to Shadowstep just over a small little rise in the terrain, but getting denied because there's no line of sight. Umm, yes there is... you could even see it in first-person. But I guess the Thief's eyes are in its toes? Alas, if only such things were consistent... and a Ranger wasn't able to murder me with Rapid Fire while I'm standing BEHIND a fence or hill where only my head is visible.


    Dun forget number 13.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/onNN5Gu.gif "")




  2. > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

    > > @"The Ace.9105" said:

    > > If you die on thief with the mobility it has you really have to mess up and badly.


    > #Ways to die as a Thief with full mobility:


    > 1. Get chased down by an enemy Thief

    > 2. Get chased down by an enemy Revenant

    > 3. Get chased down and/or Stealth burst by enemy Mesmer

    > 4. Get within 1,500 range of an enemy Ranger

    > 5. Get within 1,200-1,500 range of an enemy Dragonhunter or Rifle Warrior

    > 6. Run into random location where enemy Dragonhunter set all of its traps

    > 7. Forget that mobility does not equal lethality or durability, and actually engage in combat in a PvP game focused on controlling small zones through combat that includes attacks that can stun you in place and others that are so powerful, they can kill you in two hits


    8. Get "No Valid Path to Target"

    9. Get another "No Valid Path to Target"

    10. Get third "No Valid Path to Target"

    11. Get "Out of Range" while perfectly within range.

    12. Get Shadowstep to randomly misfire on your first button press so it actually ports you with a split sec delay and then ports you back to starting location cuz you had to press it again.

    13. Use Infiltrators Arrow and get ported **BACKWARDS** cuz you stood/ran near a heightened object/prop and the projectile just assumed it's in its way...


    To get lectures on mobility by people who have **no idea** how random and bugged it actually is, is amusing.

  3. > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > >_(...)_ but that will still result in a 60% win rate (on average) and you will climb.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Not true, around early/low P2 you will already need between 80 - 90% win rate to climb further> @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > >_(...)_ but that will still result in a 60% win rate (on average) and you will climb.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Not true, around early/low P2 you will already need between 80 - 90% win rate to climb further.


    > ~57% winrate is enough for top 50, which is plat 3 in eu


    That doesn't add up at all since for every win you get +1 to +7 and -21 for loss regardless of prime time. _(majority of the time at least)_

  4. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > Endless evade/teleport thf. It has constant stun, boon rip, weakness application.



    > It doesn't need the stun on pistol wip, and the 3/4 second evade should be shorter to 1/2 a second or less and only affect the end of the skill. The evade shouldn't last the entire time and should have a small window just after it starts so it can be countered with good skill and reaction timing. With sword 2 teleport at the ready the thf is safe to just port away. But will have to be careful of there enemy alittle more when attacking.


    The evade doesn't last the entire time. There is a window both before the PW starts and during its last swing animations. There even is a small window **after** the initial stun, if you avoid that then **even then** you can still stop PW. You have 3 windows of opportunity on one skill, you literally can't make that skill more punishable than it is.

  5. Ok, so not only you don't actually know what weapon set you are complaining about but you also confuse the build with an entirely different spec _(DrD removing reveal, jesus)_

    So, its **EXTREMELY** obvious that you never even attempted to find out how to play against it, hell you didn't even attempt to find out **what** it is that you're getting farmed by.

    As such this is probably the most legit and deserved _"freaking **L2P** already!"_

    Or a troll, don't care anymore there is no difference.

  6. I think that for Thief to be using Steal _(Swipe)_ everytime the moment its off CD is almost impossible to happen. Especially since it would have to be in a long consistent fight which usually doesn't happen for thief. If he/she is using it off CD then they're doing it wrong. Besides 3 second is a very small timespan to wait for.

    It practically never happens to me and when it does its because I played badly and deserve that as a result for my lack of timing/etc.

    We cant all be Warrior and have every other lethal mistake we make go unpunished.

  7. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > I am fully expecting the nerf to Druid Staff 3 Ancestral Grace, to be reverted back to its original form so it has its evade frame back.


    > Make Druid great again 2020.


    > ty




    To this day ever since the nerf, whenever I play Druid and get in to trouble I am like _"A-ha! You think u got me? I'll just Staff 3 outta here!"_ then I get CCed and bounced and knocked around 4 times and **every**.**single**.**time** I am just as genuinely surprised as I was the first time. This nerf never made its way to my brain.

  8. All the time.

    Besides AoE warding stuff as was already mentioned I think that Ele has more than one or two CC skills that ignore evade. I seem to experience that mostly from D/D or D/X Eles.

    Also about PW _(and I think DS too)_ if somebody activates _Schocking Aura_ and you hit them with skill that also evades, like the second part of PW after initial stun, you will get interrupted.

  9. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93817/big-update-news


    > Highlights:

    > _"We can't have instant cast CC..."_ - Sword #2?


    > _"...increasing cast time on CCs is something we're very much looking at"_ - Sword #2?


    > _"...skills that do too many things at once...definitely problematic"_ - Steal?


    > It seems that we need to brace for a Sword #2 and Steal related traits (i.e. Thrill of the Crime) nerfs coming soon.


    He says it's about Hard CCs not Soft CCs so Sword#2 is safe.

    Steal on the other hand....

  10. I had fun first time in PvP. Not like I loved it immediately, more like _"its not bad"_, after the 5 Trial Matches _(or what was it called back then)_ few days later when PvEing I somehow felt the need to try PvP a bit more and kept coming back more and more often.

  11. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:


    > For me its pi and the AA nerf that's made d/p _dead_, the amount of protection flying around today .makes aa even worst so the only thing d/p has is back stab with assassins signet but then you may as well go de for that.


    Exactly, Dagger AA dmg was nerfed at the same time when well-known PoF specs were **INCREDIBLY** power-crept _(powercrept so hard that some are still extreme meta today)_ while farting around stupid boons with stupid durations all having stupid sustain. It was one of the biggest moments of complete confusion I've ever had, even to this day I still can not wrap my head around who though it was a good idea to nerf already mediocre Thief Dagger dmg when there were immortal supports, perma-nuking perma barrier Scourges, impossibly toxic Mirages and indestructible Spellbreakers and Holos.

  12. > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > > > Please Anet.

    > > >

    > > > D/P is a build I have always been fond of for years, and all I really want is for it to be brought back into viability. 900 range on swipe would do it. Please bring back the fun skillful build that is D/P so thief isn't a spam 2 button class.

    > >

    > > Core D/P is actually viable in very same way old DrD D/P was, without loss of dmg or mobility compared to DrD.

    > > _(technically speaking in regard to build x build comparison, you have to keep in mind that Meta is also different and as such range of Swipe doesn't play a role in match environment, what plays a role is the number of instances/scenarios in which D/P can land its burst or do stealth decap which is not as affected by the build itself but rather by enemy builds, eg: invuls, block spam, blind spam, long reveals, etc. In short: Yes, Swipe makes it more difficult, but it doesn't make any difference what range you attack from when your target is randomly farting negating effects, making Swipe 900 would not change D/P viability in current Meta)_


    > I guess I am fond of DD D/P vs Core. But if Core is viable I would more than likely try the build out if you have one. I also miss short hopping heartseeker. Good ol days.


    **1)** [First Build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAgqVlNwwYbML2JOsLnLTA-zZAPlMFC9KCiXCUwCQCDA "gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAgqVlNwwYbML2JOsLnLTA-zZAPlMFC9KCiXCUwCQCDA")


    **2)** [second Build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAgqVlNwuYbMR2JOsPurTA-z5IeKZKE6VEEvEogFgEGA "gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAgqVlNwuYbMR2JOsPurTA-z5IeKZKE6VEEvEogFgEGA")


    For the Second build you can use Assassin's Signet instead of Signet of Agility and Prepare Shadow Portal over Blinding Powder, basically the same Utillity set as for the First build. Especially Assassin's Signet is very good to swap to since you will get ... _**just enough**_ Condi Clense from Stealth.

    Also for the Second Build you can take Rending Shade over Shadow's Rejuvenation however it can get quite bothersome if enemy gets Feared and you'll need to chase it, especially if you miss Steal and thus won't have Swiftness.


    First Build can not do without Basilisk Venom, don't bother taking Dagger Storm over it. Second Build can take Dagger Storm for about the same viability, but it depends on the scenario.


    Use your Heal outside combat, that's why the Rune of the Centaur is there, trust me you will have extremely hard time if you don't take this Rune or won't use the Heal for swiftness. You need to use it only when you go decap, no need to use it in combat just to stick to target it will either come naturally or Shadow Shot will take care of the sticking to target, however in case of the First build your target won't be alive longer than 1 or 2 seconds if you hit the burst so it won't even come to that, so just use Heal for Swiftness between nodes/decaps.


    **3)** [Third Build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAgqVlRwyYbMRGJOMXnNXA-z5IeKNKC6VIEvEogFgtGA "gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAgqVlRwyYbMRGJOMXnNXA-z5IeKNKC6VIEvEogFgtGA")


    Well, then there's the Third Build if you insisted on playing DrD D/P.

    Blinding Powder can be swapped for Prepare Shadow Portal. If you take Prepare Shadow Portal over Blinding Powder then also swap to Executioner instead of Improvisation.

    Didn't test this build too much though.

  13. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > i find funny the thiefs players coming here to defend it, this topic is not about thief, its about line of sight i give the example of thief because is one of the classes that more abuse this fail concept


    Yes, because you will completely gut Thief by it, based on physically impossible scenarios that you conjure on my posts.

    By this post I quote, you literally said that you find it funny that people dont like getting profession gutted based on your presentation of illogical arguments.

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